Awesome Kong hands in her notice to TNA

Should Awesome Kong stay or should she leave/be fired?

  • Awesome Kong should stay and her & TNA should work it out

  • Awesome Kong should leave the company or TNA should fire her

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Genuine shame if she is let go, as she is one of the best female Wrestlers alive today. But she acted in a very extreme manor towards Bubba. As much as Bubba was an arse for his comments, she took it way too far. However, it was a pretty extreme step for TNA as well, they should just talk it out, clear the air and move on, for the sake of her career, the company, and the fans who watch.
I've read reports that Bubba had Hogan on his show discussing the incident. Bubba called Kong a Bitch and Hogan questioned whether it was that time of the month.

Now I don't know the timing of this interview in relation to Kong's request to be released, but if she had heard this, I'm not surprised she requested her release. I mean here is the head of your company on a national radio show accusing you of being menstrual.

I understand why Kong did what she did and agree with the everyone that attack Bubba at work was wrong, but it should have ended once both of them were sent home after the incident.

It would a shame if she left TNA as she was one of the wrestlers that helped put the Knockouts on the map.

If I'm WWE, I'd sign her ASAP. She has a unique look that I think would be marketable, especially in contrast to all the other divas. They could even re-do the feud with Gail Kim, which also helped to put the Knockouts division on the map.
I absolutely love watching Kong wrestle, and that's why I hope this isn't true. What ever the situation is due to fallout of The Bubba incident, her and TNA need to work things out so she can stay there. The Kong I knew and loved finally returned once she got rid of Saieed, and her and Hamada just won the Knockout tag titles not to long ago. I'm looking forward to seeing them have a dominant reign.
Fuck Bubba. That low rate, vile piece of ass sucking shit.

Good for her. She should have beat his sorry ass more than she did. And I don't want to hear the "You shouldn't punch coworkers". Bullshit. He knew what he was doing when he said it. He wanted a response, some action cause the little dickweed can't gather any on his on. Well he got it. He got bitched slapped. He should have never been brought in, but after that comment, he should have been fired. But then Hogan wouldn't have anybody to inflate his ego. Fuck Bubba and Hogan too.

And if I'm Kong I'm fucking out of that shithole that's TNA. Bubba should have NEVER even BEEN backstage. It's an embarrassment he was even brought in. All Bubba is, is a loud mouth punk who thinks he's too good to be talked to or treated like the bitch he is.

Good job Kong. Next time don't let him get up
first of all they need to change her name to awful kong. tna and hogan needs to fire her ass and not give her a chance to quit she is a fat piece of crap thats not any good anyway who wants to see a fat ass woman anyway. she needs to be fired and then she needs to call jenny craig then tna and hogan can take her spot and give a knockout with some real talent a chance and i agree with most people here wwe would not want they want divas that are good to look at not an overweight piece of crap that wonders were her next chesseburger is coming from on the other hand bubba is a very good backstage interviewer and personality he is better than any interviewer they have especially better than that lame ass borash and he has a very good radio show to so he has proved he is worthy of his job there and he is definatelly intilted to his option just like everybody else he should file charges and sue kong even though they would have to make a new door so she could actually fit in the court room

in hogan we trust
I'm of an old-school mentality, in that sometimes some people just need a smack in the mouth. Bubba pisses people off for a living, so he should have considered it an occupational hazard.

Of course, TNA has every right to (and should) discipline her for her actions, as they were very unprofessional and cannot be encouraged in any work environment. Bubba would also have the right to press charges, if he's so inclined. Kong should have known this beforehand. The question is, did she know, and did she care? Maybe she considered punching Bubba to be worth her career in TNA, and whatever other repercussions might result. I doubt that Kong needs to be in TNA to earn a living, and who knows how she feels about the new management? If the rumors about Hogan and Bubba mouthing off about her on live radio are true, than I certainly think she would be justified in wanting out of the company. I wouldn't want to work under those circumstances myself.

