AWF Velocity Week 1

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AWF Week One

The Pyro goes off as a Giant roar fills the stadium

Jim Ross and The king welcome us 2 the first edition of AWF’s Monday Night Velocity. Jim Ross mentions the elimination chamber above the ring

Mr. McMahon comes out and has a few words for all of us:

Mr. McMahon: Welcome to the first edition of AWF’s Monday Night Velocity. I hope you are going to enjoy this first episode. This episode is going to be sort of an, introductory episode. On tonight’s episode, we will be deciding who will be the general manager of AWF’s Velocity. (The crowd roars!) We will also be deciding who will be the AWF World Tag Team champions, The AWF United States Champion, The AWF International Champion and we will decide who will become the AWF World Champion. (At this point the crowd goes wild.) How will we decide this you ask? Well were going to decide this in a few wrestling matches. The AWF World Tag Team Championship will be up for grabs in a fatal four way tag team elimination match. It will be Cryme Time V.S. The Dudley’s V.S London and Kendrick V.S. The Hardy boys! The AWF United States Championship will be decided in a Battle Royal between anyone who would like to be in it, but you must be in the U.S Title Division. The AWF International Championship will be on the line in a 6 pack challenge which will be highlighted by Randy Orton V.S Chris Jericho V.S Chris Beniot V.S Kane V.S Edge V.S Christian. Oh yeah, did I mention that that match will be No Disqualification! (THE CROWD IS IN SHOCK AND GOING WILD). I will be deciding who is the GM of the brand and through out the night will be announcing three nominees. I will make the announcement at the end of the show! But the main event for tonight will be in the most unforgiving structure in AWF today, the Elimination Chamber. It will be The Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle V.S The Rap Star John Cena V.S The Animal Batista V.S the Dead Man the Undertaker V.S The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels V.S The Game Triple H. And the winner of this bout will become the AWF World Champion!(The Crowd Cant Believe there ears)
The King and Jim Ross say that AWF Velocity is the premium wrestling show in the world today. They also say there very excited as the tag team bout is next!


And Were Back

Cryme Time vs. The Hardy Boys vs. London and Kendrick vs. The Dudley’s
AWF World Tag Team Championships

As the teams makes there ways down to the ring, everyone in the arena can feel the tension. The teams all get ready and the bell sounds. Jeff and Matt head towards London and Kendrick and start throwing heavy rights. The Dudley’s are quick to respond and head right over to the Hardy Boys and London and Kendrick. There really starting to battle. Cryme time, just backs off into the corner letting the three teams brawl.

Jeff hardy hits DDT on London. London rolls out of the ring and Brian Kendrick gets thrown over the top rope by d-von. Bubba ray slides out of the ring and Gives London a Power slam, and opens up his legs as D-Von Climbs to the tope rope. Jeff hardy comes over and dropkicks D-Von Off of the top rope. D-Von Goes crashing onto Bubba and London and Kendrick. Jeff also landed pretty hard on his shoulder, he looks to be hurt. Cryme Time finally gets into the match as JTG and Shad go and work the double team on Matt Hardy. On the outside, London and Kendrick rise to their feet before d von and bubba ray. They start laying some heavy punches and work them on the outside. Meanwhile Cryme Time picks up Matt hardy and places him on the top rope. Jeff hardy rises and takes down both JTG and Shad. Matt Hardy sets up for the leg drop and nails it on the throat of JTG! Matt hardy for the cover, 1….2…. Kendrick runs into the ring and barely breaks it up. Jim Ross and the king are in shock that he broke it up because it’s an elimination style match. Kendrick quickly realizes he made a mistake and gets up and walks Right into a Twist of Fate by Jeff hardy. Jeff to cover, 1….2….3….


