Backstage Segments?

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Getting Noticed By Management
I think backstage segments really take away from the wrestling product. A lot of times the segments force the wrestlers to become actors and they are just horrible at it. In my opinion WCW and now TNA have had some of the worst backstage bits of all time. Remember when Warrior appeared in Hogan's mirror and no one in the locker room saw the reflection except Hogan and of course the millions of people at home? Come on! Now TNA has got some a lot of these horrible segments. WWE has had some awful ones as well, however, they have had some good bits as well. In my opinion, the product is more believable when the guys go to the ring and cut promos at each other and leave it at that. Of course if wrestling was real they would be going at each other any chance they got, but we know its not- so keep it to promos in the ring or backstage interviews. Maybe if the acting and writing was better I could watch without cringing. What do you think, do these segments move the shows fwd?
HHH chasing Legacy through the Arena with a Sledge was brilliant. Breaking into Orton's house? Even better. A lot of the stuff DX did (HHH, RD, BG, Xpac, Chyna) was great as well. Commissionaire Foley was funny. Stone Cold/ Eric Bishoff? Never a dull moment with those 2 together.

Yes there is bad ones of course. That can be said about anything though. Promo's, Matches, Announcers. You can't just eliminate backstage segments altogether.. How else would Zack Ryder get seen on TV?
Yes there are some good and funny segments, especially the ones with a lot of those guys who were mentioned above. THey are natural entertainers and generally funny guys. On todays wrestling, its just seems, IMO, that a high percent of the segments are cringe worthy. There have been bad matches and promos, but the ratio of bad matches to bad backstage segments has got to be night and day.
Of course the backstage segments move the show forward! They give the wrestlers an extra chance to get their feuds over because if it weren't for backstage segments they would have to rely 100% on the in-ring portion of the show to get the matches over. Sometimes it takes an intense promo during an interview to make you care. I know there have been some absolutely awful backstage segments in the past, but you have to take the bad with the good and most of the segments are good for the product. Even in TNA.
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