Backstage News On Triple H's Status

Martin Gabriel

Pre-Show Stalwart
Nobody within WWE expects Triple H to really be retiring from in-ring competition. The feeling is that Triple H still has many matches left. He's expected to go away for a few months and then come back for a rematch against Brock Lesnar, possibly at Survivor Series.

Source: PWInsider

Would you guys want Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H II?
No. Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar again would be pointless. Triple H already put Lesnar over, giving Lesnar credibility for future feuds in which to put over current members of the WWE roster. Triple H doesn't need to put Lesnar over again and he certainly doesn't need to defeat Lesnar.

This, of course, assumes Lesnar is not working with the WWE longer than the one year deal he signed back around Wrestlemania. If Lesnar is coming back after the current deal, then things change.
I never thought he was retiring but it was odd ending the show the same way when let's say HBK retired, Lesnar wins but the show ends with HHH in the middle of the ring getting a standing ovation and walking up the ramp, they did the retirement ending without a retirement happening.

I liked the match but doing it again would be pointless, Lesnar wins (as he should) and goes on to feud another big star, keeping him feuding with HHH basically wastes Lesnar for another few months and if you only have him for a year you don't want to waste Lesnar with all the money he's making.
I never thought he was retiring but it was odd ending the show the same way when let's say HBK retired, Lesnar wins but the show ends with HHH in the middle of the ring getting a standing ovation and walking up the ramp, they did the retirement ending without a retirement happening.

I liked the match but doing it again would be pointless, Lesnar wins (as he should) and goes on to feud another big star, keeping him feuding with HHH basically wastes Lesnar for another few months and if you only have him for a year you don't want to waste Lesnar with all the money he's making.

HBK was in a retirement match that received a lot of build. I can't see Triple H going out any other way than a big money match at Wrestlemania in some kind of actual retirement angle.

A rematch with Trips is up in the air for me. Much like Sly said, if Brock is only here through Wrestlemania, it's important to keep him a dominant force until whoever he faces at Mania brings him down.
Obviously HHH isn't retiring anytime soon but usually the winner gets the spoils at the end of the event, not the loser. Take when Austin retired, there was no retirement build but WM19 was his last match so The Rock leaves so Austin can have his moment in the sun, that's what I mean by retirement ending, not that they built anything up about HHH retiring. It was just odd with everything going into the storyline that they ended a PPV in that manner.

So far they have kept Lesnar strong in his 2 matches and that's what they should do, keep him that way until the Deadman takes him down at Wrestlemania as I'm guessing that's who Lesnar is fighting at the big event.
No. I agree with all of the reasons that Sly listed. Also, the match itself wasn't that great. Lesnar didn't give the same level of performance that he gave in his match with Cena. The crowd didn't sound very involved either. From a PPV perspective, the Jericho/Ziggler match sounded like it got more of a reaction from the crowd.
No real need for a another one on one match, if these two are gonna step back into the ring again that have it be as part of a tradition Survivor Series Elimination match, Team Triple H vs. Team Lesnar
Triple H will still be wrestling part-time in 10 years, the guy won't be retiring for a loooong while.

And that's a good thing. He is still one of the best out there.

But no, if Brock is only there for a year, then he doesn't need to beat H again, and certainly shouldn't lose another PPV match until WM.
Obviously HHH isn't retiring anytime soon but usually the winner gets the spoils at the end of the event, not the loser. Take when Austin retired, there was no retirement build but WM19 was his last match so The Rock leaves so Austin can have his moment in the sun, that's what I mean by retirement ending, not that they built anything up about HHH retiring. It was just odd with everything going into the storyline that they ended a PPV in that manner.

So far they have kept Lesnar strong in his 2 matches and that's what they should do, keep him that way until the Deadman takes him down at Wrestlemania as I'm guessing that's who Lesnar is fighting at the big event.

