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Best Chemistry with The Rock: Austin, Foley or HHH?


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I've been going through my reviews and doing some new ones and in the case of all of these guys at one point or another I talk about the chemistry that Rock had with each one of them. In short, which did he have the best chemistry with?

As a little reminder of their major matches (of course I'm probably leaving some out):

Austin: DX In Your House (Austin vs. The Nation with the truck), Mania 15, Mania 17, Mania 19.

Foley: Halftime Heat, St. Valentine's Day Massacre, Survivor Series 98, Royal Rumble 98, multiple Raw matches, Rock N Sock Connection

HHH: Summerslam 98, Multiple PPVs in 2000 including Iron Man match at Judgment Day 2000.

So which would you suggest is the best of the three based on chemistry, either in ring or on the mic or a combination thereof, with The Brahma Bull? Please remember that simply saying a name will result in a spamming penalty so please give reasons to back up your selection.
These are three epic feuds, but based on chemistry I’ll go with Foley. Rock worked great with both Austin and Triple H, but there was something about both the feud and partnership with Foley that just clicked. I think it’s because they are such polar opposites in their gimmicks. The Rock was the popular jock that everyone wanted to be. Foley was the out of shape nerd that most people actually were. Anytime Foley got the best of Rock it was like he was scoring a win for all the nerd wrestling fans over all the jocks. When they became partners it was like the cool kids finally realized the nerds were pretty cool and funny after all. He was still treated like a lackey, but you could tell Rock respected and appreciated Foley. These guys were gold together on the mic and had some pretty brutal matches in the ring. Correct me if I’m wrong, didn’t the highest rated segment in the history of raw involve Rock and Foley on the mic together?
I'm going to say the Rock had the best chemistry with HHH. You could see it during the days when they were fighting for the IC Title. They had some amazing matches and great segments because I thought their personalities complimented each other. Both really took off in 2000 in Austin's absence and the matches and the promos became better. HHH and Rock can both be funny when they want to be and can get as serious as they need to be. Looking back, HHH has pretty good chemistry with Austin, Undertaker, and Foley but he has the best with the Rock.
I'll go off the board and say Chris Jericho.

Right from the time Jericho debuted, he and The Rock had great chemistry every time they hooked up. Whether it was in the ring or on the mic, they always worked well together.

My favorite RAW moment ever is the back and forth Rock and Jericho had the night Jericho debuted.
who the heck is stone cold?

OMG.......You have got to be kidding me.....

Please tell me you are Joking.

In my opinion, His best chemistry is with Johnathan Coachman, lol. The promo's they did were very entertaining and they fed off each other very well.

But I guess that's kind of a weird choice, so I will have to go with Stone cold. The matches they had were epic, and they're character's were almost made for each other.
I am going to have to agree with The Brain, and say Mick Foley. Whether opponents or partners, they always seem to click. Considering that the Rock's This is your life segment was I believe the highest rated moment in Raw history, I think that shows just how much chemistry they truly had together. I am not even really a Rock Fan, but I did enjoy just about everything he and Foley did together.
If you're going in general, then definately Mick Foley. They were the most entertaining pairing that I've seen in all the years I watched wrestling. Their fueds were good, but it was their work as a team that they were better in.

If you're looking straight up fueds, I'd say Austin. They've battled 3 times at Wrestlemania, and all 3 times they were good matches with amazing build up. They had some of the best promos together (Beer truck anyone?) and they fed off each other pretty damn well.
If I'm honest, I'd say none of them. I'd say Chris Jericho or even Kurt Angle. The Big Show had quite good chemistry with The Rock as well if I remember correctly.

But out of these three I've gotta go with Austin, they stole the show at 3 Wrestlemania's I'd say. Wrestlemania 17 had another brilliant match in Taker v HHH and that is hardly remembered because of Rock V Austin and WM 19 had Lesnar V Angle, now I know that match is still remembered, but if it wasn't the main event and Rock V Austin was, would it be remembered that much other than the Shooting Star Press? I don't think so.
I'm going to have to go with Triple H here. They had probably the greatest feud in WWE history. Some got tired of it, but I found it to be great entertainment. I am not surprised that the feud lasted for as long as it did and I'm not surprised that Rock and Triple H headlined so many pay per views over the years.

Firstly, you had Rock's comedy and his constant piss-taking of Triple H and his DX associates. I'll never forget Rock's impersonation of Triple H. Then you have Triple H being one of the greatest heels in history, who did more than his fair share of keeping the feud alive and entertaining.

I think this feud may never have happened (or at least may never have been as big) had Austin and Undertaker not succumbed to lengthy injuries. Rock became #1 face in the company and HHH became #1 heel, just after the Corporate Ministry came to an end in the late 90's.

Unlike feuds of this era, it took the face (The Rock) a long time before he actually beat the heel (HHH) for the championship (I believe it took Rock 8 months before he actually beat HHH for the belt).

Of course, the feud probably wouldn't have been as entertaining had it taken place in the PG era.....that feud typified the Attitude era.
I gonna go with a tie between HHH and Stone Cold I loved everytime they wrestled and couldnt wait for them to wrestle again and GreatMic work in the fueds.
but Mick foley to as a TagTeam I loved The Rock and Sock Connection They were funny. Myfav. moment was Mick Foley's This Is your Life Rock that was funny
Stone Cold for sure. Rock & Austin have some of the most memorable hilarious promos together like their singoff before Survivor Series 2001 aswell as memorable segment PPV build ups like the interview with JR before WM 17 & the Beer Truck angle. If they didnt have the best chemistry we wouldnt have seen 3 WM matches between the two. As good as Rock's chemistry with HHH & Mick were in their matches, promos, This Is Your Life segment & tag team, it couldnt compare to the electricity between Austin & Rock as they stole the show everytime they got put together whether for promo or a match.
I'd have to say HHH.The feud between those two was epic.Each of those guys knew there role pretty well.HHH every week with those promos about how he is the best in the business and the WWF title is his life and then The Rock comes down and talks trash and lays the smackdown on him.Or HHH always screwing The Rock.It was a long feud but it kept you tuning in. It's something about their characters that enhanced when they were feuding.HHH is more heel when put next to a face Rock....and the face Rock is more face put next to a heel HHH.There is something that seemed so real between those two.I look at the rivalry and go that's how a feud is suppose to be.
It's a toss up between HHH and Austin but I'm going to go with HHH. The Rock and HHH feuded throughout their entire careers while climbing the WWE ladder together. I remember their DX/Nation feuds, the matches for the IC title and finally they were feuding for the WWE title. I would have liked to see The Rock vs HHH in a sigles match as the main event of WM 16 instead of the fatal four way...at least that match came down to HHH vs The Rock.
Stone Cold easily, they played off each other very well, had some great matches and their characters were absolutely PERFECT for one another, smart ass meets bad ass, some of the greatest promos EVER!
They are all great feuds which shows how good The Rock was with everyone...Definatly Austin seriously there is a reason these two faced eachother at 3 Wrestlemanias the biggest wrestling event ever. 2 of those matches being the main event honestly as good as HHH and Rock were and as good as Foley and Rock were together they had the two biggest draws in the same era. Most ppl say Hogan drew most money but after him listen to Kevin Nash say in an interview its Austin 2nd and Rock 3rd for biggest draws of the industry... Austin vs Rock is the best feud of all time.

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