Also, I would LOVE to see a video of Kong and Bubba's altercation :lmao:
Another thing, I hope she tells Hogan, his ass buddy Bubba and TNA to go fuck themselves and heads to WWE so she could get in a storyline in time for Wrestlemania. While she won't be treated the same in WWE as TNA, and that sucks, she WILL however finally get to see what it's like to perform in front of 50,000 60,000 80,000 people. I think every top performer should get to feel that rush at least once.

Then again maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he brings Kong in, she destroys everyone and Trish returns for a short program....

Hey, it could happen. Hart is back, Rock is returning, I'm not saying never ever again
This is a sad situation through and through. On one hand you got Kong, one of the best female wrestlers in the world. And on the other, you have some loud-mouthed moron who can't keep his mouth shut. In terms of her personal beliefs, perhaps Kong felt she was acting appropriately for what she did, but in terms of professionalism, she was anything but. You never come into contact with a co-worker unless you're in the ring or it's in the script. To bring your personal life into the workplace is a recipe for chaos. It's more than likely she'll stay. It's true, TNA does have a habit of talking their talent into coming back. And if she doesn't, well there's always other options such as the indies and the WWE, where I think she could shine. Many have posted how she doesn't fit into the mold of a WWE diva, but once upon a time there was another woman who didn't, and she became absolutely HUGE. And her name was Chyna.
I just saw some of Kong's live stream from Ed Chuman's funeral. Apparently, he was the promoter of NWA Midwest. She mentions that people keep asking her about her request for her release, but doesn't go into anymore detail. She does mention that she will no longer be going on the European tour, but doesn't say if that is her decision or management. Here is the link.
I'm thinking that she could be very useful in the WWE.

The WWE is hopefully starting to realize that trying to turn models into wrestlers, with the exception of Maryse and to a lesser extent, Kelly Kelly, is really a futile attempt as these girls don't know what they're doing. Bringing in Kong would really legitimize the Womens Division. If the WWE decided to book her right, she'd be something that people would really want to see. Her squaring off against Mickie, Beth, Melina, and even Katie Lea would be womens matches that are more than just the pissbreaks that they currently are.

She's also very good as a wrestler, and could really help train some of the less advanced girls on the roster become passable in the ring.

I see two very plausible ways to bring her into the fray as well. One way is that Maryse feels like she needs a bodyguard and decides to hire Kong to take care of her dirty work. Then it could work out like Sid did for Shawn Michaels, and Kong destroying Maryse at the end of their partnership would probably get them both over, huge.

My other fantasy booking idea? Move Zeke in the draft to either Raw or Smackdown and have them bring Kong in as his sister, Kia Jackson. Have Zeke dominate the midcard, becoming IC/US Champion, and she can run rampant on whatever Women's brand they wind up on. I'd even have them make a run for the tag titles. Kong can surely hold her own against guys.

Kong is way too talented to not be working in the WWE or TNA. I think that IF the WWE utilized her correctly, they'd have a star on their hands.

Of course, she'd probably be much better off in TNA, but she might have burned her bridges with Hogan.
Does anyone know the back story of why she was so mad and actually hit him? Why was awesome kong so crazy about haiti that she actually hit this guy. he was on his way out anyway wasn't he? someone should get ahold of dj seth gold, who is a good friend of hers and try to find the real reason she got so angry she hit him. that's who she threw the benefit for haiti with and that's who may know exactly whats going on. its also interesting that she threw a benefit with one famous dj and hit another
I'm thinking that she could be very useful in the WWE.

The WWE is hopefully starting to realize that trying to turn models into wrestlers, with the exception of Maryse and to a lesser extent, Kelly Kelly, is really a futile attempt as these girls don't know what they're doing. Bringing in Kong would really legitimize the Womens Division. If the WWE decided to book her right, she'd be something that people would really want to see. Her squaring off against Mickie, Beth, Melina, and even Katie Lea would be womens matches that are more than just the pissbreaks that they currently are.

First, Katie Lea is awful, even if she had Kong there to hold her hand she'd still only put on average matches.

Second, Kong is great because not only she can actually play a legitamate heel, but she can bump and sell quite well when she needs to. By doing this, she can make just about anyone look like a million bucks, see Gail Kim for an example.

