Best Female Heel as of now..?


Gone. For. Good.
So, the question is:

Who is the best female heel character as of now?

Options are:

(i) Charlotte
(ii) Alexa Bliss
(iii) Nia Jax
(iv) Dana Brooke
(v) Mickie James
(vi) Natalya
(vii) Stephanie McMahon

I ain't counting the potential heel turns in the near future. Like Sasha Banks.

I think that Alexa Bliss is the best female character on WWE main roster. She isn't the best in the ring, but she's good enough. She is good on mic as well. But the best part is her mannerisms. Heel tactics. Like hair-pulling. Faking an injury and what not. Facial expressions are awesome as well. She knows how to make you boo her hard. That's the ultimate goal of a classic heel. Make you boo him/her as hard as possible and also make you want to get him/her beaten badly.

Honorable mention goes to Charlotte. She's good but not the best.

Charlotte and Alexa are the only good ones at the moment. I would put Charlotte at #1, but they are both great. Charlotte's size and strength and last name work in her favor when heeling it up. Alexa is awesome with her mannerisms and cheating like you said, but her size almost makes her an underdog which combined with her aggressiveness makes me want her to win.

Stephanie could be #1 at any time but she hasn't really gone all in, in awhile.

Natalya - I'm not really buying it. Mickie just came back, she hasn't hit her stride yet. Nia is generic.
Charlotte and Alexa are the only good ones at the moment. I would put Charlotte at #1, but they are both great. Charlotte's size and strength and last name work in her favor when heeling it up. Alexa is awesome with her mannerisms and cheating like you said, but her size almost makes her an underdog which combined with her aggressiveness makes me want her to win.

Stephanie could be #1 at any time but she hasn't really gone all in, in awhile.

Natalya - I'm not really buying it. Mickie just came back, she hasn't hit her stride yet. Nia is generic.
Nia Jax could be booked like a female Braun Strowman. I think that we'll know more about her when and if she challenges for the title in future. We can only speculate as of now.

Natalya is just lurking there. This too long feud didn't help either. Of course she got a win at the end but I don't know where she fits in with the likes of Becky, Mickie and Alexa Bliss in the title picture. Add in Naomi as well whenever she returns.
Alexa Bliss is easily the best female heel in WWE. I would argue she's the best female overall.

She's good in the ring and the best on the mic. Her promo from last Smackdown was really good. She also has a great look.

Charlotte is overrated. Her never losing on PPV is killing the Raw women's division, since it's so predictable. Natalya is just there. I enjoyed her feud with Nikki, but she's terrible on the mic and doesn't really have a character. Dana Brooke is just not that good yet. She was called up way too early. Nia Jax is fine, but she needs to move on past jobbers. Mickie James hasn't done much since returning. And Stephanie, don't get me started. I'm just gonna stop here.
Charlotte. She's one of the only people in the WWE who gets real heat. Alexa's good, but people don't really hate her, which is the point of being a heel.
Stephanie isnt even a heel. She jumps from heel to face and other way around more then Big Show.

Dana Brooke is laughable, just generic henchmen with no real quality but look.

Natalya. Just cant take her seriously as heel. She is like one of those "good granny type" personas.

I like Mickie James angle. When you shit on past and make statements that now its the era of women revolution makes sense that somebody comes back with reply. Dont think she is too relevant though.

I feel about Nia Jax as I feel about Strowman. Good monsters but still too green for anything else. And just waiting for a top face to crush them.

Bliss is great. Wasnt so convinced when they gave her belt because always thought that it was Beckys time now because 3 other horsewomen are at RAW but she did good job. Still needs ring improvements but she is great at promos and love her interaction with audience.

Charlotte is the best. Great in ring, immense improve on mic and at promos since she started at main roster.She is so good that I feel Bayley winning Championship is downgrade for division. So she takes win here.
Charlotte, no Question.
She's the best womans athlete right now, she has the most heel momentum, nobody gets a crowd worked up like her.
She's also broken away from being Ric's daughter, This requires a lot of attention, as, While you still say "Ashley Flair" when you see her, Charlottes become her own character, and is building on the flair legacy, not soiling it, like I expected when they first pushed her with Daddy doing all the work.

Alexa is #2.
She simply knows how to play a bitch character, and her facial expressions and mannerisms during matches are so damn good for how relatively green she is.

Natayla gets a shoutout.
She's been doing great, but she was irrelevant for too long. Similarly to Mickie, but Nat's been wrestling and total divaing instead of being off in Dixieland.

I've always regarded Authority figure heels in a different light, as they aren't wrestlers (usually, Stephs match with Brie a couple years ago was actually good), so I can't rate Steph with them, she hasnt been in full bitch mode lately though, like, I feel the GM/Commissioner angle is keeping both sides "grounded".

