Best JR Commentary during a match


Getting Noticed By Management
JR is regarded as one of th best, if not the best, anoouncers of all times, he has made matches and wrestlers better by using his words but my question is.... Whats your favorite match he commentated?

To me it was the traditional survivor series tag team elimination match between team austin vs team bishoff with austin's GM job on the line .

Te passion he showed when it was HBK vs christian, jericho and orton was down right palpable.... He just made the match better, along with the crowd and the superstars in the ring, they created the most memorable survivor series elimination match.....

So whats the best commentary youve heard from JR called match?
Undertaker and Mankind in the Hell in a Cell, he is one of the reasons Mankind going off the side of the cell lives in infamy and will be replayed quite probably until the end of time, and that's not an exaggeration, probably every wrestling fan has seen it. Jim Ross screaming, "As God as my witness he is broken in half", "someone stop the damn match!" and especially, "tell me how someone trains to fall from that height" perfectly sold that moment for the dangerous stunt that it was.
Undertaker and Mankind in the Hell in a Cell, he is one of the reasons Mankind going off the side of the cell lives in infamy and will be replayed quite probably until the end of time, and that's not an exaggeration, probably every wrestling fan has seen it. Jim Ross screaming, "As God as my witness he is broken in half", "someone stop the damn match!" and especially, "tell me how someone trains to fall from that height" perfectly sold that moment for the dangerous stunt that it was.

This is the first match that popped into my mind. "Good God Good God" "They killed him". I will never forget that. Just like Dragon Saga said. Ross had that knack for selling a moment like no one else. He has had many great commentaries especially when Austin is involved, but this is one of those that instantly comes to your mind when you hear the name Jim Ross.
Bad Blood 2004 immediately comes to mind. It was Hell in a Cell between Shawn Michaels and Triple H. Jim Ross was amped up and fiery throughout. I know the general consensus has been that Triple H, Michaels, and Benoit at Wrestlemania XX was the 2004 MOTY. But in my estimation the HITC match at Bad Blood was just as brilliant, and I credit Jim Ross for putting a little more shrimp in the gumbo.
WM17 Austin and Rock! Why Steve Why Why this way? Of course the HIAC 98 match is legendary but seeing his best friend Austin make a deal with the devil himself and turning his back on JR and everyone else made that match one of a kind.

It's not a match, but JR gets so worked up about Triple H screwing Austin out of the WWF Title that he curses like a sailor and hilariously says "damn you Helmsley, damn you all to hell" at the end of the show. This always has me in stitches everytime I watch it. The video is a little out of sync.

The Hell in a Cell match between The Undertaker and Mankind will forever be the best match that JR has called though. JR sells the match so perfectly that his commentary fits these NFL moments also perfectly.




And Austin vs. Michaels at Wrestlemania 14, which I just mentioned in another thread. Some memorable lines for me from the match are, "folks, it did get no bigger than this" at the beginning of the match, "HE GOT HIM" as Austin caught Shawn's foot and hit him with the Stunner and then pinned him, which lead to his infamous "STONE COLD, STONE COLD, STONE COLD" which I believe he may have said for the first time ever at this PPV. And then Austin getting up on the second turnbuckle, posing with the WWF Title as JR says "The Austin Era has just begun". Again, it was an incredible moment and a great introduction into the Austin Era.
King of the Ring, 98, Hell in a Cell, Undertaker vs. Mankind. perfect commentary from the greatest of all time behind the desk.

props to whichever poster said that JR's commentary is a big part of why that clip is so famous. obviously, credit has to go to Mick Foley who took that insane bump from the top of the cage to begin with, but bad commentary could have killed the magic of that moment. instead, we the fans got a timeless moment in wrestling history.

honorable mention has to go to any time we heard "Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold!" there are too many to count there.

and my personal favorite, though not a match, was the segment with Kurt Angle and the milk truck. just as Austin had done years earlier, giving the McMahons and The Rock a beer bath, Angle brought a milk truck down to the ring and gave The Alliance a milk bath. not only was it poetic justice and great storytelling, the commentary by JR again added to the moment with his brilliant instincts.

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