Being Smart...


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I though about this thread when I was reading my old school report cards last night. We had family over last night whom we had not seen for some time. My mum being the person that she is, always has to have something to hang her hat on and that, for her, is me. She doesn’t care that she is a dental nurse or that my siblings have done relatively well in school etc. Whenever people come over, she always feels the need to tell them about how well I have done or how far I will go.

History Lesson

Anyway, from when I was a young lad, I have always had the need to know more about things. People call it the thirst for knowledge. I started to read books very early on in life and was labelled a “gifted student” by my teachers. Although at the time, people in my family thought this to be a good thing; I have found out that it is not. In fact, it is probably the single worst thing that has happened to me in my life. My mum being the neurotic person that she is would not let this go and invested a lot of time, money and effort into buying books and making sure that I was keeping up to date with my reading. In hindsight this was probably a good thing as I have gotten to do a lot of things that other people would not. The only problem being is that, no matter how hard I tried, I could not for the life of me manage to shake of this tag. The tag of being smart is one of those things that people think that they would like to be blessed with. But in reality it is a nightmare. When I was in the first year of secondary school, my IQ was 126. This is very good for someone of that age and rightfully, I was known as gifted. The only problem being that being so young and progressing much faster, educationally than all your friends can be a tough time for people at that age. Needless to say, I was ridiculed mercilessly by my peers and also by people who were jealous of what I have achieved. That is neither here nor there though and, as I say, I got to do a lot of things that people do not normally get to. I met the First Minister of Scotland: Jack McConnell. I also got to meet the minister of education for the whole of Scotland and I also got to expand my horizons a lot in terms of education.

However, try as I might I could not get rid of this tag. It is a curse that haunts me to this day. Sure, I can speak more eloquently than a lot of people and yes, my grammar is better than some but what has the title of “being smart” done for me? This brings me to my first question. Is being labelled “smart” as child, a blessing or a curse?

Anyway, as I grew up and progressed further, I found that people were annoyed by me. I don’t know how you guys feel about me but I think that I am a likeable person. I have a good attitude and it is very difficult to get me down. The only problem is, I can’t stand it when people speak like idiots. As you are probably aware, I am Scottish. I cannot tell you how bad the level of grammar and how poorly people speak to each other in this country. Anyway, I always feel the need to correct people if they make a mistake when pronouncing something and I can’t help but feel slightly superior to someone who is not as “smart” as I am. People have claimed that the level of attainment in Scotland is very poor and I cannot help but agree with them. From first hand experience, I could only name a handful of people who actually talk well and have reason behind their thoughts. As I say, the level of attainment is dropping and more and more people in Scotland are choosing not to follow education and as a result people are finding that later on in life, it is hard to get out the rut they have dug themselves into whilst in childhood. To illustrate this, I will tell you a story. I was standing at the bus stop the other day waiting to go to work, when two people dressed in tracksuits joined me. They were now with me however and I casually minded my own business. I had my iPod in one ear and nothing in the other. So, just by coincidence, I was listening to what they had to say. I was appalled at the lack of grammar and articulacy that they had. Now, I know that a lot of people do not even understand Scots at the best of times, so I will try my best and give you a translation. They said:

Girl 1: Aye man, I pure could’nae look it his face cos he wis pure geein me the beady eye. I wis lit that, whit you lookin it, ya wee fuckin dafty, git tae fuck!

Girl 2: Ano, I saw him doon the street, he wis pure walkin wi this lassie and stoaped tae talk tae me. I wis lit that, who the fuck dae ye hink ye ir?

Just to let you know, I actually thought that my Microsoft Word was going to crash just there. It picked up so many spelling mistakes, it’s basically a sea of red. Anyway, I’ll get on with the translation.

Girl 1: Yes indeed, I could not look him in the eye as he was already looking at me. I said to the fine gentleman: What are you looking at? You silly person, please vacate my personal area if you would.

Girl 2: Yes, I noticed that person you are talking about in the Town centre. He was accompanied by a female. He stopped me to perhaps partake in a riveting conversation. I was having none of it though and asked him to explain his intention.

