Bearded Productions: A Theo Mays Showcase


Is that a rare Theo sighting I see? You're darn tootin' it is. It has been ages since I even checked this thing and I decided to make a sig as my shift at work is dwindling down. Now I'm not fond of this, but every artist has a flaw in his work and mine seems to be rust. I really haven't ventured out to do anything creative in ages as I've been sticking to match cards and posters in the book this section. However sigs have been lacking in my department. Enough blabbering, lets talk about this piece.

I figured I'd do a Brodus Clay sig as he has impressed me with his new gimmick after I was a little worried about it. This one was actually pretty simple. I started with a rave like background. I then place a background of lights and colored that green and set it on overlay. Next I found a disco ball render and set that one overlay as well. I then added in my fonts (Aristotle Punk) and faded it into the background. I also added a drop shadow and outline to the text. Finally I added in the render of Clay and desaturated it a bit. Finally I copied the render and set that on overlay as well. Added the border and called it a morning.

Like I said it is no masterpiece, but considering it has been ages since I did an actual sig I liked the outcome. Nothing special compared to my other stuff, but I posted it just to see what you guys think here. I'm clearly expecting the worse. Rip it up boys.​
Theo buddy it's great but can I have the pic of the kid's face from the vigenettes than a Jericho pic in the end, and can all jericho pics be facing right?

Sorry I'm a pain in the ass.
Do you take requests? If so could you please make me a Drew McIntrye and Sheamus signature? I don't have any necessary pics. If you can't, I understand
Well here it is Theo.

Thank you my amish teddy bear. I wish I could send you some local celebrated liquor from my part of the world, giving you pancreatitis, just to show you the love and gratefulness I feel as I see Cena and Eve snog in my sig.

I must spread, but you will receive my wee green soon.
Oh how long it has been.


Really? A Miz sig, really? Yes really. I don't like Miz, that is known. But I saw this picture of Miz and it sparked me to make a sig. That is saying something considering I've pretty much retired minus the few posters and match cards for PPV and stuff. The rust shows, but after fooling around I really like how this turned out. Started out with the main image and made a copy. Saturated the copy a bit and set it on darken. Next I added in a steel like texture and put that on color dodge. Next I took a duplicate of the saturated image and set it on screen. Then I stamped on some diagonal line patterns in spots I felt could use something. I added in the AWESOME text next and erased the parts covering the Miz image. Set the fill to 8. Next I added in the main image from the beginning and set on hard light and 34 opacity. Erased a majority of it, leaving Miz's face. Added in THE MIZ text and lowered the fill to 8. Finally threw on some borders and that's that. Would love to see what you guys think as it has been ages since I put together a piece.​
Hi Theo, long time no talk.

I was wondering if you would be able to make me a new sig? You know that I love 'Taker so I want a new sig with 'Taker in it and with the word Phenom in it. The one that I currently have is the best damn sig that I have ever had and you created it. Think you can top it?
Hi Theo, long time no talk.

I was wondering if you would be able to make me a new sig? You know that I love 'Taker so I want a new sig with 'Taker in it and with the word Phenom in it. The one that I currently have is the best damn sig that I have ever had and you created it. Think you can top it?

Yikes, that Taker sig of yours is arguably my all time favorite piece. It was a challenge and something I'm rather proud of. Usually I don't take requests as I've stepped away from the sigmaking game, but I felt up for the challenge of trying to top one of my best pieces. So here it is, my newest attempt. Not quite as good as the original, but I'm rather proud of the piece.


Now lets see how this was done as this is my showcase and not a request thread. I started with a picture from with Taker in front of the WM logo and then copied it and played with the lightness, saturation, and hue. I set that layer on pin light. Next I added in a steel texture and set that on color dodge. I then copied the original picture and put that on top and did a little sharpening, burning, and blurring. I pretty much blurred out the background and sharpened up the main image of Taker. Next I added in some flames and made them an off blue and set that on color. The overall picture was set to lighten. Next I cut out the image of Undertaker and put that on pin light. Addeed in the Phenom text (which just so happens to be the same) and lowered the fill. Next I added in a slew of color balances, exposures, photo filters, and lighting features. I added on the bottom and top borders and that was that. Hope it is to your liking I Am Phenom.​


I'm kind of in the freaking zone right now. Thanks for that I Am Phenom. For some reason that itch is back and I realized I missed making sigs. Kind of toying with a new style and I realized it looks a bit like Red Skull's work and I'm ok with that, cause that guy is freaking awesome. Anywho the two pieces above represent my WZCW, The Beard and my tag partner, The Local Talent (who belongs to my big homie Crock). Shall we get into how these were done?

Both took the same approach really. The Beard one was just a regular image of Mike Knox and I had a slew of different adjustments. There is a desaturation layer, a couple photo filters, a shadow/highlight adjustment, a sharpening, and the added effect of the stars with faded text. The TLT one is a pretty sweet render of Cabana behind a stadium light like background that I overlayed with red originally. I then added the same stars from The Beard one and set them to yellow. Then I added a slew of adjustment layers as before and out came the final product. I wish I could remember each and every step, but I didn't bother labeling them. Oh well, enjoy!​
Oh Theo Mio!

