Baron Corbin...The Total Package

He could be a total package in a couple of years and that needs a consistent strong booking. But at this point, he isn't a total package.

It's too soon to term him as a total package.

For now, he needs to move on from Mr. Ziggler.

I surely like the guy though.
I don't see what people like in Baron. He is skinny fat, going bald. He just has an all around weird look to him. Much less he has done not 1 thing to impress of captivate me.
I don't see what people like in Baron. He is skinny fat, going bald. He just has an all around weird look to him. Much less he has done not 1 thing to impress of captivate me.

Just what does "skinny fat" mean? I'm asking in all seriousness, never heard that expression before.

He does have the receding hairline, I'll give you that. So do Ambrose and Wyatt, hasn't stopped either of them, so I'm not putting much stock in the lack of hair. The first thing I thought when I saw him in NXT after his debut was how scrawny he was. Thought to myself, Vince will never go for this, he like them cut like Cena. He's got that tall, lanky thing happening for him. Seems to work, not my style but other might like it.

As for not being captivating, this I understand because I feel the same way. Every match he had in NXT was basically a 1-2 minute squash. The guy never said a word, I didn't even know what he sounded like for the longest time. As I said before though, he'll come into his own eventually, give him time. The thing that has surprised me the most though is it seems a tad early to call him up. I thought they would leave him in NXT for awhile just for the experience factor alone.
That's exactly where Baron Corbin belongs at this point in his career. But Dolph Ziggler deserves so much better than jobbing to nobodies on the kickoff show. Ziggler should be in a position like AJ Styles, if not higher.

When Ziggler ever has a memorable match or cuts a non-shit promo, I'm sure he will be in AJ Styles' position. You know, jobbing to Cena through a summer program.

I'd much rather watch a Corbin match than a Ziggler match. His finisher is less shit and he hasn't face everyone on the roster 12 times.
Just what does "skinny fat" mean? I'm asking in all seriousness, never heard that expression before.
By looking at Corbin, I think it's having like a skinny/decent looking shape or build, but having more body fat than muscle. So for example Kevin Owens is fat, Baron Corbin is "skinny fat".

Anyway, I don't mind Corbin, he was awesome on Breaking Ground in the sense that he didn't give a fuck about anything, and he's getting better in the ring, but that's about it at the moment. He was starting to get on a roll with his "anti-indy" gimmick, but then he just got suddenly called up. I like the guy, but he just wasn't ready for the call-up and I just don't think he's the total package quite yet.

Starting a program with Ziggler was okay I suppose, but it went on for too long, people have started to grow sort of tired of Ziggler, and the first few matches just weren't very good. Weird pacing aside, they had a pretty decent to even good match at MiTB but we've seen it so many times that nobody cared and it ended up hurting both guys. We just want them to get the hell off of our TV screen.

I like Corbin's look, it's different and he's a big guy mean looking guy who looks like he'd fuck your girlfriend and never call her back, but I can see how people aren't big on his look. He's balding and as someone else said, he's sort of "skinny fat". But regardless, I like the guy and hope he's able to dig himself out of the pit that was that long-ass Ziggler feud.

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