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Batista deserves a world title


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Now before i began i was unsure where to post this but i went for this section because he is a smackdown star

Back to batista and he has not held a title since Extreme Rules 2009 and then he only held it for 2 days and this is his only second time holding the wwe title his last time holding the world title was 2008 Cyber Sunday and that only lasted 8 days so his last long title rein started Unforgiven 2007 and lasted 3 months so he is due a lengthy title rein.

so how do you feel with batista as champion and does he deserve a long title rein.
To be honest i think Batista is not that great on the mic and nor do i think his wrestling skills are that great. He is limited. I am definitly not looking forward to seeing Cena and Batista at WrestleMania 26. As far as a long lengthy title reign is concerned....i have to say no.

The reason is because there are younger tallents that need to be pushed more, guys like Christian whom should of had a spot inside the Elimination Chamber match. It should have been Edge Vs Christian instead of Jericho however thats a different story. Other guys that could use the push is John Morrison & Ted Debiase.
Batista doesnt deserve a long reign,And if he does he will just get injured like always.Thats the problem why he never gets a long title reign,Because he is always injured.If he wins any major title a month later he gets injured and thats it.Heck he might get injured at Wrestlemania this year.Maybe thats the reason why he aint wrestling until WrestleMania so he wont get injured.Cause other wise if he does he will not wrestle at mania,And the whole storyline will just go down.
I'm gonna go ahead and be a little bold right here to start off with.. so what if Batista hasn't had a long title-reign since 2007? I'm gonna go ahead and use another example to prove someone more deserving of a long reign. Jericho. Yes Jericho, Batista had the longest straight running reign as World Heavyweight Champion in 2005-2006, and Jericho's longest world title reign was with the Undisputed championship in 2001-2002, and that didn't last over 100 days.. (Batista's reign having lasted over 280 days I believe it was)

Sure Batista is a fine choice as a champion, and sure I've had my times where I thought "hell why don't they give the belt to Batista?" but if we're talking length wise of their reigns, no.. no.. Batista doesn't deserve another reign because his previous two was so short.

But other than that, sure it's okay having the belt on Batista currently, all thou I can quite seriously say I would've prefered the belt on someone else that was in the actual Elimination Chamber *cough* Orton, Sheamus or Triple H *cough* (Yes I like seeing the belt around Triple H's waist..)

Edit: Also I would've much rather see someone else than Batista & / or John Cena in the main event for the WWE title, because that match-up I would've much rather seen as a inter-brand fight like the Umaga vs Batista, but not as a title match.
I have been one of the boards biggest Batista Bashers, but my god, the man has impressed me to all high hell the last several weeks. I know it's a smarky thing to say, but this is a heel turn that is long over due. Batista has been a terrible face, but this, strong, silent and deadly Heel batista has been amazing to watch.

Batista hasn't been strong on the mic, so what does the WWE do, limit his promos by saying nothing. The fans hate this, and he gets tons of heat for it. When he needs to speak, it's often short and to the point, or Vince McMahon speaks for him.

His move set and his selling ability were terrible for a face. Face it, Batista was the least convincing seller of heel offense that I have seen in a long time. His moveset of pure power and aggression plays naturally for a heel, and his domination of Cena in recent weeks has been awesome (Cena for his part has sold Batista like a Million Bucks, making him look even better).

Finally, it's about time the WWE has had a convincing, dominating heel. Batista is flat out tough as nails, and thanks to his long face run, people completely by into his ability to beat faces no problem. It looks like Big Dave Dudd has slimmed down enough, but be cut as all hell to be more mobile in the ring. His new look, plus the character itself finding a way to control the rage that always seemed to cost Face Batista matches has been amazing, and i've completely bought in.

For me, i would love to see this Heel Batista have a nice, long title reign, and I'm talking a year long reign here. Batista beating the hell out of faces for a long time and beating them convincingly would put over a new, up and comer face big time when the time is right.

This also makes me think of how much a guy like Bill Goldberg missed the boat by not wanting to go heel after his face run. Guys like Goldberg and Batista are just natural heels, and the business has needed this for a long time.
As a face, I would have said no, but Batista has impressed me a lot as a heel. The heel turn has reinvented and rejuvenated his character, to the point that he's actually interesting again, unpredictable and can be utilized to put over up and coming faces in the company.

Yes, he deserves the world title....however, I was gutted that Sheamus lost it in the first place.
Batista heel having the belt is better then him face, I have to agree with that point. But I feel at this point in his career, and reading the sites being about a year from retirement, WWE should be concentrating more on guys who will be here for years to come, not someone who could retire after this Wrestlemania for all we know. Anybody know offhand when Batista's current contract expires, or is that information pretty much impossible to find out until a source leaks it?
I have been one of the boards biggest Batista Bashers, but my god, the man has impressed me to all high hell the last several weeks. I know it's a smarky thing to say, but this is a heel turn that is long over due. Batista has been a terrible face, but this, strong, silent and deadly Heel batista has been amazing to watch.

