Baseball Challenge

Ok, so after two weesk I just figured out how to change your line-up if you want to dump a player, above your roster it says veiw/edit line-ups: week of apr 5 | this week | week of apr 20, if you want to make a change on your line-up click on week of apr 20 (the next week) and then it will take you to your line-up for that week where you are able to edit your line-up

anyway here are the standings after 2 weeks

1- Me:D- 600 pts.
2- IC- 472 pts.
3- Brian- 431 pts.
4- Wes- 430 pts.
5- 48/7- 0 pts.
Agreed 100%.

I'mnever good at fantasy games because I am a giant homer. And after I finished second in the NFL playoff challenge, I need a WZ win to gain my rightful place at the top.
Well we've just finished the first 5 weeks so now seems like a good time for an update on the standings

1)Me- 1423
2)Wes- 1253
3)IC- 1127
4)Becker- 1040
5)FTS- 651
6)Lions- 580
7)PRH- 461
8)48/7- 0

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