D-von gets into the ring and quickly goes after Jeff hardy. Bubba Ray is quick to follow and heads to Matt hardy. He sets matt up for a suplex and nails it on Shad of Cryme time. Shad, JTG and matt hardy all get tossed out of the ring. Jeff hardy gets up and walks right into a Bubba Bomb! D-Von looks at Bubba Ray and says “D-Von, GET THE TABLES”. D-von gets out and grabs some good wood! He brings it in the ring and sets it up. Jeff Hardy Slowly gets up and walks right into a 3-D through the table. The Ref calls for the bell. D-von and bubba ray stand and look very confused. Howard Finkel on the mic:

Bubba and D-von are disqualified (8:33)

Shad and JTG get back in the ring and go after a defenseless Jeff Hardy. They pick him up but d-von and bubba ray aren’t going to let him. Bubba nails a big Bubba bomb on JTG! And then d-von and bubba ray hit a 3-d on Shad! D-von and Bubba ray exit the ring. Matt slides in and him and Jeff climb opposing ropes and Jeff hits a Swanton on JTG and Matt hits a leg drop on Shad. Jeff covers JTG, 1…..2……3!
The Winners of this match and New AWF WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, MATT AND JEFF HARDY (10:33)
Commercial break

We see Mr. McMahon on the Screen.

Mr. McMahon: I have decided who the nominees for the Gm Role of Velocity will be! They are: Former WCW Nitro Gm, Eric Bischoff, My Daughter, Stephanie McMahon and Former Smackdown Gm, Theodore Long!( The crowd is very Pleased and showing it).
Backstage Todd Grisham is with Randy Orton!

Todd Grisham: Randy, tonight you will be competing in the No DQ six pack Challenge for the AWF International championship. What are your thoughts on the match?
Randy Orton: I will win the match and become the AWF International Champion, because I am the youngest world champion, I am the legend killer, I am, RANDY ORTON (There is a Mix of boos and Cheers from the crowd)
Todd Grisham: Yes, you are correct. But you’re going up against some tough competition like the rabid wolverine Chris beniot and the big red Machine Kane.
Randy Orton: So, what’s your point?
Todd Grisham: My point is that they are both incredible competitors that have both been world champions in their illustrious careers.
Randy Orton: So, Kane is a no good ugly looking son of a bitch and Chris Beniot is a no good Canadian piece of s***.
Todd Grisham: Whatever you say Orton, I have my money on Chris Beniot
Randy Orton: Alright Todd shows what you know. Didn’t I just see you in the bathroom crying because you didn’t get nominated for Gm of Velocity? (Crowd Laughs)
Todd Grisham: Wa-Wa, Whaaaaaa?
We cut back to Jim Ross and Jerry the King. They talk about the US. Title match that’s up next!

Howard Finkel: The next match is the over the top rope battle royal to decide the vacant U.S Title. If you are in the U.S Title Division and would like to participate in this match, please come out now.

We see Ken Kennedy, Bobby Lashley, Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, Johnny Nitro, Ric Flair, Finlay, Chris Masters, Rey Mysterio, Rob Van Dam and Test come out to the ring. This should be a great one. We go to a commercial break!

Were Back!

AWF United States Championship invitational!

The match begins with RVD, Carlito and Johnny Nitro all heading over to test, trying to get him over the top rope. Rey Mysterio gets Over to Finlay and starts brawling with him. He and Chris masters double team on Finlay and start trying to throw him over the top rope which results in Ric Flair coming over and breaking it up. All four men, Rey, Ric, Finlay and masters head over and all of the men in the ring are trying to get test out of the ring, but the man won’t give in and holds his ground! Bobby lashley and Rey Mysterio break up the pile and then Rey and Bobby starts battling because Rey mugged bobby. Bobby looked to be setting Rey up for the dominator, but was quickly broken up by Mr. Kennedy. Chris masters came over to Kennedy and tried to apply the masters lock but got quickly denied and received a low blow from Ric Flair! Carlito and Shelton Benjamin come over and dump Masters out for the first elimination.


