Bella Twins: Better Version of LayCool?


Vipère Mortelle
Maybe? Maybe not... but they're SO hot and there are two of them, and I think I have thing for hot bitchy girls.

Now a lot of the IWC doesn't care about the Divas division as we know so, this ISNT ABOUT OTHER DIVAS (other than a Lay-Cool comparison)

Clearly, the Bella Twins as heels have a very similar gimmick to that of LayCool. LayCool may have been annoying at times but for a good period of time, they kept the Divas division relatively interesting, watchable, and still something people could care about.

My question is how do you guys feel about the Bella twins?
Are they relevant?
Are they better than LayCool?
If not, do they have the potential to be?

How would you guys continue to book the Bella twins?
Laycool > Bellas all day.
But although I do like the Bellas (to me they give off a good aura of some bad bitches lol), they need a damn script. If they are following a script, whoever wrote it needs to be shot in the face, because they say some complete BS at times. Their in ring skills are good, but I always felt Nikki was a better wrestler than Brie, or maybe I'm just over-analyzing?
My question is how do you guys feel about the Bella twins?
Think they're super hot, and surprisingly decent in-ring/on mic.

Are they relevant?
As relevant as anyone in the Divas division can be, I suppose.

Are they better than LayCool?
They are very different, I understand the similarities, but it's hard to say one is really better than the other. I personally like them better, but LayCool had a good thing going for a while.

If not, do they have the potential to be?
In the long run, absolutely. The fact that they're twins already makes them more memorable to fans, and gives them better marketing potential.

How would you guys continue to book the Bella twins?
Well the Divas division is hurting to put it lightly. With the loss of LayCool and the loss of Kharma shortly after, there just really aren't enough talented females to keep things interesting in the long term. The girls that can legit wrestle (Nattie, Beth, Gail, AJ) never really get used (or they're on SD). So basically it's all Eve, Bellas, and KK at the moment. Doesn't leave you with too many options to book them any other way then they currently are being, which is to give them some spotlight on Raw each week. It's my hope WWE will bring in some talent again to mix things up though so their gimmick doesn't get stale, cause I'm definitely a big fan of theirs.
The Bellas have a job because they are twins. They are annoying and cant wrestle worth a damn. In fact the only reason they didnt get future endeavored is because Vince A. Thinks people all want to have sex with a pair of twins and that in his mind keeps guys tuning in and B. They need someone to hang with guest hosts. Now they have a guaranteed job for 12 months and that just sucks.
Personally the divas division died when Lita retired cuz she was the last great one that left. Laycool sucked as hell they were annoying to the point i wanted to just mute the tv, i would rather listen to michael cole praise the miz for a half hour straight they listen to Laycool for five minutes. Laycool also never made sense they called Mickie James, Piggy James but let Vicky Guerrero run with them and Vickie is bigger than Mickie and is less hotter. Now and days if i want to see better female wrestling I just wait till Thursday for Impact Wrestling where Wrestling still matters. If it Monday and I see a Divas match on i change the channel. One more thing though Laycool and The Bellas now are just like DX in the 90's a cheap rip-off of a different company idea. Way before there was the Flawless Laycool and The Bellas there was in TNA, The Beautiful People who were wayyyyyyyyyyyy hotter and more entertaining.
the Bella Trolls don't hold a candle to McCool or Layla in terms of attractiveness or overall talent in the ring.

I was really hoping they would have been released by now, but as someone has pointed out due to there being two of them, they still have jobs,

But lets be honest they are two of the worst looking, wrestling and talking Divas to ever step foot in a WWE ring.
Lay-Cool were the reason I was interested in the Divas from the day I started watching wrestling to the day Michelle McCool left WWE. They could wrestle, they could talk and they had personality. They were at the epicentre of the Divas division for a reason, because they were so damn good at what they did.

The Bella Twins don't compare to them in any respect. Actually, they're probably more marketable than Lay-Cool was. But that's only because they are twins and there are a hell of a lot of perverts out there.
My question is how do you guys feel about the Bella twins?
They are pretty entertaining and hot as hell... I definitely enjoy watching them, which is rare because I hardly enjoy the divas division aside from them, melina, and nattie (and even nattie is just because of who she is).

Are they relevant?

None of the divas are really relevant. In terms of the divas though, they are definitely relevant, probably the strongest heels on the show out of the divas, AND they are the most unique... they are freakin twins, that's rare to find in the E.

Are they better than LayCool?
If not, do they have the potential to be?

Yes, because of michelle mccool being the weak link of laycool... layla is freakin awesome and has the best ass in the biz, mccool is just an avg diva who doesn't stand out at all. Together they were a good match and layla helped carry mccool, but compared to the bellas they're not as good and can't compete with two twins who just give room to more stories etc.

How would you guys continue to book the Bella twins?

I'd eventually have them feuding against each other, arguing over who is prettier, since they are twins it'll be the most ridiculous thing but it'll still be fun and they can pull it off i'm sure
Well I'd say yes to the thread title because lets be honest, it's not hard to be better than LayCool.

