Best and Worst Royal Rumble Matches


Turn Bayley heel
With the Royal Rumble coming up today, I have been watching every single Royal Rumble from 1988 to last year. I was just wondering, what everyone's favourite Royal Rumble was, and also their least favourite.

For me, my favourite was probably the 1995 one, because Michaels and Bulldog being in it from start to finish was something that they really hadn't tried before. In addition it was the first time they had a worked finish that actually worked (if the 1994 one would've worked, there'd be some footage of their feet hitting the ground at the same time), one of the only times where this happened. It really got the crowd worked up, and Michaels came accross like a bigger heel than he already was at that stage.

Another plus oint is that entrants came in every 60 seconds instead of two minutes, and as most rumble action happens around entries to the match, the action was far more intense.

Except for the obvious answer of 1988, which was light on stars and before the match really gained an identity, my least favourite Rumble was 2002. The end of the rumble was fine, and I think HHH was the right man to win, but the Royal Rumble suffered from poor planning.

In most years, you have a few big names enter early, and they carry the match for a while, until the rest of the big names enter later on in the match. In 2002, the only main eventer in the first half was the Undertaker, who was then eliminated in under 10 minutes. By Maven of all people. So, because it took so long to get going, and because I couldn't get into it, the end didn't excite me as much as it should have done.

That being said, I am a huge Rumble fan and it is just the worst of a good bunch, in my opinion.
My least favorite that I can remember right now was probably RR 2000. The rest of the card was excellent, with a classic match-up between the Hardys and the Dudleys, and of course the Triple H/Cactus Jack street fight, but the Rumble match itself was kind of crap. You have Rikishi eliminating the first six guys that enter, then dancing with Too Cool before eliminating both of them (ok, that was kinda funny). You have Road Dogg spending half of the Rumble curled up in a fetal position in the corner, which would have been an interesting strategy if anything had been done with it. The numerous run-ins by Kaientai, which might have been humorous if TAKA hadn't gotten hurt on the second attempt, forcing us to watch video of his neck injury every fifteen minutes or so while Jerry Lawler laughed and made jokes about it. The end was somewhat anti-climatic for me as well. I mean c'mon, the final three are the Rock, Big Show, and freaking X-Pac??? Let's get real.

As far as favorite...thats a lot tougher, because they are usually all so good. For sheer mark-out value, I would go with last years. Not because there was really anything special about it, but solely because they did such a superb job of hiding the Cena return. I had absolutely no idea he was making a return until he showed up at number 30. That's very impressive to me, considering most returns are broken here days or even weeks in advance.

Just my two cents...
Top 5 Favorite Rumbles:

#1. 1992 - Great rumble, tons of big names, and Ric Flair winning the belt at the end. He went an hour and didn't sit around, he took the fight to everyone. Bulldog, HBK, Taker, Hogan, Savage, Jake, Piper, Snuka, they were all there.

#2. 2001 - Ok, so Drew Carrey made the list, but this rumble was very action packed. Kane scoring the most eliminations, 4 mystery entrants, Steve Austin a bloody mess, and by the time it got to Rock, Austin, Kane and Taker, you still had your doubts as to who would walk out.

#3. 2002 - I'll take a second to talk about this seeing as Tastycles did not enjoy it. I recently watched Rumble 02 and it still held up. Even the mid-carders in the bgeinning were still decent as compared to, what is in fact my favorite Rumble, 92, where the mid-carders consisted of people like The Repo Man and Skinner. 02 had a lot of names, like Booker T, RVD, Kurt Angle, and I can see that since bigger names came towards the end you would feel that way, but at the time the returns of Mr. Perfect, Goldust, The Godfather and Val Venis made this event worth watching. Plus it's the last Rumble to feature Steve Austin. And I'll never forget Maven or Hurricane trying to double chokeslam HHH and Austin.

#4. 1995 - HBK takes it! It might be the fastest Rumble, but it's certainly the most action packed.