RVD comes over and tries to quickly dump Carlito out but it gets broken up by Shelton Benjamin. Ric flair goes over to test and hits him with a few of his signature slaps! Test doesn’t seem to be very hurt by the chops and shoves Ric Flair down hard! Ken Kennedy is fighting Bobby Lashley In the corner, and Rey Mysterio Comes in with a cross body. Johnny Nitro comes over to try to eliminate Flair Along with Test. Which gets broken up by Shelton and Carlito. Flair goes for the figure four lock on a fallen Johnny Nitro. He gets it kicked off and Test ducks down which tosses Ric Flair over the top rope crashing to the floor.

Ric Flair Is Eliminated ((5:33)

As Test gets up Ken Kennedy is there and puts him in a reverse Death Valley Driver over the top rope and Test hits the floor

Test is Eliminated (5:39)

Finlay works on Bobby Lashley deliver hard rights and lefts to the skull of Lashley. He sets Bobby up on the top turnbuckle and attempts to choke out Lashley. The others battle on the other side of the ring. Finlay attempts to put Lashley in a Trish Stratus head scissors but gets overpowered and reversed by Lashley and power bombed out of the ring.

Fit Finlay Eliminated (7:55)

At this point in the match it looks as if Shelton Benjamin and Carlito have a faction going. They put the double team on Johnny Nitro. Carlito hits an inverted neck breaker on Johnny Nitro. They both pick him up and dump Him over the top

Johnny Nitro Eliminated (8:59)

Six men remain in the battle, as Bobby Lashley and Kennedy battle. Kennedy hits a dropkick on Lashley and sets him up for the 619. Mysterio attempts the 619 and connects cleanly! Lashley falls down which sets up RVD with the five star frog Splash! Carlito and Shelton pick up Lashley and chuck him out of the ring!

Bobby Lashley Eliminated (10:03)

Five men Remain in the battle for the U.S title. In a turn of events, Shelton Benjamin unexpectedly bashes Carlito over the top rope. But Carlito hold on and stands up and tries to hit a neck breaker over the ropes but gets pushed of by Benjamin for the elimination!

Carlito Eliminated (10:45)

Each man takes a corner as four remain. Rey is eying Kennedy and then leaps on attack. RVD heads in as Benjamin Stays back. Rob Van Dam gets bucked over the top rope but somehow hangs on Kennedy tries to eliminate him but RVD jumps over Kennedy and lands behind him. RVD backs away and flips Kennedy over the top rope but Kennedy hangs on. Rey runs over and attempts a suplex over the rope but gets overpowered and reversed into a suplex over the rope.

Rey is Eliminated (12:30)

Benjamin hits the rope and drop kicks Kennedy in the midsection, Kennedy hits the floor!

Ken Kennedy Is Eliminated (12:37)

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin stare each other, realizes what’s on the line. Shelton attempts a spin kick but gets it over turned and RVD knocks him off his feet. Benjamin is slow to rise. Benjamin gets up and RVD bounces off the top rope and attempts a kick but misses. Benjamin hits a incredibly hard super kick that took off RVD’s Head. Rvd Falls over the top Rope and crashes and burns to the floor.

The Winner of this Match, and New AWF UNITED STATES CHAMPION, Shelton Benjamin (13.30)

Benjamin Celebrates with his title as RVD stands on in disbelief!


During the commercial a preview airs for AWF’s PPV. NO SURRENDER!