Needless to say, I could not help but let out a laugh. It’s not my fault. It was ridiculous. Noticing this, both girls found it necessary to point out that they were not in fact stupid and had just sat their Foundation exams in school. Most in these forums will not know what those are, so let me fill you in. Foundation exams in Scotland are for those who cannot handle doing average skill level exams, known as general level exams. Those who are clever, do credit exams. So, their rebuttal at me calling them stupid basically was for them to call themselves stupid. This right here is the problem. So, after a while of them telling me that they were stupid, I got on the bus and left them to converse some more, no doubt about the great mysteries of the universe. But it got me to thinking and this brings me to my second question. Why is it not fashionable to be clever? My answer to this is, at school all the people who pretended to be “cool” decided that they were not going to conform to school rules and planning. What they would try to do is cause as much delay and trouble as they possibly could. I think that they made a choice to act this way more as a guard against failing rather than anything else. Trying and failing is hard but not trying and failing is easy. Through this, I think it has become fashionable to be lazy and uneducated. A worrying trend indeed is emerging in Scotland.

My last thought is this. If it is now indeed unfashionable to be clever and to attempt to accomplish your goals, where will the world go? I know how hard it is to be an outcast because of your own personal achievements. I fought it and I am doing well. I have a lot of options open to me and I don’t really know what to do with it. My point is, If people subscribe to the opinion that being smart is bad or adverse in any way and hence decide that it is their best interest to stop learning, what will the results be. Sometimes, I wish that modern society would mirror that of the old Greek civilisation. By that, I mean that I wish the learned people would be respected enough to be thought of as good people, instead of:

“The pure, mad, geeky cunt it the bus stoap that telt me a wis stupit.


“That learned gentleman, with whom I had a quarrel with, whilst standing at the bus stop.

So my questions for you guys are:

Is it a good thing to be labelled “gifted” at a young age?
Why is it suddenly unfashionable to be clever?
Why are the clever people not allowed to progress and be viewed as such by the community?

NOTE: This is not a bitch, just more about my thoughts than anything else. Also, don't answer with, "Poor Dave,he is supposedly smart and I am below standard" because you are not.
I remember when I was in first grade, my teachers sent me to do third and fourth grade work. I didn't think much of it at the time but now that I'm older I feel like it was a way of showing me off. Being gifted at a young age didn't affect me from having a normal childhood but I was called "nerd" and stuff like that.

It didn't bother me any because why should it? Should I be called names and made fun of just because I want to better myself and know more about things. Working hard and excelling at everything got me to be valedictorian of my high school class and one year away from getting a degree in chemical engineering. The one thing I found different in college than high school is I can have more intelligent conservations in college which people who are equally smart or smarter than me.

I don't know why the "clever" are sort of ostracized in society, but without the doctors, corporate executives, accountants, and those of the short, where would we be?
I'm afraid I don't share your position on this.

I think being smart is great. I always make fun of stupid people. The problem with gifted people is NOT their intelligence, but rather their social skills. For whatever reason, gifted children many times lack the same level of social skills that others do. Obviously, there are plenty of smart people who are very personable, but there is a reason that the stereotypical smart person is a "nerd". For whatever reason, they take different interest in things than others, and see things differently.

But, instead of being ashamed of that, like so many people are thought they have to be, I always embraced. I'm very unforgiving of incompetence and inadequacy. Obviously, I realize not everyone can be as smart as I am, but when they do dumb things, I point it out. And if they want to call me a nerd because I'm a smart, that doesn't hurt my feelings because I know my IQ is at least in the triple digits...and theirs are not.

When I taught gifted children for a semester at school, there were two major goals that I worked with the kids on. The first was their social skills. We did speeches, debates, they were allowed to talk, and I moderated talking to keep it acceptable. The other thing I did was to tell them that yes, they are different, but that is a good thing. I tried to impart almost a type of arrogance to them, to be proud of their intelligence, and not shy away from it.