I can't even mention Nia, she's just being pushed too hard for her talent level, and it's having the Lex Luger effect on me, I don't wanna say she's bad, but if she did look like most girls, she'd be Cameron cleaning up toilets.
Alexa easily.

Charlotte might get the most heat out of everyone but I don't think she's the best at playing her role. I might be in the minority here but I think Charlotte is pretty awful on the mic. She rambles a lot and doesn't have a good control of her tone. When she raises her voice even slightly she sounds really awkward. Also I think she gets flustered easily by crowds and when they get out of hand she doesn't know how to bring them back, she doesn't even acknowledge them. She tries to talk over them and it doesn't make her sound good.

Alexa is a bitch in every sense of the word. I love it.
As of right now, I'd probably give Alexa the edge because she comes off as a bit fresher than Charlotte at this point. That's not to say that I think Charlotte is bland, far from it in fact, but she's been such a central focal point for the women's division on Raw for so long consistently.

To me, Charlotte comes off more of a condescending elitist cut from the same cloth as Stephanie McMahon, or rather usually how Stephanie's persona is portrayed, whereas Alexa is just a mean, vicious little bitch. She can be condescending as well, but she doesn't have the "I was bred for this business" type of elitism of Charlotte. Alexa has also come a very, very long way in her short time on the main roster, or in wrestling itself given how young she is.

Inside the ring, both ladies know how to tell a story and have a great understanding of psychology, though I give Charlotte the edge inside the ring just because Alexa isn't being used to her full potential right now; she's about as athletic as Naomi and can do a lot of athletic, high flying stuff as well. When it comes down to it though, I enjoy both of them right and have no major complaints.

I think Nia Jax is coming along well seeing how she's frequently obliterating Bayley and Sasha Banks. She's also competent on the mic, being vastly more comfortable now than she used to be.

Dana Brooke plays her role as Charlotte's toadie really well, so much in fact that she received a big pop last year when it looked like she'd had enough of Charlotte's abuse and slapped the taste out of her mouth. However, I need to see what Dana can really do without Charlotte, without being aligned with her.

Mickie James is still riding high on the nostalgia train right now, though having her feud against Becky Lynch and having cost her the Women's Championship is good use of her.

Natalya has the potential to be a good heel, but I think she'd work well against someone like Bayley. The thing about Nikki Bella is that despite what she says and despite all the times the commentators try to reinforce her statements, a lot of fans know, or I should say that a lot of fans have read numerous reports, that her relationship with John Cena is a huge factor, maybe the single biggest factor, in the trajectory of her career since her return to WWE several years back. If true, then Cena's insistence that Nikki held the Divas Championship longer than anyone else is the reason why it happened and various reports suggest that Nikki has been a major political player among the WWE women for almost the entire time she's been there. Natalya comes off as sympathetic to a lot of fans but, to be fair, Nikki Bella is much better in the ring than she was prior to her first hiatus from WWE and she did work hard to up her in-ring game.

Stephanie is always good in her role, it's just that a lot of us are just sorta bored with her because of all the massive exposure she had as part of the Authority.
We really don't have much to compare at the moment honestly. Nia Jax is hardly doing anything, and Natalya is in somewhat of a random feud despite both of them having high potential. Dana Brooke, just nah. Stephanie is half face, and half heel every week. She does a perfect job sometimes, but it can lay flat quite often. Mickie James is better in ring than Bliss and on the Mic as a pure heel easily. She's kind of just floating in a feud with Becky that seems to have no ultimate goal though.

So Charlotte vs Bliss.
Charlotte made her debut on NXT in 2013, 7 days before Bliss. She was ahead in ring, and on the mic. Fast forward, and Charlotte has had more than a handful of great matches and moments and was the inaugural women's champion after the Triple threat at Wrestlemania. Then Bliss was drafted to Smackdown, and Charlotte was still doing more and Bliss was in a feud with Becky that dragged faster than Banks vs Flair somehow.

Charlotte, overall. Even with the last 1/2 months of her booking easily. I think Bliss is good in her own way, and really just started hitting it off though and clicking. I think it'll level out as time goes on and if Bliss consistently goes upscale in her work. She probably the best choice for a female champion on Smackdown with what they have to work with at the moment.
All of them have been doing a tremendous job as heel especially natalya which really has done some of her greatest work of her career since this recent heel turn.

But having said that, i have to go with Alexa on this one. Because Alexa was always the girl that really had the potential to be this great heel but was always overshadowed by the four horsewomen in NXT, in my opinion she was better at been a heel back then on NXT then the girls that the fanboys that comprise the NXT audience we're supporting at the time. When you compare Alexa to charlotte, i think is night and day what they can do. I'm not taking anything from charlotte because she'S great with making you believe in her persona, in a scripted situation, she's great but she's never got put in a situation that she needed to cut on unscripted promo before, her matches are always that same matches which doesn'T help her long run. Booking wise, while getting all these big moment, they still hurt her in a way because she becoming to be known as the girl that can't retain her title on Raw.

