Best Lecturers


Is a thin rope
Now, from a couple of the threads here in the bar room I've realised that most people here have gone to/are at college/university/grad school. And since there's a thread about bad lecturers/professors I feel it's only fair that the awesome ones get recognition too.

The best lecturer on my course is caled Dr McDermott (because that's his name), and he's completely awesome. Not only because his handouts (printouts of the powerpoint, basically) contain the right level of information, makes the exctiting world of organic chemistry interesting, is funny, knows students by first name (well mine, atleast. I'm not sure about the other 119 students), willing to embarass himself infront of an audience of students by showing what he looked like when he was a first year student, and generally seems to be a nice bloke. But also because I've heard him say "what time is it? Do you just want to go 15 minutes early" after finishing a lecture on polarimetry and "I'd rather shut my nuts in the door than do this course again" after an exam he invigilated.

So, who was/is your favorite lecturer and why.
This is the worst attempt at a Bar Room thread ever. No one is going to know who the fuck these people are.
I would say that I am a pretty good lecturer. Keep the group interested with maps and entertaining anecdotes. Throw in the occasional sarcastic comment and admit when what we are doing is epically boring.

That and some swearing

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