Being intelligent is not a curse. And anyone who says it is obviously is not intelligent, or they lack self-esteem. Sure, it sucks having to sit through college classes with morons, but at least you have something to laugh at.
I may be over my head here, but I will try my hand at it. I was labeled "gifted" as a child as well. I never actually acknowledged it, but I was quite proud of myself. However when I got to High School they had no such program. Inner City schools suck. Honestly I fucked up in High School. I got way more into girls and drugs than giving a shit about school. I had friends who were in the popular crowds as well as "nerds" and I have never seen a reason to ridicule people based on being smart. I actually envy people like you, simply because had I made better choices in my life, I myself might have been able to acheive a higher level of success. Don't get me wrong, I am no dummy. Though I dropped out of High School, I scored a 3000 on my G.E.D test which is a fairly good score. I will never understand the need to rip on people who are well educated. They are compensating for their lack of comprehension of why a person would want to choose being intelligent rather than making everyone in class laugh.
i have never been given the label of gifted growing up (as a kid their were gold fish smart than me) as when i was younger i was deaf in one ear and slightly deaf in the other meaning i wouldnt keep up with other kids meaning that i need help till about year 6 (10-11 years old). then after that i started to get better learned more grades inproved untill my dad left (which fucked me up so bad i still have panic attacks to this day). but when i moved i found myself in the the second/third to bottom area of group (e.g. fuck abouts, not really smart, smart and the "clever enough to correct a teacher").

then what i realised was that the fuck abouts were the un cool ones as they thought it was funny in class to chuck stuff. when u pitted them as u know they would either be on the dole or have 5 kids by the age of 20.

now with me i found it hard to break out of the tag of not really smart and really i didnt as i only got 2 gcse's (1 counted as 4). but at college is when i started to "develop" u might say as i started to learn more have alot more fun and it helped me decide what i want to do (writer).

so now i like to see myself as the smart type. i might not know alot about my politics, history, science and stuff like that, but i do know my comedy movies and my wrestling (as does every one on this forum) as well as a few other things.

im also terrible at grammer as well
Is it a good thing to be labelled “gifted” at a young age?

Yes. Because it helps the teachers put you on a road better suited for yourself. I was indentified for the Alpha program in 1st grade. The Alpha program is your generic GT, or Gifted and Talented, program. Back then that meant that for 2 or 3 hours in 1st-4th grade and one day a week in 5th grade we went to a special classroom with a special teacher and learned stuff 2-3 levels higher than us.

We were the children who got the fancy new Commodore 64s and were using them before any of our friends. We were taught typing when the other kids hadn't even seen a computer before. We were also learning latitudes and longitudes, basic banking, played games that developed our logic and thinking skills, grammar, a well rounded curriculum that gave us something to actually learn after we learned "Carrying the extra digit" in ten minutes and the rest of the class just stared dumbfounded.

Those sort of programs help instill in the children that they ARE smarter than the others, and they DO have the ability to learn things the other children won't. That they will do great things in their lives. Alpha and programs like it help put children on the road to Pre-AP and AP classes in High School, which helps them get ready for college, which leads to a better all around experience.

If you don't nurture such talent in the children you'll be left with children who are faster than the other children, but don't really do anything with it. You have to work with them from the very beginning and help build them up.

Why is it suddenly unfashionable to be clever?

Because our nation has, for some reason, linked being clever with being a jackass.
You know this is kinda of funny as i too was a "gifted" child growing up. When i was in third grade i had a reading level of a high schooler and i loved history

which i still do. This lasted up until 6th grade and until then it was great but once i hit middle school it was horrible. I had literally pounds of homework every
day,i couldn't ever hang out with my friends which writing this now it seems like i was just lazy and that probably was part of it,but once i stepped into the honors/GT classes i knew they weren't right for me.i was miserable So i asked my mom if i could move down to regulars and she said yeah.

Then from there things wen't way easier. I am admittedly a little more intelligent then my friends seeing as i got straight A's+ on my report card up until high school,but i am happy again so I think it depends on the person.
I am more of a laid back kind of person but if you are one of those people who can be crazy driven and excel at higher levels good for you but its not for me.
Well I was labeled as "gifted" when I was a young child as I pretty much smoked everybody in class when I was young. Well once I hit the 4th grade, I just decided hell i'm gonna just fuck off & do what I please. I was proud of myself being gifted. I actually pretty much fucked up alot during my school years & I really fucked up alot in high school as I was more interested in partying, drugs & getting laid(that turned me into a parent at age 16). Granted i'm not stupid as I did manage to graduate high school & somehow get into college, but I actually envy the people who are embarassed to show off their smartness, cause had I have made better choices in my life & hung out with better influences, then I would've no doubt done better than I did in high school & had better grades & more success.

Honestly even though I hung around with a bad crowd of people, I actually hated the damn kids that chunked shit at the smarter kids. You start to realize that those kids that are hatin on the smarter kids, are most likely gonna have 5 kids by age 20 or are gonna be livin at home til they die.

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