Alexa on the other hand, because mostly of talking smack, has been in a lot of situation we're she need to go out and improv, especially with daniel bryan. And nine time out of ten, she'S able to knock those promo out of the park and even when she miss something, she able to recover quickly. She got her character down and probably because she not part of the NXT's four horsewomen's like charlotte was, it'S easier for her to create a character that fans will really hate.

But like i said, while i think that alexa is the best heel in the women'S division right now, everybody else on that list beside DAna brooke's is doing a great job.

The one thing i hope for Dana is that they just make us forget that she still associated with Charlotte, wait until after mania and have her and emma get drafted to smackdown and reform their partnership because these 2 had really good chemistry together and where doing some great heel work.
Really depends on what criteria we're looking for here. If we're talking about pure wrestling ability over mic work, then Charlotte wins; hands down. Very few have been able to work in the ring like Charlotte has and with four title reigns already in her belt, I have a feeling she's going to be on top for a long time to come.

If we're talking about character work, then it has to be Alexa Bliss. She's got her bitchy personality down pat and with some of the best facial expressions I've seen in my life, she's certainly got a future as a top SmackDown contender.
This post really got me excited for a potential Sasha Banks heel turn. They didn't push her hard enough in her initial WWE heel run and the fans loved her so they had to turn her. She has given too many "women's revolution" promos as a face. Been rewatching NXT from 2014-15....and she was so incredible as a heel. Maybe the best of all time. And that's all they need to do. She knows what to do. Just let her do it and book her strong and give her time in the ring and on the mic. Do that, and she's pure money. She's been very good in WWE so far, but she hasn't even scratched the surface of what she can do.
Charlotte Flair is the best heel, best women's wrestler on the planet period! It's not even close.

Shout out to Alexa Bliss, I'm digging her work on the mic and in the ring. But Charlotte Flair is a superstar. Pure gold. The heel everyone hates wants to see lose and then, you leave respecting her in ring performance and knowing she is just better than everyone else.

Long live the Queen!
This post really got me excited for a potential Sasha Banks heel turn. They didn't push her hard enough in her initial WWE heel run and the fans loved her so they had to turn her. She has given too many "women's revolution" promos as a face. Been rewatching NXT from 2014-15....and she was so incredible as a heel. Maybe the best of all time. And that's all they need to do. She knows what to do. Just let her do it and book her strong and give her time in the ring and on the mic. Do that, and she's pure money. She's been very good in WWE so far, but she hasn't even scratched the surface of what she can do.
I agree.

I think that we will surely witness Sasha Banks' heel turn in 2017. The best foil for that heel turn is Bayley and the chemistry between Sasha and Bayley is so much better than both Sasha-Charlotte and Bayley-Charlotte.

There are only two female matches on my mobile and both are between Sasha and Bayley. That says a lot. Sasha could easily surpass Charlotte & Alexa Bliss as the top heel in the near future.

Side note: Charlotte should remain far from title picture after Wrestlemania 33.
Has to be Charlotte right now, although Alexa is pretty close. Eva Marie would definitely be up there if she still counts.
Has to be Charlotte right now, although Alexa is pretty close. Eva Marie would definitely be up there if she still counts.
I can see the case of Charlotte but Eva Marie? No way. In order to be the best, you need to be good at either in-ring work or mic work. All Eva Marie has heel heat due to her being not talented enough. It would be a insult to both Charlotte and Alexa Bliss to even consider Eva Marie along with them.
I can see the case of Charlotte but Eva Marie? No way. In order to be the best, you need to be good at either in-ring work or mic work. All Eva Marie has heel heat due to her being not talented enough. It would be a insult to both Charlotte and Alexa Bliss to even consider Eva Marie along with them.

Eh, to be fair Eva knows exactly how to push the crowd's buttons.
Charlotte is the best heel and overall best female in wwe, and it's not really even close.
Bliss is good, but she still has some work to do. I haven't been too impressed by her in-ring skills, and she lack heat/a reaction from the fans.

Someone I feel is flying under the radar though, is Carmella. Wwe turning her heel was the best thing that could have happened, because had she stayed face, I feel like she would've ended back in NXT by now. Carmella has been amazing since turning, her work with Nikki was great, and i'm really enjoying her and Ellsworth together.
I hate the way that she punches and kick, but other than that her moveset/in-ring skills is pretty decent.
I can see the case of Charlotte but Eva Marie? No way. In order to be the best, you need to be good at either in-ring work or mic work. All Eva Marie has heel heat due to her being not talented enough. It would be a insult to both Charlotte and Alexa Bliss to even consider Eva Marie along with them.