Man I need a pimpin' Mania sig. Perhaps with all the ME players of this year. I got the Mania fever baby! Just lay one of our masterpieces on me.
Oh Theo Mio!

Man I need a pimpin' Mania sig. Perhaps with all the ME players of this year. I got the Mania fever baby! Just lay one of our masterpieces on me.

Just to clarify this is NOT a request thread. I don't want anyone getting in trouble in here for spamming. If you make a request add something along with it to justify it as a non-spam post. I'm not signaling you out Paper Ghost, I'm just stating it. Anywho here is your sig:


What I did here was found images of Taker/Triple H and Punk/Jericho and focused them as the background. In the background is just a simple texture background with an orange and blue gradient overlay atop of it. I added in the star texture that I've been using as the upper render. Above the background I placed renders of Cena and The Rock as they are the focal point of Mania. Finished it off with a slew of adjustments (see the sigs above) and a sharpening and called it at that. Hope this is what you were looking for hombre.​
And it wasn't a request. It was more of a 'Man I can't wait till Theo does something like that'.

Very nice Theo. The color splash are clearly your strong guard and the images aren't blurred ridiculously. Nicely done.

Just finished watching Lord Tensai's second match and I must say there is potential in the character and I'm hopeful it becomes something decent. I'm not sold yet, but the door is definitely open. I started with the same background duplicated in different areas. It was a series of Japanese symbols. Next up I threw in the render of Tensai and followed that up with a steel texture on color dodge. Next I placed the Lord Tensai logo. Then I did a series of saturation, black and white, sharpening, graphic pen, and lens flare. Set them all on different settings and then placed the side borders and called it a night. Anyone is welcome to use it if they like, if not it shall rot here for all eyes to view. Any input is welcomed and enjoy.​
Hey Theo I was wondering if you could make me a sig of John Cena bloody lip shot from tonight and on the top saying Remember John and on the bottom saying MMA>Wrestling.
Hey Theo I was wondering if you could make me a sig of John Cena bloody lip shot from tonight and on the top saying Remember John and on the bottom saying MMA>Wrestling.

Again just a heads up this is NOT a request thread. If you want to make a request shoot me a PM and I'll do my best to work on something. If you wanna make a request here do your best to make it a non-spam post. Not like many mods check the section, I'm just putting in a heads up to you guys to keep from possibly getting an infraction.

Now onto the sig at hand:


This one was rather simple. Started with the bloody Cena image from and then copied it and lowered the desaturation. Next I put in the text (lowered the fill) and then another image of Cena and changed the setting to hard light. Then added in the text again and lowered the fill. Added in a blue scratchy texture set on soft light. Finally added in the whole image and sharpened it up and erased all of it minus Cena's head to make the blood stick out some. Added the border and that's that.
Holy chalupa Batman! It's almost been three years since I've made a sig. Like zoinks Scoob! Believe it or not I decided to open up the old photoshop the other day to see if I could shake off whatever rust I may have had and there was quite a bit. Not saying this is gonna be a permanent thing again, but who knows. Lets take a dabble and see what I've got shall we?


This right here is what made me decide to get back in the game. Decided to help my boy Fred out with a Young Bucks sig. And honestly, the Young Bucks are pretty freaking awesome. Not my best work, but I kind of like it considering it has almost been three years. Pretty flashy, but that fits the motivation for the sig. Took a sample photo of the Bucks and pretty much went with that. Added a space image for some lighting, a couple bubble stock photos, and some 3D blocks which you can sort of see next to Nick. Added in the circular brushes to fill space and for text purposes. Then did some simple saturations and image manipulation to get just the right brightness to it. Finished it off with some diagonal lines to sort of dull down the image.


I honestly wish I could remember the step by step on this Roman Reigns piece. This was pretty much me playing around and getting the hang of things again. I originally started with a collapse empire in the background and that pretty much disappeared through further manipulation. Went with a red theme, felt it was appropriate. Added in that nebula in the back to make Reigns pop a bit. A concrete texture on top added what looks like laser lines around his face, made for a nice feature. A quick sharpen and a border and called it a day.


This one is the simplest of the group. And honestly that's best for Kevin Owens. I had an image in my head of Owens standing under stadium lights and I found the stock photo and the perfect Owens cut for it. Did some minor saturation and image adjustments and felt something was missing and it came to me to throw a rain texture in there. Again did some minor saturation and image adjustment. At first the text was small and in the front, but felt Owens himself needed to be the focal, so I adjusted the text and moved it behind the image and created a nice fade. Really came out exactly how I had envisioned. Sometimes simple is better and this is definitely my favorite of my new batch.

Hook me up with any comments or criticism. Positive or negative, it's all good either way. Have at it folks and enjoy.

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