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Bam Neely, Waste of Space?

Skullz Crack'Em

Lord of the Skulls
We all know that Bam Neely is Chavo Guerrero's bodyguard, but is he really needed? First of all, he doesn't do much interfering, Chavo's opponent could fall outside the ring and Neely will just let him get back in the ring without any hassle, that's not the classic way how bodyguards are usually used. Also, he isn't that big, so he isn't really that intimidating if you ask me, which is an important trait to have when you are a bodyguard. On top of all that, he got squashed plenty of times by the Undertaker, so any momentum he had into being this powerful bodyguard is long gone by now.

I don't know why WWE didn't just use one of the many larger and more established wrestlers that they already had to be Chavo's bodyguard. Mark Henry, Umaga, Khali, Snitsky, or even Vladimer Koslov would have all been better choices than bringing in a new wrestler just to be Chavo's bodyguard.

So, is Bam Neely really that important, or could WWE have just used Mark Henry for this role?
Definitely wasted space. He's a bodyguard that doesn't guard and he hasn't been proven to be a strong guy anyway. Wouldn't it have made more sense to just make Kozlov the bodyguard if they really wanted a new guy for it?

I don't think they could really do Mark Henry, BDV, or any of the previous monsters as they've all been defeated a bunch of times and lost most of their credibility. The new guy, though, despite how boring Kozlov's been, would've made much more sense in my opinion and it would've given him something to do outside of beating jobbers with headbutts.
Mark Henry wouldn't be taken seriously in that role, nor would they want to waste Henry in such a role. As much as we make fun of him on here, Mark Henry still is huge and can be useful when trying to get a smaller guy over.

Khali...they wouldn't waste a former WHC as a bodyguard for Chavo Guerrero. Khali, despite sucking badly, still can draw.

Umaga...he's far too talented. He is superior to Chavo, thus, he couldn't be his bodyguard.

Snitsky...no possibility of being taken seriously.

I wouldn't call Bam Neely a waste of space, but I might call Chavo Guerrero's current character one. Bam Neely can only be as big as Chavo/La Familia is. La Familia is starting to finally be recognized as a legit heel stable, which would favor Bam and hurt Chavo. He is clearly just a pawn in a group that holds him back. He was once the ECW Champ (probably undeservingly), but now he plays a role in La Familia that really doesn't make much sense. Other than his connection with Vickie, he has no business in it. Perhaps he's in it so they can call it "La Familia." But Bam Neely serves as the Big Bossman of La Familia. The only problem is that Big Bossman was established, perfect for the role, and part of one of the greatest stables ever. La Familia is decent to good, and Bam Neely isn't established at all. But he has nowhere to go but up.
Hmm, yes. Neely was originally introduced to help Chavo out with Kane, probably pointlessly. Shouldn't Hawkins and Ryder have been sufficient? Once that feud was over, Neely is definitely pointless. At the moment he's just hanging around La Familia, not doing very much.

I suspect he'll be dumped longterm, but before Chavo will bust up with Edge and exit the stable, turning face. Chavo and Bam will then proceed to wreck Edge's "wedding" with Vickie. At least, that's how I see things going. Speculative, but I have a feeling that this is..well...inevitable. Sigh.
Yeh i agree with everyone else here Bam Neely is a waste of space right now. Mabye when Cavo was going up against Kane he had a purpose but even then he really wasnt doing much and right now he doesnt really do jack. Like look back at the weeks Smackdown the 8 man tag match didnt feature him because La Famila had enough with Ryder and Hawekins and Chavo.

Another thing is he doesnt even interfear on behalf of Chavo and doesnt play a predominate role in any of his matches. If he isnt going to do that, what is the point in him being a body guard?? I think La Famila is already stacked up as it is and Bam Neely isnt needed at all, and if there that desperate for a big man in the stable their are plenty of big men to choose, what about Kloslov? He isnt doing anything get him, his big and tough.
NO I really and truthfully do not believe Bam Neely is any more a wasted space in the W.W.E. than the likes of Santino Marella, Mark Henry, Big Daddy V, Snitsky, or half of the E.C.W. roster in general.

Neely doesn't do his job well, that I'll agree on. But at least he has a specific role. If he'd just watch a couple tapes on what "bodyguards/managers" are SUPPOSE to do.. he'd be better then what he is. But none the less, the guy gets more air time than half of the above mentioned names, including 40% or more of the E.C.W. roster as a whole. I mean, you rarely ever see any of those guys do anything.

Recently, they've even gone to the trouble of bringing in indy workers to compete against the E.C.W. few of Morrison, Miz, Kane, Punk, Benjamin, or Kingston. While guys like Burke, Nunzio, Richards, and who knows however many are left that get unused. If you aren't going to use them, and instead bring in indy guys.. then just get rid of them in general.