I like Layla but not enough to blindly cheer for her for hitting a Diamond Dust and Michelle was one of the most boring, annoying and horrible "performers" I ever had the misfortune of watching/listening to. I'm sure she's a nice woman in person but on tv, I never got her constant pushes or title reigns despite trying really hard not to fall into the cliched (if true in her case) argument of "it's who she's laying underneath at night" reasoning.

The Bellas aren't exactly stellar talkers or wrestlers and neither is Kelly, all three are actually bland, pointless (although the Bellas are actually attractive to me, Kelly's face just looks odd in my eyes) but the thing is, Nikki and Brie and others who can't really perform where it counts on tv are automatically given the bitchy bully type of thing because not surprisingly, it's easy to do.

Take The Beautiful People for example. They were doing this thing years ago before LayCool and it got them over too because it's easy and doesn't take too much thought to say something that can be construed as bullying (which is the same gimmick that the staff on these forums have, it's that easy to do as I said).

Could it get either of the Bellas another title reign? Possibly, depends how much Vince loves putting Kelly as the main focus of the Divas (or how much he loves putting her on her back in his office) but unless Dolph suddenly becomes relevant enough in WWE to the fans and the locker room to aid whichever one he's dating then we'll have to see if the Bellas surpass LayCool as far as longevity and prominence as a formidable heel unit.

layla ...... has the best ass in the biz

I think Tara will have to challenge that statement good sir.

Hey, even if you disagree and a Best Butt contest breaks out online between them, everyone wins right?
Not even close.

Sometimes I wonder why the Fella twins even have jobs, but it's whatever. They're improving.. I guess. But Laycool were leaps and bounds better (or, leaps and bounds in Divas terms, atleast.)

Now... if you were to ask me which are the better manlier looking women... the Fella twins both look manly, only McCool looked manly; Layla is actually feminine looking. ;)
It's interesting trying to compare LayCool to the Bellas, because of two major distinctions:

-LayCool talked; Bellas don't......Much of LayCool's routine was verbal rather than physical. They posed, they had a synchronized routine, they'd wrestle but only in short bursts. The Bellas rarely speak; their brief time at the announcer's table last night was held during someone else's match, meaning the Bellas weren't featured, as Laycool always was when they spoke.

--Size discrepancy......The Bellas look exactly alike while LayCool featured two women who looked so different from each other that you sometimes wondered what they were doing together. I was sure LayCool was heading for a "gay" program, although it never happened. Meanwhile, the Bellas always look as if they're about to start making out in the center of the ring, don't they?

As to the question asked in this thread, I suppose LayCool was the better team because of their talking. You can often stir up more trouble with words than actions, and LayCool did this very well.
I absolutely despise the Bella Twins, how can anyone even like them? I'm pretty much sure I read a post sometime a year ago saying that The Bella Twins made it clear that they're not wrestling fans, they don't like wrestling, and that they're in it for the "Diva thing", if that's the case then why do they even bother shoving those two bitches down our throats?

No, They're not relevant, they mocked Kharma's pregnancy and weight yet the crowd still don't give a shit about them, atleast LayCool used to get a decent crowd reaction, The Bella's are just not over enough nor do they have any talent to be considered relevant.

No, The Bellas are nothing compared to LayCool. I hate to admit it but LayCool were the best heels the divas division ever had in a long time, they were great in the mic, they were good wrestlers.. well Michelle was Layla was just mediocre in the ring to be honest, and they actually had passion for what they were doing.

Do they have the potential to be? No, they don't have the passion for wrestling, they don't have any potential what so ever, they're in it for the money, and they're in it to be "Divas", so I can't even take them seriously, I wish they would just get released to be honest, they're not beautiful, they're not as hot as everyone says they are, if you want someone who has passion, looks,decent in ring skills, and is over with the crowd, look no further than Kelly Kelly, that's why she's the champion and that's why she deserves it.
I think the WWE is trying to make the Bella twins the new LayCool by giving them the "Let's find some flaw in the current contender and become bullies with respect to that flaw because if you're not perfect you should be mocked" kind of persona.

However, at least the members of LayCool could wrestle. Every time the bellas come out (and this has been true before they turned heel), they looked incredibly bored, from their circular shimmy, their walk to the ring, their flip over the rope entrance and their pre match poses, they look absolutely bored. And no wonder, they are pretty boring to watch in the ring too. Like Kelly Kelly (and unlike LayCool), in the ring, they have a limited move set and they are so scrawny that it looks like their moves have no real power behind them.

So to sum, I think they are currently being promoted as the new LayCool, but I think from attitude to wrestling skill, they are a far cry from it.
The Bellas suck and that title run was a waste of everyone's time. There is no way that they could ever be compared to LayCool, let alone be thought of as better than them. Michelle McCool has in ring skill. The Bellas do not. Plain and simple. They were good for bringing guest hosts to the ring but with that angle gone, all they have going for them now is trading places during a match if one hides or something. The novelty of them being twins does not make up for their lack of mic skills or in ring ability. That is why they will never be better than LayCool.
Maybe? Maybe not... but they're SO hot and there are two of them, and I think I have thing for hot bitchy girls.

