Batista and his cry for more men..


Getting Noticed By Management
How can a guy wearing skinny jeans be asking for more men, the last time I saw something like that I was watching boy george's do you want to hurt me video.

He won the right to wrestle at Wrestlemania at the rumble rumble royal rumble.

Bad mic skills, Decent ring skills, no fans.....How is this clown even in the Main Events.

I hope WWE has learned thier lame lesson, don't bring back some quitter cry baby who couldn't hack it in Acting or in MMA and now he comes crawling back to the fan base that made him something. To hell with Batista.

I am so not looking forward to seeing D Bry beat Triple H and then win a title.....I hope D Bry win the title at Wrestlemania but beating triple H to get there is just stupid.

Oh well, give the cry baby fans what they want, then we can let D bry quit CM flunk style and take his money and run. Then we can get back to wrestling.
How can a guy wearing skinny jeans be asking for more men, the last time I saw something like that I was watching boy george's do you want to hurt me video.

He won the right to wrestle at Wrestlemania at the rumble rumble royal rumble.

Bad mic skills, Decent ring skills, no fans.....How is this clown even in the Main Events.

I hope WWE has learned thier lame lesson, don't bring back some quitter cry baby who couldn't hack it in Acting or in MMA and now he comes crawling back to the fan base that made him something. To hell with Batista.

I am so not looking forward to seeing D Bry beat Triple H and then win a title.....I hope D Bry win the title at Wrestlemania but beating triple H to get there is just stupid.

Oh well, give the cry baby fans what they want, then we can let D bry quit CM flunk style and take his money and run. Then we can get back to wrestling.

Gotta clear up some misconceptions;

1. Batista isn't really crawling back to WWE. He's not like the Rock, sure, but he is part of a big movie coming out, which in turn offers WWE more mainstream publicity, y'know, 'in theory'.

2. The 'Quitting' part was Kayfabe, and was a bit appropriate given Batista's status as a heel and how thoroughly he was put down by John Cena at the time. Granted, a more dignified exit sounds a lot more appealing, but it might have been a stretch for the character.

Aside from that, this is Local Wrestling tier smack talk.
Didn't we see Steve Austin walk around in Daisy Dukes?

I am not entirely sure what this thread is about, or how quickly it's going into the Trash section, but Batista was a draw for WWE at one time. Not exactly accurate to say he isn't a Main Event competitor. I stopped reading from there because the rest is just downing the product and not giving any suggestions or really anything to counteract the loads of troll going into this thread.
-Batista is starring in the upcoming Marvel movie "Guardians of the Galaxy"

-Batista won his first and only MMA fight.

Well to be fair it was against a guy who had lost like double digit fights in a row, and that guy kind of took it to him for the first part of the fight. On the other hand, I personally give credit to anyone who is willing to fight anyone in MMA even just once. Good for him for doing it, but if you are going to break down whether or not he could hack it in MMA, I think the answer is certainly no.

As to the OPs point, if there really is one, I just don't get the obsession with this man's jeans. Wrestling can truly be a funny show when fans go nuts over jeans and don't bat an eye over a boa or speedos.

Personally if I was going to make fun of Batista I would go with the indoor sunglasses route.
why would he cry for more men when his hands were trembling to put a spinebuster on an approaching opponent!! and he almost gets knocked out when he receives a vicious spear from Roman Regins at Royal Rumble!
we could clearly see he is struggling to lift his opponents!! Hunter and WWE must be careful with his story lines to show him an animal!!
luckily he didn't lock horns with Brock Lesner else we would've seen yet another injury for the animal :p
Batista. I kinda feel bad for him. In his prime he was great to
Watch. But wwe screwed up big time leaking he was returning.
If he returned as number 30 with out anyone knowing
It would have been a different story I think.
But creative screwed up big time. Knowing Batista was returning
Then watching raw and seeing this clown coming out
In skinny jeans, one of Michael Jacksons Jackets
And Justin beever glasses. I turned it off. Wwe could
Have easily avoided all the bullshit.

I would have made him 30 in rumble. Not winning though.
Would have gave that to punk. My mania 30 main event
Would have been punk and Austin. Wwe are too tight
To fork out the money. Probably why punk left.

After the rumble while Brock is demanding a heavyweight
Title shot. Have Batista come out and brawl. Would
Have been much better to see Brock vs Batista.
Batista would have got cheered. My mania 30 card would be

Punk vs Austin

Sting vs undertaker

Lesnar vs Batista vs ryback(face)

Hell in cell
Cena vs wyatt

Triple h, Orton, kane, Henry, show, sandow
Dan Bryan,ziggler, Rhodes, reigns, Rollins, Ambrose

Sheamus vs axel vs oniel vs big e

Real Americans vs the usos

Aj lee wit tamina vs natalya with Sarah del ray

Andre memorial Barrett winner

USA submission
Miz vs del Rio vs Tyson kidd
How can a guy wearing skinny jeans be asking for more men, the last time I saw something like that I was watching boy george's do you want to hurt me video.

