Awesome Kong to FCW

The Man They Call WMD

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Why? Do they actually think they can teach her something she doesn't already know in Florida? That's laughable. Kong has wrestled all over the globe for nearly a decade and has worked bigger and more important matches in her career than any other woman on the entire WWE or FCW roster, what in the fuck is this supposed to accomplish? If someone says "Teach her the WWE style" I swear I'll scream.

I have absolutely zero faith in how the WWE treats their female wrestlers, so I don't know if Kong is ever even going to make it to the main roster at this point. I sure hope she does though, she's a great talent and could single-handedly make the women's division somewhat interesting again, especially if paired with women who can actually work like Beth or Nattie.

Hopefully this is just a stop in the road to the WWE, similar to the time Bryan Danielson and Low Ki spent in FCW before being called up to the main roster.
Hopefully this is just a stop in the road to the WWE, similar to the time Bryan Danielson and Low Ki spent in FCW before being called up to the main roster.

I'm pretty sure this is what's going to happen. Every report I've read says that Kong is supposed to debut very soon. She'll probably have a few matches in FCW a la Bryan and then be brought right up to kill Eve.

I for one am glad that they aired a vignette for her on FCW. It's not a bad thing - this is a positive thing, because it finally gives us definitive proof that Kong has indeed signed with WWE and it wasn't all speculation like the Sting talks.
Why? Do they actually think they can teach her something she doesn't already know in Florida? That's laughable. Kong has wrestled all over the globe for nearly a decade and has worked bigger and more important matches in her career than any other woman on the entire WWE or FCW roster, what in the fuck is this supposed to accomplish? If someone says "Teach her the WWE style" I swear I'll scream.

What exactly is a WWE match, a 7 min match that features repetitive moves at a slow pace? Where doing anything unique is not allowed and each wrestler must finish a match using the same "finisher" devaluing all they're other moves?
So yes.She prob does needs to go to learn how not to be creative and be generic.

She also hasn't wrestled in a few months and could have some rust, and is more likely the reason.
I just hope she isn't in FCW for very long. I've been looking forward to her debut on Raw or Smackdown since it was announced that she officially signed with WWE. Like the person above stated, she could be in some great feuds with Natalya or Beth Phoenix. However, I hope the put her in a program with Gail Kim. Gail Kim is the only Diva on the roster who actually has a history with Kong from when they were both in TNA at the same time. This would also elevate Gail and give her a chance to shine because she is more talented than 99% of the other Divas and even a handful of the men. Hopefully this will also reinvigorate the division since it seems to be pretty dead at the moment. For instance, Eve is the champion and she was seen in a two minute scene with the Rock at WM and that is all we have seen of her in weeks unless she has been on Superstars which in that case is about the same as not being on tv at all. If they could put the Diva's title into the mix of this feud it would be great because it always makes for good storylines seeing a "David" going for a title against a "Goliath". Also since TNA has failed to capitalize on Mickey James in the several months that she has been with them, WWE could finally make Gail Kim the first female to hold all three major women's titles; the retired WWE Women's Championship, the WWE Diva's Championship, and the TNA Knockout's title.
So, let me get this straight... They don't send Sin Cara to FCW, but they're sending Kong to developmental? Sin Cara can't speak english, and wrestlers a style completely unique to him (come on, Mysterio and Chavo would have no idea how to return to the lucha libre style). I love him, respect him, and I know he's got a hell of a lot of talent. But he's going to need to learn how to work with some of the guys who have no idea how to handle his style. At least a few matches in FCW wouldn't have hurt anything... Kong on the other hand is a diva. No disrespect to HER, but I'm pretty sure I could go out there and do what the WWE divas do on a weekly basis. Sure, I wouldn't look good doing it, but I think I could put on a better match than Alicia Fox... Kong doesn't need FCW. HOWEVER, they'll probably bring her up once they've alllowed LayCool to implode. THAT is a feud I want to see, and I don't want anything taking away from it.
Really there is a thread regarding a WOMANS WRESTLER? WOW no no, don't flip out people I am just KIDDING.

Really though, I hope she isn't there long, I don't ever really get too excited about Divas/Knockouts making their debuts to wrestling or from one company to another but I agree, Kong could be one female wrestler that could change the lanscape of womens wrestling IN WWE. As I feel like TNA has done pretty awesome with their women. WWE, however I think has mad a mockery of it. Ever since Trish Stratus went from a model manager that couldn't wrestle to one of the best womens wrestlers ive ever seen, it seems like they try to get nothing but models and go the Trish route. Problem is, there just isnt many like Trish BUT Kong is a whole different Diva and could definitely spark interest in that division. So I hope she has a few rust removing matches and hits the big stage.
dude chill out! The only reason WWE is sending her to wrestle in FCW is because they need here to get warmed up. FCW introduces them and gets the wrestlers ready for thier debut in WWE. Its like they go there to prep. Kong hasnt wrestled in a month, they need her to get in the ring and kick her rust off. Then her debut will probably on a RAW or Smackdown. Im assuming shes either going to have something to do with the Miz due to the fact that she is AWESOME KONG and that the MIZ IS AWESOME. I can also see a story line with Mark Henry since thier kinda the same. Other than that I dont know...