She really doesn't need to be a trainer, all she needs to do is sell and bump when she needs to, her size and strength are more than enough to legitamize any match up.

I see two very plausible ways to bring her into the fray as well. One way is that Maryse feels like she needs a bodyguard and decides to hire Kong to take care of her dirty work. Then it could work out like Sid did for Shawn Michaels, and Kong destroying Maryse at the end of their partnership would probably get them both over, huge.

This would get Kong over as a face, and she'd be much better off being utilized as a heel.

Kong can surely hold her own against guys.

having her wrestle against guys would kill any credibility she'd have in the women's divsion. This is one of the big reasons as to why Chyna was such a failure when she was moved to the women's divison.

Of course, she'd probably be much better off in TNA, but she might have burned her bridges with Hogan.

I don't know, I'd think Kong would be the perfect way to boost the credibility of the divas division. With the WWE in PG mode, the women aren't parading around in swimsuits and putting on FCC boundary pushing match ups. Instead, their edgyness as been negated, and Kong's size and power would easily bring any match or feud credibility.
I know people love kong. But come on, what does she actually do in the ring besides take up space and do a limited set of moves? She has no mic skills that is why they always have someone talk for her or she doesnt talk at all. She can easily be replaced with ODB who is the better performer because she can do more moves, talk on the mic, and still has the size to squash most other knockouts.

BTW She had no right attacking anyone. She is lucky that there isnt a legal investigation into this.
I know people love kong. But come on, what does she actually do in the ring besides take up space and do a limited set of moves? She has no mic skills that is why they always have someone talk for her or she doesnt talk at all. She can easily be replaced with ODB who is the better performer because she can do more moves, talk on the mic, and still has the size to squash most other knockouts.

You don't need that much mic skills to be over as it has been proven many times in TNA and WWE. Kong has been the best Knockout since she debuted. You had a main event of iMPACT consisting of a Knockout Title Match in which Kong was in. She helped put Gail Kim over as champion and if it wasn't for Kong losing the title to Taylor Wilde, who knows if Wilde would still be in TNA. ODB keeps losing to Tara and The Beautiful People and you want her to replace Kong. Kong is a phenomenal wrestler and I hope she stays because TNA is going to miss her if she doesn't.
I know people love kong. But come on, what does she actually do in the ring besides take up space and do a limited set of moves? She has no mic skills that is why they always have someone talk for her or she doesnt talk at all. She can easily be replaced with ODB who is the better performer because she can do more moves, talk on the mic, and still has the size to squash most other knockouts.

BTW She had no right attacking anyone. She is lucky that there isnt a legal investigation into this.

Lets see, she can bump, sell, and make someone of average skill look legitamate playing their role.

She doesn't need to talk in order to come across as a legitamate threat; her size and strength are more than enough to do that. It's called the Andre the Giant effect.

Being able to do a bunch of moves does not make a wrestler any good; if anything, empty and useless moves make a wrestler look incompetent because they can't garner the interest of the crowd based on their skill as an entertainer.
To me it depends. If she is leaving wrestling then yes, I think this is a shame.(If she is really doing this only over the Bubba incident, well then, thats just a dumb move on her part) However if if she leaves TNA and goes to the WWE, then I would in favor of this move. Everyone knows the WWE diva's division isn't that good, and getting a great wrestler would help the division.
Kong should stay, or at least not be forced out. There's no way the WWE would take her, because of the tagline on their Divas; "Smart, strong, & sexy". I know some people may think of Kong as sexy, but the one whose voice counts the most, Vincent Kennedy McMahon would not. I mean, look how they're raking Mickie James over the coals for having a bit extra weight around the tummy & butt. Kong is a perfect fit for TNA. Now, before I read the other threads, I did not know that Hogan had pulled out the "time of the month" card. Up until then, I would have said that Hogan would have pushed the talent since he gave her a big rub at his book signing several months ago. However, butt-kissing hangers on may be harder to come by these days.
If this is indeed true it's royally fucked up the Knockout Division. Firstly they're losing the best knockout they have (though it would solve the issue of nobody being able to beat her) and secondly less than 6 months after bringing in tag titles their second champions vacate them (unless Hamada gets to pick a new partner or something). They barely had enough teams to support the belts to begin with and this would worsen that situation.

