Bellas Fired!

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Beep Bop Boop!/JoeyStyles/status/197146471131389952 said:
DAYTON, Ohio – has learned that The Bella Twins have been fired from WWE.

The news comes just one day after Layla defeated Nikki Bella to capture the Divas Championship at Extreme Rules.

Stay with tonight for more details as they become available.

Well, I guess that settles that. I was a fan of the Bellas, but all in all, they didn't have much going for them other than the twins thing. Thoughts?
It's kind of disappointing... you know, cause Kharma was supposed to eat them when she returned.

Even though there's been talk of them not renewing, I think it's a work. Whenever WWE does fire someone, they do the politically correct future endeavors bit, to flat out say "they've been fired" I think might lead to something.
mmm I saw that as well. Does seem very weird the way that happened. Sort of like the whole Reks and Hawkins thing. Will be interesting to see what happens, but I thought they would have handled it differently if they were leaving.
Finally. Damn, thought they'd never leave

probably shouldn't get my hopes up, this may just be a story. but I considered the Bellas the biggest....well, tied for second biggest waste of space on the divas roster besides Kelly Kelly and just barely edging out Eve.They've done nothing but that "ref's back is turned, Twin B switches with twin A to steal the win" thing since they've been in the company. and yet they were given two runs with the divas title is clear to everyone I hated the Bellas yet? Just making sure.

in my eyes, once the guest host thing ran it's course, the Bellas lost...well I won't say appeal, as they never appealed to me. but they lost something.

only wish they had been fed to Kharma before they left. what a shame
It was reported a few months ago that their contracts were set to expire and they were not going to re-sign. Why would they be legit fired 10 minutes after they just had a match? Their contract is done and I believe saying they were fired and announcing it live on RAW is WWEs way of portraying the "legitamacy" they have been speaking of. But yes they are probably gone for good but hey they werent doing much anyway.
If WWE knew what they were doing, Kharma would be Divas Champion right now.

If Kharma was ready for that kind of a schedule, she'd probably be on it. Therefore I don't think that it is a matter of them not knowing what they're doing, rather them not being able to do it.
So why give them a 6 day title reign right before they are fired and give them any more revelance than they already had when you could just let their contracts
expire and let them fade off the programming. This is definitely a strange way for a send off its legit. It would have made since had it been Kharma who came back last night instead of Layla. It's time to put effort into diva booking or just save some $ and keep 3 or 4 good looking girls to use as Valets like back in the day
Does seem weird if Nikki Bella was given a short title reign just before leaving, and it also seems like they would have been kept around to feed to Kharma when she returns. The Bellas did not bother me as much as some others on here, but the twin switch did get old. I think they would have fared better as valets which is something I think we could use a little more of today. If they are really gone I don't think it will make a difference to most fans or the women's division in general.
So why give them a 6 day title reign right before they are fired and give them any more revelance than they already had when you could just let their contracts
expire and let them fade off the programming.

It could be that they wanted to transition the title to Layla without her having to beat Beth Phoenix for whatever reason, or it could have simply been a nice gesture to say "thanks for your time here, we'd love to have you back", or maybe something else. Granted a verbal thank you could have been sufficient, but they must have had their reasons. I don't think that it was reported but maybe they did hope for Kharma to return last night, even though Layla was obviously ready to return. To me it isn't a big deal but like with everything else, I can see why others feel differently.
Finally. Damn, thought they'd never leave

probably shouldn't get my hopes up, this may just be a story. but I considered the Bellas the biggest....well, tied for second biggest waste of space on the divas roster besides Kelly Kelly and just barely edging out Eve.They've done nothing but that "ref's back is turned, Twin B switches with twin A to steal the win" thing since they've been in the company. and yet they were given two runs with the divas title is clear to everyone I hated the Bellas yet? Just making sure.

in my eyes, once the guest host thing ran it's course, the Bellas lost...well I won't say appeal, as they never appealed to me. but they lost something.

only wish they had been fed to Kharma before they left. what a shame

My freakin thoughts exactly! No truer words have even be spoken.. Buut I'm not going to get my hopes up that they actually gone.. it could just be a work...:disappointed:
Dude, last night when Layla came out it looked like my whole section's collective balloons got popped. we swore up and down Karma was coming out.

Good bye twin magic.
thank goodness.
They needed to leave. If you watched the Exclusive video of them being fired, they're HORRIBLE at promos. I've never seen such a mediocre, lackluster reaction to being fired from your job.
Cause Beth is injured and Layla wasn't back yet, so they had Beth drop the belt to one of the Bellas, had them lose it Layla when she came back.
Even though there's been talk of them not renewing, I think it's a work.

The recent rumors that abounded were telling us their contracts were up last night anyway, so what's the sense of firing them? I figured last night was their final appearance by their choice, making a dismissal by the company unnecessary. But if that's so, why were they mad at each other after the match as they went up the ramp for the last time? Is that how they wanted to be seen in their final WWE appearance?

It could be a work. Maybe they're doing the C.M. Punk routine of last Summer, angling for a vacation between contracts. Of course, Punk never actually took one, but that was the storyline/reality of the supposed negotiations (we may never know what was real and what wasn't). Perhaps the Bellas' have signed new contracts and WWE is indulging their request for time off.

Then again, the Bella twins aren't C.M. Punk.....and if they are to make a triumphant routine after some time off, who's really going to care?
I don't give one single shit about the Bellas or this story, but I've been expressing concern about Kharma, considering a previously advertised feud between she and the Bellas. I guess she'll just come back and feud with Layla, and become the female Lord Tensai.
The Bellas join Stacy Kiebler as the only Divas to work for the company for an extended period of time without McMahon putting a new set of boobs on them.

Riveting information there captain.

I say this would just be because their contracts expired. doing what they did with John Morrison to make Either Eve (if that's the way they're going) or Laurinitis garner more heat. Saying the "reason" they got "fired" was because of the shocking loss they both copped.

The only way that they could turn this into a storyline worth giving two shit's about is if only one of them had of been "fired" and they kept the twin magic gimmick going, having the other run out from the crowd. but then again, even that sounds stupid seeing they hadn't been picked up on over the twin magic.
I see a lot of people think this is legit. Did I miss something here? Isn`t this obviously a work?? They wrestled and some minutes later it is announced on air that they are fired. They even have the video of them being fired posted. This is either a work or they are leaving but will be back later.
Apparently its a storyline twist to get more heat on Eve Torres.

I think it's smart. Using commonly known gossip (contracts expiring) and using it create a storyline twist.

That being said, I think the Bellas will be back, maybe after a couple weeks. It seems as though Creative is really trying to go after this whole "Reality" era... which doesn't really make sense when the US champ is an overgrown cartoon character.

Still, should be interesting to see where this storyline goes from here.
Bella Twins won't be missed. The entire WWE Divas division is in the toilet so pretty much they can be replaced.
I really wish this was true, but it's just not likely. For some reason, they love their Bellas. Guess I'll just have to savor the time they're not on screen.

I'm still trying to get over my disgust that both of them have been champions (even if it was for short periods of time).

When they inevitably return, the very least they could do is add something to their schtick or give them some sort of personality. I'm not asking for deep characters, or anything; just something that's different from the same-old, same-old. I don't think that's asking for too much. It'd make them a little more tolerable, anyway.

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