But as far as Bam Neely goes, at least hes used weekly and does have a purpose.. even if that purpose is misunderstood to him.
The guy has got to debut somehow. He may as well be involved with a group. It'll hide his shortcomings, and he'll learn. If he doesn't learn from being with the top heel in the company then there's no hope for him. And Chavo is solid enough to carry him in tag matches. It's evident that Hawkins & Ryder have improved under Edge, so I don't see why Neeley shouldn't.

Who else are they going to use? There isn't anyybody other than Henry. That'll be Mark Henry who's hardly recieved a push in 6 months. Took 10 years to get over. And has a habit of injuring himself, and others.
i also agree with everyone else here. He is a wase of space. the only thing i've seen him do is hit kane with the belt, punch and kick people and perform a half nelson slam to nunzio i think it was. Besides the crap tag team match with chavo against kane and cm punk i haven't seen him wrestle. I think he should have a match soon because he honestly looks weak getting dominated by taker and kane.
i actually used to watch him wrestle in OVW under his old gimmick and he wasn't that bad of a wrestler. same goes for koslov. i don't think they're a waste as far as talent goes. i think the current characters WWE has them in is the true waste.
Meh I dont see how ANYONE in a role in which he stands around with little to no involvement or character can be considered a wasted spot LOL. He fills the role very well from what ive seen, and I was actually just thinking that the other night. This kind of entrance into the bigs is rather common place, especially for big guys.
I dont think he is a waste of space. he had to come into the WWE one way or another. and they problly thought that that was the best way to do it. It puts him with a veteren like all new wrestlers seem to be. but it doesnt happen the tag team way wich makes it more interesting. yeah its pointless to have him as Chavos body guard but that wont last long. when it ends he will be able to show off his potential if he has any. I couldnt see Mark Henry do it becouse he's a solitary heel that's character doesnt "Hang" or do anything for other people.
WWE likes the big wrestlers and they obviousley felt like they needed yet another one. hopefully when his true potential starts to show he can wrestle better then The great Khali etc...
Meh I dont see how ANYONE in a role in which he stands around with little to no involvement or character can be considered a wasted spot LOL. He fills the role very well from what ive seen, and I was actually just thinking that the other night. This kind of entrance into the bigs is rather common place, especially for big guys.

You know come to think of it you've got a point, cause if you think back this is the exact same way brought Batista in, they had D-Von doing his stupid televangelist crap gimmick, and they brought Batista in as the deacon Batista, and he was basically doing the same shit as Neely is doing now, with the exception that Batista would also carry a steal box in which was filled with "donations", so really they are not doing anything different than they've done before, who knows maybe in a few years we'll see Neely in ME's fighting for the World or WWE championship
I don't think Bam Kneely is a waste. I think they are doing the whole bodyguard thing just to break him into the business, and see how good he is in front of the crowd. I think he has the potential to be a great future WWE superstar. Maybe even a world champion someday.
The problem with neely is that as soon as La Familia disbands, he's going to sink and eventually be released, unless of course WWE starts getting him to wrestle. Hawkins, Ryder, Edge and Chavo all wrestle on a regular(ish) basis, so get neely to do it too. maybe have him in some 6 man tag matches with the Edgeheads. Plus we dont know (or at least i dont know) if he's any good on the mic. I think its too early to establish if he's a waste of space or not yet. Give him a chance to prove that he sucks, then we can be sure!
I think Bam's inclusion in its entirety is useless. Having a bodyguard for Chavo is dumb. Anyway, if they were going to go that route, someone else could have been utilized. Bam's got no charisma.
Chavo acquiring a bodyguard would have made more sense had Chavo actually been the ECW champion at the time, thus needing to “guard” his title from his opponents. Reasoning aside, Neely hasn’t lived up to my expectations of him in the bodyguard role. Granted he should blend into the background, but you shouldn’t forget he’s there. Neely hasn’t shown any charisma or effort to draw heat from the audience on Chavo’s behalf. He rarely interfered in Chavo’s matches with Kane and didn’t help him reclaim the ECW title. As far as I’m concerned, that makes him a failure as Chavo’s bodyguard. And just last week on Smackdown, Neely failed to take care of Matt Hardy for Chavo and I don’t see him factoring into their match at Night of Champions for the US title.

If he’s done anything of significance and stood out at all since his debut, it’s aiding Edge by attacking his opponents and interfering in his matches, thus helping Edge hold onto the WHC title. If I didn’t know better, I’d think that Neely was Edge’s bodyguard instead of Chavo’s. I can see Neely remaining one of Edge’s henchmen when Chavo splits from La Familia and I think he’ll continue to do well in that role.