I don't see why it was so odd or why Lawler would jump on the "did he just say goodbye" based on that alone. Clearly, there is some kind of continuation to the angle. But if there wasn't, why couldn't he just be saying sorry for not beating Brock? Brock has come in and "run the show" how he has wanted to since his return, even in his loss to Cena, and Triple H was more or less standing up for the whole of the WWE against Brock.

In other a serious commentator, Lawler is atrocious and needs to be replaced.
I don't see why it was so odd or why Lawler would jump on the "did he just say goodbye" based on that alone. Clearly, there is some kind of continuation to the angle. But if there wasn't, why couldn't he just be saying sorry for not beating Brock? Brock has come in and "run the show" how he has wanted to since his return, even in his loss to Cena, and Triple H was more or less standing up for the whole of the WWE against Brock.

In other a serious commentator, Lawler is atrocious and needs to be replaced.

I'm sure there was a reson they did what they did, it was just a little unconventional, not saying there's anything wrong with it, its just different. Certainly nothing I would expect to end the show at least. Not complaining, just saying if you knew nothing of wrestling and saw the ending you would think HHH is retiring.
So Triple H broke his arm?

It's broke in the same place as it was before, when it wasn't broken to begin with... makes perfect sense :)

Hopefully on RAW they'll have a long promo on how it happened.

HHH: "My arm is less broken than Cena's was after his match with Lesnar. I also lasted longer in the ring with Lesnar than Cena did. Therefore I am better than Cena, which means I'm as good as the Rock. Rock is a guy I beat at WrestleMania 16, therefore I am the greatest of all time-AHHHHH."

Any one realize lately that the only time a Cena match isn't main event is when there's a Triple H match?

I am going to predict the future here and say the next WWE headline will read something like this..

WWE Reports Triple H will be taking "time off" until Survivor Series.

lol I am not hating..
Any one realize lately that the only time a Cena match isn't main event is when there's a Triple H match?

If by lately you mean once in the last two years. The last time Triple H went on last on PPV was TLC 2009, when DX beat JeriShow for the Tag titles (so 2 yrs. 8 months ago). BTW the last time he had a one on one match in the ME of a PPV was WM25.
If by lately you mean once in the last two years. The last time Triple H went on last on PPV was TLC 2009, when DX beat JeriShow for the Tag titles (so 2 yrs. 8 months ago). BTW the last time he had a one on one match in the ME of a PPV was WM25.


Night of Champions last year against Punk.
I thought the match last night was very good.

I wouldn't mind seeing that rematch, but have it as Lesnars last match, so that he can work with all the other people again, then Triple H can destroy him, ridding the WWE of the sub-par Lesnar forever.
After tonight, Lesnar vs. HHH II seems more likely than I'd like to admit. Even more unfortunate is this feeling that it's going to happen at WrestleMania :suspic:
i don't think hhh vs lesner would work again any time soon. If brock has a change of heart and signs another contract after wrestlemania then maybe. but for know i would like to see lesner take on hbk at Surviver Series. I know its not likely to happen but if it did it would be a great match in my opinion. after this i would say have him face orton at the Rumble then go on to wrestlemania to take on the deadman.
I don't want to see Brock vs anybody as long as he uses his UFC style. His fighting style is fun enough to see in real sport but it doesn't translate so well to sports entertainment. His match with HHH bored me to sleep. Besides a couple of impact moves, it was just a slow paced barrage of strikes and Kimora lock attempts. I know they're trying to sell his MMA credentials, but it just doesn't appeal to me.
They led me into being interested about a feud that, on paper, I normally wouldn't. I'm happy with the way things played out. I don't think HHH shouldn't retire but I don't believe this is the best way to go because it'll do nothing other than put HHH over Lesnar which neither man needs.

Lesnar has the fuel to have a great mania match now. HHH can still feud with just about anyone if necessary without losing anything because Lesnar is the top dog in the WWE right now in terms if billing, and losing to him takes no shine off you. Go your separate ways for the foreseeable future.

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