Batista Ever Gonna Get Title Back ?



I Love Batista and he's my second favourite wrestler but is he ever gonna get his title back ? At No Mercy it was supposed 2 be Batista vs Booka for the title but stupid finlay got in the way..
Of course Batista wil get his Title back. He is the most powerfull wrestler on SmackDown. I personally think he should go to RAW! I can't believe he isn't fighting for the Belt at No Mercy. I'm so gutted. I think they took the shot away from him because he was screwing matches up and that.
I hope they dont give him another shot at the title, he's a bad worker and talker and I think he's to old to be pushed as the future star of Smackdown.
you may think hes too old but he hasnt been in the wwe long. he will definetely get another shot. i agree with yaszie
At some point he will, i think the WWE will do it just because of the situation surrounding why he lost it. The only thing to jeopardise that would be if he turns into a dick backstage.
Batista shouldn't win the WHC, or the WWE Championship for that matter. He hasn't proven since he returned that he can be the guy to carry the company, and honestly, the fatal four way at no mercy was his best showing in a long ass time, and I think that was just because there were three other guys in the match. So, to sum up...should Batista get another title run? OH HELL NO!!!
It is true that his performance level was dropping, but after his brief run in with Finlay, and working with fresh guys like Lashley and Booker, he seems to be improving. Smackdown needs a major face, and it can't be Lashley because he's got no mic skills. He's the one to spearhead Smackdown! The guy is so over it's not funny. He'll get another shot, and if he keeps improving, a deserving one too.
Hang On...Lashley has a bit more mic skills than Batista.

Batista has been working and is getting better but I think that he will enter a fued with Lashley before making a legitimate shot at the World Title.
Batista has actually improved big time.I think they felt it was best to give Booker a longer run with the title,while they decide whether or not to keep Dave as a face.There are talks of Batista vs Lashley at WM23,so they dont want to screw it up like this year's WM
BillyBean said:
Hang On...Lashley has a bit more mic skills than Batista.

Batista has been working and is getting better but I think that he will enter a fued with Lashley before making a legitimate shot at the World Title.

You raise a good point, as they both have pretty awful mic skills. I say Lashley's are worse only after having watched last weeks Smackdown!. Before the No.1 Contenders Triple Threat Match, Lashley cut a promo on facing the "pressure." Now Lashley on the mic isn't usually great, but this was absolutely terrible. He was SO BAD I started laughing. His gimmick is hard-hitting sot spoken, but seriously. IMO, Batista, due to experience, is better on the mic than Lashley.
only way hes gettin the title back is if he wins some kind of #1 contender match around the royal rumble cuz i also herd dat its lashley vs. batista...y not make it 4 the world heavyweight title?
I hope Batista never get's the title back. I know that sounds a bit harsh, but I find Batista extremely dull and repetitive in the ring. The title is fine with Booker, but I would like to see it on either Finlay or Regal.

Flames Out
I say have him win Money in the bank beat Cena put over a other wrestler get fire go to TNA get his ass kick by AJ styles and then he can Join WW in YOUR fire line
I think what they will do is Give Batista the title at the Royal Rumble PPV and make Lashley win the Rumble so then it will be Batista vs Lashley at Wrestlemania

also i read on wrestlezone couple of days ago that WWE is thinking of Batista vs Lashley for Wrestlemania ( thats why this may really happen ) I HOPE !!
no imo he shouldnt did u see his match with king booka friday batista hit high impact moves to virtually no reaction from da crowd wwe needs to turn him heel quick and have him destroy a couple of mid carders
I think Batista will get the title back at No Way Out. Kane will win the title at Armageddeon. Kane will hold it until Batista can take it off him.
batista will get the world heavyweight title back at armageddon. i think its been 4 chances Batista's got at King Booker and all 4 times someone interfered and he won by DQ. so at armageddon they will most likely have a match where no one can interfere like a steel cage match and batista will finally win back the title. and i could see him holding it to at least wrestlemania23
Have to say I hope Batista doesn't win it; definitely agree with the statement that he's highly repetitive. Good charisma and not bad mic skills (particularly when compared with other members of the roster....) but frankly we need to see someone new holding the title, Lashley maybe one day I don't think he's ready yet though. They are wise to have Booker keep the title for now, if he was to lose the 'King' gimmick and revert to Booker T this would add some novelty to him holding the title and keep people interested until they can groom a new champ from the ranks.
they don't really need to keep the title on Booker, until they groom a new champion, they got Finley, Benoit, and Kane, all would be good choices for champion, what I would like to see happen is Booker vs. Batista vs. Finley, with Finley winning, and becoming champion( he would pin Batista, so that he could remain heel), then have Finley feud with Benoit for the World Heavyweight title, booker and batista could feud without the belt

As forBatista ever getting the belt back, it'll happen eventully you just gotta be a little patient
Hmm.....I'd agree with you that Benoit could hold the title, would be a bit soon seeing as he's just returned but obviously he's of the calibre to hold the title. The man is brilliant. As for Finlay however, I have to say I don't think Finlay could carry the show for Smackdown. He's not a figurehead. He's a good heel, a good wrestler, with average mic skills. He doesn't have the imposing stature, the charisma or the appeal to be a champion to me. As much of a farce as this Champion of Champions match is, just imagine it if it was Big Show, John Cena versus....Finlay? Whilst the man's wrestling is most likely superior to both of them he simply doesn't have the draw to me at least. I hope that Booker keeps the title, becomes Booker T again then loses to either Benoit, possibly Batista, unlikely but one day maybe Lashley (just get the man a vocal coach to at least try and cut a decent promo).
Zyne_De_Ath said:
unlikely but one day maybe Lashley (just get the man a vocal coach to at least try and cut a decent promo).
I f WWE creative were smart then they would relize that the easist way to solve this problem(Lashleys promos i mean) is to give him a manager, maybe one of the smackdown divas, It's the same thing they did with Brock and it work out really well for him
Hmm genuinely hadn't thought of that, definitely agree. I'd probably have him work with a manager as he gets his push, have the manager do most his talking whilst he's working for that #1 spot, losing to Booker or whoever a couple of times etc. But I reckon he'd have to cut it alone as champ or it looks weak, it would be obvious to fans that the champ has a manager cause he can't cut a promo. As a face Lashley would need to have the ability to communicate directly with the crowd and get them behind him without relying on third party help or heel heat to get him over. A manager though currently would probably be an excellent idea for him!

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