Batista: Hall of fame?

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Hourani777 gonna get GOT!
This is my 2nd installment in my hall of fame saga
Pretty simple do you think Batista will be inducted into the wwe HOF?
If so who would induct him?
If not then why?
Lets look at his stats:
Was in wwe from 2002-2010
Was a locker room general
Debut as a deacon for Reverend D-Von
Was part of Evloution
Feuded with the likes of Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Triple H, JBL, Eddie Guerrero, Undertaker and his last feud against John cena just to name a few.

From Deacon to Evoloutions animal to The animal
Let's look at his accomplishments:
World Heavyweight Championship (4 times)
World Tag Team Championship (3 times) with Ric Flair (2) and John Cena (1)
WWE Championship (2 times)
WWE Tag Team Championship with Rey Mysterio
Royal Rumble (2005)

Longest reigning World Heavyweight champion to date
Defeated Triple H three times in a row
Broke John Cenas neck
Competed Against Eddie Guerrero in Eddies final PPV match.

Feud of the Year (2005) vs. Triple H
Feud of the Year (2007) vs. The Undertaker
Most Overrated (2006)

Yes, and he should, he left on good terms, he had an amazing career, and his career defining moment was beating HHH in WrestleMania 21(my personal favorite WrestleMania) in the main event, so hes pretty much destined for a HoF induction.

The only way I can see him not getting in is if he went to TNA, but we all know that's never gonna happen, so Batista is gonna get inducted to the WWE HoF in the next 10 years.

And they're probably gonna induct him when all his heel heat from all the kiddie fans is gone, so I think atleast 3 years.

I would personally like to see Ric Flair induct him, and if not Flair Randy Orton or even Rey Mysterio, but it's probably gonna be the big nose Triple H.
Honestly, I'm split on this, and I'm a huge Batista fan. He has had some major accomplishments in his career, but nothing that puts him in the same category of the likes of Andre the Giant, Hogan, Bret Hart, Stone Cold, etc. For lack of a better explanation, he just reminds me of Goldberg. Yeah he was a freak of nature, very domaninat, and a key world champion of our time but it doesnt seem like he got "there". Knowing the state of the Hall of Fame Batista will probably be inducted, but not anytime soon.
Hell no! Batista to me was just a poor man's Goldberg/Lesnar. I can't recall one interesting match of his, and I always hated when he was in the main event cause apart from his strength, I don't think he has much else going for him
I think he will. I don't think he left quite the imprint as the Austin's, the Rock's, HBK, etc, but he was multiple time champion and if they can put in KoKo B. Ware, there's no reason to not put in Batista.
I hope so!!
He is one of the best powerhouses in the WWE since Diesel, I miss Batista in the WWE and I think he should get back and after that be in the Hall Of Fame!

Maybe in 10 years they can induct him and I am expecting to be John Cena to induct him!!
I think that Cena was really his nemesis in the WWE, both of them grow up in the business at the same time...

And he was the last guy to pin Cena cleanly, he sure deserves a Hall Of Fame ring for that!!
He should be.

I'm a big fan of Batista, I know alot of people don't like him and think he sucks but I don't care about that.

He's accomplished a lot and was the face of Smackdown for so long. Plus he really was the #2 guy while he was there.

I would love to see Ric Flair induct him, Triple H seems more realistic though.

He should be the headliner, I think he could sell out a hall of fame.
Yes, he is going in and i honestly think that if he was still with WWE it would Batista/Stone Cold at WM 28 along with Cena/Rock. He was and still is my favorite behind Y2J and Rock. I hope they dont induct him in to soon cause their is always a possibility of a comeback from the animal so i think they should induct Macho Man this year....the Edge next year then Batista after the next three years maybe
Batista was very boring as a wrestler IMO, he was merely version 2 of Goldberg, with the Spear and Batista Bomb... The only reason he was pushed so hard is cos a) Vince likes big men with limited movesets and b) Bore-tista is friends with HHH.
Yes in the sense that Drew Carrey is in the HOF and no in the sense Arn Anderson is still not...

I hope he is though. He was a big face, fans loved him, had good title reigns. I once had the pleasure of meeting him on a holiday to DC. He is a very nice person. He took pictures with me and my Brother and gave me an autograph. I hope he does, he definatley deserves it. And plus I think he will ahve another run in the WWE.
relative to some people who are in the HOF, absolutely. In a perfect world, it's a much tougher decision. He did have a period of pure dominance, albeit a pretty short one. Nevertheless, he was a multi-time world champion, a huge draw (at one point, the top overseas draw), a former member of one of the most dominant stables of all time, Evolution. Had he remained the ruthless ass-kicking animal (no pun) that he was, he'd be a shoe in. Instead they handed him a mic, and the rest is history. Botching relatively simple moves don't help his case, either. In any case, I'd say, based on 2005 alone, he's in.
I see absolutely not reason why Big Dave should not be in the HOF.

Although his career was relatively short, it was a decorated one, with no fewer than 6 world titles, a Royal Rumble win and tag team gold with 1 hall of famer (Flair) and 2 future Hall of Famers (IMO - Cena and Mysterio). He was a big fans favourite and left the WWE on good terms, so for that, I can't see him being omitted myself.

I personally see him coming back to the WWE somewhere down the line for a proper sendoff, but I think that whatever happens with his MMA career, will be a key story for his Hall of Fame inductin.
He will be inducted, eventually, but I'm not a fan. I usually flipped the channel when Batista was in a match. It was slow and boring most of the time, no matter who his opponent was.

A big piece of his career was getting slingshot to the top with Evolution. If that didn't happen then I bet he would have only gotten a fraction of those achievements.

When people speak of Batista's "best" bouts, I just can't remember any. To me they just don't rate up there with the best matches of others in the HOF. There was no match that blew me away. Maybe its because Batista couldn't get tossed around and take a variety of offense by his opponents. There are only so many clotheslines and punches you can see Batista take before you begin to yawn.
Could he cut decent promos? Yes. Did he know how to wrestle? Yes. Could he entertain? Sure. Is he the best? No.
But I guess being hand picked by management because of size and strength and token titles can get you into the HOF. He'll be inducted in a few years, after he is 50 and declares himself retired.
Batista was one of the WWE's biggest starts for awhile, and was carrying the Smackdown brand. As long as he is in on good terms with the company, I can't imagine him not being inducted.

As for who would induct him, I would guess HHH. HHH made Batista.
I think the fact that he headlined Wrestlemania's opposite John Cena, HHH, and Undertaker is proof enough that he'll go in the Hall. Plus lets not forget, Batista was never a better all-around performer than when he went into his last stint with John Cena. Also, WWE made a DVD focusing on him, and that is usually a sign that you're going into the Hall if your name isn't Warrior or Benoit.
I really don’t think this should even be a debate. Of course Batista will go in the HOF some day. Why wouldn’t he? He was a consistent main event star for five years and had feuds with the biggest names of his generation. I guess his career was relatively short compared to other hall of famers, but do you really think that will keep him out? The only reason he will not go in is if somehow he has a falling out with WWE like Bruno and Savage.
Far far to soon for him. Just because he left WWE last year dont mean he should be put in the Hall Of Fame the next year or the year after that, He could easily return and be an in ring superstar if he chooses to. So simply NO not yet give it 5 or so more years
Do I think he should be inducted??? No! So many others are more deserving... Will he get inducted... probably..... Batista was just another muscle bound freak that wasn't very talented.. he had 3 moves, just like Hogan, whom i also don't care for, He wasn't that good on a mic either.... There are many more pioneers that deserve to be in there before the likes of Batista
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