Best and worst WWE themes?


Edge - Loved the song, fits him and the "if you think you know me" at the beginning made it recognizable.

Kane - Really like the remixed version of his first theme and his previous theme. Fits him so well and is just eerie.

Undertaker - Prefer the instrumental music he used before the Johnny Cash song. That music was awesome.

CM Punk - Cult of Personality is a music that fits him so much, also the music made him feel much more like a legit main eventer as well.

Sheamus - I actually think his music helped him get over in many kinds of ways. Looking at the crowd signs like "Lobster Head" and "Too many limes" were hilarious. Which other theme can garner this kind of reaction?


Ted DiBiase - He's suppose to be a face now right? Why do he have a theme that says "I have money and I can do anything?"

Cody Rhodes - Needs a slightly darker music as he's still using some elements of his disfigured character, his current theme is too cheerful. Loved the "Ohhhhhh" beginning for his music though.

Daniel Bryan - WWE please buy the rights for Final Countdown!

Jack Swagger - What does "get on your knees" even do for his character? He needs a more patriotic music like Kurt Angle for his gimmick.

Dolph Ziggler - Can't even heard what they are singing most of the time, his previous theme I could hear "I am perfection" clearly.

Hornswoggle - Everything in relation to him just suck, including his music.
Favorite - Triple H's The Game - I'm a huge Motorhead fan, so I never get tired of that theme. Plus, HHH is and has been my favorite wrestler for years.

Theme I hate - I could name quite a few horrible themes. But the one I hate the most right now is Zack Ryder's "Radio." That song is just so annoying, but i guess it's fitting for an annoying character like Ryder.

Other favorites - Randy Orton (Voices), Sheamus (Written In My Face), Chris Jericho (Break Down the Walls), I even like Natalya and Beth Phoenix's themes.

And just thought I'd mention, even though the theme fits John Cena, I think it's time for him to get a new theme. I mean, "his time is already here," so we don't need the song saying that anymore. Maybe create a new theme using the words "rise above the hate." :)
CM Punk has the best, the static at the beginning is the best part, but I kinda miss the Killswitch "Fire Burns" song
Current best themes in my opinion are:
Randy Orton (That gets me absolutely hyped for him to come out)
CM Punk (same as Randy's)
Mark Henry (Three 6 Mafia is a beast for this song)
The Undertaker

Worst Themes:
Wade Barrett (Boring theme for a boring character. Perfect)
Cena (time for a change even though the build up hypes up the crowd)
Daniel Bryan (I can't stand his theme or him)
R truth (especially when him and Miz did that rapping bs. Definitely cringe worthy)

My all time favorites of course are The Rock. Except his heel music. I also loved Austin's, The Hardy Boyz and Jericho's Break The Wall. I used to love Undertaker's American Bad Ass w/ Limp Bizkit's Rollin as well.

Like someone mentioned, the best themes that stands out are the ones that have that distinctive part of the song that let's you know a certain wrestler is coming out before the actual song starts. Like Austin's glass shattering or Rock's zig ya smell or Randy's I hear voices. Those are the awesome themes.
Best themes:
- CM Punk's old Killswitch theme "The fire burns." Probably my all time favorite. I got mixed feelings about "Cult of personality." Love the scratching noise in the beginning and I admit the song fits Punk's character very well, but it's just such a damn shame about his old theme.
Punk should do a double-theme thing where he comes out to cut promos and stuff to "Cult of Personality" but when it's time for action he should still use "The fire burns."

Honorable mentions:
- Stone Cold. Glass shattering sets the tone and the rest of the them lets you know someone is going to get his ass kicked. Absolutely perfect.
- The Rock. The theme just fits the guy perfectly.
- Triple H, because I really like Motoerhead and it's very badass.
- Kurt Angle (the one where the fans could chant "You suck"). So much fun from such a simple thing.
(Damn, Stone Cold, the Rock, Triple H - am I a mark or what?)

Worst themes:
Any theme that has a run-off-the-mill-standard-wrestling-theme-feel to it. Or as Daniel Bryan once put it: generic rock. Evan Bourne comes to mind. Dolph Ziggler (especially the first version - "I am perfection... perfection"). Not big on Sheamus theme, either (although I admit it's starting to grow on me). Wade Barrett could use a new one, too.

Honorable mention:
John Cena. Not that it's the worst - it's very unique. I'm just sick and tired of hearing it.

Worst of all time: Right to Censor (maybe tied with Bastion Booger)
Here are some of my favourite themes:

Kane - Slow Chemical. This is Finger Eleven's best song they've ever done.
Ricky Steamboat - The theme he used at Wrestlemania 3. It was so epic
Armstrong Brothers Theme - One of my favourite themes from NWA/WCW
Chris Benoit's Whatever theme - This theme described Benoit to the teeth.
Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness Theme - My favourite taker theme
The Ultimate Warrior Theme - This tune fired you up whenever you heard it.
Mankind's themes - Both the entrance and when he wins.
Both the triple H themes that Motorhead did
The DX theme
Mark Henry's current theme
Ravishing Rick Rude's - Simply Ravishing theme.

Worst themes:

Cactus Jack's WWF/E theme - It's alright, but really lame compared to his mankind themes.
Wade Barrett's theme - This is just lame
Undertaker's Rollin' theme - I hate limp bizkit.
Christian's new theme - The Waterproof blond version is so much better.
Sheamus's theme - Except for the hook to it, it's sucks.
This Miz's theme - the one he used when he was The Chick Magnet.
1. Anyone who has no lyrics (Primo/Epico, Hunico, Goldust, Evan Bourne, etc.) With the exception of Kane and Undertaker.