I, umm. The possibility of a man wearing skinny jeans wanting more men around is a mystery to you? Yeah, I suppose that Batista has worked his upper body so much that his legs don't fill his jeans out as well as some of us would hope. As a result, he has to dress incognito and shop in the tiny jeans section of his local K&G. He didn't have to turn in his man card for buying skinny jeans.

Ah, yes. Boy George, the out and proud homosexual, was an 80's icon partly because his character was that of a transgender teeny bopper. I suppose that he too would require skinny jeans as well, we're building a very complicated venn diagram here.

Sir, I don't know why you assume that Batista's fashion sense is any indicator of an emo Boy George music video. You're really running the risk of losing any credibility on this forum for doing so.

He won the right to wrestle at Wrestlemania at the rumble rumble royal rumble.

So, you don't like it when people win the Royal Rumble? Should they have awarded the main event to the first person who was eliminated instead?

Bad mic skills, Decent ring skills, no fans.....How is this clown even in the Main Events.

Bad mic skills? I'd change that to something like; Batista is using old mic skills in a new age. Only HHH, Steph and (possibly) God knows if Batista was ever meant to be a heel by default. Batista is playing to the crowd by insulting their modern desires, he's playing the part of a heel now and for that his mic work with me has dramatically improved.

Decent ring skills? We're talking about the WWE here, alright. Decent Batista is good enough to compliment Daniel Bryan, so it works for me.

No fans? Oh come on, you can't be serious. Batista has no fans, just like Daniel Bryan has no haters. Don't believe everything you see and hear on tv kid, Batista has plenty of fans out there.

How is he in the main event? Shit, I sure as Hell don't know. I have a five second memory and.... wait, what the Hell am I doing at the computer?

I hope WWE has learned thier lame lesson, don't bring back some quitter cry baby who couldn't hack it in Acting or in MMA and now he comes crawling back to the fan base that made him something. To hell with Batista.

Batista may not have been seeing success on par with The Rock as far as his foray into big budget movies goes, but he wasn't about to die of starvation because he wasn't getting a paycheck from Titansports. If I had his money, there's no way in Hell I'd be risking my good health taking bumps.

You don't have to spill a diatribe of hatred unto Batista just to reassure yourself of the fact that you don't like him. "To hell with Batista" is an ethos that I'm sure isn't predicated on our validation.

I'm sure that the WWE is learning lessons every day, even the lame ones. Hiring Batista may have pissed off Pittsburgh, but they're making it work.

I am so not looking forward to seeing D Bry beat Triple H and then win a title.....I hope D Bry win the title at Wrestlemania but beating triple H to get there is just stupid.

Umm. HHH isn't a valid enough opponent, or the structure of the PPV doesn't make sense to you? You're not looking forward to what you hope will happen?

Oh well, give the cry baby fans what they want, then we can let D bry quit CM flunk style and take his money and run. Then we can get back to wrestling.

You wouldn't recognize what you wrote as being the brain farts of a cry baby fan? This is starting to sound less and less serious. You mock CM Punk for quitting, and yet you want Daniel Bryan to mimic that behavior as a means of poetic justice regarding Batista's existence in the Wrestlemania main event.

When it comes to ideas like this, you're still a grasshopper.
How can a guy wearing skinny jeans be asking for more men, the last time I saw something like that I was watching boy george's do you want to hurt me video.

He won the right to wrestle at Wrestlemania at the rumble rumble royal rumble.

Bad mic skills, Decent ring skills, no fans.....How is this clown even in the Main Events.

I hope WWE has learned thier lame lesson, don't bring back some quitter cry baby who couldn't hack it in Acting or in MMA and now he comes crawling back to the fan base that made him something. To hell with Batista.

I am so not looking forward to seeing D Bry beat Triple H and then win a title.....I hope D Bry win the title at Wrestlemania but beating triple H to get there is just stupid.

Oh well, give the cry baby fans what they want, then we can let D bry quit CM flunk style and take his money and run. Then we can get back to wrestling.

You can't really call him "whiny" as Jericho left the company at least twice being dragged crying from the arena or carried out...

You can't say he failed at acting, he is in one of Marvel/Disney's tentpole movies of the summer and has worked with Oscar winners and top talent like Russell Crowe and Tarantino.

The difference is Dave isn't as beloved by the fans as Rocky, Jericho, Austin or any of the others who come back here and there. Most fans remember him as being there the first time as #2 to Cena and only in that spot cos of his Trips affiliations... His angles have never really "set fires" and his rep is not seen by many as "a good bloke" like Rocky or Jericho... he also was very vocal about not returning during PG... but the moment he has a PG movie to sell...

