Awesome Kong Sent Home from UK Tour After Incident; TNA Releases Her


Word going around on various sites is that TNA has sent Awesome Kong home from its UK tour after, reportedly, a heated locker room incident involving Kong and Matt Hardy's wife, Reby Sky. is reporting that Kong didn't think highly of Sky dressing in the locker room with the other Knockouts and tossed her bag & gear out of the room. Two versions going around is that Kong tried to run at Sky, but was unsuccessful, and the other is that she grabbed Sky by the neck before being restrained by TNA road agent Pat Kinney. It's also being said that Hardy's & Reby's son, Maxel, was near the incident when the whole thing went down.

This could be bad news for Kong for a couple of reasons. The Hardy Boys have a lot of stroke in TNA and could make things extremely difficult. Another reason is that Kong has a history of getting violent towards people she doesn't respect or like; if I'm not mistaken, wasn't she fired years back for something that went down with Hogan's former flunky Bubba the Love Sponge?

I don't know a whole lot about Reby Sky other than the story of her being pretty much a nobody until she started banging Matt Hardy several years back. IF her roughly 6 month old son was in the locker room when all this went down, Kong should've chosen another time and place to air her grievance, at least in my opinion. While she may have a legit reason as far as locker room etiquette, again, if Sky's son was near where when stuff got physical, she should have cooled off a bit or asked if someone would be willing to watch the kid while there was a discussion about all this.
Hardy drama.

Im sure theres more to the story though, Kong's a veteran and been around for a while, she isn't going to attack someone just for dressing. She must have made some comment that we're not being privy to. Also, Matt and his son weren't in the Woman's locker room, so close is probably taking journalistic liberties.

And ya, I wouldn't want to be on her bad side either.
Hardy drama.

Im sure theres more to the story though, Kong's a veteran and been around for a while, she isn't going to attack someone just for dressing. She must have made some comment that we're not being privy to. Also, Matt and his son weren't in the Woman's locker room, so close is probably taking journalistic liberties.

And ya, I wouldn't want to be on her bad side either.

This is the second time she's attacked a co-worker. The first was probably justified (Bubba the Love Sponge), but you can't get physical with people when you feel slighted, least of all around a child.
Now that you mention it, it probably is related to that in some way.

With how much power the Hardys have in TNA, I don't think Kong will be around for much longer.
The story goes that there is some lingering animosity between Kong and Sky due to some shoot interviews and tweets that were done a while back. Kong called Reby a **** or something or other for some reason, and Sky responded on Twitter. This all started apparently because Kong was pissed that Sky was dressing with the other women when a week earlier she had had her own locker room, or at least, dressed alone. So Kong threw her bag in the hall and when Reby came back to get the rest of her things, tensions escalated. I can completely believe that Kong "charged" or attacked Sky because I just don't see anybody willingly picking a fight with Kong. Plus, there was that whole incident with Bubba the Love Sponge a few years back (which incidentally, made me fall in love with Kong in the first place).

TNA won't fire her though, believe me. If they do, they know they're losing one of their top commodities and it's likely she goes back to WWE. I doubt TNA wants that.
If she's been sent home then there must be a punishment on the way considering it's a whistle stop tour.

If the 6 month child was nearby then it's something I'm sure Kong will regret, if she gets future endeavoured then it'll be a big loss to TNA but not something they can't cope with.
TNA won't fire her though, believe me. If they do, they know they're losing one of their top commodities and it's likely she goes back to WWE. I doubt TNA wants that.
WWE won't want her; they already have Nia Jax in developmental, portraying essentially the same character.

Since TNA tapes so infrequently, this might not be a major issue. Tempers might cool over the ensuing weeks. However Kong is not the commodity she once was, in TNA or anywhere else. TNA could release her and really not suffer for it, unlike when they did the last time when she was holding down the Knockouts division. (And, because fuck Bubba the Love Sponge.)
Yeah, I'm with Rayne on this one. Timing might be on their side here, and Kong isn't actually as integral as she used to be. Whatever they decide, I actually think they can move on with or without her without much fuss, regardless of what they decide to do.
There is a sad angle in all this... remember how Kong lost a child a few years back and it was all rather strange? She said she'd miscarried then admitted later the baby died.

This sounds like seeing a baby in the locker room freaked her out - or she'd had Reby and the baby "kept away from her", which TNA would probably do from a "duty of care" perspective, with the other, earlier heat being another reason they'd do it.

Kong's problem is she has form for this, and while her loss was tragic, it doesn't mitigate her behaviour while an infant is in the room.

TNA pretty much have to fire her or risk losing Matt... and I am sure there will be some kind of clause in Jeff's new deal that says if Matt walks for a beef with the company, he can too...
She's officially been released.

@JohnGaburick: TNA Impact Wrestling has released Awesome Kong. We wish her well in her future endeavors.


The exact quote from Gaburick:

“We conducted an investigation and determined releasing Awesome Kong is the appropriate action in this case,” said TNA Executive Vice President of Talent Relations and Television John Gaburick. “Kong has been a great contributor to TNA and helped solidify the Knockouts as the best female division in professional wrestling. We thank her and wish her well.”

All-in-all, I don't think it'll hurt them. She's just not the same draw she was when they first brought her in, or when WWE picked her up. I actually think, in a lot of ways, it's a good thing. Not just because she attacked a co-worker, but because it gives them a reason to stop going back to the Kong/Kim well.
Surprised and kind of proud of TNA. They handled this the way it should have been handled. No matter who you are, you can't just go around mauling people without consequences, especially when your Kong's size.

That being said, I doubt she has any trouble finding her fair share of indie appearances if she continues wrestling. Though the larger companies may shy away after 2 locker room altercations.
It's a shame for her, but the issue is the baby being in the room... there's no getting around that being a gross misconduct offence in any company, attacking a mother with her child present.

WWE won't touch her for that... the Bubba thing was a different situation entirely... but after her odd behaviour in announcing her baby miscarried, then admitting it was born and died and now this - I hope she gets the help she clearly needs.

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