Barrett Injured Again?


As I'm sure others have noticed, King Barrett hasn't been seen with other members of the League of Nations in their various adventures to thwart the ambitions of Roman Reigns. He appeared on the TLC kickoff show, but was nowhere to be seen at TLC itself or Raw last night.

According to Dave Meltzer, Barrett has suffered some sort of injury that remains undisclosed at the time. Meltzer believes that the injury, whatever it is, took place sometime prior to TLC and is why Barrett hasn't been used in any of the various physical altercations. It's noted that Barrett did wrestle last at the Tribute to the Troops taping, so it's possible the injury occurred there or, possibly, before then and was exacerbated by the action of TTTT. Again, exactly what the injury is and how severe it is wasn't mentioned in the report.

I've been a fan of Barrett since his NXT days, but he's just not reliable because he seems to be pretty injury prone. He's missed significant time due to elbow or shoulder problems in the past and these injuries always seem to come about when he has some momentum built up or is in the process of building it up. Maybe Barrett should consider hanging up his boots because this unreliability, although nobody's fault, is unreliability all the same that's going to prevent him from rising higher than he is. I think he'd be a great commentator, he's comfortable on the mic and can be quite entertaining when he's left to his own devices.
If he is indeed injured, then surely it's over for him? How many times can they give him a chance? I feel bad for Barrett I genuinely enjoy his work, plus he's pretty damn good on the microphone.

He hasn't felt relevant since the Bad News Barrett gimmick, his King gimmick has been incredibly forgettable.

Now if he is done, in-ring wise, I don't see him leaving the company. As said he's good on the mic and could work in either a manager or commentary role, I'd definitely prefer the latter if I'm honest.
It's unfortunate the injury bug seems to hit him at the wrong times. Hopefully it's not serious - but what that said I personally lose interest in him as a worker. Despite his talent I can't get behind a guy that's often injured. I feel now he is solidified as a mid card fixture through the rest of his WWE tenure.
He appeared on the TLC kickoff show, but was nowhere to be seen at TLC itself ....

I'm pretty sure he was in the TLC match but honestly can't recall if he wrestled.

At any rate, I remember thinking he was injured when he didn't come out with Rusev and Del Rio at the end of the PPV. Surely, he belonged there ....but sadly, his performance wasn't really needed. Same thing on Raw last night.

This time, as always, I suppose his future employment will depend on how long he'll be on the shelf. People can get all righteous and tell us: "Hey man, it's not Wade's fault he gets injured!" but from the perspective of his employer, a paid employee who can't do his job because of repeated injuries isn't worth keeping on the payroll forever.

If this is a serious injury, perhaps Wade has reached his point of diminishing returns.
I could imagine the doctor going up to him and saying "I'M AFRAID I'VE GOT SOME BAD NEWS!!!"

In all seriousness though, there's just some guys in wrestling and sports you can't trust because they're injured all the time. Wade Barrett seems to be one of those guys.

I've been a fan of him since his NXT days, and he is very talented and full of potential. However that potential won't be reached because of all his injuries.
I'd doesn't mean much really. Barrett just floats around doing nothing. His new stable is a bust and I'd be surprised if it survives another month. It's such unimportant news Barrett won't even report it.
While I wish injuries upon no one, I couldn't help but think: "Has Barrett had more injuries or entrance themes?"

Seriously, this guy really does have some of the worst luck. It's not just the injuries themselves, but the timing is always horrible for him. I've never been a huge fan of his. He's ok. Midcard material. But his timing with injuries seems to really hinder his credit with the WWE higher ups I'm betting.
Well, I wouldn't mind Barret having a William Regalesque career, where he rarely wrestles and just plays a character most of the time, he's only mediocre in the ring, but he's great outside it.
If he is indeed injured, then surely it's over for him? How many times can they give him a chance? I feel bad for Barrett I genuinely enjoy his work, plus he's pretty damn good on the microphone.

He hasn't felt relevant since the Bad News Barrett gimmick, his King gimmick has been incredibly forgettable.

Now if he is done, in-ring wise, I don't see him leaving the company. As said he's good on the mic and could work in either a manager or commentary role, I'd definitely prefer the latter if I'm honest.