Maria Backstage with the New U.S Champ, Shelton Benjamin

Maria: Congratulations on your U.S title victory tonight. How does it feel to be the AWF’s First ever United States Champion!
Shelton Benjamin: It feels great baby. Shelton Benjamin is the best in AWF today. I’m gonna take this title to the top!
Maria: Good Luck with that. Just a question, in your match, it looked like you were becoming an ally With Carlito Caribbean Cool! Why did you suddenly turn around and eliminate him from the match?
Shelton Benjamin: Don’t hate the playa hate the game baby. He was dead weight. I had to get rid of him early and easy.
(Crowd Cheers as we see Carlito behind Benjamin, Carlito Taps Benjamin on Shoulder)
Carlito: Hey US Champ. How does it feel to completely screw me out of the US title?
Shelton Benjamin: You know, it feels pretty damn good. Carlito face the facts, I beat you!
Rob Van Dam: Carlito, hold on a second. You were eliminated fourth in the match. I was eliminated second. I think ill be getting a title shot before you.
Carlito: Hey, When did I say I wanted a title shot?
Rob Van Dam: You think I am stupid, you’re not coming down here for nothing.
Carlito: Yeah man you got a point. I want a title shot.
RVD: Alright then, let’s settle this right here, right now. Me vs. you for the Number one contender ship to the US title.
Carlito: Alright, you’re on!
Mr. McMahon: Hold on a second. I don’t think so. Instead, next week on Velocity it will be Rob Van Dam vs. Carlito Caribbean Cool for the opportunity to face Shelton Benjamin for the United States Title at No Surrender! ( The Crowd Cheers!)
Carlito: Now That’s Cool!

Back To Ringside

JR and the king talk about the Match just announced for the No Surrender PPV. They Say it should be a great match. They then announce that the six pack No DQ Challenge for the Vacant AWF INTERNATIONAL Title is up next!

Randy Orton’s music hits and he comes to the ring. He is then followed by Edge, Christian, Chris Beniot, Kane and Chris Jericho.

Randy Orton vs. Kane vs. Chris Jericho vs. Edge vs. Christian vs. Chris Beniot

The bell sounds and Randy Orton attacks Edge. He throws a few punches but gets it broken up by a following Kane. Chris Beniot hits a huge kick on the back of Kane and Kane falls to one knee. Chris Jericho comes over and delivers a harsh low blow to Chris Beniot. Chris Beniot and Chris Jericho battle to the outside. There met by Christian Cage who attempts a drop kick to Beniot but it gets ducked. Jericho picks up a chair and NAILS Beniot across the face! He nails Christian cage also! Back in the ring, Randy Orton hits his signature dropkick on Kane. Jericho sets up a table on the outside. Kane gets back to his feet and thrown to the ropes by Orton. Orton whiplashes Kane over the top rope and Kane crash through the table! Orton turns around and walks right into a SPEAR by Edge. Edge covers 1…2... KICKOUT. Cage gets back in the ring and hits a few punches to Edge. He hits a Toehold take down. On the outside Kane is down and Beniot also is down. Orton is now getting up Christian attempts the unprettier on Edge but Orton runs over and hits an RKO on Christian! Jericho is back in the ring now, brining a ladder in with him. Randy gets out of the ring and sets up a table on the outside and throws a chair in the ring. He throws a table in also. Chris Beniot gets up and comes over and hits a nasty spear on Orton! Both men are slow to rise. Kane walks over and Attempts a choke slam on Beniot but gets kicked in the Nuts by Orton, And Orton hits the RKO on Kane!
Kane looks pretty hurt right now. He’s bleeding from the head. Beniot gets up and slides into the ring. Jericho meets him with a kick to the face! Jericho sets up the ladder with Beniot lying on the ground. He climbs to the top and attempts to get to the top step. As he’s climbing Cage gets up and drop kicks the ladder, having Jericho fall off through the table!
Jericho looks really hurt now, Orton slides over to him for the cover, 1…..2… broken up by Cage! Edge now spears a rising Kane on the outside. Kane’s taking a lot of big moves in the match! Edge gets drop kicked by Orton on the outside. Orton picks up a chair and whacks Edge with it. Christian runs out but gets knocked with the chair as well.

Kane slides in the ring. Beniot drops him down and gets him in the Crippler Cross Face! No one else outside notices it. This could be it. Kane’s not gonna tap! He’s been in it for at least 15 seconds now! Orton Now notices it and climbs to the top rope with a chair. He performs a Double Diving Foot Stomp with the chair between his feet and lands it on Beniot HEAD!