Getting to the point. THere it is.
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3019001 said:
So, let me get this straight... They don't send Sin Cara to FCW, but they're sending Kong to developmental? Sin Cara can't speak english, and wrestlers a style completely unique to him (come on, Mysterio and Chavo would have no idea how to return to the lucha libre style). I love him, respect him, and I know he's got a hell of a lot of talent. But he's going to need to learn how to work with some of the guys who have no idea how to handle his style. At least a few matches in FCW wouldn't have hurt anything... Kong on the other hand is a diva. No disrespect to HER, but I'm pretty sure I could go out there and do what the WWE divas do on a weekly basis. Sure, I wouldn't look good doing it, but I think I could put on a better match than Alicia Fox... Kong doesn't need FCW. HOWEVER, they'll probably bring her up once they've alllowed LayCool to implode. THAT is a feud I want to see, and I don't want anything taking away from it.

KEY WORDS GUYS, she hasn't WRESTLED since then!!! She maybe only there for what 30 days, if that!!! Get over yourselves!! If they teach her the WE way, I'll scream!! Well that is obviously a TNA fan making that comment!! Proven fact, anyone that has come over from TNA has not lasted long in WWE. I think Low Ki should have stayed, Kong will be good there, but it is obvious she is not a "Diva" per say, but she is a damn good wrestler, and she will be on Raw, or samckdown real soon!!!
They could just be doing it to see if the want Kong as a heel,face, or I dont care what you think type of character. Also she hasnt competed in a while they probably just wanna make sure she doesnt accidentally kill someone with a botched slam.
In all likelyhood, its probably BECUASE she has worked all over the world. The WWE I think wants to impart to people that they WILL work their way up from the bottom, and will work through the feeder system. Sort of a reaffirming "you are in the big leagues now, and we dont care what you have done before this"...Danielson and Low Ki had to do it, among others...I mean, if someone has an attitude about performing in developmental, and goodness forbid, doesnt do well in developmental, then they sure as shit cant call them up to the roster.

Why didnt Sin Cara do it? Simple, he is a mystical super hero. Sorta takes away from the character if you can watch him on youtube on WWE television on a weekly basis for 4 months before he gets on tv.
I just hope this isnt another example of the wwe further destroying their women's division. maria was almost the last straw for me. she looked like she would break at any moment. im glad she is gone (while i do miss the looks, lol.) they do have some decent women, like beth, melina, and michelle, but they dont really seem to push it anywhere. hopefully kong can come in and put some life into the division.
Hopefully this is just a way of getting rid of any ring rust before she debuts on the main roster. I am not too concerned about this. Kong is far better than most of the other women on the roster, so I expect she will appearing on Raw or SD within the next 3 or 4 months, and this is just a way of getting her back to top condition and match fit.
I think it should be on a person to person basis wether or not they need to go thru FCW before coming up to the main roster. Some people Like Kong, may need just to work out a little ring rust........SPEAKING OF FCW....Does anyone know of a place online where you can download or view whole episodes of thier weekley TV Show?? I believe if you have the DishNetwork or DirecTV sports package you can watch it on there on the SunshineSportsNetwork. But if you cant get dish cause u live deep in the woods....How can we see it? The WWE probably doesnt want 2many people seeing who they have coming up that way they can make character adjustments and whatnot. BUT if they just said screw it and say replaced SuperStars with FCW weekly programing I BET that would be a hit! We all want to see these guys that they have down there, get a chance to see tomarrows superstars today...Im dying for some FCW TV
This is the best move for her. In TNA, her moves were extremely impactful to the point that it seemed like every few months someone was getting concussions and/or popping their tits. Add the fact that the WWE is very concussion paranoid these days..

I know a lot of people rag on a majority of the divas and their pre-WWE background, but that doesn't mean they should get seriously hurt for it and put out of action. And I do think some of the divas don't care to risk that chance either.
i do hope she stays in FCW for only a couple of weeks at most because she could be what we need to revive the crappy womens division. but if they are showing vignettes about her and hyping her debut to FCW then i am afraid that she may stay for a while. if you look at it from FCW's point of view, you just hyped up a wrestler who only stayed for like three weeks and is gone. that would make them mad and probably some of their audience.
Why? Do they actually think they can teach her something she doesn't already know in Florida? That's laughable. Kong has wrestled all over the globe for nearly a decade and has worked bigger and more important matches in her career than any other woman on the entire WWE or FCW roster, what in the fuck is this supposed to accomplish? If someone says "Teach her the WWE style" I swear I'll scream.

