Best and Worst feuds of 2014 (so far)?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Even though I often complain about what the WWE is doing, I will admit that it has provided plenty of epic confrontations this year. Here are some of my favorite feuds.

- Swagger Vs Rusev: While I'm getting annoyed at the cop-out endings, I have enjoyed the majority of their fights and even the storyline that accompanied it. This seemed like a compelling- but stupid and cliched- idea at first, but when they started facing off, I was totally into it.

- R-Truth Vs Bo Dallas: Admittedly I'm probably alone and I'm not even sure if this really counts, but I personally thought it was hilarious when R-Truth defeated the streak because who would've expected it? This feud was more funny than compelling, but it made me laugh.

- Daniel Bryan Vs the Authority: This made me glad that Batista won the Royal Rumble, even if it made that event seem wasted in retrospect. I liked how the writers made the 'hijacking of the show' from the fans as part of the story-line and when Bryan conquered, it really meant something. The matches were really good too, although having Bryan feud with Kane was a petty weak follow-up.

- The Shield Vs The Wyatts: It annoys me that this wasn't fleshed out more, as the fans were totally into this confrontation. It lead to an awesome face run by the Shield and the matches were awesome too.

But here are some of the worst feuds of the year, in my opinion.

- Daniel Bryan Vs Kane: I was okay with this at first as I was grateful that they were trying to do something interesting with Kane, but then I learned that this feud recycled a lot from an earlier storyline involving Kane and Cena and...It was pretty dumb. The attempts at creating a horror film out of it were unintentionally amusing and Bryan being scared of Kane made so sense as he overcame him in nearly all of their confrontations.

- Adam Rose Vs Jack Swagger: Whereas Im not sure what would be THE best feud of the year, this likely would be the worst. It was embarrassing seeing Swagger humiliated in every single confrontation, not helped by the fact that I dislike Rose.

- Cesaro Vs Jack Swagger: This was bad on a writing level because it derailed Cesaro's impending face turn and bringing in RVD undermined the bad blood between the two.

- Fandango Vs Summer/Layla: The entire love triangle sucked and this sucked so badly that I started to root for Fandango because the girls were acting more like heels by that point.

- Batista Vs Alberto del Rio: Batista squashed del Rio. Was it even a feud?

Honorable Mentions

- The Shield Vs Evolution: Evolution didn't win enough battles and they only did any damage to the Shield because Triple H abused his authority- which he was doing anyway. But the matches themselves were really good.

- Undertaker Vs Brock Lesnar: Weak finale, but I will admit that the build-up was usually effective.

- Ambrose Vs Rollins: This would be great if it wasn't for the cop-out finishes. I initially found myself frustrated at Ambrose's stupidity, but now the interferences, the cancelled matches have soured my opinions...Even though I have enjoyed their few actual matches.

- Wyatt Vs Cena and Wyatt Vs Jericho failed, but weren't terrible. His program with Cena was sloppily written and the finale reeked of backstage politics, but I admired its ambitious- if poorly executed- ideas. I don't think Wyatt and Jericho have very good chemistry and their feud makes no sense, but the matches themselves have been decent.

Anyway, what about your favorite/least favorite feuds? Am I missing anything? Henry Vs Rusev has had a strong start and I'm one of the few people who have enjoyed Cena Vs Lesnar, although it will come down to where they go with it.
The Shield V Wyatts for me. An absolute breath of fresh air. I know at the time The Shield were kind of in limbo between being faces or heels, but they hadn't been looked upon as faces at the time, so it was great the WWE allowed two badass heel factions to go at it because the people wanted it. As MartialHorror said, it's a shame they didn't milk the cow a little more, but the two matches were absolutely incredible. The first one especially, and the feud helped lead to a Shield breakup tease before we got the face turn.

I know "This is awesome" chants are used much more frequently now and may not quite have the same meaning as before, but they were fully deserved for this match and even just as they were staring each other down.
Some of the Feuds i have enjoyed would be:

Wyatts vs Uso's - put on some surprisingly good matches in my opinion and have a few cool spots like during the Cena and Wyatt last man standing with Harper doing a suplex through the tables. only issue with this would have been i would have loved to have seen a title swap

Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins - probably my favourite feud so far, the interferences / cancelled matches as mentioned by OP does annoy me but i haven't seen anything as cool / innovative as the cinder blocks curb stomp in a long time and have a feeling that when they finally do have their last match of the feud its going to be an all out war, hopefully in Hell in a Cell.