Beniot is out cold! Kane gets up and Choke slams a fallen Orton. Jericho, on the outside delivers big chair shots to Cage and Edge. Jericho and Kane lockup in the middle, Kane overpowers Jericho. Jericho picks up a sledge hammer without Kane seeing and when Kane goes for him he nails Kane with it! Kane’s not hurt. He picks up Beniot and throws him on Edge and cage on the outside.

Cage and Edge fall pretty hard. All three are knocked out outside. Kane hits a choke slam on Jericho and goes to the top rope. Kane sets up for the close line from the top but when he jumps Orton hits the RKO on a chair. Jericho takes the sledge and whacks Orton. Jericho covers Kane. 1….2….3

The winner of this match, and NEW, AWF INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION CHRIS JEHRICO (15:55)

Jericho grabs his title and holds it high! Orton gets up and realizes he’s been screwed, and he doesn’t look happy.

Commercial Break

Were back and we are seeing the Elimination Chamber lower to the ground! The crowds going wild!

We see Mr. McMahon on the Titration.

Mr. McMahon: I hope you have enjoyed this First Edition of Monday Night Velocity! (Crowd Cheers) But the nights not over yet! First I would like to congratulate Matt and Jeff Hardy, our AWF World Tag Team Champs. Also I would like to congratulate Shelton Benjamin, the US Champ here on Velocity! And Chris Jericho, the International Champion! I hope you have enjoyed the night so far, but up next is our main event. The elimination chamber for the AWF World Championship. This is how it’s going to work. The first four men introduced to the ring will get a chamber, the other to will fight until 5 minutes. Every five minutes a new chamber will open! The winner being crowned AWF World Champion! Also, after this match, I will announce the GM of Velocity. Enjoy!

Kurt Angle vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. John Cena vs. Batista vs. the Undertaker. AWF World Championship

We first here the gong of the Undertaker, he makes his way down to the ring. He gets secured in his chamber. Next, the music of the animal, Batista fills the Arena. He gets secured. Next HHH’s music, I am the game, fills the arena. And the last man to get a chamber is, HBK, The Heartbreak Kid! John Cena makes his way to the ring and he is followed by Kurt Angle. Were ready to go.

Kurt and John Cena lock up in the middle of the ring, which leads to a takedown by Kurt. He throws a few punches and knocks down Cena. Cena gets up and walks into a belly to belly suplex! Kurt drags Cena out of the ring onto the steel; he attempts an Olympic slam but gets it reversed by Cena into a neck breaker. Cena picks up Kurt and attempts to drop him face first onto the steel and connects! He gets Kurt in a one leg Boston crab and Kurt’s really feeling the pain now. Kurt powers out of it and Cena attempts to get him in a figure four, he gets powered out of it, and Kurt rolls back into the ring. Both men standing in the middle now.

Cena Hits a few punches but misses one of them. Kurt reverses the missed punch into not 1, not 2, but 3 Germans the last one going over the rope connecting on the steel! Kurt walks over and gets Cena in the ankle lock! Cena screaming in pain as we see the times come on the screen! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. The lights go out and the spotlight comes on, it switches the chambers and then one opens. HHH, the games opens! He heads over to Kurt and starts hammering away with some punches! Kurt breaks the ankle lock and tries to fight back against HHH but he can’t! Kurt and the game get in the ring but Kurt Irish whips HHH and waits to flip him but the game connects with the big knee! Kurt gets knocked down hard!!!

Cena sneaks behind HHH and attempt a roll up, 1…2. Game kicks out! The two men are standing now and Cena misses some punches. The game goes onto the steel and power slams Cena onto the steel as well! Cena gets set up in the pedigree but reverses it into a back body drop on HHH. HHH hits the steel hard! Kurt comes over and knocks Cena down AGAIN! ANKLE LOCK! Cena is hurting and you can really tell. Kurt breaks the hold and drives his knee into the back Cena’s head and Cena's face gets driven into the steel!