I have absolutely zero faith in how the WWE treats their female wrestlers, so I don't know if Kong is ever even going to make it to the main roster at this point. I sure hope she does though, she's a great talent and could single-handedly make the women's division somewhat interesting again, especially if paired with women who can actually work like Beth or Nattie.

Hopefully this is just a stop in the road to the WWE, similar to the time Bryan Danielson and Low Ki spent in FCW before being called up to the main roster.

Remember, DBD opted to go to the feeder program prior to being called up to the WWE's main roster. This is because, although experience all over the world is valuable, every organization has a different "style" that must be executed, otherwise the new talent is blamed for any mistakes.

Watch the Chris Jericho DVD or read his book "Undisputed" and you'll get a better understanding of this. Chris spoke about how he has to adapt to different styles in every organization, especially within the WWE. They do things much differently than what is done around the world in the indy circuits.

Kong needs to go through FCW to be trained in the ways of the WWE style just like any new employee needs to be trained for the new job, regardless of their experience in the industry. It has nothing to do with her "not being good enough."
Remember, DBD opted to go to the feeder program prior to being called up to the WWE's main roster. This is because, although experience all over the world is valuable, every organization has a different "style" that must be executed, otherwise the new talent is blamed for any mistakes.

Watch the Chris Jericho DVD or read his book "Undisputed" and you'll get a better understanding of this. Chris spoke about how he has to adapt to different styles in every organization, especially within the WWE. They do things much differently than what is done around the world in the indy circuits.

Kong needs to go through FCW to be trained in the ways of the WWE style just like any new employee needs to be trained for the new job, regardless of their experience in the industry. It has nothing to do with her "not being good enough."

That's all well and good except for one thing D-Man: the women's wrestling in the WWE isn't some different breed that Kong needs to learn how to work. At all. Your basic diva's match is 2 minutes long, involves a lot of hair-tosses and a few rudimentary wrestling holds, and then usually a botched finish. Is that the style she needs to learn? Even the best workers in the WWE's female division don't get more than maybe 10 minutes MAX on a house show if they're lucky, there is no style they work that Kong would need to learn.

The whole "they need to learn WWE style" party line is total bullshit to begin with. Yes, the WWE works a different kind of match than an indy, but it's not some difficult process to learn, the "WWE style" usually just means they sit you down, tell you what awesome moves you can't use anymore in the WWE, and send you out to work basic formula matches. Jericho sure as hell didn't need to "learn the WWE style", he was gold from the moment he debuted for the company using the same style he did in WCW and Japan.

There's nothing Kong needs to "learn" in FCW, this is just a stopgap for her until they bring her up to the main roster is my guess, similar to Danielson and Low-Ki. Oh and yes Danielson requested to go to FCW D-Man, but not because he needed to "learn the WWE style", because he wanted to shake off the ring rust he had from not wrestling for a few months before coming on national TV, because that's just the kind of hard working guy he is.
D makes a great point about Undisputed. Jericho knew how to work but he struggled when it came to working with people who were WWF from the get-go and the backstage guys hated on him too. He got the old "he doesnt know how to work" treatment that Punk and DBD got in their dark matches. And it was all because he did things a little differently but to Vince etc it came off as him being lazy and impossible to work with.

Kong will hopefully go there, pick it up quickly and get on the roster before Summerslam.
Why? Do they actually think they can teach her something she doesn't already know in Florida? That's laughable. Kong has wrestled all over the globe for nearly a decade and has worked bigger and more important matches in her career than any other woman on the entire WWE or FCW roster, what in the fuck is this supposed to accomplish? If someone says "Teach her the WWE style" I swear I'll scream.

Scream away X. Kong may be more skillful than every other WWE diva, and probably 9/10 female wrestlers on the planet I haven't heard of, but there is a difference between the style that works in Japan / on the Indies and the way WWE expect you to work. This isn't something that only affects Kong. Chris Jericho had these issues as well. It's all very well having skill, but if you don't use them "correctly" (at least in management's view) then you won't succeed.

Or if you want to see something more relavent to the "indie guys spending time in FCW" conversation compare Kaval vs Bryan Danielson to Low Ki vs Bryan Danielson.

Hopefully this is just a stop in the road to the WWE, similar to the time Bryan Danielson and Low Ki spent in FCW before being called up to the main roster.

