Avenged Sevenfold


GLaD I'm not you...
I looked through all the topics and didn't see them. Sorry if there is a topic somewhere. Anyway the band has a new album coming out... Tomorrow... I've heard the whole thing and for anyone here who's hoping for a return to the old style of A7X... Sorry that's not happening in this album. In fact this album even differs greatly from City Of Evil... The record that produced songs like Bat Country, Seize The Day, and Beast And The Harlot.
Over all A7X is by far my favoirte band. I first heard them on Yahoo Radio and the song was An Epic Time Wasted off of their first album "Sounding The Seventh Trumpet". I liked the song, but at the time lacked the ability to download music, and they were certainly not well known here in NJ, and the stores around here didn't even sell them. The next song I heard was Chapter Four off of "Waking The Fallen" Loved it. I went and picked up Waking The Fallen at a local cd store that had heard the song Unholy Confessions and decided to grab a few copies for sale.
I've seen them in concert once with The Confession, Bullets And Octaine, and Head Automatica. I'm going to see them in November at Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC. Should be a kick ass show. I'll type up an album review tomorrow for the new album.
The new album is terrible. Matt's vocals are getting worse, and they sound like they're turning into a circus act. I can't honestly say I enjoy one song off the new album.

City of Evil
, however, is a great album, some fine riffs and melodies accompanied by Matt's above average vocals (which is a rare thing), which still makes for a nice listen.
I actually really enjoyed the new album.
I felt that it was really were Avenged Sevenfold should be.
I actually really enjoyed the new album.
I felt that it was really were Avenged Sevenfold should be.

I have not yet heard their new album, while I am not a huge fan I defenitely enjoy there music. I much prefer their older music to their new but this new album is something I will probably invest in because even though its probably not going to be as good as old it should be a solid album
It all depends on what you enjoy about Avenged Sevenfold.
If you like the scream vocals, you probably gonna like the old stuff better, but if you like experimental songs with different layers of style, you'll love the new album.
Please, tell me what you think about it, after you've heard the new one.
Because I really loved it.
Well that's just what it is though... The band is "maturing" in a sense. Take a look at Sounding The Seventh Trumpet (1st album) it's virtually all screaming, Waking The Fallen (2nd album) is 1/2 screaming and 1/2 singing. City Of Evil (3rd album) Was all singing with insane guitar and musical stuff. Avenged Sevenfold (new album) Is all singing, and drops the insane guitar stuff for the most part and gains more of a rock feel to it over heavy metal. It really depends on how you look at it. I got too lazy to write a review on the new album, but it's certainly worth the money to go out and get it. I'm going to see them next wednsday!!!!
I thought this album was pretty good. I haven't listened to them before this, so I don't really have much to compare them to, but one of the other interns I work with at umgd said its better than their last album.
City Of Evil was way better. The new albums good but i can only really get into Almost Easy. Nothing else does anything for me. I'm going to see them in january and i hope they don't cancel like they have 3 times before :/
I'm not gonna lie, I've never heard anything from them. However, I own Guitar hero 2, which features "Beast and the Harlet", which is my Fave song right now. I'm a master at GH2 at that song. So if I like that, I;'m sure I'll like more.
Speaking of Avenged Sevenfold. They have a new album called "Diamonds In The Rough" coming out I think on September 19th. Along with it will come a live DVD, which should be pretty sick. From what I can remember off the top of my head the new album is going to include songs like their cover of Walk, as well as the B-Side Crossroads. Even a couple of remixes with Afterlife and Almost Easy. Throw that in with 8 or 9 new songs and you got a nice lookin album there.

I saw them again this past December and as always they were awesome. They played with Black Tide and The Confession as well as a couple other bands I don't remember cause they suck. Anyways though Afterlife was amazing live.

Speaking of Rock Band.... Afterlife is on 360... For Guitar Hero III for 360 and I think mabey PS3 you can download Almost Easy, and in the upcoming Guitar Hero 4 Bat Country is a top candidate for the game.
Avenged Sevenfold is my favorite band as of right now. I have only known them since guitar hero 2, but now i know a lot of their songs. Afterlife is my favorite song, because i LOVE the string intro, then when the band starts to play, its just AWESOME, i love the chorous, and theres a pretty good guitar solo. Some of my other favorite songs by Avenged Sevenfold are; Critical Acclaim, Bat Country, and Almost Easy. If they ever come to Seattle, Im going to see them.
A7X is like many great bands.

Album#1) They're just starting out.
Album#2) Their best album.
Album#3) Trying to find their sound.
Album#4) They perfect their sound.

A lot of bands are this way now-adays

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