Bad News Bears, Folks


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
No John Tenta Memorial For Terrible Gimmicks today. As it stands, today will be the day I work on my final paper for my Feminism in America course. You have a bit of it already written out in the Cigar Lounge, actually, and I'm only at the halfway point. Thank you to Liger, TDigle, and Holy One for some critique, by the way.

Anyway, yes, I'll be very busy with this paper, due tomorrow. However, I offer this as a sort of making amends piece.

Tomorrow, I'll do my best to make two inductions. One will be TL Hopper, and the other will be a mystery.

Plus, I will also do my compare and contrast piece in the music lounge, as I compare Jim Morrison and Kurt Cobain.

Then, in the Cigar Lounge, I will do my next "Why Do We Have This?", with the topic being TMZ.

Sorry folks... But I gotta do what I gotta do. In the meantime, I hope everyone has a great day.

Peace out, cub scouts.
Actually, I'll offer this one up.... If anyone would like to find themselves doing today's edition of the JTMFTG, I offer you the chance. I'd normally just say give it to SavageTaker, but the guy seems to be having issues with internet. Sad, because he does such a damn good job, and is the really heir to the JTMFTG.

However, should, or anyone like to give it a shot today, you're more than welcome to. As it stands, I would love to see someone like X or KB or anyone else take the reins. Maybe an up and comer looking to make his name (Doc, Holy One, that'd be looking at you folks) You're free to tink with it as you please, and can make any changes you want. Just keep it about the bad gimmick.

Thank you, to anyone that decides to take me up on the offer
It can be about any gimmick? Or just TL Hopper? Even if it's just Hopper, I can do some research and try and write something...
By the way Tenta my internet is back up and working. Hopefully there won't be thunderstorms like the one that knocked off my internet. Also, today I went to Epcot so I wouldn't have been able to do it anyways.

Doc, you did a good job. I'll try to make a post later or tomorrow.

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