Benoit in Elimination Chamber


Pre-Show Stalwart
So today I got the new Elimination Chamber dvd and at the start of the third elimination match I saw someone I never thought I'd see in a new WWE dvd again, Chris Benoit. With the news of his matches being edited off of some classic WWE pay-per-views such as Wrestlemania 20 I felt like I'd literally seen a ghost. The Benoit family tragedy shook the very foundation of the industry and caused Vince to basically erase the legacy of one of the greatest technical wrestlers in the history of professional wrestling. Now that they have broken the ice with sliding him onto a dvd do you think that more of his matches will be made available and that his championship history could one day be put back on the WWE website or could it be due to the relatively young history of the Elimination Chamber and the small amount of their matches?
I think it honestly has to do more with the Elimination Chamber concept itself. Originally from what I heard, they were going to just include clips of this match and just show the parts with the other five participants. I guess this was either an error or WWE changed their minds in production and decided to include the match. This is supposed to be an Elimination Chamber "anthology." Therefore, the WWE was in a bind. If they eliminated the Chamber match altogether, the fans would have felt ripped off as the DVD didn't live up to its name. If they included Benoit and mentioned him by name on the back cover, they promote Chris Benoit, going against a strict policy since the Benoit murder-suicide. I am shocked that WWE decided to put the match on there despite the stink of the Benoit situation, but his involvement in the match is unadvertised from what I understand having read the early match listing information.

I don't look for Chris Benoit to appear on too many more DVDs other than this simply for the sheer fact that the company refuses to associate itself with a killer. As I mentioned on an earlier thread, unless Benoit is somehow magically exonerated in a CSI: Atlanta way, Benoit will not be acknowledged by the WWE, no matter what his accomplishments or mental capacity was at the time of the murders.
So today I got the new Elimination Chamber dvd and at the start of the third elimination match I saw someone I never thought I'd see in a new WWE dvd again, Chris Benoit. With the news of his matches being edited off of some classic WWE pay-per-views such as Wrestlemania 20 I felt like I'd literally seen a ghost. The Benoit family tragedy shook the very foundation of the industry and caused Vince to basically erase the legacy of one of the greatest technical wrestlers in the history of professional wrestling. Now that they have broken the ice with sliding him onto a dvd do you think that more of his matches will be made available and that his championship history could one day be put back on the WWE website or could it be due to the relatively young history of the Elimination Chamber and the small amount of their matches?

On the re-releases of WM 20, did they just remove his match entirely?

Chris Benoit will unfortunately never be properly incorporated into anything WWE again. They will edit him out as much as they can, and if you felt like you were watching a ghost during the Elimination Chamber DVD, then they've done their job pretty well.

Sure, some of the younger fans are going to ask questions and find out about Chris Benoit since you never hear of him these days, but a couple of generations down the line, Chris Benoit will have never existed.

Personally, I dont think it's right to remove him from the old DVD releases and re-release stuff purely because they've edited Benoit out, but I can understand them not including him in any post-death releases.
Benoit was also included in the SummerSlam anthology. I expect WWE to include him if they release anthology type dvds in the future, but that's it. For example, if a King of the Ring or MITB dvd is released we will see Benoit. From what I understand there are no Benoit matches on Jericho's dvd. So they won't wipe him out of an anthology, but won't put him in any best of dvds.
He's in that match for, what, 10 minutes? No point ruining a match by editing out the most insignificant man in it. Only a quarter of the match must've posed a problem for WWE, until they realised it was no big deal leaving him in.

That match was all about Batista anyway.
If Benoit is in this, than I definitely have to buy it. I still respect him as a wrestler, even though what he did was heinous and incomprehensible.

I don't remember hearing anything of Benoit being edited out of WrestleMania XX. Or do you mean when you watch classic matches on WWE's site and OnDemand?

Anyway, I think he'll be featured in certain anthology DVDs such as SummerSlam, WrestleMania, Royal Rumble and Survivor Series since those are the big 4 pay-per-views where all the big storylines culminate. If they ever do a King of the Ring anthology, he'll probably be featured there as well. But as far as being featured in DVDs for other wrestlers, he won't be mentioned or aknowledged ever again.

