Best and Worst Entrance Themes


What's the craic?
Pomp and Circumstance, The Man Called Sting or just that sound of smashing glass; what music really floats your boat? My personal favorite is Randy Orton's Voices but on given days I still mark out for Real American.

The WWe's Goldberg theme on the other hand still has me spitting nails:banghead:, what makes you wanna throw something at the television?
Any theme that Billy Gunn used back in the day (except "I'm an Ass Man", that's a guilty pleasure of mine). He has some really crappy intros like:

"Nobody moves.....nobody gets hurt"

Other themes I couldn't stand no matter what-
Heidenreich's Dangerous Politics
Scott Steiner's WWE "Holler If You Hear Me"
Jeff Jarrett's WWE Music
Rey Mysterio's "Who's That Jumpin Out The Sky (only because he used that for YEARS)

Best Entrance Themes:
Hulk Hogan's Real American
Eddie Guerrero's "Lie, Cheat, Steal" (any version really)
The Brood Theme
The Undertaker's Ministry Of Darkness Theme
Best entrance theme? Demolition, by far.

I also liked Raven's WWE song, The Four Horsemen had a killer tune, and Taz' ECW theme was kickass too. "Survive if I let you" Simply awesome in my opinion.
Another great one was Enter Sandman- the ECW crowd used to be in a complete frenzy by the time he made it to the ring. Probably the longest entrance too!

By the same standard, both WCW and WWe's themes for Sandman plumb sucked- given the amount of money Ted Turner and Vince have, you'd have thought they could have splashed for the rights. Some people would argue that Enter Sandman was better than the character!
Ones I like:

- "The one" billy gunn's theme - very catchy riff
- Edge's rob zombie theme - Very upbeat and fun
- The Dudley boyz + pyro missile - Great entrance set the tone for their match
- Brock Lesnar - just awesome and intimidating

Ones I don't like:
- Sexual chocolate mark henry - Too slow and chilled to take his big person style seriously
- three count - how god-awful was that????
- Any diva themes - why are they so bland? They all sound the same with no distinction just compare sable's theme to most of the diva's in the attitude era, or take the Miss royal rumble 2000 contest, you wouldn't know who was coming next apart from mae young!
There have been a lot of great themes in wrestling such as this one.


You just know greatness is on the way.

On the other hand there have been some pretty bad ones too.



Somehow I don't think I'd be intimidated if I were the opponent. Just awful.

EDIT: No offense, but I would love to see this moved to the spam section just so I can post more videos without having to comment on them.
EDIT: No offense, but I would love to see this moved to the spam section just so I can post more videos without having to comment on them.

None taken, I've sent a request to D-Man (his avatar reminds me of someones) to move the thread. I was kinda in two minds at the time as to which of the two sections to go for.
Best- If you knew my former user name, this one really shouldn't surprise you......




Seriously, what the fuck is this supposed to be? This sounds like something you should listen to while sitting on the beach. No wrestler should come to the ring while this music is playing. Then again, The Posse were nothing but a bunch of jobbers.



Here are some more bad ones, but at least they fit the bad gimmicks.




And here's a good one. Seriously. I love this theme.


I could do this all day.
Great choices for the best, Ferbian. It's been a while since I heard that version of HHH's theme song, and the JeriShow theme was just awesome.

Also, I was very close to choosing Yoshi's theme as the worst. It sounds like something that should be playing in a nightclub.
Agree with Tatsu as worst. Real close is Kung Fu Naki.

Orton's (last two)
The Rock

They scream main-event when they start.
Great choices for the best, Ferbian. It's been a while since I heard that version of HHH's theme song, and the JeriShow theme was just awesome.

Indeed they are both awesome, the drowning pool version is by far my favorite theme from Triple H, and JeriShow's theme is just plain awesome, I love the part where the singer goes "It's the Big Show.. and Jericho"

Also, I was very close to choosing Yoshi's theme as the worst. It sounds like something that should be playing in a nightclub.

nightclubs usually play better music.
Two awesome themes



Two not so awesome themes


im gonna stick to present day
BEST - randy orton - voices, such a good song that really helps his character

WORST - Ted Dibiase. the its a new day thing was cool when he was debuting with his new guy thing, but now that hes trying to establish himself it doesnt cut it, especially when hes usign a recycles gimmick, his song shouldnt be about NEW things
One more for now before I get ready to leave for the ppv. I know I'm in the minority, but I liked this character and thought this was a good theme for his gimmick and the timeframe.

CM Punk's song is very good.
Bret Hart's one is also pretty awesome.
But the best is this one...


It's so damn catchy
Also, I don't mind Yoshi Tatsu's one.



When I first heard Shad's i thought it was a Diva.
Stone Colds Alliance Themes are clearly the worst. Sounds like something a jobber would have.

Some good ones


One hell of a song and I get pumped whenever I hear it.


This is an epic song, one of the many reasons I'm sad that Cena isn't using this gimmick anymore.

Now for some shit ones


I mean, WTF is this, the start just sounds ******ed and doesn't get much better throughout.


This one isn't necessarily bad but I dislike it. Sounds generic and rather bland.

Well these are the only ones I can think of the moment. I'm sure i'll be back.

I remember thinking this was the funniest song ever when I was 7 or 8. I remember being at Sonny's Barbeque and I starting randomly singing this and my mom freaked out on me because she thought I was making fun of the people next to us who may or may not have been gay.

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