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Because I haven't yet

posted a thread about my Book This! I thought I'd treat you all to a preview. I wrote this up in about an hour. It'll go faster as I get into a rhythem. For those that actually have opened my thread before, sorry for the wait. Here's a snippet. I think it's quite good.


[SIZE="+2"]Live from Brooklyn, New York![/SIZE]​

With twenty minutes to go before
WARFARE goes live, as the fans meander their way to their seats, the original theme of the British Bulldogs blasts throughout the arena. Dynamite Kid steps through the curtain, his chin held as high as the British flag that he waves. The New York crowd, infamously outspoken, shows their disapproval. In the ring, Kid stands in the corner, waving his flag proudly in the face of the fans. As he's moving to another turnbuckle to do more of the same, he's interrupted by Jack Swagger. Get On Your Knees blares and The All-American American jogs onto the stage sporting a new look. He's wearing red, white, and blue trunks and has an American flag draped over his shoulders. Swagger slaps the hands of the fans sitting on the sides of the ramp and lays the flag on top of a couple soldiers sitting in the front row. Swagger goes chest to chest with the much smaller Dynamite Kid, looking down and talking trash until the referee separates the two superstars. Howard Finkel steps into the middle of the ring.

Howard Finkel said:
The following match is scheduled for one-fall and has a time limit of ten minutes! First, from Manchester, England, weighing 225 pounds and standing at five feet and eight inches... Dynamite Kid!

The crowd, nearly full now, boos loudly.

Howard Finkel said:
And from from Perry, Oklahoma, standing 6'6 and weighing in at 263 pounds, he is the All-American American... Jack Swagger!

Swagger slaps his chest and the fans start a chant for him. The bell rings and the dark match begins.

Swagger and Dynamite Kid lock up in the middle of the ring. Swagger has a strength advantage and he's able to push Kid into the corner. The referee wants Swagger to back away, and he does after a hard slap to Dynamite Kid's chest. Kid waits a moment, letting his red chest cool off, before going again towards Jack. They lock up once more. Dynamite Kid tries to irish-whip Swagger into the ropes, but Swagger reverses it and throws Kid off the ropes. Kid ducks a clothesline and bounces off the opposite rope. Swagger catches Dynamite when he attempts a crossbody. He shows amazing strength, dead lifting all 225 pounds of Dynamite Kid into position and executing a picture-perfect Gutwrench Powerbomb.

Instead of going for the cover and likely grabbing a quick win, Jack Swagger rolls outside the ring and heads for the British flag. The All-American American hoists it into the air, then snaps it in two over his knee. Swagger crumples the flag and tosses it into the crowd where a section of proud Americans quickly rip it into pieces. Swagger re-enters the ring at a count of eight and is welcomed with a swift dropkick that sends him over the top rope and right back out.

Kid climbs to the top rope and jumps, dropping a knee on the head of Swagger. The damage is clearly done; a cut is open on Swagger's head. Dynamite Kid lifts his opponent into the ring and restarts the ten count to argue with a very spirited and patriotic fan. As the referee checks on Swagger, the fan drills Kid over the head with a piece of the stick that his flag was on, turning his lights off and sending him crashing to the floor. Finally, the referee returns his attention to Dynamite Kid and begins the ten count.

1... 2... 3... 4... 5...​

Kid and Swagger both begin to stir.

6... 7... 8...​

Both men are up and Dynamite Kid slides back into the ring, a visible purple bump on his forehead. They brawl for a few moments until Dynamite Kid thumbs Jack Swagger in the eye and takes the upper hand. He delivers a couple of quick snap suplexes and a couple of European uppercuts. Swagger is down and Dynamite Kid goes to the top rope. With under two minutes left in the match, he dives, attempting to seal away the win with some Diving Dynamite. Just before impact, The All-American rolls away. Kid nearly knocks himself out. Both men are down and the referee begins to count once more.


Swagger is up. With fifteen seconds left on the clock, he pulls Dynamite Kid up. He lifts him onto his shoulder with some difficulty, obviously in a lot of pain, and drops him for a second Gutwrench Powerbomb. Swagger makes the cover this time.


The time expires and the bell rings. Howard Finkel announces a draw. The fans grumble with disappoint, knowing that their boy Swagger had the victory in his hands. The young superstar shakes his head, upset that he wasn't able to secure the victory, but a standing ovation from an always tough crowd restored his spirits. He claps with them and celebrates for a moment, before leaving the ring. Dynamite Kid stumbles up the ramp shortly after as the commentators head to the announce table.

Mick Foley, a home town hero, gets an amazing pop. Fans are bowing down through the packed arena. Matt Striker gets some applause simply by association with Foley. The Fink is in the ring again.

Howard Finkel said:
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Wednesday Night WARFARE! Thank you for coming out and being a part of the pilot show in Four-Eight-Seven Championship Wrestling. We promise you that you will leave this arena tonight having seen the best wrestling action in the world. We promise to thrill you, excite you, and most of all, to entertain you. Thank you again. Now, all rise for a singing of our national anthem by former American Idol contestant, Matt Girad!

Matt Girad, sporting a New York Rangers jersey, plays the piano and sings The Star-Spangled Banner beautifully. He thanks the crowd and leaves to a polite applause. A countdown starts from 10 on the titantron. At zero, fireworks explode on the stage, purple and black lights flash, and Rev Theory is shown in the upper deck. They sing the theme for
WARFARE, Light It Up, and the show is officially on the air.

I thought this advertising crap was going to stop. Book This was cool when hardly anyone had one, and when the people that did have one, didn't advertise their shows every damn week.
But it's just everyone advertises their shows. It gets so annoying after a while, especially since a guy like Klunder or myself hardly advertise, even though we spend hours and hours writing our shows.

Sig advertising is bad enough, but we don't need a new Bar Room thread everyday about a new Book This show.
Not a bad preview. I'll check out the show when it's up.

And, Rusty...I advertised mine until I was able to get a few viewers, now I just update my NSCW threads. I wouldn't complain about the advertising, when there's finally some decent traffic in there.
Then again, Rusty, there is more traffic in the bar room. I could have a nice restaurant on 22nd street where there is some, but not a lot of traffic. People would see my place. But, if I put a sign on main street, the busiest in town, would that not attract more people? ;)
But if everyone puts a sign on the main street, people will get pissed off and just walk past without noticing any restaurants ;)
If they put a sign on main street that just says, "Hey look! I have a restaurant!" then yes. But, if they put some delicious looking courses on a giant billboard, someone will be hooked.

But if everyone else puts on delicious looking courses, people will become confused and will eat elsewhere, away from the street.

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