Best Face vs. Face Feuds/Heel vs. Heel Feuds


Pre-Show Stalwart
Something that always bothered me was that there was a very small amount of Face vs. Face feuds, or heel vs. heel feuds. I am a fan of of these types of feuds and there have been some great one's in the past, one that comes to mind is The Rock vs. Stone Cold, it obviously lead to an Austin heel turn at Wrestlemania, but the feud itself and the matches that came with it were great in my opinion.

Than you had other feuds like Batista-Cena (Before Batista's heel turn), who put on a good match at Summerslam, and there have been some other great ones.

Not sure if this thread has been done before, but what are your favourite face vs. face or heel vs. heel feuds?
Eventho it was short lived I'm going with Batista and Shawn Michaels in 2008. It started just after WrestleMania 24 when HBK retired Ric Flair and the two faced off at Backlash and then went into ONS in a stretcher match. This was a good feud with an ok story behind it. I enjoyed it because we hadn't seen HBK/Batista since what like 2003-ish I want to say.. And they put on two good matches.
Face vs Face to me would be Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker.. both times... but the lead up to the last one in my opinion was better even though i think the first match was better.. Warrior and Hogan wasn't bad either

Heel vs Heel.. i really don't remember one to be honest. I am sure it has happened though.. hmmmm The only one i slightly remember is Shawn Michaels vs Rick Martel when they had the stipulation that they couldn't hit each other in the face haha
How about Rock and Hogan leading up to Wrestlemania 18. They tried making Hogan a heel and it just didnt work. So in my opinion it was an awesome face/face fued!
Face vs Face: Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels. I know you are all thinking screw job, but both were heels during the screwjob. Im talking Wresltemania 12. Iron Man Match. Greatest match I have ever seen by my two favorite wrestlers.

Heel vs Heel: actually is a heel stable feud, but either way: The Corporation vs The Ministry (eventually became the corporate ministry, and who could forget Vince being the Higher Power?)
to me the best face vs face feud was randy orton and john cena i just think they were feuding for the past few years with randy heel and cena face now there both face and they have fought a few times my favourite heel vs heel was hard to choose cause i couldnt remember anyone but i thought that randy vs ted vs cody rumble to mania cause randy didnt turn face right away so all of them were heels at the same time and so thats my picks reply if you think different and if you think different YOU SUCK jk
Face Vs. Face: Even though it was short, I actually liked the feud between Triple H and Jeff Hardy in later 2007. It marked the starting of Jeff Hardy's push and the feud itself had an attitude era-ish feel to it. The feud saw some great matches like the one in Armageddon 2007 for the number one contender spot to the WWE Championship and the mini-match they had in No Way Out 2008.

Heel Vs. Heel: Dunno.
For Heel vs. Heel, I like Triple H vs Kurt Angle in 2000/01 for Stephanie McMahon. That was the best. Their match at the Royal Rumble was one of the best I had seen in a while.
I normally hate both face/face feuds and heel/heel feuds. F/f because the wrestlers generally do that really corny thing of "having respect for eachother" and h/h because the fans can't cheer for anyone so they just boo and boo no matter what happens. But as for the best ones..

Face/Face - Has got to be Shawn Michaels/Undertaker the second time because no one knew what they wanted to happen and the best match ever climax at Wrestlemania. Nothing can beat it.

Heel/heel - I just can't think of one I actually enjoyed. In fact, I can't think of one, period. The only one I can think of is when Edge was a tweener and had a few short feuds with some heels.
Face vs Face feuds happen all the time. There has certainly been no dearth of face vs face feuds in the WWE. In recent years the best face vs face feud was HBK vs Undertaker on both occasions. Though it must be said that HBK was acting heelish, no one was willing to boo him. Of course no face vs face feud can ever match the sheer awesomeness of Rock vs Austin. To understand what its all about, you do not even have to look at their matches which were very good nonetheless. You just need to see their sitdown interview leading upto Wrestlemania 17. If you don't feel goosebumps after seeing that you should not call yourself a wrestling fan.

While face vs face feuds do make sense mostly because the crowd loves both competitors, a heel vs heel feud makes no sense and that is why it hasn't been done a lot. Think for yourself. Who will the crowd cheer for? The best heel vs heel feud I can think of is Sheamus vs Randy Orton at the beginning of 2010 though thats not sying much. The mini feud led to Orton's turn and that's what makes it notewothy in my opinion.
Face vs Face

John Cena and SHawn Michaels leading up to Wrestlemania 23. They won the world tag titles together and Cena kept thinking HBK was going to turn on him. It was a solid story and they had some good ass matches. HBK passed the torch to Cena that night.

As far as Heel vs Heel, there hasn't been as many so I don't guess I have a favorite.
Since everyone seems to only remember the past decade, I'll go futher back to 1990. The pinultimate Face vs. Face feud was Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior. The two biggest names in wrestling at the time and the faces of the company going toe-to-toe at the grandest stage of the all, WrestleMania. Both the WWF and IC Titles were on the line (back when the IC was almost as important as the WWF title) and, to this day, is still talked about.

As for Heel vs. Hell feuds, there aren't that many, and the only one I can actually remember was Shawn Michaels vs. Rick Martel. There wasn't anything special about the feud, but that's all I can think of.
Face vs Face- I enjoyed the build up to Wrestlemania 23, where the two main feuds were both face vs face feuds in HBK vs Cena and Taker vs Batista. Out of the two, I prefered the HBK vs Cena feud, with HBK constantly warning Cena that he would turn on him and then eventually doing it by superkicking him in the No Way Out rematch on RAW. Fun stuff which produced two very good Wrestlemania matches.

