Being a true fan...


Dark Match Winner
seems hard to do now a days. Let me explain. By fan I don't mean having a man crush on any one person, I mean being a fan of the "sport" and it's "players"/characters. A couple of situations come to mind.

I just read the thread about Stone Cold being a sell out or not and of course the rock is mentioned as well. There are good points on both sides of both these debates. The biggest one for them both not being sellouts is that they owe us nothing and to think otherwise is selfish. This thread isn't to debate whether either one of them is or isn't a sellout, but isn't it my right to be selfish? As a fan, I feel as though if you don't thirst for the best and most entertaining product, you are simply not a true fan.

Another example that comes to mind is Chris Benoit. There are several people that praised him as one of if not the greatest technical wrestler of all time. Then the unfortunate incident that everyone knows about occurred. Suddenly he wasn't one of the greats anymore? This thread is not to debate anything involving the double murder suicide as it was a grave tragedy and my heart goes out to all who were personally affected. As a fan, I feel as though if you let a person's personal affairs affect their legacy of their profession you are simply not a true fan.

So personal feelings aside, are there any true fans out there? Does anyone agree with my idea of being a true fan? Does anyone need/want me to explain anymore than I have? Will anyone even reply to this thread? Lol. Discuss.
I agree man. It's definitely getting hard to be a fan. Especially if you're trying to share your thoughts and opinions on the internet, people always slap you in the face and shoot your opinions down. It seems nobody's happy with the WWE anymore. It's quite aggravating. I think Benoit is still a great, despite what happened. I'd prefer him over HBK or Hart anyday, that's just me though.
It's not hard at all being a fan these days. I mean sure some people laugh at wrestling and make fun of people for being fans of it. But I say " SO WHAT? " I've grown up watching wrestling and I am a huge fan of it.

And even if people shit on your opinions over internet that doesn't mean anything. Shit on their opinions or back yours up to the point where they realize you were right.

Everyone critique's the WWE because they are trying something new in being PG. To most this does not work as wrestling used to instantly represent violence and blood. All Vince is doing is trying to build his future audience by appealing to the kiddies at a young age. These people who critique the shit out of the WWE need to stop though. I can understand making suggestions but just straight out saying " The WWE sucks because ( insert reason here ) " is just annoying to me.

We are all just fans and the WWE won't change because we say it should on a forum.

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