Best and worst WWE themes?


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Ok these are two simple questions, they are more personal preference than anything else but i'm just interested to see people's responses:

1. What is your favourite theme currently being used by a WWE wrestler?

2. What is your LEAST favourite theme currently being used by a WWE wrestler?

Thanks in advance for any replies and I apologise if this thread has already been posted as i'm sure it has at some point or another.
As far as me personally all good themes start with a very definable opening such as Austin's glass smash, the Rock's yell, CM Punk's tape scratch they instantly tell you who is coming and you pop for it. Any thing with a slow build up doesnt really work for me the one that sticks out is Drew's it just doesn't work I'm not keen on Ryder's either but that's more to do with the music.
Favorite--Triple H. Motorhead made a great song here for The Game. It is a perfect entrance song that gets people excited. Chris Jericho would get consideration here, but I don't like how they've chopped the beginning of the song in the last few years, and gotten rid of the countdown clock.

Least Favorite--Ted DiBiase. I wish they'd use Ted's dad's music for him. Right now he's a face and not using a gimmick that would make sense to use "Money, Money, Money," but every time I see little Ted I just want to hear that song! HAHAHAHAHA!
My favorite being currently in use is probably Drew McIntyre's.
Not only because of the song itself, but because it actually pretty much turned out to be a perfect prophecy of how Drew career would go: "Almost to the mountain top, you slip and fall just like a stone"? That ended up fitting him tragically perfectly.

My least favorite one is probably Alex Riley - I know many people like that song, but "say it to my face" just sounds a bit too childish in my personal opinion. Oh, and I'm probably forgetting about some theme songs that I find to be worse than his.
Drews does work, anyway they use the short version nowadays anyway (which is far worse than the full screen entrance video long entrance).

Anyway, BEST:
1. CM Punks - Really catchy and does anyone else's theme fit them as well as Punks?
2. Wade Barrett - Maybe nota good theme for him, but I really like the song, especially the guitar riff that starts when he gets near the ring
3. Cody Rhodes - Excellent theme that fits him and is really catchy too (especially the most recent version)
4. Edge had, in my opinion, the best theme ever. Just pure epicness when you hear "you think you know me"

1. Anyone who has no lyrics (Primo/Epico, Hunico, Goldust, Evan Bourne, etc.) With the exception of Kane and Undertaker.
2. Ezekial Jackson (did I spell that right?), such a bad theme, boring, generic and does nothing to get the crowd excited.
3. Pretty much every Divas theme (especially Kelly Kelly's)
4. Randy Orton, although I like Voices, I think it's run it's course and he should get a new, more intense theme. I just think there's too much piano noises in Voices, it should just be guitars and drums
mark henry - pure tune - well suits him
cm punk - another awesome song, love the record skip at the start, u know whos on the way out!
drew macintrye - if he was used properly and not losing to these morons, this tune would really suit him!
kharmas - another one with a unique begginging, u know stratight away whos on the way!
ted dibiase -tune just dont suit him no more

sheamus, barrett, orton, cena all need new music now!!!

hornswoggle - worst!!! just coz its hornswoggle
If were sticking to current superstars
The Best
CM Punk - I loved his old one more than his current one but both fit him so well that i am cool with both of them
Cody Rhodes- His current one is really catchy and i like it
Mark Henry- This theme fits him now with the hall of pain gimmick

The Worse
Daniel Bryan - I just never really enjoyed any of his themes and with his hell turn in full effect i think its time for a new theme
Sin Cara - He needs a more fast paced theme
Hunico, Epico and Primo - I include all of them together cuz their themes pretty much are the same generic latin music.
1. Anyone who has no lyrics (Primo/Epico, Hunico, Goldust, Evan Bourne, etc.) With the exception of Kane and Undertaker.

Evan Bourne's does have lyrics and goldust has the best one evvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeerrrr
CM Punk-matches him really well
Undertaker-When the gong hits you know who it is
Kane-I loved his original theme but this one is good too
SCSA- Best theme of all time, my personal fav was his theme done by Disturbed.

Sheamus, Cena, Daniel Bryan. Need new themes
Best theme: I'm not sure if I have a favorite. A lot of WWE wrestlers have pretty good themes. Heck, even Curt Hawkins, Darren Young and David Otunga have pretty catchy themes. At the top of the list for themes: Christian, The Miz, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Zack Ryder, CM Punk and Chris Jericho.

Worst: AJ's first theme. Right now, they often use it just before going to a commercial when a diva's match is coming up. It's this annoying, happy song sung by a female singer. Actually, a lot of the divas have crappy themes. (Beth and Natalya are an exception.)

Honorable mention: Titus O' Neil. (Not that it's necessarily a bad theme, but it sounds a little too laid back for him.)
CM Punk - One of the best songs to come along in FOREVER!!!
Triple H - whether its the Game or the King, motorhead just sounds badass w/HHH.
Taker/Kane - almost any version of there songs have all been badass and workerd for them.
Sheamus - powerful but entertaining like himself & GREAT OPENING! ITS A SHAMEFUL THING.....
Brodus Clay - fun and catchy.
Goldust - Its creepy, epic, glitsy and just about everything it needs to be for goldie.