Heel vs Heel- I'm not sure if this is a full blown feud, but I guess it could count as a mini-feud. Strangely enough, this is also from around WM23 time and involved Edge and Randy Orton. The Rated RKO members lost out to HBK to be in the main event of Wrestlemania, and this caused friction between the two. They had a very good match on RAW, clashed in the MITB match at WM23 and then faced off in the fatal four way match at Backlash. Like I said, not really a feud, but it's the best I can think of off the top of my head.
Face vs. Face - I'd go with Stone Cold vs. The lead to Austin's heel turn but it involved the two biggest stars of the time and possibly all time...and they threw in Austin's wife Debra (at the time) as The Rock's manager funny stuff.

Heel vs. Heel - Kurt Angle vs. HHH for Steph....I loved this had its funny spots and it involved two great wrestlers...i also said this was the greatest love triangle
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Edge vs. Jericho. I love their back and forths about how each one modeled themselves after the other and who has more accomplishments in the business. They're both such good heels with such epic careers that you don't have to cheer for either. It's going to be interesting either way.
Face vs Face - Shawn vs Taker.
Both of the matches they had were fantastic, and I've never seen a better send off for a wrestler.
Heel vs Heel (vs Heel) - Randy Orton vs Ted DiBiase vs Cody Rhodes
Their match at Wrestlemania was amazing, and I wanted to see more.
Lol this is gonna sound like a spam post but i totally agree with ThePeoplesChampion

Face vs Face i'd also go with Austin vs The Rock. even though both had played the role of tweener leading upto there encounters and ultimately each time one turned heel. regardless they were both big favourites with the crowd. and put on high quality match after match.

Heel vs Heel for overall entertainment i go with Triple H vs Kurt Angle (over steph's love) and Austin vs Angle (to be McMahon's kiss ass). both were entertaining on more than one level.
Gonna go old school:

Heel vs Heel

Stan Hansen-Vader: Only wrestled a few times but man were their matches stiff and brutal !

Road Warriors-The Russians: The Warriors were the AWA tag champs and they came into Jim Crockett Promotions to feud with the hated Russians ! The Warriors, even though heels were cheered not only in the AWA but in the NWA as well.

Face vs Face

Jerry Lawler-Dutch Mantell: They feuded over the AWA Southern title back in 1982 and it was great ! If you've not seen any of this I suggest YOUTUBING it because the angles, matches, and promos were something to see !
This is my first post.

Best Face v/s Face Feud - Can't get better than Rock vs Stone Cold. These guys were ABSOLUTE genuises during their time. No one, no one since 1998 (the year I began to watch WWF) played their roles better than Austin and The Rock. And they were, along with Hogan, the two most OVER superstars of all time, which made their feuds, especially as Face vs face, the best ever.

Heel vs Heel - Can't believe no one on this thread has yet mentioned Undertaker and his Ministry vs Vince McMahon (and the Corporation), early to mid 1999. Perhaps people don't realize quicly enough that Undertaker was heel at that time. He had a really really badass gimmick at the time.The burning of the teddy bear after that inferno match, the Undertaker's ministry at McMahon's house, then Undertaker dressed up as Kane, Stephanie's kidnapping, all was awesome. The attempted marriage of Stephanie, the climax of the feud, finally saw Vince turn face (at least apparently), but for me that was the best heel vs heel feud I have ever watched. And neither did the fans really boo this feud, and as a fact the fan support was never with Vince McMahon - they supported Taker in the feud until he kidnapped Steph and then they supported Steph. So it wasn't a failed feud either.
I've got to agree with both Hogan-Warrior at Wrestlemania VI, and Austin-Rock at Wrestlemania X-Seven. Two epic face versus face feuds. But my vote goes to two matches for the Intercontinental title; Roddy Piper and Bret Hart at Wrestlemania VIII and Bret Hart against the British Bulldog at Summerslam '92. The Piper-Hart match edges it for me as I was a big fan of the Rowdy one at the time. There was a personal touch to the feud as they were both good friends. The pre-match promo is one of my favourites of all time with both men nearly coming to blows. It showed that both wanted to be the Intercontinental champion and that the title actually used to mean something to the wrestlers. Bulldog-Hart was massively personal, due to the family link between the two. The Wembley crowd were 100% behind the British Bulldog, despite Hart also being a fan favourite. The noise when Bulldog triumphed was immense, just as well it was an open air venue, otherwise the roof may have actually have come off!

I'm struggling with a heel/heel feud. Kurt Angle versus Chris Benoit at Unforgiven 2002...where they both heels at that time? I'm not totally sure. If not I'll plump for the Triple H and Kurt Angle feud over Stephanie McMahon. Two great in ring performers, two different personalities. Made for interesting interaction outside of the ring, and certainly produced in ring gold.
My favourite face vs face feud would be Batista vs Undertaker. This was a great match up in my opinion when I was watching their Smackdown promos heading into Mania 23 and it was great. Batista was sort of the heel with everyone cheering for Undertaker because of his Mania streak.
I'm shocked that nobody mentioned the feud between The Rock and Chris Jericho leading to their No Mercy 2001 match. It provided some of the most entertaining moments in the Invasion era.

And yes, Steve Austin vs. The Rock (2001) and Hulk Hogan vs. The Ultimate Warrior (1990) are great examples of how a top face vs. top face feud can really work, besides they had a great chemestry together.

As far as heel vs. heel, I don't know. Some say Kurt Angle vs. Triple H during the summer of 2000, but nobody seems to remember that Triple H looked more like a tweener in that feud.

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