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Best Current Title Run


WZCW's Brent Blaze
Is it CM Punk's WWE Championship reign or Bobby Roode's TNA World Heavyweight Championship reign?

Punk won the WWE Title on October 31st at Survivor Series against Alberto Del Rio.

Roode won the TNA Title on November 3rd on Impact Wrestling against James Storm.

If you watch both TNA and WWE, then you have followed these Title Runs for months now. You know the story, I am not going to sit here and tell you every detail of their reigns. My question is simply whose is better and why. Also, give your favorite moment of each if you would like.
I love both of these runs honestly and think that they both have been good, but I think I lean toward Roode.

I think his is just more memorable overall because he has been at the top of the card the whole time. Punk has been second to Cena vs. Rock, Cena vs. Lesnar and Cena vs. Laurinaitus.

Also, Roode's feud with Storm is absolutely as good as feuds get. It seriously elevated TWO performers and provided a great set of matches. While Punk's feud with Jericho was solid and his performances with Bryan have been good ... they just are not on the same level of Roode's feud.

Both are great ... and by the end of the feud's these could easily change, especially if Cena gets involved with Punk again ... but right now, I am leaning toward Roode as the better reign overall.
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Both are great champions, but if i have to pick one, i have to go with Bobby Roode, he's defeated every star in TNA, he got mic skills as well. CM Punk is also good on the mic, tough question.
i tuned into tna for the first time in like over a year and i watched a terrible show of them doing some type of bullshit apprentice shit. Well to get to my point. I saw roode vs aj stlyes. He seems to me like a really generic heel. He isn't overly greet in the ring because it was an average match and then he did the generic heel stuff. I mean i thought that when he was in beer money and i thought that storm carried him, well thats all i can say about his reign cause i haven't seen it.

Well for punk i think that he has solidified his dominance in wrestling with this title reign. He has had very good to great ppv matches since he won the title. And he had a moty contender match just at otl. He is really bringing some prestige back to that title. The only thing i hate is his card placement, but what are you going to do about that.
CM Punk.

Every ppv match has been great, especially the ones with Jericho and Bryan. Plus his performance on Raw every week is good. I doubt Roode is anywhere near Punk's level as a performer, and he's certainly not as a promo guy.
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I like both runs to be honest, but I lean towards Roode simply for the fact that his run has seemed to stabilize Impact Wrestling. Roode had been the cornerstone, the main event, the central point of Impact since he won the title. CM Punk has had great matches, but has been put on the backburner to many times in favor of Cena or JL. I love his run, but I think overall Roode's has meant more.
I would have to go with bobby roode. Dont get me wrong i believe both of them have been very good,but i give the edge to roode cause thats really all tna has goon for them. Wwe has had cena vs rock,cena vs lesnar an now cena vs big show. I believe if punk had been in the main event on some ppv it would help him out more
I love both of these runs honestly and think that they both have been good, but I think I lean toward Roode.

I think his is just more memorable overall because he has been at the top of the card the whole time. Punk has been second to Cena vs. Rock, Cena vs. Lesnar and Cena vs. Laurinaitus.

Also, Roode's feud with Storm is absolutely as good as feuds get. It seriously elevated TWO performers and provided a great set of matches. While Punk's feud with Jericho was solid and his performances with Bryan have been good ... they just are not on the same level of Roode's feud.

Both are great ... and by the end of the feud's these could easily change, especially if Cena gets involved with Punk again ... but right now, I am leaning toward Roode as the better reign overall.

I think you hit the nail on the had right here buddy. Roode is now the longest reiging TNA champ, and he has had great matches and cut great promos. We haven't seen the last of Storm yet either and when they finally meet again they will put on a classic.

Punk is a good champion too but as you say has been consistently overshadowed, hasn't main evented a PPV once this year. His matches have been good but the Jericho mic work didn't impress me much.

As for other champions going at the moment in TNA and WWE:

Austin Aries had a good run but he has nobody left to face...