Daniel Bryan - One of the WORST THEMES EVER!!! not to mention his STUPID little finger twirling but the remixes of old epic USA/War songs like flight of valkery and stuff has been done and never looked cool for anyone but Ric Flair and a person with a USA gimmick. I gave him the benfit of the doubt when he came to WWE, hes a phenominal wrestler, give him time to develop. But im done, I agree with cole, he is a NERD!
Orton - I freakin LOVED his song when he first went solo and had the falling sparks like Del Rio has now, but IDC if it makes sense with the gimmick, The voices in his head should tell him to get a new damn song.
Barrett - One of the tope 3 young talent in my opinion and could EASILY be world champ, but he still has that stupid song from the corre or nexus or watever it was used for, its lame and not intimidating, needs to go!!!
Mysterio - I was always a fan of reys old music with the masks flashing on old time SD in 2003, im sick of the stupid Booyaka.
Almost every stupid gimmick - Santino, Hornswoggle, Doink the Clown, eyc.

Edge - Great opening line like Sheamus's, possibly the best theme song EVER!!!!
HBK - catchy, fun, gives you energy, and its great to sing too, just ask HBK!!
Stone Cold - That Glass breaking and then that music that told everyone a can of whoop ass was about to be brought out?!?! these are the top 3 themes ever!!!!!
The Rock - Another great theme you know the second it hits!!!
William Regal - That omonyous sound at the begining to the suttle UK sounding tune, amazing theme song!!!
Jerry Lawler - simple and straight to the point, he is THE KING!

King Booookah - MOST ANNOYING THEME SONG EVER!!!! I can barely stand to watches any matches with him in it. not to mention a terrible gimmick that didnt work for him.
Best -
CM Punk
Triple H
Cody Rhodes

Worst -
Daniel Bryan
Wade Barrett -(Getting new music soon so thats good)
Ted Dibiase (Also getting new music)

Best of ALL time - Stone Cold Steve Austin hands down! The best music is when the opening is an attention grabber. SCSA had the best theme ever.

CM Punk - "Cult of Personality" fits Punk exceptionally well.

Wade Barrett - Barrett's theme fits his character, someone rising to the top by any means necessary. It's a shame they are planning to give him another theme soon.

Brodus Clay - I don't care what anyone says, funky's on a roll. B)


John Cena - Cena stopped rapping a long time ago. I understand that it's him signing the song, but either sing a new song that fits you now or get a new theme altogether. It's been "Your Time" for nearly 7 years. Doesn't fit anymore.

Dolph Ziggler - His current theme starting with "I'm Here to Show the World" is annoying to me. I thought he had a great theme before this one, the rock version of "I Am Perfection". This song seems too busy, with so many guitars, lyrics, and stuff happening at one. Then again, I'm not too big of a fan of the "Show-Off" gimmick anyway. It seems too cheesy for a rising star.

Alberto Del Rio - For a main-eventer to still have generic Latino music seems dumb. I can sort-of understand it for Hunico, Epico, and Primo since they are just getting pushed, but Del Rio's been pushed since Day 1. After a while, you think they'd give him some flashier music to go with his flashy entrance.
First off my favorite theme of all time is probably the Undertakers classical funeral music or his Ministry theme.

Current guys:
Cody Rhodes' new Smoke and Mirrors is fairly awesome.
Randy Orton's Voices us good as wel.
Sheamus' theme
Wade Barrett's is also good
Dolph Ziggler's is a mixed bag, i preferred the I AM PERFECTIOOOON song but this one is good too.

D-Bryan's. You do not screw with Rise of the Valkyries. I see no reason why they changed it.
Jack Swaggar's theme just does nothing whatsoever for me. Just like Swaggar himself.
my fav---Jericho! this could be the best of all time (besides Arn Anderson's Horsemen theme...the WCW one not the one with the horses at the start). the best combo of lyrics and music.

other ones i like currently are CM Punks (b/c i enjoy the song very much), Swagger's, The Rock's and im digging that they brought back that theme for Brodus Clay.

current themes i dislike---daniel bryan, john cena's (do do me nightmares..or is just the theme to my nightmares..) and wade barretts. i really really like wade barrett but "i had enoooouuugh" is just stupid and it doesn't fit his character.
Best- Kevin Nash, the nWo theme is the greatest of all time, loved hearing that track.
DX- love dx theme too

Worst- dolph ziggler, what a shitty theme song to come out to, soo annoying, then again i dont like anything about this guy, or any of the wrestlers today for that matter, but thats another topic for another time...
Cody Rhodes- Perfectly intense, really captures the cross between his dashing and undashing gimmicks
CM Punk- COP is such a unique theme, just like he's a unique wrestler.
Chris Jericho- It never gets old.
The Miz- Again, sums up his character perfectly.
Heath Slater- My odd pick. The horrible country tune really does a good job adding to the massive heat he draws.