Low Ki and PJ Black (Justin Gabriel) spent well over a year in FCW, as did CM Punk in OVW. Unless you're regarded as a Wrestling God, you spend considerable amounts of time in developmental. And considering that even the world's best wrestlers could learn something in FCW (when Ricky Steamboat is a trainer, and the facilities are as good as they are you're bound to learn something) that's not a bad thing.
That's all well and good except for one thing D-Man: the women's wrestling in the WWE isn't some different breed that Kong needs to learn how to work. At all. Your basic diva's match is 2 minutes long, involves a lot of hair-tosses and a few rudimentary wrestling holds, and then usually a botched finish. Is that the style she needs to learn? Even the best workers in the WWE's female division don't get more than maybe 10 minutes MAX on a house show if they're lucky, there is no style they work that Kong would need to learn.

You view women's wrestling as shit, therefore it should be easy for Kong, in her ultimate skillset, to swim through the shit? That's the view you're taking? Come on, X... that's just awful.

This is the biggest pile of horseshit I've read from you in a while. No offense, but how the fuck would you know ANYTHING about the learning process of pro-wrestling as it varies from company to company and between the genders? That's pure speculation if I've ever heard it and I'd rather listen to an expert like Jericho over your completely unproven opinions.

The whole "they need to learn WWE style" party line is total bullshit to begin with. Yes, the WWE works a different kind of match than an indy, but it's not some difficult process to learn, the "WWE style" usually just means they sit you down, tell you what awesome moves you can't use anymore in the WWE, and send you out to work basic formula matches. Jericho sure as hell didn't need to "learn the WWE style", he was gold from the moment he debuted for the company using the same style he did in WCW and Japan.

Total BS. Read his book, my brother. You'll see that in his own words, he explained how much he struggled with adapting to the WWE style both in and out of the ring.

Like you, I also thought he was gold from day one in the WWE. I was completely shocked and in awe when I read that he was viewed as dogshit garbage from the beginning because he thought he was above learning the WWE's style of doing things. Once he worked with Pat Patterson and learned the way he was supposed to wrestle, his career completely turned around.

There's nothing Kong needs to "learn" in FCW, this is just a stopgap for her until they bring her up to the main roster is my guess, similar to Danielson and Low-Ki. Oh and yes Danielson requested to go to FCW D-Man, but not because he needed to "learn the WWE style", because he wanted to shake off the ring rust he had from not wrestling for a few months before coming on national TV, because that's just the kind of hard working guy he is.

First off, Kong needs to be trained on the WWE's style. Deny it all you want but it's the truth.

Secondly, we're BOTH right about DBD. He needed to shake ring rust and learn the WWE's style. I'm telling you, the WWE doesn't let someone just walk in their doors and start getting into matches with their top stars anymore. Ever since the Attitude Era had wrestlers from different organizations constantly jumping ship and appearing sloppily in the ring, they put all of their new acquisitions through a short "camp" stint in their feeder programs to learn the style. THEN, they come in and begin the rest of their career.
That's all well and good except for one thing D-Man: the women's wrestling in the WWE isn't some different breed that Kong needs to learn how to work. At all. Your basic diva's match is 2 minutes long, involves a lot of hair-tosses and a few rudimentary wrestling holds, and then usually a botched finish. Is that the style she needs to learn? Even the best workers in the WWE's female division don't get more than maybe 10 minutes MAX on a house show if they're lucky, there is no style they work that Kong would need to learn.

There's also the things like "playing to the camera, not the audience", the spots/sequences that WWE expect to be done, working a character (I haven't followed Kong's career well enough to know whether she can do this or not. However it IS what Serena Deeb spent her developmental time doing) and like I say, spending time with Ricky Steamboat cannot be a bad thing.

The whole "they need to learn WWE style" party line is total bullshit to begin with. Yes, the WWE works a different kind of match than an indy, but it's not some difficult process to learn, the "WWE style" usually just means they sit you down, tell you what awesome moves you can't use anymore in the WWE, and send you out to work basic formula matches. Jericho sure as hell didn't need to "learn the WWE style", he was gold from the moment he debuted for the company using the same style he did in WCW and Japan.

And yet 9/10 wrestlers who go into FCW come out with a visibly different style. Take Tyler Black. He uses (most of) the same moves he did before he came to WWE, but not all in the same matches. For example, he still backflips rather than miss a dropkick and does the paroxysm, but he might not use them in the same match (which is partly because the matches are that much shorter)

There's nothing Kong needs to "learn" in FCW, this is just a stopgap for her until they bring her up to the main roster is my guess, similar to Danielson and Low-Ki.

The 18 month stopgap that Low Ki had? That's some pitstop.

