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Best GM Ever


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Since 2002 and the Brand Split, there have been General Managers for the different brands. The idea here is simple: who has been best at it and why?

I would have to go with Eric Bischoff from Raw. He came off as someone with authority and confidence in his own authority. He made you believe as if he was a legitimate person with power that only answered to Vince himself and you could feel the confidence coming from him. He also introduced the Elimination Chamber and for a long time was the head of Raw, much like Teddy Long has been GM of Smackdown for a long time now.

So who do you think was best, and despite this being in old school, the current ones are also options.
To me it's easily Eric Bischoff. He could be seen as a legitimate authority figure and he was also a great entertainer. He was able to draw a lot of heat and whether it was positive or negative the crowd always reacted to him. I always enjoyed his character in WCW and it seemed like he took it to a new level in the WWE. He was GM for about 3 and half years and to me it never got old.

I'd put an honorable mention in for Stephanie Mcmahon on Smackdown. I thought the competition between her and Bischoff during the time they were GM's of their respective brands was great. It also helped that she wore short skirts and tight shirts and looked damn good in them.
Bischoff would be the easy choice as his reign as GM was interesting for the first couple years. I particularly enjoyed the Austin/Bischoff regime in 2003 as the back and forth between the two was pretty funny and helped make the show that much more entertaining.

I know this is not going to be popular, but I find Vickie Guerrero's work as GM to be worth being mentioned. Even though many will claim she gets "X-Pac" heat, it's still heat. Teddy Long comes out to the ring sometimes, and I swear I can hear crickets. Anytime the crowd hears those two words "EXCUSE ME," they go nuts. You can't hear a word she is saying. Like it or not, she does her job well. She made Smackdown intriguing again during her reign, especially in 2008 when she was dealing with Edge's infidelity and feud with Undertaker.

So, my vote still resides with Eric Bischoff as I thought he did an excellent job being the GM of Raw for as long as he did. However, Vickie Guerrero is my 2nd favorite.
Bischoff takes the cake easily for me. The man is just awesome. He knows how to draw heat like it's nothing, while still staying completely feared and respected in his character.

Side note, when I found out Bischoff was coming to TNA I went nuts because I thought he'd act the way he did on Raw. That was some of the most enjoyable wrestling I ever saw. Why he's not a heel in TNA completely boggles my mind. It would add so much.
Eric Bischoff hands down. This guy made his character so real, it was hard to tell if he was a character, or if he was truly that evil. He was power hungry as a GM and knew it. His feuds with Stone Cold Steve Austin were great. He was the man that brought the Elimination Chamber to life, one of my favorite matches. I remember the very first Elimination Chamber. Shawn winning that was special, as I expected Triple H to win it.

Although he doesn't get the heat that Vicky gets, he was still an awesome heel. I was sad that he was no longer GM and his shoes hasn't been filled completely since. Yeah, some GM's were good, but Eric was by far the best.

When I heard that Eric was going to TNA, I thought he would be the deciding factor, or a big enough draw, to help TNA reach the plateau of WWE. But for some reason, that is not the case. TNA has pretty much ruined their product as within 24 months, they will be belly up at this rate.
Eric Bischoff, the ex-WCW owner running Raw! Man this was a HUGE deal! I was open mouthed when Eazy-E turned up and hugged Vinny Mac, a great moment in wrestling history. Bischoff is perfect at getting heat, great on the mic and just has the sort of face you want to punch! He was the perfect choice to be GM.

Also Stephanie McMahon, just for being so god dam fine! Was always great seeing her on Smackdown every week ;)!
I am going to have to go with Teddy Long.

I don't know why I am going with him but I think that he has done the most solid job. I don't like seeing General Managers a lot of the time and I think that their only use is to act as an authority figure for some of the rebels to bounce of off. Look at what McIntyre is doing on Smackdown just now. The General Manager role is a perfect way to get McIntyre over as a rebel and Teddy Long seems to be the master of looking quite pathetic whilst maintaining some authority within.

The other guys that have been mentioned like Bischoff and Guerrero just took too much to do with the show and it didn't interest me at all. Everything was about Bischoff when he was the General Manager of Raw and I found him to be detestable. The less I saw of him, the better the show was. The same was true of Vickie too. She made everything about herself and her character just bored me after a while. It was the same thing over and over and Teddy Long hasn't really struck me as an ugly character. It could be just because he is a face GM but I like him. He has just done his job and has done it well.
william regal. this guy is one of the most under rated superstars of all time and in any promotion. he can wrestle, brawl, use submissions and even work some more hardcore matches like a steel cage, weapons use or even a ladder match. this guy can do it all and the pops he gets from the crowd (or used to at least) are pretty amazing.

as a face, he's pretty fun to cheer, but as a heel, he's so much fun to boo and to hate. his tag title runs were fantastic and so eclectic, his european and intercontinental title runs could be so brutal (see his feuds with crash holly and edge, respectively) and on and on. this guy is amazing at what he does. and he just seems so legit as a tough guy that is still super arrogant and obnoxious all at once.

his rigging of the King of the Ring tournament on Raw that he won by giving himself easier matches leading into the finals was great. and turning the lights off on the main event... freaking epic! my vote goes to regal. plus it's always nice when you have a GM that not only draws reactions from the crowd and makes matches, but can actually work a match or two if needed to really get someone over and drive a feud.
Eric Bischoff was by far my favorite General Manager, he made RAW entertaining to watch, he was one of the guys you could really hate, and he's always been somewhat of an authority figure in both WCW, WWE and now in TNA, he just fits the role of being a general manager, and nothing else, and that makes him even greater.