#5. 2003 - It may be just because I attended the event live, but even with the obvious predictability of Brock winning, seeing Jericho eliminate 7, Worlds Greatest making their debuts, Eddie, Chavo, Rey, Edge, Taker, Kane, it was well put together. The final four had 2 from each show, so that was cool.

Top 5 Least Favorite Rumbles:

#1. 2000 - Pyrusane got it correct, when X-Pac makes the final 3 you know there's a problem. It was a little boring at points, plus the fact that The Rock's foot hit first. Man that was idiotic.

#2. 2008 - Aside from the fact that John Cena won when people didn't know he was an entrant, I just found this rumble a little lack luster when it came to action.

#3. 1994 - Like he said, it just didn't work.

#4. 2005 - There were as many big names as there were draw backs and Cena/Batista both eliminating each other only to have to restart was fun, since it wasn't planned, but ultimately dumb.

#5. 1988 - It was the first, and even when I watch them all I just never want to see that first one again. It was a great concept that created very memorable moments, and colums like these today, but I don't think it can be the best.

- Flax
I think it'll already be said by the time I post this, but 1992 was definitely the best. I mean, Hogan, Savage, Flair, Piper, Justice when he was waaay over, Jake Roberts, Taker. Hell, even the undercard was starpacked. Bulldog, HBK, Snuka, Sgt. Slaughter, Duggan. But obviously, the combination of Flair and Heenan made that Rumble. It's easy to see where HBK got the idea to bump around so much in a Royal Rumble... Flair mastered the art in this Rumble. I don't think there was of the Rumble that didn't try to get Flair out; face, heel, it really didn't matter. And each and every time, the crowd popped SOO loudly. I would argue that Sid Justice got the biggest pop by eliminating Hogan. Leads me to wonder just how big a pop it would have been had Flair been the one to toss Hogan. But the pop for Flair winning was so amazing. I argue you won't ever hear a pop for someone winning the Rumble like that ever again. And Heenan's commentary was hilarious. I would say it's his best work ever as a commentator, and that's saying quite a bit. He was perfect as a heel commentator here. It's a perfect reason why there's only going to be one Bobby Heenan. So many entertaining moments... Flair versus Piper was probably my favorite, Savage going after Roberts (though he eliminated himself in the world's dumbest elimination EVER...), and yes, as mentioned before, Justice tossing over Hogan. It was, for my money, the most entertaining of all the Rumbles.

As for my least favorite.... I hated the 99 Rumble. I was simply not a fan. I felt it revolved around Vince and Steve Austin, but if you really look at it, they really only spent about 4 minutes at each other. Not only that, but Austin, the biggest draw of the Rumble, who was so supposed to defy all odds and win after coming at #1, spent such little time actually in the Rumble. Plus, the Rumble was made up of mild mid carders and jobbers. I can't remember too many big names in this Rumble other than Vince and Austin. The only two that come to mind are Kane and Triple H. No Taker. No Rock. No Foley. I mean, the powerhouse of the Rumble was Mabel. Mabel for Christ's sake. And I know X-pac in the final three was bad.... But remember, the final three in this one were Austin, Vinny, and the Big Bossman. The Big Bossman? I'd say that's just as bad as X-pac. And finally, I just wasn't a fan of Vince winning it. I know it led to that steel cage match between him and Austin, but Vince spent such little time actually fighting. I don't know, it just seemed extremely flat. What say you all?
My all time favorite is definitely 2001.

I was watching it again the other day, and it's kind of interesting to see that back then WWE didn't give away the top wrestlers in the beggining of the match, they even through like Freakinflax said Drew Carrey to the list, but it was ok, it got Kane over for that matter, lol.

Kane elimination 11 and after Raven and Al Snow arguing, it was very interesting to watch it, and the final four were very important guys in the company back then, Rock, Austin and the Brothers, everytime I watch it I still want Kane to win it, lol, but Austin was a bloody mess after Triple H's attack, it was definitely the best Rumble, Rock came in number 15 and was after Kane, I believe, the second big name to enter the Rumble, so 13 wrestlers were just jobbers or mid-carders and they still made it look very good.
Worst Rumbles are easily 1995 and 1999. Beginning with 95, for one thing there was a one minute interval and the Rumble was less than 40 minutes long. I can live with 90 seconds, but one minute? That's just awful. Also the match itself is just boring. The highlight of the match near the end is Dick freaking Murdoch. That's how bad it was. The ending with Michaels and Smith was good, but aside from that it will just put you to sleep.

