Beat up a celebrity


King Of The Wasteland
So the bar room is a bit dead and I thought this might make it more interesting.

Name a celebrity you wish to beat up, you can use whatever you want hands, feet, teeth, bats whatever. Give a reason though, I don't condone mindless violence.

I would love to beat up Joe McElderry the winner of X-Factor 2009, I just hate him (I hate most X-Factor contestants to be honest) He just has a face I want to beat in, his singing is bad and he's in the charts with it :wtf: I'd make it simple I'd get every one of his singles set them on fire and throw him onto it
The spiky haired fuck from Twighlight.

I have never seen, nor will I ever, one of those shit films, but the fact that I recognize someone from that movie bothers me. Plus, the guys always has a shit eating grin on his face when I see him on some kind of TV show.
If he/she lives in Hollywood, chances are I wanna beat 'em up. And also anybody from MTV. John Cena also comes to mind. Randy Orton. Vince McMahon. Eric Escobar owes me for yelling but he's no longer WWE. Oh and Perez Hilton. For soiling a good Latin name and for being such a wussy.
Nicholas Cage. Ever since National Treasure 2, he's been in a bunch of horrible movies. Ghost Rider is the one film that made me feel this way years ago. Also, I've seen all the trailers for his up coming movies, and they look just as bad. I really wish he would just stop or try directing.
Andy Dick.

He gave Phil Hartman's wife the cocaine that sent her on a relapse that ultimately led to her shooting herself and Phil. Not only that, but he's a huge prick.

No, it's probably any miscreant involved with Twilight. Or, possibly Jesus. Not Christ, mind you, but that guy who used to be Carlito's body guard.
It took 13 posts to get to Spencer Pratt? Really? I KNOW that I'm not the only one who wants to beat his Baldwin baptized ass.
Jay Leno comes to mind as being probably the biggest douche on the planet. After he stole Letterman's and Conan's job like it was nothing. He's also a cocky prick too.
Fuckin' A!!!! Would people please stop bitching about Jay Leno, Conan, Letterman, Carson Daly, and Chevy Chase?! Face facts, Leno is a known draw, he wanted his old job back, and Conan was too selfish to move back a half an hour. Jay didn't steel Conan, Letterman, Carson, Chevy's, or Kilborn's jobs. So what if he's a selfish prick? It's called looking out for number one. Next, people are gonna start accusing Jay of stealing God's job.

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