As for what she could learn, there's always teaching her how to wrestle the barbie dolls with no knowledge of how to work with someone of her size without injuring them in some way (i.e ensuring she doesn't treat Kelly Kelly like she would Sara Del Rey). And then they could always aid her with picking her spots. Like you say, the divas get two minutes max on Raw and in those two minutes her stuff's got to get remembered by the crowd. If she can't do some of her spots for health and safety (of incompetant divas) reasons then Steamboat and Rhodes can help her pick out some safe, but still memorable spots for her finisher and signature moves.

The WWE style is as much about getting the crowd trained to pop for certain moves/gestures as it is anything else.

Oh and yes Danielson requested to go to FCW D-Man, but not because he needed to "learn the WWE style", because he wanted to shake off the ring rust he had from not wrestling for a few months before coming on national TV, because that's just the kind of hard working guy he is.

And don't forget the brown nosing and showing hulility behind the move as well.

Even Sin Cara didn't get off with no lessons about how to work the WWE style. Those viginettes that aired on RAW were filmed with FCW member Peter Orlov (better known as Alex Kozlov) who was picked so that he could give some lessons about the difference between Lucha Libre and the WWE style (which ADR found very difficult to adjust to).
You view women's wrestling as shit, therefore it should be easy for Kong, in her ultimate skillset, to swim through the shit? That's the view you're taking? Come on, X... that's just awful.

First off I don't view women's wrestling as shit, I view the WWE's Divas division as shit. Huge difference. I watch joshi and SHIMMER on a fairly regular basis, I love women's wrestling. Secondly, what about what I just said doesn't make sense? Kong has dragged shit wrestlers through 2 minute Divas style matches in TNA plenty of times, how is this any different?

This is the biggest pile of horseshit I've read from you in a while. No offense, but how the fuck would you know ANYTHING about the learning process of pro-wrestling as it varies from company to company and between the genders? That's pure speculation if I've ever heard it and I'd rather listen to an expert like Jericho over your completely unproven opinions.

How would I know anything about how wrestling varies from company to company? Oh I don't know, because I have a pair of eyes and ears? Because I WATCH these "other" promotions, unlike yourself and Remix who are jumping all over my shit here. Don't pull this "You're not a wrestler, so you don't know anything about wrestling" bullshit out man, because that's one of the lamest lines in the book and you're better than that. You don't have to be a chef to know how to cook, you know? I'm baffled as to why you're even arguing with me here about this, are you trying to say that the WWE and other indies don't work a different style? What are you even getting at here? Do tell me D-Man, do the Divas not work 2 minute matches on every single TV show? You have eyes, right? Then you see exactly the same shit I do every single week on RAW and Smackdown.

Total BS. Read his book, my brother. You'll see that in his own words, he explained how much he struggled with adapting to the WWE style both in and out of the ring.

How does one struggle to adapt to the "WWE style" out of the ring D-Man? We're talking about a wrestling style, not the backstage politics or how different of an atmosphere the WWE locker room is from other companies, we're talking about the in-ring work. Jericho didn't go get extra training, he went straight from the WCW to the WWE and he worked the same kind of matches he did in WCW. I don't give a fuck if you read Jericho's book and Chris talks about how hard it was to adapt to the WWE style, it's as simple as going to YouTube and watching a Chris Jericho match in WCW in 1998, and then watching a Chris Jericho match in the WWF in 1999. Simple as that man. I'm sure Jericho had to change some things up and adapt to the WWE style slightly, but again, it's not nearly as big of a difference in style as you seem to think. Seriously, go watch a Jericho WCW match from '98, then go and watch his PPV debut match against X-Pac at Unforgiven 1999, and explain to me the HUGE VAST DIFFERENCES in his in-ring style that he had to work and change to fit the "WWE style". I'll wait.

Like you, I also thought he was gold from day one in the WWE. I was completely shocked and in awe when I read that he was viewed as dogshit garbage from the beginning because he thought he was above learning the WWE's style of doing things. Once he worked with Pat Patterson and learned the way he was supposed to wrestle, his career completely turned around.

You do realize what Jericho is saying there is basically exactly what I have been saying, right? He wasn't accepted backstage and was viewed as shit until he talked to Pat Patterson who told him what he could and couldn't do int he ring. Is that not EXACTLY what I said "working the WWE style" was and is? You're acting like Jericho had to go and train for weeks and learn new moves and a new style of wrestling and how to work a totally new kind of match, when in reality all it was was Jericho being told what he could and couldn't do out there (which, again, is exactly what I said happened and you basically just confirmed).

First off, Kong needs to be trained on the WWE's style. Deny it all you want but it's the truth.