While he probably didn't invent all of them, he was made to be the on-screen inventor of quite a few things, the RAW Roulette, the Elimination Chamber, two of my favorite WWE concepts of all time.

A honorable mention for me would actually be Stephanie McMahon, I liked her role as an authority figure, because she was able to get such easy heat, especially during her period of time with Triple H, I do think that the period where she was the general manager of SmackDown made her the best Smackdown General Manager ever, she had the heat magnetism, the authority figure through being a McMahon, and some good segments where, as being a woman, she got the attraction of the crowd through, well sexual interest.
Stone Cold. He was the most over, obviously, and did quite a bit of interaction with the crowd. When a GM can entertain the crowd as much or more than the actual wrestling, you know you're onto something (unless it's just a shit wrestling show). Austin was also credible in terms of having physical altercations with the wrestlers. He took no shit, and would fight to prove that. I will admit, Bischoff added a lot to Austins GM role. Those two battling it out made it much more entertaining.

Honorable mention: William Regal. His turning off the lights, calling Umaga UMANGA, and everything else he did was golden.
Eric Bischoff

He was already established as someone who had authority in the past. He was known amongst older fans whilst newer fans would get to know him through his decisions. He could cut promos, made some very cut-throat decisions and was definitely what you wanted out of a heel authority figure.

He invented the Elimination Chamber and he was never 100% leaning towards the heels (Except for when he tried to get the belt off of Cena) which made him retain a tweener personality. He had several great ideas and Bischoff just fits that heel authority figure role.
Its hard to say because obviously they are scripted etc, but the Bischoff era was probably best because this was when the split started and the brands were establishing themselves so it had a more competitive Raw v Smackdown thing that i liked. He worked with Austin so well and the first few times he was on Raw were such a shock that it also added to it. I suppose that to be fair to the Raw GM 2007 onward, they didnt have any new main eventers to work with really because no new stars were made.
There are a few guys I very much enjoyed as GM.

Stone Cold obviously was very entertaining, who didnt love seeing Stone Cold tell people what to do? And anyone who disagreed or gave sassafrass to GM-SCSA, well they got stunned into next week.

Eric Bischoff is definitley one of the best, people hated the hell outta him, his charecter seemed so natural, like a more magnafied version of himself and his segments w/Stephanie were great, a true staple of the Attitude Era.

Stephanie Mcmahon had it all, a nice face, big boobies, nice legs, and an ass that just wont quit! But uh, yea, she was a good GM too,

And I've always had a soft spot for Teddy Long, maybe it's cause he's a cool black guy, or maybe just cause I've loved him since I was a small child and he has given me no reason to change that. He can play the role of a stern cool black dude, or he can be a kinda wimpy, concerned guy like he is now. I mean come on, he's hip, he wears nice suits and says "holla holla holla" what more could you want?
I would have to say Eric Bischoff. Fresh off of the loss of WCW, he needed a new start and what a better place in WWE to make a name for yourself than on Monday Night Raw! Raw needed a good GM then, It needs one now! If Eric "Easy-E" Bischoff would bounce from TNA back to WWE, I think he would make a great GM once again. The guy learns from his mistakes and bounces back stronger than before.

Teddy Long runs a very close second. Smooth, easy going, laid back. He's the kind of GM that I would like to be. But I would not put of with the crud he's had to put up with from Drew McIntyre as of late. But Teddy had to because he was allegedly "on probation" and I guess Drew McIntyre was his test of that probation. But he passed the test in my book but will still rank second in my evaluation of the GM's
Im guessing I can't go with commissioner..I would have chosen Mick Foley...

Anyway...Eric Bischoff...number1 all the way...he lasted their the longest..always got involved in the feuds, his feud with co-gm was amazing(austin)...and his final appearances were good aswell..with the court and everything...

He got on-screen credit for the Elimination Chamber..which is kinda huge...definitely a better heel gm that Vickie...although dammit she can draw instant heat...

My choice: Eric Bischoff
As much as I absolutely can't stand to see her on TV, Vicky Guerrero is A #1. She almost single handedly elevated Edge to what he is now. And, the reaction she gets from a live crowd has no close second from anyone who has been a past GM.
Bischoff bar none. In a league all to his own when it comes to GM's on either program, though Teddy Long did at least compete with him for tenure. While I hated watching him get fired and "thrown out with the trash" the way it was handled by McMahon, the moment he was hired, and every week there after was total wow factor for me seeing as I was a huge WCW fan.

Bischoff IMO epitomizes what it means to be a power-head figure on a wrestling program.
Like most I go with Bischoff. It was a shock to see Vince announce him as the new GM and shake his hand on Raw. Eric had the whole GM persona down to a T as he slid into the role seamlessly. He had the credibility from his tenure with WCW, he had the heel persona down ,he was an innovator with matches like the elemination chamber and he was just fun to watch period. He had a good run with the WWE and I was genuinly sad to see him leave. Honorable mention goes out to Teddy long for the quiet cool GM role he has been doing for Smackdown , Teddy has been in the business a longtime and has credibility and a well rounded background .
Eric Bischoff. I loved him as GM. He was a really hate-able character and I was quite surprised when he was named GM. I remember how happy/angry I was when he was fired, I hated his character but at the same time he was good at making us hate him so he did a good job. Aside from Bischoff I liked Stone Cold Steve Austin as GM, he's always entertaining so that was a great choice for GM.

Best General Manager Ever

For me this question is very easy, it is Eric.He came up with the Elimation Chamber which has been one of the most feared matchs in WWE histroy.He forced Kane to unmask on Raw which is not easy to make Kane do anything.He had a great mind and got heat from the fans when ever he came out.His fued with John Cena was also very good to.Eric was a great GM who should he had balls and would not stand down.

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