CM Punk - One of the best songs to come along in FOREVER!!!
Triple H - whether its the Game or the King, motorhead just sounds badass w/HHH.
Taker/Kane - almost any version of there songs have all been badass and workerd for them.
Sheamus - powerful but entertaining like himself & GREAT OPENING! ITS A SHAMEFUL THING.....
Brodus Clay - fun and catchy.
Goldust - Its creepy, epic, glitsy and just about everything it needs to be for goldie.
Daniel Bryan - One of the WORST THEMES EVER!!! not to mention his STUPID little finger twirling but the remixes of old epic USA/War songs like flight of valkery and stuff has been done and never looked cool for anyone but Ric Flair and a person with a USA gimmick. I gave him the benfit of the doubt when he came to WWE, hes a phenominal wrestler, give him time to develop. But im done, I agree with cole, he is a NERD!
Orton - I freakin LOVED his song when he first went solo and had the falling sparks like Del Rio has now, but IDC if it makes sense with the gimmick, The voices in his head should tell him to get a new damn song.
Barrett - One of the tope 3 young talent in my opinion and could EASILY be world champ, but he still has that stupid song from the corre or nexus or watever it was used for, its lame and not intimidating, needs to go!!!
Mysterio - I was always a fan of reys old music with the masks flashing on old time SD in 2003, im sick of the stupid Booyaka.
Almost every stupid gimmick - Santino, Hornswoggle, Doink the Clown, eyc.
Edge - Great opening line like Sheamus's, possibly the best theme song EVER!!!!
HBK - catchy, fun, gives you energy, and its great to sing too, just ask HBK!!
Stone Cold - That Glass breaking and then that music that told everyone a can of whoop ass was about to be brought out?!?! these are the top 3 themes ever!!!!!
The Rock - Another great theme you know the second it hits!!!
William Regal - That omonyous sound at the begining to the suttle UK sounding tune, amazing theme song!!!
Jerry Lawler - simple and straight to the point, he is THE KING!
King Booookah - MOST ANNOYING THEME SONG EVER!!!! I can barely stand to watches any matches with him in it. not to mention a terrible gimmick that didnt work for him.