Hunico/Epico & Primo- A couple of other people said this already. I don't get why every hispanic wrestler has to have a sterotype for Latinos as their gimmick. WWE has always been racist like this.
Mason Ryan- No. Just no.
Ted Dibiase- Doesn't go with his Dibiase Posse gimmick at all. Good thing he's getting new music when he comes back from injury.
My favorites have always been the one with the quick hook at the start that instantly got the pop. Could be Punk's record scratch, Austin's glass, Rock's catchphrase, Miz's phrase, Taker's bell.

The ones I dislike are the ones with the slow build or have a bad opening. Sheamus is currently one who I wish they would change. Even Bret Hart back in the day had a sub par theme

Edge - Best theme ever.
Curt Hawkins - I've loved this theme ever since him and Ryder debuted it.
Downstait - They're themes include Miz, Riley, and Dolph Ziggler. They are a talented band.
Drew McIntyre - Very good them. I look forward to him getting a push soon.
Brodus Clay - Somebody call his mamma!!


Hornswaggle - Worst them I have ever heard.
Justin Gabriel - He's very talented, but his song sucks.
Chris Jericho - Terrible.
Daniel Bryan - It's time to get him a real song, and I'm still not over his name change. Let him be Bryan Danielson.
John Cena - You want to make him an edgier character? Give him a good hard rock theme. Make him more of a bad ass than an underdog.
CM Punk (OLD)- Even though Cult of Personality is GREAT, dont get me wrong. This Fire by Killswitch fit every gimmick he had up to the Nexus bit.

Edge- Epic, Just, epic. The beginning is awesome.

Goldberg- omg. Goosebumps every time i heard this. Especially his return against the rock.

The Miz- Fits him perfectly. I loved it since the day he started it. Really intense, upbeat and in your face.

Daniel Bryan- Classical music? Really? Honestly, it sucks 100%

Cody Rhodes- The new remix of smoke and mirrors blows hardcore. The original one was good but this one is just annoying and loud.

Cena- A man like him should not be allowed to come out to that music.

The Big Show- It just really pisses me off whenever he comes out and i here this old redneck BS.

Wade Barrett- Good song, but how the hell does it fit him. Please, get him some real shit.
so i must be like. the only one ever to think that maybe now, after almost 12 years in the WWE (wow....) that Jericho should really...yknow...maybe...modify his music a bit? Not nessecarially get a whole new song, but maybe have his song redone by a real band, like when Maylene did the JeriShow mash up? Maybe have Maylene do Jericho's theme.....
Some of my favorite themes were/are Edge's final theme by Alter Bridge, along with the mash up with Burn in My Light by Mercy Drive for Rated RKO, and currently I'd say CM Punk's Cult of Personality.
I'm not really a fan of Evan Bourne's theme song, but I guess I don't need to worry about hearing that for a while.
Christian has the best music by far. Story of the Year are one of my favorite bands. Every time I hear his music, I don't want it to end.

Batista's music used to get me excited about his character. R Truth also had a solid intro when he was a heel.

I never liked HHH's music. He tries too hard to turn it into a great intro and the music just doesn't work with it.
I also don't like CM Punk's new music. This new one has solid lyrics but a tone that kind of kills his character.
Goldberg: Pure epicness. This is still my all time favorite instrumental theme in WWE history.

Edge: What really does it for me is the beginning: the "you think you know me" then the violent guitar.

Y2J: I always liked Break the Walls Down, no matter which variation (although I like the recent one [the one he used since the Save Us angle] the best)

Kofi Kingston (indies): In DSW, Kofi used Confrontation by Damian Marley. It samples Goldberg's song, but its even better, and if WWE used it, it'd be the best theme ever. YouTube it.

Goldust: It was so mystical and weird, but I loved it.

Kane (Slow Chemical): Miles better than that garbage Jim Johnston had him using during his WHC reign.

MVP (2nd): MVP changed his theme once before he left WWE. He only had it for about a couple of weeks, but it fit him perfectly.

Undertaker: Maybe it's just all the theatrics, but every single Taker theme, even the calmer Johnny Cash one he uses now, was eerily awesome.

Christian: I liked the 2005 version of the song he has rather than the one he has now.

Victoria had some good themes all throughout her run in WWE

DX's theme.

Drew MacIntyre


Rey Mysterio's 1st version of the Booyaka song was way too weak for a superstar entrance.
Carlito's song sucked and was just flat-out annoying
Daniel Bryan, our current WHC, has jobber music
William Regal: Not the dark British theme, but that happy little childish crap he used with Eugene
Speaking of Eugene, his sucked too.
Candice Michelle: Towards the end of her run, she started using some house remix of her first song and it sucked balls.
My response to this would have been Dolph Ziggler's theme but he changed a few months back and I just don't think his new one works as well for him as "I am Perfection" I thought that theme fit his charcter to a T. I know he won't get too many shouts because he's a jobber but Santino has good music. He gets massive pops when his music hits and that's pretty cool for a complete tool of a character.

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