Beer Money Inc. Who Will Be Bigger?

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Super Crazy

Robert Roode and James Storm. Both men are great together. But how good are they alone? Both came from teams that were together since close to the inception of TNA. Robert Roode was a part of Team Canada as their enforcer, and James Storm was a part of the tag team that put TNA tag team wrestling on the map, America's Most Wanted.

Roode began his singles career after the breakup of Team Canada. He feuded with Eric Young and took Traci Brooks as a manager/valet. He then feuded with Kaz and later Booker T. He was on a singles run from 2006 - 2008 until the start of Beer Money Inc.

Storm began his singles career in 2006, when Storm hit Chris Harris with a beer bottle and broke up America's Most Wanted. After feuding with Harris, he would then go on to feud with Rhino, and eventually Sting. His singles career came to a hault also when Beer Money Inc. was formed.

Now we obviously know these two are excellent tag team wrestlers, as proven throughout the past couple of years. They obviously know how to entertain the fans and keep them hooked. They both play the heel and face roles so perfectly. My question to you is, do you think Beer Money Inc. will ever break up? I know it won't happen in the near future, but I figure it will. Both men have the tools to succeed as singles wrestlers and even become top tier talent. Robert Roode and James Storm, if they should ever go their seperate ways, I believe they will be someday fighting for the world championship. Now my question to you, is if and when they break up, who will be the bigger star? They've both have all the skills , but the question is who will be more over with the fans.
That is a really tough question here. On one hand, you have someone who is extremely over with the crowd and is one of the very few people to be with the company ever since it started (meaning that the company will trust and back him) in James Storm. On the other, you have the guy who has the look and the ability to become one of the greatest wrestlers there is who knows how to work in Robert Roode.

James Storm has been a tag team wrestler for the most part of his career, being in two very solid teams for TNA. He is an exceptionally great wrestler who can get it down in and outside the ring. From his loyalty with the company, TNA would want to utilise Storm in every possible way and make him a big star no doubt. It all lies with Robert Roode to make the decision. As of right now, he could part ways with Storm and make it big without him, but he'll have to prove himself first if he wants to outdo Storm.

Both men are at the same age, the same abilities as each and have done alot for the company. It depends on whether which one of the two has the most desire to make it big and showcase this to creative. My money is on Storm, due to his commitments... but I wouldn't be shocked if it was Roode.
I doubt they'd split anytime soon, but I'll play along...

Roode will be the breakout singles star. He's not better in the ring, or on the mic, but he's got a better look, and can play face or heel equally well. Storm is a phenomenal tag wrestler, and pushing him as a long term singles guy just isn't smart. He's a great heel, but there's not much for him as a face.

I have no clue who would be bigger, or even what criteria to use. If Roode goes on to win multiple world titles, then I'd go with him. But, if he's just a largely successful singles guy, and Storm wins 3 more tag titles, I'd be torn. Is it safe to say that Roode is likelier to be the guy, but it's impossible to know for sure?
i could see Storm being kinda like a stone cold.. Storm has more of a carefree relaxed feel to him. So i could see a lot of funny bits he could do..

As for Roode he is more of a "i don't take shit from anyone" type of guy. He would be the heel/face depends who he is fighting. He is a guy who is in the middle and people like him bad or good.

Both can fight so as far as tag teams go they are great together. Split them up will be a nice shock to the world if done right..
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