I've defended Hogan every step of the way thus far but if this is him and/or Bischoff undervaluing womens wrestling then I'll be pissed off. Vince has made womens wrestling aquire the stigma of being crap, I rarely fast forward through knockouts matches and if anyone looks at the numbers they'll see that they are a vital part of the company.

As for Kong getting work in the WWE? Good luck with that one. There's not an unattractive girl on their pay roll. They hire attractive girls and then teach them to wrestle, not females who can wrestle well. Kong is a hell of a talent, but Alex Shelley's jokes about her aside, she's not a looker.
If she was upset, fair enough. I reckon just move on and not let this ruin the momentun the company has at the moment.

If she wants to quit because she doesn't wanna work with Bubba then who are we to say anything. Overall she shouldn't of done it though
That's a real shame, especially if it's due to the Bubba incident, as her actions in that were well deserved, and it's a surprise she was the first person to do it.

This is the wrestling business, people get in fights all the time! If anything she's given some piece of dirt who has no place in wrestling a nice initiation.
I'd really hate to see Kong go. She is one of my current favorites. She is a phenominal female athlete, and she really broke the mold in the mainstream of what a women's wrestler is.

I agree that she's in the wrong for her actions, and there are consequences for that, but I hope TNA talks her into staying. I can't see the WWE taking an interest in her, so she'd be stuck on the indies or in Mexico or Japan. Hopefully she learns her lesson and hopefully this isn't the end of Awesome Kong in TNA.

Bullshit! Bubba got what he deserved! making stupid comments like that about those poor unfortunate ppl in Haiti, and maybe Kong has family there? Bubba the cum rag has no business in TNA.

Now if it was Kong hitting someone else then yeah I'd say she was in the wrong, but for this purpose I just can't stand Bubba so I don't feel bad for him at all. Just the fact that Hogan put him on air, is a tribute to Hogan's character. Who in their right mind puts a jackass with a mic on tv like that?? They need to put JB back on there w/ Foley and Jarrett, maybe they could team up and take on Hogan and Bischoff.
Glad Kong & Flash both left, I mean just look at TNA roster. Hogan, Flair, Sting, Nash, Hall, Pac, The Nasty Boys, Jeff Jarrett, Raven & Val Venis. Is this 1999 or 2010. Hogan has done what we all feared. He has brought all the old farts out of retirement and they are taking the spotlight from the young guys. I wish more peple had the balls Kong had. TNA would cease to excist.

Im not a TNA fan, but whoever is should notice what is going on and should be damn ashamed of it.
If Kong left TNA I for one says the WWE would pick her up and immediately use her on Smackdown! with the current Mickie James and Michelle McCool feud and have her join with Mickie as they would be the real lookin women. So u think the E only like their divas a certain way the why is Vickie, Mickie, Beth, Natalya with them right now all of u dont think she would make it but I do.
Let's just hope that the situation gets resolved and Kong stays with TNA, because this is the only mainstream company that she is going to be hired with in the States. She would be a good addition to the WWE because she is a very versatile competitor who can work with anyone and still make them look good, but she hasn't got the looks they are going for nor do they need any more "monster" characters. The WWE has Beth Phoenix, and that's all they need.

If she doesn't stay, I would bet that she is going to have a great life in Japan and possibly stay in the American Indy circuit, like select appearances for SHIMMER. It's not like its a bad thing for Kong, because Japan is where she made her impact replacing Aja Kong in an event. And as far as my knowledge goes, she hasn't burned any bridges in Japan and promoters would welcome her back with open arms.

I like Kong and she is a great wrestler. But she has been with the company a while and she has done it all in TNA as a Knockout. Either way, I'm happy for her.
I hope she doesn't leave. After Angelina Love's visa expired and she had to leave, I don't think I can take losing another of my favorite Knockouts.

Call me crazy but there's something about Awesome Kong's raw power that makes me attracted to her. :blush:

Edit: Oops, I didn't know that Angelina came back. Still it would suck if Kong was fired or left.

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