Batista hasn't been strong on the mic, so what does the WWE do, limit his promos by saying nothing. The fans hate this, and he gets tons of heat for it. When he needs to speak, it's often short and to the point, or Vince McMahon speaks for him.

His move set and his selling ability were terrible for a face. Face it, Batista was the least convincing seller of heel offense that I have seen in a long time. His moveset of pure power and aggression plays naturally for a heel, and his domination of Cena in recent weeks has been awesome (Cena for his part has sold Batista like a Million Bucks, making him look even better).

Finally, it's about time the WWE has had a convincing, dominating heel. Batista is flat out tough as nails, and thanks to his long face run, people completely by into his ability to beat faces no problem. It looks like Big Dave Dudd has slimmed down enough, but be cut as all hell to be more mobile in the ring. His new look, plus the character itself finding a way to control the rage that always seemed to cost Face Batista matches has been amazing, and i've completely bought in.

For me, i would love to see this Heel Batista have a nice, long title reign, and I'm talking a year long reign here. Batista beating the hell out of faces for a long time and beating them convincingly would put over a new, up and comer face big time when the time is right.

This also makes me think of how much a guy like Bill Goldberg missed the boat by not wanting to go heel after his face run. Guys like Goldberg and Batista are just natural heels, and the business has needed this for a long time.

Very much how I feel. Something about him just seems fresh, besides the obvious heel turn. It's even in the smallest details. He has changed his wardrobe to include much flashier clothing, and I know he always dressed sharp, but he's dressing in pinks and purples now. A Lot different than black suites. He even has the slightly noticeable nose stud. All of these things just scream tool bag. Everyone knew he was one before, but now it's much more in your face. He seems like the kind of guy that would hangout with Zack Ryder. Not to mention going by one name is douche as it is.

He's done the impossible by making my interested in what he's doing. He's getting great heat by not saying shit. He's believable as monster already because he played one for what like 5 years, just as a face. I was hoping for Shemeaus to keep the title until Mania and defend against Cena, but this was my second choice and i'm very happy with it.
Well like most people has said as heel Batista has been very ipresive and knows how to pla the part of unstoppable monster very well. Now he is an interesting character once again and is not lost in the shuffle like when he was a face last year, now his character has a purpose and that is great.

Now does he deserves a long run with the belt? I thing he should since it also something good that the WWE can exploit very well, I mean if Cena beats him at Mania that is OK, but if he does not, it won't damage Cena's persona and will cement Batista as the Ultima Heel for the time being, a heel that can Rule Raw with an iron fist, that will be a good change for Raw, even if Orton goes face it will be a fresh interaction between the two with the roles reversed unlike the time Batista was a face and Orton would back out from a one on one confrontation, Batista would want to destroy Orton and will attack with no remorse of hurting him.

And now about focusing on younger guys, lets be honest, I know how many of us would love to see a young guy be on top of the WWE but the fact is and you have to consider this, most wrestlers that has made it to a World Championship has been in their early 30s and that is for a reason, only a few guys have become champions before their 30s (Taker [26], Orton[24], The Rock [26]) and they were only transitional champions for a very short period of time and only 2 guys in their 20s got it for a long time (Cena[28] or got it multiple times and kept being involved with it (Lesnar [25], Orton [for the second time and first time WWE at 27]) and with Lesnar it backfired since he never really liked the life of a Wrestler.

I mean it does not matter how much do you think or how much someone thinks he is ready for a belt, the fact of the matter is that they now when someone is ready to carry the ball, for real, I mean Cena was ready, Orton was not ready the first time but since his second title he was ready and he proved it time and time again.

Is just an example but hear me out, I have been one of Ted Dibiase's supporters to get a good push as I though he was ready for something else, the he Chamber match came and as much as I like the guy and eventhough his part was supposed to be short, he looked completely out of the element and for it proved that it is still a long road ahead of him before really becoming the mega start I supposed he was ready to be, can't talk about Cody, but we don't really need to rush anything with anyone.

If Batista's reing passes Cena and he get a long run, the day he lost to anyone is going to be huge for that man, who ever that is.
Usually I would disagree with this statement, but ever since Big Dave turned heel (mostly as of late) he has been impressing me to no end. It seems as if Batista has sparked some new life into his character and I really hope they keep it going with him. I do agree that he should get a nice run, but I think it is going to come to an end at Mania against Cena. I'm not sure if he'll get a world title after that for a good amount of time. We will see Edge or Jericho running the the WHC and Cena with the WWE. Batista is gonna be in a tight spot. I for one would love to see Dave win at Mania and have an extended run with the WWE title.

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