Eva is fantastic. You don't "need" anything to be a good heel. She manages to get one of the bigger reactions out of all of them and that's all that really matters. Most of the 'good heels' now barely manage to get anything other than clapping with a smug face. She's there to get people booing her and she does.
Eva is fantastic. You don't "need" anything to be a good heel. She manages to get one of the bigger reactions out of all of them and that's all that really matters. Most of the 'good heels' now barely manage to get anything other than clapping with a smug face. She's there to get people booing her and she does.

So heel heat is now akin to X-Pac heat?

If so, then yeah; i'd agree with your post. But there is a difference.

Heel heat means people hate the wrestler's heel shtick and want to see the character get his comeuppance by the face. But there is always the chance for redemption.

X-Pac heat means people just hate you period and want to run you out of town while you've been tarred and feathered.
Charlotte is the best heel and overall best female in wwe, and it's not really even close.
Bliss is good, but she still has some work to do. I haven't been too impressed by her in-ring skills, and she lack heat/a reaction from the fans.

Someone I feel is flying under the radar though, is Carmella. Wwe turning her heel was the best thing that could have happened, because had she stayed face, I feel like she would've ended back in NXT by now. Carmella has been amazing since turning, her work with Nikki was great, and i'm really enjoying her and Ellsworth together.
I hate the way that she punches and kick, but other than that her moveset/in-ring skills is pretty decent.

I found Carmella completely unlikable as a face, so yeah turning her heel was a good move.

I don't think she is all that good yet, but she does have a certain charisma to her. Her timing is just off IMO and she doesn't have a good feel yet for what to do/say, and when to do it. She might get better with experience.
So, the question is:

Who is the best female heel character as of now?

Options are:

(i) Charlotte
(ii) Alexa Bliss
(iii) Nia Jax
(iv) Dana Brooke
(v) Mickie James
(vi) Natalya
(vii) Stephanie McMahon

I'll take them one by one.

Charlotte has really come into her own the last few months. At first she was hampered and helped at the same time by having Dad along for the ride. She really didn't need him. Her ring work is excellent, one hell of an athlete and her mic work has improved greatly. She still comes across looking like a teacher though who gets mad at students for talking in class. She should ignore the crowd and keep going. Ignoring someone is the best way to piss them off.

Alexa Bliss is amazing. Her facial expression work perfectly with her bitchy character. She can dish it out but can't take it. Proper heel tactics. Once she gets a little better in the ring, not that she's bad, just needs a little something. She'll be fine.

Nia Jax is an imposing sight just because of her size alone. She doesn't do much for me though both in the ring or on the mic. I guess it's because she is so big, she just sort of lumbers around and most of her matches are squashes against no name's. She's also a little stilted on the mic as well, but then she really shouldn't have to talk at all. She's very green, but again just needs more time and maybe a decent feud to get her going.

Dana Brooks needs to go back to NXT and work on her in ring skills and overall persona. Right now she's fine as Charlotte's lackey, but without that much needed experience that's the way she will stay. She has a good history being a power lifter and all, but no one wants to stay in someone else's shadow forever.

Mickie James has pretty much proven she can be a good heel or face. As she's just returned there isn't much to say about her. When she does turn on Alexa though it will be epic. Just waiting for the look on Bliss's face when it happens.

Natalya poor thing is just there. They could have done so much for her, but the others have caught up and are passing her. She makes a better face than a heel, reason being she keeps repeating the same things over and over again. At least give her new material.

Stephanie turns hot and cold as often as I change underwear. She does make a good heel though, but she's not the best heel the Authority ever had, Vicki Guerrero beats her hands down.

So in conclusion it's a tie between Charlotte and Alexa. Charlotte has the wrestling skills, Alexa has the facial expressions and attitude. Too bad really they can't morph them together. Alexa is also booked better, fans are already complaining about the amount of times Charlotte has won the title. That is something that happened way too quickly and now the WWE has painted themselves into a corner.
Depends on what you are looking for. Is it the best at heel promos? Alexa Bliss wins this followed closely by Charlotte. If it's heel in-ring tactics then it's Charlotte as the best, then Natalya, and Alexa Bliss coming in 3rd. When you look at both in-ring and promo skills overall then Charlotte is the best right now. Alexa and Natalya make up the rest of the top tier right now for female heels. As for the others.... Nia is improving slowly though she's nowhere near Charlotte, Natalya, or Alexa in either category. Dana's best as an enforcer and not all that great on her own, they should just make her Emma's bodyguard again. Those two were great together in NXT and I'd love to see it on the main roster like we were supposed to before Emma's injury. Mickie I don't expect to remain heel for long. Watch her turn face to challenge Alexa at Wrestlemania. That's a Smackdown Women's Championship match I'd want to see. If Mickie remains heel for a long time then she quite likely would become one of the top heels as well.

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