Add to this that the fans feel "their guy" has been taken from them in Punk and their new pick is being mistreated and Dave's return and how it's been booked is lemon juice on those wounds for the fans... they've extended this to Hogan too now and it's almost "bizarro land" in many ways... It might be why Jericho isn't back or if he does it'll be as a surprise in the Battle Royale... Pretty much anyone who detracts from Bryan right now would get the fans ire...
I was never a Batista fan but I definitely wasn't a hater. When he finished up in the company he was at his best ever. This version of Batista is awful. I don't want whinny. Thats ridiculous. He should go back to the cocky heel he was before he left.

This version is awful.
No fans? Oh come on, you can't be serious. Batista has no fans, just like Daniel Bryan has no haters. Don't believe everything you see and hear on tv kid, Batista has plenty of fans out there.

Originally I wasn't going to respond, I said my peace and I was fine leaving the pieces were they lay. But this comment really lite the fire. Because it is normally the case with wrestling fans, you take things for to literal. Example is calling wrestling fake; people ( but not all, don't want to confuse you) get upset saying it is physical there fore not fake. Action movies are physical and still remain fake. Yes the action is real and guys get here but that changes nothing in the choreographing or the script.
Saying Batista has no fans is incorrect I am sure there are a few fans, ever wrestler has a few fans even the horrible ones (for more info see the Zack Ryder Movement) So sure he might have a few fans left. I once was one of those fans, long before he became Dave, back when he was Leviathan.
Don't be so hung up on the exact words son.

He didn't have to turn in his man card for buying skinny jeans.

Personally I think so.

Sir, I don't know why you assume that Batista's fashion sense is any indicator of an emo Boy George music video. You're really running the risk of losing any credibility on this forum for doing so.

I am not looking for the approval of people who can't see it for what it is a show, like all shows there are bad casted actors, this is one of those times.

So, you don't like it when people win the Royal Rumble? Should they have awarded the main event to the first person who was eliminated instead?

If you stopped and looked at the context it was referring to his (Batista);I don't want to confuse you. Batistas inability to stay on the mic, jumbling his words sorry this isn't hollywood no retakes on live tv.

Decent ring skills? We're talking about the WWE here, alright. Decent Batista is good enough to compliment Daniel Bryan, so it works for me.

People like Daniel Bryan shouldn't have to carry the show, I am not impressed with Batista in the least.

You wouldn't recognize what you wrote as being the brain farts of a cry baby fan? This is starting to sound less and less serious. You mock CM Punk for quitting, and yet you want Daniel Bryan to mimic that behavior as a means of poetic justice regarding Batista's existence in the Wrestlemania main event.

Sounding less and less Serious? Wait we are still talking about preplanned wrestling events correct? I doubt seriousness should be even discussed, overall there is no way to know what is really going on in the WWE unless your there. I mock everyone for quitting, Do you think I want Jonathan Martin to play for the 49ers? no he is a quitter too.
Do I want Daniel Bryan to quit and walk away, no of course not he is huge right now, I am not a big fan of his but still. But when you push a guy to the top and have him win match after match (even under ridiculous circumstances) the already "unreal" seems even worse, John Cena is a true testament to that.

When it comes to ideas like this, you're still a grasshopper.

Oh Thank you o wise master of knowing how "scripted" wrestling works, thank you for showing me that even though you sit behind a computer and are doing nothing for yourself but running down other posters, with the knowledge you think you have on the subject.
Myself at 20 is doing everything I can to finish my college and internship with WWE. I am looking to make the scripts better, not listen to the clown shoe fans.
Before you get that twisted and spin it to make you feel better about yourself. Understand there is a certain level of giving the fans what they want, if not you end up like TNA.
You can't really call him "whiny" as Jericho left the company at least twice being dragged crying from the arena or carried out...
So Jericho is a whiner too your point?

You can't say he failed at acting, he is in one of Marvel/Disney's tentpole movies of the summer and has worked with Oscar winners and top talent like Russell Crowe and Tarantino.

Mike Stevens, Jim Everette ( not the football player), Andrea mickens......Have you ever heard of any of these people? NO ....But why not they are amazing actors because they were in films like Lord of the Rings, Desperado and even Star Wars.....They all worked along side Oscar winning actors. But again by no means does that make them good, decent or anything other than 1 liners.
No Jericho is NOT a whiner, but he left in a way that was similar to how Batista did... yet when they come back the slate is clean unless "It's real to you dammit" which I get the feeling it is...

Batista did not have a bit part on Iron Fists... he was a featured, advertised player in an ensemble cast... Same for Guardians. Sure he's not at the "selling a movie himself" point ala Dwayne, but it's more than Hogan ever managed for a start...

I purposely left your borderline homophobic implications alone cos I get it, you can't wear skinny jeans... there are reasons to dislike Batista and his choice of attire is not one of them.

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