Backyard Wrestling

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Me and my two brothers plan to start up a backyard wrestling promotion. We have been wrestling fans since 1995 and wrestling consistently since 1999. Our skill are average but they can't be much better as we only have been having matches in a basement.

My plans are to start out with just the three of us doing a series of singles matches and triple threats. No championships, no promos, no storylines just some solid matches. From thier I am going to sell the matches in a DVD format for an extremely cheap price to make a reasonable profit to get some money towards the cause. Also from thier maybe some people buying the DVD will be interested and we will go from thier.

The reason I am telling you this is because I need help with what you guys think we should use.

1st. What type of homemade ring?
2nd. Tables...what kind or what wood can we go through (Minimal pain)?
3rd. Chairs...any type hurt less or look better?
4th. Other foreign object...any homemade weapons or stuff I can buy that doesn't bring all that much pain and looks good?
5th. Any other ideas for names,characters,storylines,finishes, or how to promote.

Please help me out...
Yea I planned to upload. I was thinking about using maybe a big piece of plywood about 3 feet off the ground being held up by two things...I think it would look pretty sweet but from thier I really don't know where to go with it.

Someone help!
I did it when I was in highschool. 95-98. It got really big, we showed the shows in english clash for extra credit (due to the scripting me and my buddy wrote) and got on tv. If you picked up the USA today I believe in 97 or 98, you would have saw us on the cover of it. Almost got on the Liza Gibbons talkshow. Anyways

For a ring we were cheap. We took a couple of old mattresses and put a blue tarp on it, hey, it worked. And surrounded it with metal picnic tables (we did this at the park)

Wood, any old ply wood you can find works. You want something that can support your weight, and break your fall. The wood breaking dosn't hurt, except for the spinters, and it breaks your fall onto the ground (most of our moves went onto the cold, hard ground. Jumping off a ladder onto a good piece of wood, stops you, and lessens the jar)

You won't be able to find many chairs, just shield your blows. Get signs and cookie sheets. It looks/sound bad, but isn't.

ANyways, be carefull. It can be dangerous, and don't get to out there. We fortunately never had any serious injuries.
Wow, sounds like you guys had a pretty big thing. But about the rings...did you elevate the matresses? Or just had them on the ground? Or did you have ropes or anything?

Cookie Sheets and signs sound like a good idea.
We just laid them on the ground.

We didn't have ropes. We pulled metal picnic tables on two sides of the mattresses (and had some in the back) for aerial maneuvers, along with a ladder and chairs.

As for throwing ppl into the ropes. To recreate this, we just toss somebody to the crowd. The crowd would grab them, and throw them back at the person. It worked :)
Seems interesting. Probably a damn good idea too. One last question as far as the "tables" go. Did they break nicely when propped up against something like when they are set up in the corner?
Their harder to break that way. Make sure the wood is really dry. Old works better (we used to grab wood around the park and from abondoned buildings. I actually got a permit from teh city council to be able to wrestle in the park. Told them it was a school project, kinda fudged ont he details, about how it was mostly acting. Don't know How I BS"d it but I did)

The big problem we had, was when thrown into them, they would move and just kinda splinter abit. Its harder than it looks.

One thing I would reccomend you guys do. We outlawed all forms of piledrivers. Its to easy to screw up and really hurt someone.

The wrestling isn't going to be the best, so focused on your stories/interviews. Its a ton of fun to be a heel. I was the ric flair type character. I don't think I retained my belt once legitimately. I beat up on our jobbers, but usually I was knocked out while I was pinning a legit contender thanks to my stable coming in and helping me. ;)
Best ideas possible:

1) Don't use a fake ring. For a couple thousand you can have the real thing.