Cena is now cut open and bleeding from the face. HHH gets up and hits Kurt around. He hits a spine buster on the steel! Timer on screen, 5 4 3 2 1. Lights flash, Batista’s CAGE OPENS! Batista comes in and unleashes hell on everything. He delivers spine busters to The Game, Kurt Angle and John Cena. He goes after Cena and takes him over to the steel; he Irish whips Cena in the one of the Plexiglas’s walls! You can see the blood from Cena’s face on the flexi glass!

Cena continues to get beaten by Batista but then Kurt Angle out of nowhere hits a huge ANGLE SLAM on Batista and Batista lands hard on the steel. He eventually gets up but walks right into a pedigree by HHH! HHH covers, 1…2….3!

Batista Eliminated (12:33)

Cena gets up and F-U’s the game onto the steel, ouch. He backs off. Kurt climbs on top of his empty chamber. It looks likes he’s going to attempt a Big Splash onto HHH. He sets up but Cena climbs on the turnbuckle and F-U’s Kurt angle Onto the STEEL, from the top rope!!!! Cena Covers, 1….2…. ANGLE KICKS OUT!

Cena can’t believe that Angle kicked out of that. He was F-UED literally ten feet onto steel. He covers again 1….2. ANGLE KICKS OUT! AGAIN!

Cena picks up Kurt and puts him in the STFU! Kurt can’t stand the pain and is going to tap! HHH comes over and starts hammering away at Cena. TIMER on screen. 5 4 3 2 1, the dead mans cage opens! The undertaker comes in and hammers away at HHH Cena attempts to roll up the undertaker but he can’t. Taker throws down HHH and goes to work on Cena. Cena’s in the turn buckle, getting viscous rights and lefts, nonstop from Taker! Taker gets up and starts walking the tightrope attempting some old school on Cena. The game runs over and Knocks the ropes. UNDERATAKER falls on the steel! Face first! HHH walks over to Cena and gives him a Pedigree! The cover 1….2…..3 Cena’s out!

John Cena Is Eliminated (19:37)

Kurt Angle pops out of nowhere and hits an Angle slam On Triple H! He covers, 1…2….. TRIPLE H KICKS OUT!

Kurt goes over to Undertaker and the timer is now on the screen, 5 4 3 2 1, HBK’s in. He starts going to work on HHH. Kurt heads over to a fallen undertaker and locks in the ANKLE LOCK. Taker doesn’t want to tap Kurt’s got it in hard. HE DROPS 2 GRAPEVINE…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Undertaker breaks the hold! He’s hurt though.

Kurt attempts to get Taker up for the Angle Slam but gets it reversed into a CHOKESLAM! Onto the steel! Taker Covers, 1…2... Kick out by Angle. Taker gets into the ring and ducks instant sweet chin music. Taker Walks over and gets him in THE TOMBSTONE. HBK DOWN. THE COVER 1...2… KICKOUT

Taker drags HBK over to the steel, Kurt comes over and battles with HHH hitting the angle slam. He gets him in the Ankle LOCK!.................................................. HHH barely breaks the hold. HBK’s reverses the tombstone into near shot sweet chin music, but barely misses! Taker reverses it into a Tombstone, CONECTS! Taker Pins, 1….2….3


Taker falls to the floor and HHH and Kurt Battle in the middle of the ring. Kurt attempts the Angle slam but it gets reversed into a harsh PEDIGREE!!!! HHH covers 1….2… KICKOUT BY ANGLE!!!!!

Taker holds his grounds and chills down by the steel. Regaining strength. HHH attempts another pedigree but gets it reversed into an ANGLE SLAM. ANGLE PUTS ON THE ANKLE LOCK………………………………..HHH CANT STAND IT………………………………………………………………..HES GONNA TAP………………………………………………………………………………………………..HHH cant stand the pain and taps out!