It's a shame too that WWE has tried to distance itself from Benoit, even though it is understandable because of what happened. I heard Ric Flair aknowledged Chris Benoit during his induction speech at the 2008 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony, but it was edited out when it came out on DVD.

But despite how that all went down, Benoit contributed a lot to the wrestling business and shouldn't be phased out as if he never existed.

The sad thing about this is that we don't know what went down that fateful weekend back in June 2007. And unless someone invents a method of time travel to go back into the past and witness it, we'll probably never know.
Benoit gets mentioned for like a second and seen for about a second or two in the Triple H King Of King's DVD which was released around about the time of WrestleMania 24, and I noticed a couple of weeks ago and on this weeks that he's seen for like a second when they showed highlights of the WM21 MITB match. But to have him in the match I have to say is pretty good. Unforgiveable actions yet you cant fully erase him. Understandable however if WWE chose or choose for future DVDs to not have him in view in some form or another.
Well to be quite honest with all of you if you go back into interview archives with Vince McMahon he has been quoted (granted this isn't an exact quote by me either) saying that "you can't sit here and deny anything Benoit has done in the business and you can't just write him out of history, and that in time Benoit will start to slowly fade into the light again"

Vince knows that Benoit has been in a lot of significant situations in both his WCW and WWE careers. In WWE he was in Money in The Bank and while Vince may try and edit Benoit out of that you can't because he was a major part of the finish of that match and when the DVD anthology comes out for that everyone will remember. Benoit had that great triple threat match with Triple H and HBK which gave Benoit the opportunity to run with the ball, and while it might be edited out at the moment, it was the main event of WM and can't be denied in history for what happened.

I mean basically everyone will see Benoit more and more as the years progress, time heals everything and us as the wrestling community has to understand that.
I can't wait to see what they do when "The RadicalZ" make their jump to RAW. It's going to be VERY difficult to edit him out all of that. Not to mention if they DO erase Benoit from that, they'd be erasing the legacy of Guerrero, Malenko and... umm... well, Saturn really doesn't have a legacy but, I digress.
I bought the DVD set yesterday but I haven't had a chance to watch it yet but I am really glad that they included Bnoit in it. That's really cool of WWE to put him in the match but I don't expect them to do more than that.
I think that we will know when WWE will officially get over with Chris Benoit, it will be when they put his own DVD set back up for sale.
I was shocked reading that WWE actually included Benoit in anything after what he was accused of, ever since that day WWE has never mention Benoit as if he never even was real, I actually noticed which was a surprised that they listed Benoit in the Championship history page, I have always like Benoit and to this day do not believe and they have not 100% proved he was the killer, if they have I totally missed something, I kept up on what was going on with his investigation cause I watched Benoit in his WCW days, watch Woman manage many teams growing up and then the night Benoit was slated to win the ECW title as far as I thought, he never showed up, thought J.R. reported Benoit could not be with us as he had to hurry home because of a family emergency, I dont' know, if he is 100% guilty then yeah put him in the pass, he destroyed his legacey as a wrestler, and I can not see cheering for a guy who could do that to his family, a wife and son, WWE will have a lot of heat from many for any mention or achknowlegment of Benoit, we all know that, sponsors will not want to back a known killer.