2) Go to wrestling school. That way your matches won't be terrible and you'll be much less likely to hurt yourself or someone else.
ok first a dont listen to anypeople that posted on this..... they are all retarted. for the ring first get about 20-40 tires ( go to a junk yard the give them to you for free ) lay them as big as u want your ring and 3 tires high. then get a few mattresses put them one top of the tires, it ok to leave spaces just make sure u have enough to support the rest of the ring. then built a floor out of ply wood and 2x4s and put that on top of the mattresses. then put carpet on top.. put as many layers as u want. then finish with a tarp. for ring posts use 4x4s cemented into the ground. for ropes use thick none strechable rope. put eye screws into the 4x4 and hook a turnbuckle on it then put the ropes through. make sure the ropes are tight.. if u need any info i will gladly help just im me on aim a chicnstu2.

next for tables just use some thin wood. sheet rock also works good
for chairs just use light wight steel chairs
other weapons just use anuthing u like watch videos for ideas
storylines have to come form you and so do gimmiks
promoting is easy..... tell everyone you know make posters for payper views and just pass em out try to get on tv some how...... talk to local tv people and shit like that local news is also good they alway like to make it look like teens are outta contol... i got my fed on cnn >>
any way most of all please dont just go beat the shit outta of ur friends with weapons and call it a match.... work on wrestling ALOT!!!!!!!! dont just do hardcore and call it wrestling please....... if u need help with anything just IM me..... oh and to ozzy mac.... ur fed sucks so dont even try helping anyone cus u need more help than some1 who has never even watched a wrestling match.


EC MF'N W said:
1st. What type of homemade ring?
2nd. Tables...what kind or what wood can we go through (Minimal pain)?
3rd. Chairs...any type hurt less or look better?
4th. Other foreign object...any homemade weapons or stuff I can buy that doesn't bring all that much pain and looks good?
5th. Any other ideas for names,characters,storylines,finishes, or how to promote.

1. Ply Wood, springs, thin line sponge. makes it less painfull, the most expensive thing will be the spring, REMBER TO MEASURE IT ALL OUT.

2. Ply, is you watch WWE/TNA/ECW the shits really easy to break, which is good in Wrestling terms, or what you can do is check out other promotions and check what they use, tables chairs etc...

3. Thick Alminium, the shit may hurt on impact at first but you get over it. leaves very nice dints.

4. Always good to have like a Kendo stick which is an easy buy at the Hardware store. shit that makes it look awasome, alminum cans, like they use in the WWE.
Honestly guys, BYW is the most disrespectful thing you could ever do to the wrestling business.

No offense, but you're a bunch of idiots.
lol at pyro's video

those girls were pissin me off. Then they bring it to the doctor and she analyzes it like it is REAL violence which 90% of it is not.
as an longtime ECW/sometimes WWF/E fan and a brilliant all around wrestler straight outta the backyard, here's some great suggestions.

1. Weapons are suppose to hurt so deal with it but still, be careful
I used plywood for tables and used other shit too in the past 13 years.

2. To get videos on DVD format, that could take awhile but my friend did it with a DVD maker program so you could try looking for it.

3. To get storylines and arrange matches is a great idea but most of them would just beat the crap outta each other. but up to you

4. order toy belts from any store that has them for now then work your way up. I got WWE toy belts for 10 bucks each at Walmart so try that.

5. Have fun and when you get bored with backyard wrestling come work for me in the near future. Look up Extreme Texas Wrestling in a few years or so when i'm done wrestling with ECW. (I plan to go to school and train to join ECW soon.)

6. And remember, backyard feds are to be a democracy not a damn dictatorship! Have fun anyway.
Man this is probably inpossible but really good:For a wrestling ring has bout around a carpet for the the ring mat and have like really long elastics and get like 4 poles and tie them on and then put about the ring on a 5 foot 36'' inch wide platform that would be really cool jumping off the posts moonsaults but I have been trying to make that happen I own a bkyard wrestling fed 2
:eek: better idea lol My friend has a trampoline we wrestle on it practicly everyday when I go there we just wrestle my finisher is A crossed powerbomb 1 day I used it on him he was almost knocked out His finisher is widows peak I think lol
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