Awesome Video about the Word "Gay"


Unregistered User

It's funny, moving, smart, and even a little inspiring. I've avoided using the word "gay" since I was in 3rd grade and I found out my uncle was gay. Since then it's probably slipped out on a rare occasion, but I can probably count those incidents on one hand.

But perhaps just not using the word isn't enough. Perhaps it's time to start discouraging others from using it. Maybe we can all follow Chevy Chase's example.


Oh, and before you reply to this calling it "gay", even in jest, I'll remind you that we're in the GSD and that shit won't fly here.
I have a slip up from time to time, but I've made it a point to not use gay as a derogatory term. For most of my teens I said jay in place of gay after watching an episode of Aqua Teen. Now I usually say lame. Unless the opportunity to post this video arises. Everyone needs more Chang in their live.

A lot of people shitted all over those Hillary Duff PSAs but they were what got me to stop using gay as a slur. Now that I have so many members of the LGBT community in my daily life, its not so much about restraint but about respect. At first it was a burden not to use the word while everyone else was still using it. Now, I wouldnt dare using it as a slur because calling someone gay would be like calling them black, and insinuating that whatever label I've placed on them is negative would make me a bigot. As a whole I've noticed my circle of friends has slowly weaned itself from using the word. I still have one friend, however, who still uses the word but the day will come when it'll come back to bite him and I'll take advantage of the situation and make it a teachable moment.

"When you call someone gay, do you realize what you say?" ... or something along those lines.
I tell my students, the very first day of class, they are not allowed to say "that's gay" (as well as a couple other phrases irrelevant to this thread), and I tell them why. I explain I'm not telling them what to believe, I'm just telling them what I believe and what I will not allow to be said.

It makes an impact. I have former students who are in high school now still sometimes apologize when they see me around and they say it. I understand it's a culture thing and that I cannot "fix it", but the fact they are aware of the prejudiced nature behind using it as an insult will start the ball rolling.

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