No matter how many times I think of that day hearing what happen its a sad and shocking day for wrestling, still want to know, was he proven 100% to have done it
By the way guys if you have not heard they were some edits to that match. The commentary was edited when the annoucers say something good about Benoit like in the original release King said "Benoit beat HHH for the world title at WM20" which was edited out in this DVD realese. But the most shocking thing was that they edited out good things about Benoit but they decide its ok to leave this in "And Benoit just landed on his head" (After missing the headbutt) which is more questionable then them editing good comments due to Benoits head problems. Just thought i will pass this along.
I think its a good thing that they included the match in its entirety as it would be an incomplete set otherwise. You know... i apologize for switching gears on this but is it just me or wouldn't it behoove the WWE to invest some money in investigating the Benoit death rather than just outright erase him. Not that I think there was some mystery killer, but if they can prove for instance he was sick or had a head injury from something else then they can prevent this kind of thing in the future. It's sad that they'd rather ignore the whole thing and risk another wrestler taking lots of risks and losing it at some point. And who knows if they can prove that he wasn't culpable for his role due to mental illness or something then they can still use him and let's be honest benoit will make a great teaching tool for future generations as far as wrestling is concerned
Im glad they kept Chris Benoit in the Elimination Chamber DVD despite what happend. I still have alot of Respect for what he did in the Ring and all the Titles he won. I still enjoy watching his Matches and try not to think about the end of his Life. It is true that will we may never know what happend that June 2007 Weekend unless we can travel back in time somehow.
Well im My homest opinion I'm very happy WWE decided to put Benoit in this anthology dvd, i mean yes the man murded his wife and son and eventually killed himself, but to just erase him from the thing that when he and his family were alive that made them live period is disgusting in my book. I say it like this if you gonna take Benoit out, take Woman out too cuz both had to do something with that tragic day, whats funny is I was watching the Bret Hart: Best There Is, Best There Was, Best There Ever Will Be 3disc set, and Chris Benoit is all in that DVD, and the DVD was made appr. a year before he did thoses things to his family, WWE til this day has not edited him out of that DVD because he plays a prolific roll in Bret's last days as a wrestler in WCW... So We will see Benoit again ill say the wound of this tragedy will heel in another 2-5 yrs, I just wish Martha Hart(Owens Wife) will learn from this situation and let WWE put out Owen Hart DVD's as Im a fan of the whole Canandian wrestling Legacy and there affiliates(Benoit,Hart Family,Lance Storm,Robert Roode,Chris Jericho,Edge,Christion, and many more)... Thanx enterkey 4 letting me know about Benoit being in this DVD fr i will purchase it now for that soul purpose....
Rated R[ob]KO;2217166 said:
I can't wait to see what they do when "The RadicalZ" make their jump to RAW. It's going to be VERY difficult to edit him out all of that. Not to mention if they DO erase Benoit from that, they'd be erasing the legacy of Guerrero, Malenko and... umm... well, Saturn really doesn't have a legacy but, I digress.
You mean the way they didn't edit Benoit of Nitro episodes (on WWE Classics OnDemand) when he was in the Horsemen? Oh, wait... (Actually, they left him in once, but all he did was stand there, and I think they did edit out any direct references to him.)

At least they won't have to worry about what to do with the "Owen Hart Tribute Match" for another five or six years...

-- Don
I think the WWE are being a bunch of *****es lately. They're scared of the media and are trying to get rid of any bad publicity. They're PG now, they banned tons of moves, they banned headshots with chairs, and they are trying to erase Benoit. Benoit was never a problem. Benoit was a great man and an awesome wrestler. The guy who killed Nancy and Benoit's kid was not Benoit. Benoit was dead before that crap happened. There's no way he was thinking straight as himself when he did that. The guy who killed those two also killed Chris Benoit, the family man and great wrestler. I remember Chris as an awesome technical wrestler. I don't dare to remember the guy who killed his family and himself.

I'm glad Benoit is in this DVD and I hope to see him in future releases. I also hope his championship history is reinstated.
Tristan Cross you idiot Benoit killed himself and his family you idiot.

I am actually quiet glad that Chris Benoit is on the Elimation chamber DVD and now I might buy it because it sounds all right and I would like to see Chris Benoit in the ring again but that will not happen but may because Benoit had a son from his first marriage so that might be the second coming of Benoit but I doubt it.

Also I think that the WWE did not want you to see him on the DVD but then again they might have tried to edit him out and if he did not win then why not have him on it has done no harm.

On the subject of Chris Benoit on DVD its really funny that the 2007 Ladder Match DVD was sold so closed to his death but was not edited after it was like eight days after he died.:suspic: god must have wanted that to come out.

Chris Benoit is mention on the Smackdown DVD but very briefly like 10-20 seconds and show in the highlights of that sick ladder match.

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