I find it hard not to enjoy anything cos i'm pretty easy going when it comes to what i'm watching but I just feel like i haven't enjoyed anything Kane has done all year and I'm a huge Kane fan. Maybe it's because i know he's going to lose every important match now and i just feel like theres no point in watching any of his matches. I did a quick check and (I may be wrong) but i think Kane only has one clean victory this year over Dean Ambrose which makes any potential Kane feud in the future look dull to me. Sorry if that's a little off topic.
The main problem with Kane is that he's jobbing so severely that he now seems weak.

I liked the Uso's Vs Wyatt's matches, but I felt that the feud was written as almost a subplot to Bray's feuds.
I've been loving Ambrose vs Rollins so far. And I may be one of the few people that doesn't see the match finishes or non starts as cop-outs. I think it's just been to build Ambrose as a baby face and Rollins as a heel. When they eventually do have there final match (hopefully at Hell in a cell) I think it will be all the sweeter because of the build up.

Even though I think it went on a bit too long and some of the matches were boring, Daniel Bryan's battle against the authority was great storytelling. Bryan finally coming out on top at mania was one of the most feel good moments I've ever seen on wrestling. It's iust a shame the crowd was still in mourning over The Undertakers loss, I think it drained some of the life out of the PPV finish. It's just a shame the followed up all his momentum with a terrible storyline with Kane. Who is just not a credible opponent anymore after all the jobbing he's done over the past few years.

I've enjoyed Cena vs Lesnar so far. It's only been one match but it was a hell of a match. And Heyman has been doing some of his best work yet. Can't wait for the rematch at Night of Champions.

Honourable mention to The Shield vs The Wyatts. They may have only had one match but it was awesome. When they had their first stare down on Raw, you could just see it was special. The crowd went crazy for it. It's just a shame they didn't get a lengthier feud.

As for least favourite feuds I will say that I got bored of Cena vs Wyatt very very early. Wyatt is a great talent, no doubt, but I just felt myself being very bored by his shtick after a while. The same promos and ambushes over and over. The mic work was as strong as always, it was just way too repetitive.

Wyatt vs Jericho has been very underwhelming so far as well. The same problems as his feud with Cena, repetitive mic work and no explanation for why he's targeting Jericho. Plus Jericho has got next to no mic time.

And finally Steph vs Brie. They spent waaaay to much time of this feud. I'll admit their match at Summarslam wasn't the train wreck I expected, but it was still very uninteresting to me. Brie's awful mic work is just painful to watch, and the dumb affair storyline didn't help either.
One of the issues I had with Bray Vs Cena is that during that feud, Bray got way too much promo time. Some people can carry my attention for that long if they have the right material, like Paul Heyman or even Triple H. Bray's rambling only works in short bursts. If they he speaks for too long, it gets REALLY boring.
I really liked the Shield vs. Evolution fued. Some of the backstage crytpic promos the Shield cut in the dimly lit hallway were the best they did as a group. HHH and Orton had their moments, and Batista was just bland and boring as usual, but overall, the promos worked, considering the length of the fued.

The matches, I thought, were exceptional. The high spot where Rollins cross bodied everyone off of the upper deck balcony in the crowd was a Jeff Hardy-esque spot; dangerous, inventive, and big pop inducing.

Wyatt cut some great promos during his fued with Cena, which I enjoyed for the most part. The matches left something to be desired, but Wyatt really came into his own and got over with those promos.

Ambrose v. Rollins has been fun to watch recently, although with Dean taking time off, I'm not sure how the Reigns v. Rollins fued will play out.

I was really disappointed with Jericho's return and fued with the Wyatts, just seemed to be lacking any real meaning.

Bryan v. The Authority was great and really put Bryan at that next level of being over. The timing of his injury is such a shame, although I'm not sure a Bryan v. Lesnar fued would have been all that believable.

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