WHAT WWE STYLE?! Seriously, explain to me RIGHT NOW what the WWE style is D-Man, and then explain to me how Kong needs to learn it. What does she need to learn to do? Seriously, explain away man, I'm waiting. Kong has worked in front of North American sports entertainment wrestling fans for quite awhile when she spent years in TNA if you forgot about that whole stint. She's a monster heel, all she needs to do is be a big powerhouse in the ring, that's her role and style in every promotion and it works.

Like I said, you guys are seriously deluded if you think there is some mystical, magical "WWE style" formula that you can ONLY LEARN once under the gracious contract of the WWE, like it's some secret recipe hidden in a vault somewhere that you can only see when Vince signs you up. Please, unless you can sit here and explain to me in detail EXACTLY what the WWE style is, how Kong doesn't already know how to work it, and why she would even need to learn it in the first place, than spare me, because you're talking nonsense.

Secondly, we're BOTH right about DBD. He needed to shake ring rust and learn the WWE's style. I'm telling you, the WWE doesn't let someone just walk in their doors and start getting into matches with their top stars anymore. Ever since the Attitude Era had wrestlers from different organizations constantly jumping ship and appearing sloppily in the ring, they put all of their new acquisitions through a short "camp" stint in their feeder programs to learn the style. THEN, they come in and begin the rest of their career.

DBD learned absolutely nothing from his time in FCW. What was he going to learn D-Man? How to do an armdrag? How to get heat? How to play up to a crowd? He's known how to do all of these things for 10 years. Again, "learning the WWE style" really = someone sitting you down and telling you what moves you can and can't do out there, which is why Danielson's in-ring moveset is just a very limited and small sample of what he did in the indies. He uses a few key spots he's always used, and just sticks to them and doesn't go out and do the crazy jumps and high spots or sick submission attempts and strikes like he used to, he just sticks to his few high-impact spots and his finisher and it works for him. THAT'S the WWE style D-Man. Taking the talents of someone and streamlining/limiting what they do out there.

There's also the things like "playing to the camera, not the audience", the spots/sequences that WWE expect to be done, working a character (I haven't followed Kong's career well enough to know whether she can do this or not. However it IS what Serena Deeb spent her developmental time doing) and like I say, spending time with Ricky Steamboat cannot be a bad thing.

Kong has wrestled for TNA, on camera, on cable TV, on PPV, for years. What the fuck does she need to learn? How to play to a fancier, HD camera as opposed to the lower-resolution one TNA was using? How to play a character Remix? She's a fucking 300 pound black woman, what exactly do you think her character is going to be other than "monster heel"? A character she's perfected over the course of a decade, mind you. What, do they need to repackage her as a Diva or something? Good luck, she'll need to lose 200 pounds first. They're bringing her in to play the monster heel, and she sure as shit knows how to work as a monster heel already, on TV, in front of huge crowds, in North America.

And I love Ricky Steamboat, but what the hell is he going to teach Awesome Kong? He never worked heel a day in his life, and Kong has never been a face. I'm not saying Steamboat couldn't teach her things about the business and wrestling in general, sure he could, he's been around and done things few other men have. But there's nothing he can really teach her in the workrate department that she doesn't already know. Unless Ricky has some inside knowledge of how to work as a black monster heel woman, I don't think he'll be of much use to her.

And yet 9/10 wrestlers who go into FCW come out with a visibly different style. Take Tyler Black. He uses (most of) the same moves he did before he came to WWE, but not all in the same matches. For example, he still backflips rather than miss a dropkick and does the paroxysm, but he might not use them in the same match (which is partly because the matches are that much shorter)

Thank you, for once again, agreeing with and proving my point for me, just like D-Man did. Did you guys even read my post? This is EXACTLY what I said the "WWE style" really is Remix---taking these indy guys and putting new restrictions on what they can do in the ring. That is exactly what you just described Tyler Black's in-ring style change as. So you agree with me basically, yet are still arguing with me. Why?

The 18 month stopgap that Low Ki had? That's some pitstop.

He was injured for a large portion of that time, and the rest was just politics. If you seriously think that Low Ki was in FCW for 18 months because they had SO MUCH to teach him about working in the WWE, you are delusional. Especially since Low Ki just went out and worked the exact same style in the WWE that he always did in the indies and TNA. Same kicks, same spots, same doublestomp finisher and everything.

As for what she could learn, there's always teaching her how to wrestle the barbie dolls with no knowledge of how to work with someone of her size without injuring them in some way (i.e ensuring she doesn't treat Kelly Kelly like she would Sara Del Rey). And then they could always aid her with picking her spots. Like you say, the divas get two minutes max on Raw and in those two minutes her stuff's got to get remembered by the crowd. If she can't do some of her spots for health and safety (of incompetant divas) reasons then Steamboat and Rhodes can help her pick out some safe, but still memorable spots for her finisher and signature moves.

