Batista To Make A "Huge" Announcement...?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Former WWE Champion Dave "Batista" Bautista posted the following on Twitter:

Dave BautistaFollow my manager @JohnnyRyanJr he's going to be making some announcements about me VERY soon. #staytuned any guesses?!?!

This was posted by Dave Bautista, stating that his manager is going to make an announcement soon about Batista. I think that Batista is looking for a return to the WWE. Face it, the WWE IS getting better, and I think he is thinking "if Brock wants to return, I'll return too."

It's probably something stupid. Maybe he's doing a new movie or something. I just don't see him coming back to wwe, especially with the way he left and still talks badly about the WWE product as a whole. Plus with Lesnar back, Rock back, his return wouldn't be that big of a deal. I hate to break it to Batista but he's not Rock and he's not Lesnar....

That said, if he could come back full time, Smackdown could use him for the time being.
Why would his manager announce he is returning to WWE? Surely WWE would announce he was returning. They wouldn't want their thunder stolen. Batista is just working the net, getting them hyped up and interested. He will probably have some movies or MMA fights lined up.

I would be surprised if WWE brought him back now. With Jericho, Rock and Brock back at the moment I dont think they have room for another part timer. Batista should be saved for when these depart again.

Batista will return for another run, just not this year IMO.
Batista is looking for attention. As SDS1582 said, it's probably something stupid.
I don't think he's returning anytime soon.
Doubt it has anything to do with wrestling for the simple reason WWE have brought back Lesnar, Jericho & Rock lately it would be an overload of returning guys, if anything Batista will return next year before or just after WM29.
Ugh... I say leave Batista on the shelf. I hope he doesn't return to WWE. It might be interesting but...? Jericho is one of the best ever. So is the Rock. Lesnar can't talk but he is (was) great in the ring for a man of his size. And he has a mystique about him, having only wrestled for WWE a short time and then going on to become UFC champion. Batista couldn't talk and couldn't wrestle. He was just a juice monkey. But, he was very over at one point. He'll return eventually. They always do.
Batista definitely isn't done with WWE. He will be back at some point. But this announcement wont be about that. He is just trying to make people interested by teasing the WWE return. As we know with WWE they prefer surprise returns rather than announcing big signings ahead of time.
I bet he's finally booked an MMA fight.

No, but seriously, he's just going to be in a movie, or something. His real-life manager would not be announcing a wrestling return. Also, the timing isn't right for a wrestling return. He lost a lot of weight whist training to do MMA, and he would need time to get back into pro wrestling know, power lifting shape.

Finally, as far as the timing goes, why would he return now, when he would clearly get out-shined by Lesnar's return? Lesnar is the greatest unrecognized talent in wrestling history (I mean that he never reached his fullest-potential,) and he's been gone for nine years. Batista was getting old when he left, and that was only two years ago. To be honest, I wouldn't mind seeing Batista come back, but I won't feel like I've missed out if he doesn't.

As far as this announcement goes, I won't be watching for it. He's just turning the hype machine, and it's going to be about another bit part in some C-List flick.
I really feel like this is just Batista trying to catch a ride on Lesnars momentum by implying a return. I don't think he'll be back anytime soon. He was never really as over as he thought he was to begin with.
I'm not going to get my hopes up or anything, because I use to follow him on twitter and he would usually post something like this saying "I have a huge announcement coming soon!" or something along those lines. Usually they were just a plug for a movie or giveaway.

But I wouldn't mind seeing him return. Personally I've followed him since his days at OVW and I've missed seeing him in the ring.
I don't see him returning as people pointed out if it was going to be announced it would come from WWE itself. Plus they like to try to surprise people with returns. I'm sure they would want Batista to randomly pop up rather than announce he's going to come back. It most likely has something to do with his acting career if you can even call it that. He will end up back in WWE soon enough. I believe he will be back by Royal Rumble. But we'll just have to wait and see. I hope he does come back. Not that's a great wrestler i know from a technical standpoint he sucks but he could contribute some star power which WWE is lacking.
Batista slimmed down a fair bit when getting more in shape for MMA so I really doubt it's a WWE return.

They also have Jericho back for now, Rock is still hanging around, Lesnar returning, Tensai debuting, and Ryback/Ambrose/Rollins on the horizon. I just don't see where he fits. Hell, Ryback (if anyone watched him in FCW) is actually a better talent overall, wrestling a much better less awkward bigman style and is freakishly fast. All Batista really has is name value and even then, it's diminished a lot since he left. He was definitely one that was alright when in the company but pretty quickly forgotten once he left..
I saw Batista this past Sunday in Miami since I was also doing the South Beach Triathlon (and going to Wrestlemania...YES!). I spoke to him in the transition area early in the morning and later got some photos of him after the race. He looked a lot smaller than when he was in WWE last. I'd say 250~260. He also had a crazy looking, braided mohawk. Not many people knew who he was. I sent some photos in to WrestleZone. Hopefully they put them up. If you're curious, here are his relay team's race results (he did the 19 mile bike leg):
I'd love to see him take on Lesnar, I always wanted to see the two of them go at it back in the day and it could be the perfect fued to build Lesnar as an absolute monster before he faces Cena.
Hes not coming back to wwe, they dont need him right now, with brock and the rock back. The most likely thing is that hes in a movie. Batista will return to wwe, but not yet. Maybe when the people who are back right now go away again, but that wont be for a year, maybe two
Yup probably gonna be some shit movie that hits the shelves as soon as the movie wraps! I dont see him returning to the WWE anytime soon not with Brock and Rock back. No way no how does his manager announce his return to the E. At least not IMO.

Batista has lost a ton of weight he looks around 250 or so not the 290-300 pound range we used to see him. Plus Batista has dissed the WWE for the direction they have been going in. Thats not good to burn bridges dave especially if you ever wanna return to the company. So my guess its a movie hes too old for MMA he would get handled rather easily by almost any heavyweight MMA fighter.

Would i be happy if he returned ehh not really!! Hes been gone for two years now and he was old then! IMO he is way out of ring shape and would need time to get into wrestling shape!
I hate Batista. He obviously doesn't love wrestling. He's not a big enough star to be a big deal now. If he comes back in December, then maybe people will talk. However, compared to Lesnar, Batista is a pile of dog shit.

This is just a guy with a big ego getting jealous.
.... and I think he is thinking "if Brock wants to return, I'll return too."

And like Brock, the thinking might go: "If I could make a living outside of pro wrestling, I'd keep Stamford, Connecticut in my rear view mirror."

I recently saw about 10 minutes of a "direct to DVD" movie Batista made. He seemed to be playing a private eye, wearing some sort of trenchcoat and trying to talk like a detective from a Mike Hammer mystery. The people watching with me said he would be better off not trying the dialogue because he sounded like a 5th grader acting in the school play. We turned the thing off very quickly.

Batista's announcement? Well, haven't we been fooled once already by some major news he was bringing that turned out to be nothing? Significantly, I can't even remember what it was, but while we presumed it dealt with a return to wrestling for didn't.

Okay, we read that he had arrived in Miami last weekend, so maybe this time he really is planning something with WWE. But whether it's so or not, I presume he wouldn't even be considering it if he was doing as well financially as he wanted.

He can come back or not; it makes no difference to me.

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