Now a lot of the IWC doesn't care about the Divas division as we know so, this ISNT ABOUT OTHER DIVAS (other than a Lay-Cool comparison)

Clearly, the Bella Twins as heels have a very similar gimmick to that of LayCool. LayCool may have been annoying at times but for a good period of time, they kept the Divas division relatively interesting, watchable, and still something people could care about.

My question is how do you guys feel about the Bella twins?
Are they relevant?
Are they better than LayCool?
If not, do they have the potential to be?

How would you guys continue to book the Bella twins?

I don't see where they're hot, but to each his own. I personally think they're among the least attractive divas on the roster.

Here we go though:

I don't think they should be in the title picture, there are many more talented divas sitting in the wings waiting for their shot, and basically being wasted. These two can't do half of what Melina, Gail Kim or hell, Beth Phoenix and Tamina can do. They just look out of place to me. Let them be escorts to guest stars again.

They're not better than Laycool. I have issues with Michelle McCool, but none of them have anything to do with her abilities in the ring. The Twins are relevant only because they're ALWAYS on camera. You could make Rosa Mendez relevant in much the same way. Hell, they did it with Alicia Fox.

Frankly, I would take them out of the ring, and put them back in tight clothes escorting guests around. They're not entertaining to me in the least. And they can take Kelly Kelly and Eve with them. Jesus...they're pretty, but they're boring as hell.
Well, I think the Bellas are better than LayCool.

For starters, their cheap heel tactics actually lead to the babyface getting a response. They have gotten people to kinda want to care about Eve for once in her career. Try as they may, for two years, no one gave two shits about LayCool. They at least want someone to shut the Bellas up.

But more importantly, I think the Bellas ARE among the best workers in the Divas. They always try to do a different match layout. So, even if it is the same match up, it will have a fresh feel to it. They don't try to be movezy like what other people have listed as "the best divas." They keep it simple by picking a body part and staying true to what their gimmick really is: a pair of annoying bitches. They interfere when they see fit; they tease the person trying to whoop ass; cheapshots; etc, etc. And the crowd gets into the match. That tag match last week was them working Eve's arm. They didn't go "Okay, suplex.. Now, hit her with a bodyslam. Okay, dropkick.. BAM! Kick! Another suplex for good measure.." or whatever goes through movezy divas' minds.

I do think the biggest problem with the Bellas right now (besides people not willing to give them a chance because they don't pull movez out of their asses) is that Brie is NOT a heel. She just has a naturally sweet face and demeanor about her. She is one of the few divas that can do the FIP with the crowd giving a fuck.

Which is a shame because Nikki was almost getting heat by herself on Raw. Odd how that works. (Nikki is the one in my sig :p)
The Bellas are relevant, but they're not as big as LayCool. Laycool was interesting because it actually gave WWE something to work with. They had their rivalries and brought actual interest to the divas division. The Bellas arent as much of a draw as LayCool and I cant help but think they'll end up in some sort of sibling rivalry before they leave WWE.
Are they relevant?
As relevant as the divas get, I guess.
Are they better than LayCool?
Laycool were fun, good at mic. Hmmmm, what I saw from the bellas on monday actually made me think they are. I mean they commentated for the KellyKelly v Melina match and actually weren't half bad? Also the after match attacks on the mic at KellyKelly were brilliant. I think they're great heels for the divas division. We just need more divas now :(

How would you guys continue to book the Bella twins?

Keep them relevant (which they are doing at the moment!).
Put them in some tag team matches, maybe link them with a male superstar?
LayCool was 100 times better than The Bella Twins. There was a time for about a year where all they were good for was hanging onto the Guest Host. Then they got involved with that whole thing with Daniel Bryan and Gail Kim, and then what happens? Diva's Championship out of nowhere. LayCool it seemed like one of them was always holding a title, and there was a good stretch where you could say that they owned the Diva's Division, you can't say that about The Bella Twins.
Laycool blows the bella twins away. They could actually cut a promo and wrestle a little bit. Bella's and Kelly Kelly are awful.
--Size discrepancy......The Bellas look exactly alike while LayCool featured two women who looked so different from each other that you sometimes wondered what they were doing together. I was sure LayCool was heading for a "gay" program, although it never happened. Meanwhile, the Bellas always look as if they're about to start making out in the center of the ring, don't they?


Maybe the fact that they look a like is because they're identical twins... you know that may have something to do with it. I mean I'm not a doctor or anything like that, but I could've sworn I've heard the word "twin" thrown around more than once.

There's really not anything major about the differences between Lay-Cool and the Bellas except the fact that Lay-Cool was nothing more than Layla playing the team jobber and Michelle McCool trying to stay relevant. The Bellas are developing their heat the good ol' fashion way. By beating their opponents in the ring with cheap heat victories.

I can see the similarities in the way WWE is building the new two to face Lay-Cool, but in all honesty, there's so much more that WWE can do with the Bellas that would get them over far better.

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