Evan Bourne's does have lyrics and goldust has the best one evvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeerrrr

Why do you feel no one should have lyrics in their theme?!

Nothing wrong with a bit of individuality.
My current favorite is
1) John Cena
2) Undertaker
3) Sheamus

Least favorite
1) Daniel Bryan
2) Jack Swagger
3) Wade Barrett

All time:

Stone cold, Undertaker- ministry of darkness, triple h
Best- Kevin Nash, the nWo theme is the greatest of all time, loved hearing that track.
DX- love dx theme too

Worst- dolph ziggler, what a shitty theme song to come out to, soo annoying, then again i dont like anything about this guy, or any of the wrestlers today for that matter, but thats another topic for another time...

Awww sheeittt, we got a badass "I HATE ALL NEW WRESTLERS ATTITOOD ERA FOR TEH WIN!" guy.


CM Punk: The static leading up to Cult of Personality is just so epic. It lets you know who it is and sets the arena on fire every time it hits. (Figuratively speaking, of course)

Zack Ryder: Fits his character sooo well.

Wade Barrett: Such a great song. It gets me pumped err time it hits.

Dolphin: Not sure why no one likes it. I'm here to show the world isn't too bad, and it fits his "show off" character.

Evan Bourne/Air Boom: Both songs made to pump the crowd up. Plus Bourne to Fly is fitting.

Curt Hawkins: Badass. Pure, badass.

Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater's tag team theme/Heath Slaters short lived solo theme: It was such a great song. Not sure why it was dropped so quickly.

Joe McHennigcutty: Just like Hawkins, this song is badass. Surprised they gave a great song to a jobber. It's like Mason Ryan and Alex Riley, but with talent!
Best themes:

CM Punk - Awesome song before he used it - still awesome now
Cody Rhodes (Masked) - Suited him very well and his masked gimmick certainly helped his current push.
HHH - Knows how to make an entrance - enough said
Wade Barrett - Great to see a fellow Englishman become quite the star in a quick time. Great theme!

Worst themes:
Zack Ryder - As soon as I hear "WOO WOO WOO", "CLICK" is the noise my remote makes. Go back to being an Edgehead with Hawkins!
Ted DiBiase - Good in the ring but its time for a new theme.
John Cenanuff - Bored of the fruity pebble's theme ages ago!!
Best: I love Drew McIntyre's theme. When he was actually relevant it suited him real nice, but now that he is jobbing and in that awful storyline it doesn't fit as good. Still a good song though.

I also really like CM Punk's current theme, it suits his character awesome, and it's just a really really good song!

Honorable mention: Brodus Clay's new theme. It is just awesome.

Worst: Daniel Bryan's. I hate it... Yes, it is recognizable but it is so boring...
A few of the Best:

The Miz
Jack Swagger
Dolph Ziggler (perfection version was better)
Randy Orton
Triple H
Chris Jericho
CM Punk (Killswitch theme was better though)
Shane McMahon
Vince McMahon
Alberto Del Rio
Cody Rhodes
Beth Phoenix
Brodus Clay (funny)
Zach Ryder (funny)
The Rock (past versions have been better though)
Kevin Nash (NWO)
Alex Riley
Drew McIntyre


John Cena
Wade Barrett (Nexus theme was better)
Ted Dibiase (Priceless and Legacy themes were better)
Kelly Kelly
Teddy Long
David Otunga
1. CM Punk: It's catchy it fits him well but most off its a decent overall song
2. Ted Dibiase I have no idea why I just love it :P
1. Randy Orton I like the song but it no longer fits his character
2. Christian Again it doesn't suit him that much IMO I think that the same song by Waterproof Blonde would suit his heel character.
for my favorite entrance theme of all time would be
Jake the Snake Roberts(his first theme he used) I liked the way it sound
Gangrel No theme was cooler than his and no theme fit a character and went well with his his entrance like Gangrel's did

for the wild card
Ultimate Warrior- I don't like the wrestler but he had one of the coolest themes and I always play his theme when I playing my drums

Texas Tornado-A wrestler I loved as a kid and I always liked his theme and his theme also has some cool drumming

There arn't a lot of cool entrance themes like they use to have if I could pick any theme I like the best of a current star would be CM Punk. I was also shocked to see how many people didn't like Daniel Bryan song. I think it fits his character really well and it reminds me of the old WWF days

one other thing I like to add I like how with Sheamus they gave him a real theme and not generic irish music just because he is Irish

Now for the worst theme song of all time in the entire history of WWF/WWE would have to go to Zack Ryder
Never in all my years watching wrestling have I ever heard a entrance song so bad. I just can't stand his song it's unfitting for any wrestler It's a terrible song It makes want to change the channel just while he makes his entrance even the Los Boricuas had a better theme
My two favorite themes would be Junkyard Dog and Akeem. Those two themes were so awesome and I loved both of those songs. I know most of the words to both too. GRAB THEM CAKES I also really liked The Beverly Brothers second theme it reminded me of sega genesis.

I can't think of theme song that I actually really don't like I guess I will pick The Bezerker or Big Bully Bussick since they didn't have a theme song


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