Again, Kong has worked with these talentless "diva" model types like Kelly Kelly before, in TNA with the likes of the Beautiful People, Traci Brooks, Christy Hemme, etc. She's not a ******ed elephant, she's not going to go out there and literally break Kelly's back over her knees by accident in a match. She's one of the best female workers in the world, she would be a HUGE improvement in the safety department in the ring over the inexperienced models they send out there currently.

The WWE style is as much about getting the crowd trained to pop for certain moves/gestures as it is anything else.

And this is something you can't learn ANYWHERE ELSE ON THE PLANET other than the WWE? Seriously? What is this like some secret magic serum that the WWE gives you that sets off a switch in your brain and suddenly you can work "WWE style"? She's worked in front of North American "sports entertainment" audiences for years.

Plus, she's a monster heel. Why the hell would she need to learn how to pop the crowd with moves/gestures? SHE'S A HEEL. She won't need that skillset, ever.

Even Sin Cara didn't get off with no lessons about how to work the WWE style. Those viginettes that aired on RAW were filmed with FCW member Peter Orlov (better known as Alex Kozlov) who was picked so that he could give some lessons about the difference between Lucha Libre and the WWE style (which ADR found very difficult to adjust to).

Sin Cara is a TOTALLY different situation, because he actually DOES work a completely and totally different style from the WWE, the lucha libre style is vastly different from the WWE style, so giving him some training on the American (not WWE) style of pro wrestling makes perfect sense. Kong is a different case entirely, she doesn't work some vastly different style from the WWE, she works the same style any other monster heel has ever worked. She's like a female version of Umaga. Did Umaga need to "learn the WWE style"? No, he already knew the monster heel working style from his time in Japan. This isn't rocket science, it's pro wrestling.

Jeez, did not expect to get into this big of a conversation about this. Especially since you two are basically arguing with me for the sake of defending the WWE, while if you actually read what I've posted and what you've posted, you'd see you actually are saying the exact same thing I am about what the WWE style actually is.
Not very smart of WWE. Piss off Awesome Kong more and she might come back to TNA. Awesome Kong can save the dead Diva's Division, but I don't care about the Diva's Division. Every time a Diva match starts, I change the channel. I'm sure most of you do that too.

Awesome Kong already knows how to wrestle and talk... so I don't see the point of sending her to FCW.
Kong has wrestled for TNA, on camera, on cable TV, on PPV, for years. What the fuck does she need to learn? How to play to a fancier, HD camera as opposed to the lower-resolution one TNA was using?

And yet Xavier Woods (the wrestler formerly known as Consiquences Creed) is in FCW, as is Leo Kruger (who debuted at around the same time as DBD and was on televised wrestling for a good four years). Just because she's got experience doesn't exempt her from FCW.

How to play a character Remix? She's a fucking 300 pound black woman, what exactly do you think her character is going to be other than "monster heel"?

Oh I agree that she's probably going to be a monster heel. But that's not a garantee. FCW is the place that turned Serena Deeb from "smiling babyface" to "daughter of a mob boss" and "Black Pain" into "Sweet Papi Sanchez". A natural monster heel she may be, but just look at Kane's character "development" over the years.

A character she's perfected over the course of a decade, mind you. What, do they need to repackage her as a Diva or something?

Nope, but maybe ask her to drop the powerbomb (how many knockouts did she concuss with it in TNA?) and change her moveset up a bit (e.g. drop the splashes, use more power moves).

Good luck, she'll need to lose 200 pounds first. They're bringing her in to play the monster heel, and she sure as shit knows how to work as a monster heel already, on TV, in front of huge crowds, in North America.

How long does the average monster heel last in WWE X? Eventually she's going to stop being a monster and start being a big cuddly teddybear.

Also, there is a definate difference between the indie style and "WWE Style". Not least because the wrestlers have to sell fatigue for what would be short matches.

And a sidenote: when was she working infront of huge crowds in North America? I can believe that she worked in front of huge crowds (e.g. in Japan) but I don't think many TNA crowds count as huge in comparason to WWE's.

And I love Ricky Steamboat, but what the hell is he going to teach Awesome Kong? He never worked heel a day in his life, and Kong has never been a face.

I think there was a brief period in TNA when she was a face. I do remember her facing with the definately heel Beautiful People.

I'm not saying Steamboat couldn't teach her things about the business and wrestling in general, sure he could, he's been around and done things few other men have. But there's nothing he can really teach her in the workrate department that she doesn't already know. Unless Ricky has some inside knowledge of how to work as a black monster heel woman, I don't think he'll be of much use to her.

Well he was giving Sid/Lex Luger pointers on how to be a heel while in the ring (it was one of the two and I can't be bothered to find the interview where it was mentioned) so he clearly does know how to act as an effective heel even if the crowd would never buy him as one.

