Best Judgement Day match ever!!

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F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Okay, so Judgement Day was first held in 1998, and then from 2000 to 2009, it gave us some spectacular matches. What I want to know is, out of the lot, what was your favourite match of all time to take place at this event?

For me it would have to be 2000, the 60-minute iron man match between triple h and the rock for his wwf champion, with shawn michaels as guest referee. it was amazing throughout and with hbk in the match, just twisted things. with the mcmahons and dx interfeering, you thought it would be easy for hhh to regain the title...then last minutes, the little girls come on the titantron like they had been for the past month, and out comes taker, in a new gimmick..that was a big shocker...i mean really...well triple won anyway, but all those people in thesame ring, and hell brweaking all over the place...what an ending..

2nd would have to be either 1998 main event where austin got fired, and the match in 2004, between jbl and eddie guererro.

honourable mention goes to 2001, taker vs austin..really thought taker would win..

That was mine, What's yours??
I liked the concept of Judgment Day.

2000 - 60 Minute Iron Man Match with Rock and HHH
2001 - HHH vs Kane in the Chain Match
2002 - Chris Jericho vs Triple H in Hell In a Cell
2003 - Big Show vs Lesnar in Strecther Match
2004 - Undertaker vs Booker T
2005 - I Quit Match - John Cena vs JBL
2006 - Rey Mysterio vs JBL
2007 - Batista vs Edge
2008 - Triple H vs Randy Orton Steel Cage
2009 - Jeff Hardy vs Edge
my favorite would be the cena and jbl I quit match and my 2nd would be the ironman match between the rock and hhh i also liked jericho and hhh's hell in a cell match back in 2002 i believe
my favorite is CENA vs. JBL I QUIT MATCH great match when they let CENA wrestle and my 2nd favorite would CHRIS JERICHO vs HHH HELL IN A CELL great match brutal as hell those two men destroyed each other and everything in sight
First of all, I haven't seen all of the Judgment Day events. So, my list is going to be admittedly biased based on a few events that I've seen. But from what I've seen, here are my Top Three (in no order) and Honorable Mentions:

1) JBL vs. Eddie Guerrero- Judgment Day 2004- Bradshaw as a main eventer? BRADSHAW?! This former hired drunk "insurance" man turned J.R. Ewing-ripoff headlining a PPV.. in Los Angeles? These were all thoughts that went through my mind as the buildup to Judgment Day 04 took place. However, the build was pretty good, and the match itself was pretty damn entertaining. The last few minutes were very brutal and frankly disgusting as Eddie almost bled out. But it was definitely the event that helped establish JBL as a credible heel in my personal opinion.

2) Hell in a Cell: Triple H vs. Chris Jericho- Awesome Hell in a Cell Match and in my opinion, the superior match between these two of 2002. They utilized the No-Holds-Barred aspect of Hell in a Cell greatly, and they utilized the cell to its best possible usage without throwing someone off or through it.

3) Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho- Judgment Day 2008- Solid technical wrestling match between the two. I don't think I've seen a bad HBK/Y2J match, and while this isn't the best match the two have had, it is most certainly worth watching and buying a DVD for.

Honorable Mentions-
Edge vs. Jeff Hardy- Judgment Day 2009- I really enjoyed this match as it was just a straight up one on one match up until Matt Hardy's interference at the end.
Rob Van Dam/Rey Mysterio vs. The Dudley Boyz- Judgment Day 2004- A solid tag team match between the four men.
JBL vs. Eddie Guerrero for the WWE Championship:

This is what would make or break Bradshaw's newest gimmick. Who would have thought he would be able to look credible as one of the longest reigning WWE Champions of all time?

Judgment Day was always a special event to me. I personally loved seeing the debut of Mordechai and the like. Remember him? It was gimmicks like that that made me really look at WWE. Judgment Day was meant to be a dark pay-per-view; dark angles were uncommon so it just fit.
Off the top of my head I'd say the iron man match between Triple H and The Rock. I wasn't sure if these two could pull off an iron man match and my expectations were low. I was surprised by how good the match was.

Another that comes to mind is Edge vs. Kurt Angle from 2002. It's been a while since I've seen that one, but I remember that being a really good match. They also wrestled at Backlash that year. Both were good matches, but I remember one standing out more than the other. I think it was the Judgment Day match that was the better. This was the match where Angle got his head shaved.
For me personally, the iron man match from 2000 was brilliant, purely because I think it soldified HHH in the main event and the fact that Taker re-debuted with a new gimmick that stuck for a few years. I think this match really pushed the idea that HHH/Rock were equals and this did wonders for both men.

Honorable mentions:
Benoit/Jericho (2000) submission match for IC belt
Put simply, 2 of the best mat wrestlers doing what they do best.

Angle/Benoit (2001)
Technically, one of the best matches I have seen on a WWF PPV and the fact that it was 2/3 falls really added a sense of finality to the match, and the fact that Angle won really gave him some heat going into KOTR and added legitimancy to Angle's amateur mat skills.

Edge/Angle (2002)
Really helped Edge break away from tag team wrestling and solidify himself as a singles star (although injury hampered this push). Also, I vividly remember cheering at the screen as Kurt was shaved, showing how over as a heel Kurt was.

JBL/Cena (2005) 'I quit' match
I think, with hindsight, this match was important to the WWE as it cemented Cena as a big player and it showed JBL ad the cowardly heel he had perfected during his 9 month reign as champ. A nice, bloody 'I quit' match, which sadly we won't see again during the PG era.

Benoit/Finlay (2006)
I never really followed WCW as a kid, so I never understood the hype over Finlay until I saw this match. These guys got a solid 20 mins to show us what they got, and this match is one of the reasons I miss brand specific PPVs ad it allows midcarders the chance to out on clinics like this.

Mysterio/Jericho (2009)
Although not a patch on their match at Extreme Rules, this match was one in a series of top notch matches between the two during 2009, and showed that Y2J could mix well with anyone, regardless of size.
Michaels vs. Jericho - (2008) It's amazing how forgotten this match has become considering how amazing it was. A definite amazing match mixed with great technical wrestling and awesome spots.
Another classic pushed aside for more match-themed PPVs, I personally would have wanted most of these events to continue rather than events like Fatal Four Way but who knows, some of them might shock me. Now that I got that out of my system, my favorite match from Judgment Day (which shocked the Hell out of me because I didn't expect it to be so good) was the WWE Championship match from the 2004 event between John Bradshaw Layfield and Eddie Guerrero.

Honorable Mentions:
Judgment Day 2008
Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho

Judgment Day 2009
Chris Jericho vs Rey Mysterio

Judgment Day 2006
Chris Benoit vs Finlay

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