1999 was bad because it was so predictable. Think about it: the final four are Austin, Boss Man and Test, with McMahon on the floor. Now if I was a betting man, and I am, I know all my money is on Boss Man or test. I mean, how could they lose right? There were two real choices all night and the end was the only thing close to a suprise all night. Nothing happened in the match that's memorable as Austin and McMahon were in it just for about half the time. Other than that, no one was a legit candidate.

As for best, has to be 1992. We don't have to wait two months for the title match at Mania. This IS the title match. Also, at the time the ending was stunning. I remember watching it and bawling my eyes out and screaming that Hogan lost. How could that bad man Sid Justice throw out Hulk Hogan? It was a stunning win and the commentary is just a great plus. All star lineup and you kept waiting for Flair to be eliminated but he never did. Just all areound greatness.
I like the 1990 rumble it and really set the bar. It featured some of the top stars 80s and 90s Savage, Dibiase, Perfect, Piper, Snake, Warrior, Hogan. The first face to face confrontation with Warrior was intense and the crowed was electric.

For the worst I have to agree that 1999 was bad. It was too cheesey with Austin coming back in the ambulance and the Undertaker sacrificing Mable. McMahon winning was a good twist.
for me its gotta be 2007, im surprised no1 mentioned it, taker & michaels trying so damn hard 2 eliminate each other, they practically gave us like a 10 minute match trying 2 eliminate each other. & the cena umaga title match was no joke
2001 was definitely the best IMO. We had hardcore rumble and Kane amazing performance + Austin destroyed before even entering the rumble. Quality.

Worst? Right now I would say 2000. But I guess I`m saying that because the rumble was completely overshadowed by the great title match between Cactus Jack and HHH.
I loved this years Royal Rumble match, I think it had everything. Great in ring work, great psychology, surprise win. I haven't watched all the Rumb;es recently to give a completely informed opinion, but I don't remember one being this good for a few years.

The shock of last years with Cena winning was also great, just because I don't think there was one fan that expected it to happen, but up until that point it was pretty bad. But I can't think of a 'worst' in recent years, all have been average at least, with a few good.
I loved this years Royal Rumble match, I think it had everything. Great in ring work, great psychology, surprise win. I haven't watched all the Rumb;es recently to give a completely informed opinion, but I don't remember one being this good for a few years.

The shock of last years with Cena winning was also great, just because I don't think there was one fan that expected it to happen, but up until that point it was pretty bad. But I can't think of a 'worst' in recent years, all have been average at least, with a few good.
Ok well I have a few favs and a few worsts.... Well start with the worst. 1995 for me was by far the worst quality and overall boring RR ever IMO. The lack of talent and poor production quality were really a downer for me. Plus on top of that the entrys were so fast it was rediculous. I always look forward to the royal rumble but that particular year I could have done without.

Also I was totally let down by the debacle that was the 1999 RR. I mean cmon. For the last 20 mins of the rumble you have McMahon doing commentary when he is supposed to be a participant? Rediculous! I was surprised he won the rumble I was very let down.

Now The best,

1992 by far had to be IMO the best rumble of all. Ric Flair wins the title, Hogan gets pushed to the side for once and I loved every minute of it. On top of that and this is aside from the ACTUAL rumble match I thought it was great to see Hot Rod finally snag a strap. I mean I got goose bumps when he won the IC title and the pop was amazing, also setting up a great match between him and Bret Hart.....But I digress...

Aside from that I thought the 1990 rumble was also spot on I mean you got Hogan and Warrior face to face first time I mean the intensity amplified right through the TV when Hogan and Warrior went toe to toe (even though they did the absolutely horrid criss cross).

I mean there were good ones and bad ones but those are my picks.

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