Best IC title match at summerslam


Dark Match Jobber
If you could pick between the which is the better match.

Sslam 91 - Bret hart vs. Mr. Perfect in Madison Square garden
both were in their prime. good technical wrestlers and a classic Face vs Heel encounter. Perfection vs. Excellence of Executuon

Sslam 92 - Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog in Wembley stadium in London
both were also at their prime. techical vs power and a rare face vs face encounter. Brother vs brother in law.

Also which match lived up to the hype.
They both lived up to the hype, but the '92 was better because Perfect was injured and out of shape in '91 and the atmosphere at 92 was much better.
Yeah, in terms of a big match atmosphere SS ’92 was better. Bret vs. Perfect in ’91 was quite good as well, but the ending was a little bit weird, with Perfect submitting before Bret had the sharpshooter completely locked in (probably due to Perfect’s back injury). Bret vs. Bulldog definitely had a better storyline with different family members “taking sides” and it being a rare face vs. face matchup for that time.
I think the best Ic Title match was Razor Ramon vs. HBK in a ladder match.It made history plus alot of back and forth action.It was awesome and good wrestling...
when i read the title of the thread and before i actually read it, those were the 2 matches I thought of, you can also throw Bret vs Piper in the mix too
realblackhart said:
when i read the title of the thread and before i actually read it, those were the 2 matches I thought of, you can also throw Bret vs Piper in the mix too
Piper and Bret never fought at SummerSlam :icon_sad:

They wrestled at Wrestlemania VII, but we're talking about the best IC Title match at SummerSlam.
PauLwaLL50 said:
hbk vs razor ramon... dont feel like explainen why
...then it would be considered spam :blink:

If you don't feel like explaining now why didn't you wait until you feel like explaining to make your post? This is a discussion forum and when you post something you need to back it up, k?

I'm trying to help people here to be better posters, not lazy posters!
I think round 2 of the ladder match with HBK vs Razor was wasnt GREAT but good at best
peopleschamp said:
Piper and Bret never fought at SummerSlam :icon_sad:

They wrestled at Wrestlemania VII, but we're talking about the best IC Title match at SummerSlam.

oh, ok my badd, for some reason i thought the piper/brett match was at summerslam. But anyway i would probably lean towards the bulldog match as the best one ive seen, they are many greeat ones from summerslams in the past, not many in the most recent ones. I like the mr. perfect one but bret also faught henning in the KOR tournament the year he won, and the match was simmilar. Davey Boy vs. Brett gets my vote
best ic title match at summerslam was BRET HITMAN HART VS MR PERFECT what great wrestling skills right there in the ring and that match made you wanna watch you couldnt be bored of it
DXrulz said:
If you could pick between the which is the better match.

Sslam 91 - Bret hart vs. Mr. Perfect in Madison Square garden
both were in their prime. good technical wrestlers and a classic Face vs Heel encounter. Perfection vs. Excellence of Executuon

Sslam 92 - Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog in Wembley stadium in London
both were also at their prime. techical vs power and a rare face vs face encounter. Brother vs brother in law.

Also which match lived up to the hype.

In all honesty, both were Great I.C Title matches at SummerSlam however, if I had to choose, I'd go with Bret Hart vs. The Bulldog at SummerSlam '92 @ Wembly Stadium because, both Bret & Davey Boy told a story that night, which electrified the crowd of 62,000 in attendance, and they put on an incredible match, that no one will ever forget, and I can easily say is pquite possibly one of the best SummerSlam matches to this day.
RVD vs Benoit at summerslam '06 was great
awesome match, totally physical, rvd wins.

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