Kurt’s fired up and you can tell, he lets down his straps and is going wild. He and taker have a stare down in the middle of the ring. He shoves taker and throws hard lefts and rights. He hits three of his signature Germans! He now realizes what’s on the line and wants the title! He drags taker over onto the steel, and attempts an angle slam but its reversed into a near choke slam which gets reversed! The two men stand off. Angle tries to Irish Whip Taker but it’s reversed and ANGLE GETS IRISHED WHIPPED THROUGH THE PLEXIGLAS!!!!

Angle looks like he’s out of it! You can see that he is bleeding pretty badly, mostly in the face. He’s covered in shards of Plexiglas. Taker walks over to a slow rising Kurt Angle and picks him up. Kurt out of nowhere NAILS an ANGLE SLAM!!!! But Taker got hit into the referee and knocked him out. Angle covers, (the crowd chants simultaneously, 1…2….3….4….5 Angle gets up and walks over to the ref and picks him up. The undertaker sits up and the crowd is going WILD!! Taker walks over to Angle, taps him on the shoulder. Angle slowly turns around and walks into a choke slam!! Taker does his thumb across throat and picks up angle and sets him up for the tombstone, BUT IT GETS REVERSED by ANGLE!!! TAKER REVERSES IT!!!!!!! Angle jumps DOWN AND GETS THE ANGLE LOCK!!!!!!!!! TAKERS GONNA TAP OUT!!!!!!! …………………….. THE SUMBISSION IS LOCKED IN…………………………TAKER CAN TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!........................................ANGLE LOCKS IN THE GRAPE VINE……………………. UNDERTAKER TAPS OUT!!!!!


ANGLE is in the middle of the ring celebrating with his title High!! Jim Ross and The King Cant believe what a good match they saw
“No Chance, you got” fills the arena.

The Elimination chamber rises above the ring.

Undertaker shakes Angles hand and leaves the ring


Mr. McMahon: Congratulations Kurt, You are the AWF World Champion. Now for the major announcement of the show, I will introduce the GM of the show here tonight. I chose this person because I know they can run the show, I know from experience they can bring in the ratings, that’s why I chose this man to be GM of Velocity. The man I chose is: **ERIC BICHOFF**



Eric Bichoff: Thank you Mr.McMahon. I Will not fail you.

The crowd goes wild as Velocity goes off the air!
wat a great show it was brilliant loved the battle royal and the elimination chamber and eric bischoff as gm leads to loads of storylines great show for a first time 9/10
hbk fan forever said:
wat a great show it was brilliant loved the battle royal and the elimination chamber and eric bischoff as gm leads to loads of storylines great show for a first time 9/10

Thanks bro, yeah theyll be more to come
u said that u want reviews, so I'll guess that u want match by match? lol...

okay I just read Vince Mcmahon's little announcment, and I must say WOW! Looks like a hell of a show, although a bit unrealistic lol... Looks great, I cant wait 2 read on!

Tag Team Match-
Nice quick paced match 2 start off the show! I was behind any team besides Cryme Time lol! Nice finish with the Hardy Boyz as the new tag champs.

U.S. Title Match- WOW! Benjamon won! He deserves it and I hope he has a nice long run! Only suggestion would be to have a little more action between eliminations.

International Title Match- Nice match but Jerico was the last one that I wanted 2 c win! lol

Elimination Chamber- Main event time! If written right, should be MOTN! Pretty good so far, I'm happy 2 see Batista eliminated first, being he's the worst in the match............READING..............Happy 2 see Angle win the title! This was a good match, but not a very memorable elimination chamber.

Bischoff as the GM should be good!

Overall, well done 1st show! I give it 90/100. It could've had some more promos and the matches could've been a little jucier (such as the U.S. title match could've had more action between eliminations)

Very good 1st show and I cant wait 4 the next!
w/e Fusion Week 18 is up, can u fully review it match by match? Thanks
really good show m8 main event was gud but maybe of been amazing and tag match was really enjoyable again matches a little bit more length wise but us new ladz seem to all have this probz but we will all try to fix this lol
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