As for what Kong could specifically learn, there's always WWE heel psychology. i.e. walk into the face's comeback spots.

Thank you, for once again, agreeing with and proving my point for me, just like D-Man did. Did you guys even read my post? This is EXACTLY what I said the "WWE style" really is Remix---taking these indy guys and putting new restrictions on what they can do in the ring.

Tyler Black has dropped exactly one move from his arsenal, the small package driver, and that's because A) nobody in FCW wanted to take it and B) WWE aren't fond of moves which drop the victim straight onto their heads.

That is exactly what you just described Tyler Black's in-ring style change as. So you agree with me basically, yet are still arguing with me. Why?

Because all he's doing is picking his spots better. Tyler Black has what, three or four finishers. If he used them all to finish matches then the crowd wouldn't have a clue what to pop for and if he used them all in the course of his matches then it would kind of screw up the match sequence. Compare his 15 minute matches with Richie Steamboat or Hunico to his matches in ROH.

His biggest moves come out when they need to, and the crowd pops better for seeing them. Also, it's just plain silly to use a half dozen moves that induce false finishes in every 5-10 minute match.

He was injured for a large portion of that time, and the rest was just politics. If you seriously think that Low Ki was in FCW for 18 months because they had SO MUCH to teach him about working in the WWE, you are delusional. Especially since Low Ki just went out and worked the exact same style in the WWE that he always did in the indies and TNA. Same kicks, same spots, same doublestomp finisher and everything.

And CM Punk was in OVW for 18 months because?

Also, Kaval himself was never overly fussed about being in WWE, so why would he go out of his way to change himself? Those who do want to be there do change considerably and you can see it in their matches. Steamboat was a spotty fuck and now he's a darn good worker. Naomi Night went from "Dancer" to "Shimmer Standard" in a year and Tyler Black's well on the way to working like a WWE babyface.

It's NEVER a bad or pointless thing to spend time in a facility which is as well equipped, funded and staffed as FCW. Even if it's just to go over the fundimental stuff.

Again, Kong has worked with these talentless "diva" model types like Kelly Kelly before, in TNA with the likes of the Beautiful People, Traci Brooks, Christy Hemme, etc.

At least two of those names got concussions from Kong, and Love got a broken finger to boot.

She's not a ******ed elephant, she's not going to go out there and literally break Kelly's back over her knees by accident in a match. She's one of the best female workers in the world, she would be a HUGE improvement in the safety department in the ring over the inexperienced models they send out there currently.

How many of those "models" deliver high impact moves? Kong does, and even if she delivers the move perfectly, that's no garantee that the model will. All it takes is for Kelly Kelly to take a powerbomb wrong and she's going to be hurting badly.

And this is something you can't learn ANYWHERE ELSE ON THE PLANET other than the WWE? Seriously? What is this like some secret magic serum that the WWE gives you that sets off a switch in your brain and suddenly you can work "WWE style"? She's worked in front of North American "sports entertainment" audiences for years.

Which is clearly why Aaron "Idol" Stephens is down there too and why Vance Archer was still working down there when he was released. I mean it's not like they weren't experienced at working in front of a "sports entertainment" audience either.

Plus, she's a monster heel. Why the hell would she need to learn how to pop the crowd with moves/gestures? SHE'S A HEEL. She won't need that skillset, ever.

Yes. Because monster heels never turn face...


And heels never pose/perform moves in a way that cues the crowd to react.



Sin Cara is a TOTALLY different situation, because he actually DOES work a completely and totally different style from the WWE, the lucha libre style is vastly different from the WWE style, so giving him some training on the American (not WWE) style of pro wrestling makes perfect sense.

Oh I agree there. ADR commented how hard it was to transition. Basically had to relarn everything from scratch because he'd be working over the wrong side in America.

Kong is a different case entirely, she doesn't work some vastly different style from the WWE, she works the same style any other monster heel has ever worked. She's like a female version of Umaga. Did Umaga need to "learn the WWE style"? No, he already knew the monster heel working style from his time in Japan. This isn't rocket science, it's pro wrestling.

No. He didn't need to learn it because he's been in WWE before and spent quite a bit of time in developmental that time around. And as you say, Monster Heels have an easier job of it because all they need to do is no sell and squash jobbers.

Jeez, did not expect to get into this big of a conversation about this. Especially since you two are basically arguing with me for the sake of defending the WWE, while if you actually read what I've posted and what you've posted, you'd see you actually are saying the exact same thing I am about what the WWE style actually is.

You're more or less saying it's a bad thing to send Kong to FCW because she's got nothing to learn there. I'm saying that it's a good idea because she CAN learn quite a lot there. Things she WILL need if she wants to have a long WWE career.

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