I hate it for him. He's one of my favorite wrestlers. Now I truly see why WWE doesn't take chances with him. I know he won't retire anytime soon but if I was him I'd be a manager. Manage Del Rio and Rusev as a tag team and be Sheamus' right hand man.
Make him a commentator of a manager and get on with it. Body doesn't hold up well, and he has done fuck all since debuting anyways.
I hope Barrett is not lost to WWE.

Maybe he can't be relied upon to wrestle anymore. But there are other uses for him.

Too bad they don't still have the GMs. Barrett would be perfect for this, and he could then use the phrase while booking matches "I'M AFRAID I HAVE SOME BAD NEWS FOR YOU!"

He would be also great as a manager. Maybe he should be the mouthpiece of the League Of Nations, since he is better on the mike than Sheamus, ADR or Rusev. He could also put over Sheamus on the mike and make him a bigger deal. The stickwork between Reigns and Sheamus hasn't been good, but Barrett speaking on Sheamus's behalf could have the "Paul Heyman" effect.

Also, commentary would be a good option, and maybe he could be the heel "Smackdown" commentator.
My guess is he is done as far as wwe is concerned. Unlike Orton, they don't have that much invested in him so they can drop him down the card which i think will happen. You won't see a big push anymore, he is going to be the "important" jobber from now on - the guys with some titles that puts over the new guys now. It's unfortunate as he could have been a bigger deal in the company. Guess there isn't always time to rebuild a guy - if wwe hasn't screwed up the Nexus angle, things might have worked out differently for him.
Its damn sad as i liked him alot..... He hasnot been pushed to his level and has been just "there" after the Bad News gimmick was ended... If its a serious injury like that of Rollins & Cesaro, Then it may be over for him..... Nopes not career but a big push is never gonna happen then.... If its serious, as someone said here, i too would like him in William Regal role.....But why not make him RAW General Manager while being a part of League of Nations? and he can misuse his power in the favour of his stablemates? :rolleyes:
I reckon this time he wasn't injured to any serious level this time. I agree that he's sort of injury prone, but he's a good worker and seems like being pushed away from any sorts of fan interactions. I hope to recover soon and get exposed as a formidable star. League of Nations shouldn't end soon yet; that stable needs to dominate for at least three or four PPVs. Barrett needs to be in there because League doesn't look completed with just three stars. I hope for his speedy recovery.
I hope it's not another serious injury for Barrett, he really does seem to have the worst luck with injuries striking whenever he's involved in a big storyline or is gaining some momentum. These non-stop problems mean WWE can never really fully invest in him, as they can't rely on his body holding up, which is a damn shame.

I never used to be interested in Barrett, but I've become more of a fan over the last couple of years. The guy is gold on the mic, and would be ideal as a GM, Commentator or Manager if WWE decide he's not worth the risk of keeping on the roster much longer.

I'd get rid of Lawler or JBL and put Barrett at the announcers desk. Probably JBL as his commentary work is pitiful compared to what it was when he first started, he's fucking dreadful. Barrett would be the perfect replacement, however I hope we see him back in the ring soon and his in-ring career continue alot longer.
Personally, I think the Authority angle has been played out, and I would like to see seperate GMs on both Raw and Smackdown.

As I mentioned above, Bad News Barrett should be a GM, as he would be very good at it.

I would like to see the other show's GM be Daniel Bryan, as he is also good on the mike, and also his career is in jeopardy.

This way they could keep these two popular but injury-plagued superstars in the wrestling public eye, and it might freshen up the product somewhat.
They have a lot of people who have speaking roles, so I doubt that Barrett gets that type of a role immediately. Barrett is 35, injury-prone, and has gotten hurt EVERY time they gave him any type of a push. For all you Barret fans out there, I'm afraid that I've got some bad news for you: He is done in WWE. He needs a company whose schedule is not as demanding. Maybe RoH, TNA or Japan. Even though his injury is basically a stinger, a relatively minor injury, the fact that he got hurt while in a semi-major angle really makes it the straw the broke the camel's back. He will be gone by the summer.

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