Christian looks like this could be the start of a good reign!

And Devon has surprised me his reign has been not too shabby at all though I think he needs to drop it soon, not to the Robbies or Garrett though.
Roode. Punk has done nothing but play second fiddle to John Cena since winning the belt. Both John Cena and Bobby Roode have been headlining various PPV's. John Cena has headlined every PPV (except Royal Rumble) in which CM Punk was WWE Champion this year. TLC was the only PPV where CM Punk was the focus.

Bobby Roode on the other hand, has been the focal point of TNA his entire run. While Punk has wins over Del Rio, Miz, Jericho and Daniel Bryan, Roode has wins over Storm, Styles, Sting, RVD and Jeff Hardy. In my eyes, Punk run with the title has a lot do be desired while Roode's has been consistent and top-notch.
Bobby Roode.

CM Punk's reign has been.... a bit strange, to me. I believe that championships are props, but at the same time, what's the point of a prop without a meaning to it? As WWE Champion, he's been billed second throughout his reign, unless John Cena has the night off. They used to call what CM Punk is doing right now "being the Intercontinental Champion".

Bobby Roode, on the other hand, has been the first TNA/IW Champion in a while to actually carry the belt. Up until his reign, we've been treated to a carousel of performers, none of whom had a particularly memorable run. Now, there's a champion that simply... endures. The world expected him to lose to James Storm; he endured. Whereas CM Punk could lose his belt tomorrow and people wouldn't really remark on it much, Bobby Roode could lose his belt tomorrow and catch everyone off guard.

Both title reigns have been almost the same length, but Bobby Roode's reign feels far more concrete than CM Punk's reign.
they al suck jon cena and randy orton need 2 be world champions now and rey mysteiro n sin cara shold be united states tag team intercontinental championships
Both are great, but CM Punk has shown weakness and vulnerability and Bobby Roode has just run rampant and has destroyed everyone. CM Punk has been more entertaining to watch so I really can't make up my mind.
Pure and simply, Roode's has to be regarded as the better reign because he is the focus of the company. He headlines every PPV and is pretty much guaranteed to be involved at the end of every episode of Impact too (the exception being this last week when he was used in the opening match to attempt to get people to tune in for the new start time).

Poor CM Punk has been relegated to second fiddle to the Cena / Laurenitis feud (and was third string to Triple H / Taker pre WM) and his normal position on RAW is about the hour change. However, the Bryan / AJ storyline has potential, so here's hoping for more prominence in the coming months.
As I just outlined why I thought Punk's title reign was "just decent" in the current thread going in the WWE section, I'm going to say that Bobby Roode's TNA Heavyweight Championship reign has been more impressive.

Bobby Roode underwent a character transformation and has grown each and every week he's on television. No matter what else is going on, as the Champ he is front-and-center on every PPV and episode of Impact. Nobody else is going to out-stage him, under and circumstance, and that is not only a part of his character, but a sign of a great World Champion. While Punk's title run has been fun -- and definitely the right move for the WWE -- but he's allowed himself to take a backseat to things "more important". That I just can't get over... Did Triple H ever do that? Has John Cena ever done that? Hulk Hogan? Yeah right, brother... CM Punk, as the dominant Champion in the WWE, should be stepping up and taking Raw by storm, not to mention PPV's.

Bobby Roode crushed his best friend's hopes and dreams. He's retained his title against every challenger that he's come up against; Storm, Angle, Styles, Bully Ray, Hardy, etc. He's spit in the face of the owner of the company, and assaulted her in the middle of the ring. He took a legend and Icon like Sting, the former GM of IW, and beat him like a government mule. He's not afraid of Hulk Hogan, and that to me is a fantastic step in proving Roode's legitimacy. He reminds me so much of Triple H leading up to his Evolution days as Champion.

In my estimation, Roode is current the best Champion in professional wrestling, and the best heel in professional wrestling. I'm not even that big of a TNA fan, but the amount he's stepped up and taken the product into his own hands is just impressive.

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