Now as a wrestler, he’s only had a handful of matches, so it’s still early to make a definitive judgment about his success or failure. Still the few times he’s tagged with Chavo, he really hasn’t gotten the job done in the ring either. His singles match against Hardy last Friday night speaks for itself. He looked slow and out of shape. Not sure if anyone else has noticed but he’s packed on the pounds and not in a good way in the last few months. So far his offense is unimpressive; I’m still waiting to see more than a punch, kick, and chinlock from this guy. Overall, Neely hasn’t made his presence as a ‘big’ man known - whether it be in his role as bodyguard or wrestler.
I don't think that Bam Neely makes any difference in La Familia at all. Once they disband hes going to be wasted away into oblivion. I personally don't see the point in him at all. He's just the guy that goes out and does the job for La Familia. I guess maybe that is his point but he's still useless in my opinion. I say get rid of him as he is a waste of space.
After watching Chavo's match last night i was wondering the same thing. What's the point of having a bodyguard if the guy doesn't do anything. It's been 3 month now and Bam has did more to help edge than he did Chavo. Also something that i just reliase, Chavo hasn'T won a match on PPV since he got a bodyguard.

So what's the point of having a bodyguard if the guy just stay there and doesn'T interfered in match. Last night, i'm sure that i saw BAm actually arguing with the fans will Chavo was getting beat. So if your not going to use this guy to intefered in Chavo'S match, you should either give him a new gimmick are sent him back to Florida for more training but right now, he's just taking space.
I don't think he's a waste of space, though I think he was brought in to make Chavo look like a stronger heel. To put him in a leader-ish position since he's always been perceived as the sidekick to others in a way. Chavo isn't physically imposing, but to see him order around a hulking dude to beat his opponent's asses....easy heat. It gives Neely the chance to get on tv, be involved in an important angle, and basically be on tv every week whether it be in his own match or Chavo's. Though like Hawkins and Ryder, eventually he'll have to make his own identity without JUST being seen as Chavo's bodyguard.
Neely should be released. He may not be, though, seeing as he's just got his own entrance music, but he's crap. He's done almost nothing to help Chavo. I remember in Chavo's match with Bourne, Chavo tossed Bourne to the outside right by Neely, and Neely just stood there and did nothing. And as a wrestler, he sucks. He just got squashed by Bourne, and has nothing more impressive in his moveset than a clothesline. He's slow, fat, and sloppy. He can't sell. Even Bourne couldn't make him look good, and Bourne made Nunzio and James Curtis look impressive.

Besides, he's been completely shown up by this Zeke guy Kendrick has now on Smackdown. Now that's one badass bastard - what I call a proper bodyguard.
Don't see much use in Mr. Neely. He's basically useless as a bodyguard and in backstage segments, he looks like he doesn't give a damn. What's the term? Gormless? Anyhoo.

After the imminent disbandment of La Familia, I can't see him getting anywhere. Either released within a year, or he's gonna be kept around like Mike Knox - of no use to anyone and a waste of WWE's money. Besides, Ezekiel 25:17 would KICK HIS ASS.
I myself am a Bam Neely fan, I literally dont know why he appeals to me, Hes supposed to be a serious intimidating bodygaurd but he looks like a nice guy, Hes so goofy that he is amusing, He does however sells moves surprisingly well for a man his size, and he has good facial expressions and body language. He is no more of a waste of space than a good amount of other superstars on Smackdown/ECW and I dont think he stands out as being a bad talent so I dont see why he should be singled out.

I do on one the other hand see what your saying,
what is he going to do?
well...that is a problem your right ha..we will see what creative comes up with

Chavo, Bam vs Kendrick, Zeke looks very possible
Meh, Neeleys OK. He hasn't done anything noteworthy in his time on ECW, however he's not a bad character to have around.

Bam's role in La Familia was basically just to beef it up a little bit. The group as a whole looked less than intimidating with an average build leader and three cruiserweights. He just added to the numbers and brought a bit of much needed power.
He also makes a good designated "fall guy" for Chavo, who is supposed to be one of ECW's top dogs. You can never go wrong with an anonymous manager like Neeley, or indeed Zeke.

I'm thinking he might get "promoted" so to speak soon, with Edge out of La Familia, Chavo would assume the leader role and Neeley could possibly get more action as second in command. It would be a lot weaker group from then on but theres still a chance that Bam could impress me if given some more chances. I could even see him splitting from them and going it on his own.

I'm not comparing him to Batista but.... theres some similarities between the two, and if Bam is booked in a similar way then he gould be a champion in the future.
Is Bam a waste of space? or space wasted? Right now Bam is pretty much useless. He is not very scary looking and as a bodyguard hasn't really helped Chavo much. He has been in a few matches and still his character hasn't progressed any. While other bodyguards/managers(Eziekle) interfere to help their clients win the match or destroy their clients opponent after the match Bam does neither. But I think the WWE if they really wanted to could have made Bam the real deal. Bam could be more than he is a less of a waste of space but its obvious that the WWE doesnt want to do that(right now anyways). Maybe it's becuase they dont want him to overshadow Chavo or that they dont think Bam could do it, who know?
Yes he is waste of space! I dont know why WWE booked him as Chavos guard, I think personally it makes Chavo look bad. I mean he hangs around him sposed to be his guard yet hes more like a student to Chavo, he does nothing in matches that makes you hate him like a heel should be hated. He is stuck in limbo and when a wrestler is there, they are screwed.

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