Austin Starr

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Getting Noticed By Management
I've noticed these segments with Austin Starr talking about how a starr is born at bound for glory, and I didn't even realize it until just now when I thought about it, Austin Starr looks like he's going to be like the same exact character as Shawn Michaels in the olden days. I think this because of the way he's dressed in the segments. It's basically exactly like Shawn Michaels used to dress. Austin Starr is a great wrestler and I think that if that Shawn Michaels thing worked for Shawn Michaels, it should work for Starr. And I don't want to hear anyone complaining about how this is just another TNA guy stealing something from WWE because wrestling promotions steal things from eachother all the time. WWE stole DX from WCWs NWO. Does that mean DX wasn't good (I say wasn't in past tense because DX does not exist today)? WWE stole Samoa Joe from TNA with Umaga. TNA stole Kane from WWE with Abyss. It happens all the time. And WWE stole Stone Cold from ECWs Sandman. Does that mean Stone Cold wasn't good? No. It's okay to steal gimicks. It's a part of wrestling. Or in WWE's case, sports entertainment (I laugh every time I hear that).
Yeah this guy has alot of ability.And His new gimmick does look like Shawn Micheals with the earing and new hair. I wonder who his opponent is. Austin Star aka Aires always puts up 4 or 5 star matches in ROH. So I guess now that hes getting a push he can have one with senshi or sabin.who ever wins. IS he comming off as a heel or face?
Austin Starr is a great wrestler and I think that if that Shawn Michaels

Shawn Michaels > Austin Starr --- Any day...

WWE stole Samoa Joe from TNA with Umaga.

How is does Joe = Umaga? Because there both Samoan and overweight? I dont know if you watch the WWE anymore, but Umaga is a completly different person then Joe, other then being Samoan and "undefeated".. Besides, WWE has the "Wild Samoans" while Joe was still playing with action figures.. Noone steals anything from anyone.. Its the same idea.. But there infact different in more ways then they are the same..

And WWE stole Stone Cold from ECWs Sandman. Does that mean Stone Cold wasn't good?

Once again, Stone Cold was a completly different persona then Sandman.. No need to add more b/c you SHOULD be able to tell the likes and dislikes..

Or in WWE's case, sports entertainment (I laugh every time I hear that).

Hmm, a few weaks ago, I remember Tenay saying something about the greatest wrestler in Sports Entertainment.. And Roode said that in one of his promos as well.. So dont say its just in the WWE..

As for Starr goes.. He doesnt look like HBK's past gimmick at all? Because he wears a hat and a vest? Yeah, I must say thats almost like HBKs gimmick...

But I see some good things instore for Starr.. Possibly a fued for the X-Division Title.. I dont believe he'll ever be the NWA Champ tho... That would just be going to far.
No. He was ROH Champ before. Starr is almost as good as joe dont ya know. All his ROH matches are fricken amazing. Get them off vidilife. There isnt one match where he dissapoints. IF he could hold an awesome title like the ROH world title why cant he wear NWA Gold?
The Umaga character does seem to have been created out of WWE wanting to have a similar character to Samoa Joe. They're both Samoan, heavy, and have had long undefeated streaks. I also have to mention that on a couple of occasions Umaga was referred to as the "Samoan Wrecking Machine" (Pretty similar to "Samoan Submission Machine" if you ask me), although "Samoan Bulldozer" is more commonly used.

As for Austin Starr - the repackaging might not be a bad idea. He's put on plenty of excellent matches in both TNA and ROH and is definitely worthy of a big push, so I definitely look forward to seeing more of him.
Umaga is a blatant rip of Joe. I dont give a fuck what anyone says. Vince would never have brought back in Rosie if he didn't envy the Joe character. The differences in their characters is simply because Vince goes overboard with evrything. He would have looked on watching Joe and thinking to himself, "these guys dont know how to market a Samoan character". Now we all know Vince is a complete ****** and in his infinate arrogance and ignorance made an 18th version of Joe. The undefeated streak, the Samoan Wrecking Machine tag, all of it. Its simply Vince being envious of Joe and trying to recreate it in a way he felt was more marketable. We know better. You don't have to look like a ****** and be all gimmicked out to be any good.

As for Austin Starr, I think he is without a doubt a future NWA World Champion. And like I say with Chris Daniels all the time - if it doesn't happen, TNA dropped the ball. Also Austin Aries had this gimmick just before he left TNA last time round - its not new. They may take it up to another level, but its not new. And to be honest it isn't IMO necessary. Although if it works out like the HBK character - it could be really cool.
Noone steals anything from anyone..

I will give you that Umaga was not a ripoff(though it was a VERY similar idea) only because on Samoa Joes Myspace he also said that. Reading his explaination I have come to realize that Umaga is not a copy of samoa joe. BUT Abyss is almost a duplicate a Kane with a few changes.
Abyss is more like Mankind. only more evl. Better yet, Dar I say Abyss i s a good mix of Mankind and Kane. Umaga is a rip off from Joe, not in every aspect, BUT it is a fact Vince wanted Joe and when Joe did not budge, Umaga came along. A repackaged Rosey who now hails from Samoa, fat and is called the Samoan Bulldozing-Wrecking machine. Im daring to say Vince got the idea for Cryme tyme watching TNA. I do not care though. It is not about the persona to me, it is about the wrestling. Put LAX in there with Cryme Tyme, 187 gringo killa, 1..2...3. Joe > Rosey from 3MW in wrestling so bad it is not normal. Certain aspects of the Sandman were done by Austin as well, but Austin's charisma is unique.
Makaveli18 said:
Abyss is more like Mankind. only more evl. Better yet, Dar I say Abyss i s a good mix of Mankind and Kane. Umaga is a rip off from Joe, not in every aspect, BUT it is a fact Vince wanted Joe and when Joe did not budge, Umaga came along. A repackaged Rosey who now hails from Samoa, fat and is called the Samoan Bulldozing-Wrecking machine. Im daring to say Vince got the idea for Cryme tyme watching TNA. I do not care though. It is not about the persona to me, it is about the wrestling. Put LAX in there with Cryme Tyme, 187 gringo killa, 1..2...3. Joe > Rosey from 3MW in wrestling so bad it is not normal. Certain aspects of the Sandman were done by Austin as well, but Austin's charisma is unique.

Nah, Cryme Tyme been in OVW for months. It was a Paul Heyman idea to put the two together. I think he saw there was potential for the two after Da Beast failed in his solo role for so long.
PauLwaLL said:
Shawn Michaels > Austin Starr --- Any day...

How is does Joe = Umaga? Because there both Samoan and overweight? I dont know if you watch the WWE anymore, but Umaga is a completly different person then Joe, other then being Samoan and "undefeated".. Besides, WWE has the "Wild Samoans" while Joe was still playing with action figures.. Noone steals anything from anyone.. Its the same idea.. But there infact different in more ways then they are the same..

Once again, Stone Cold was a completly different persona then Sandman.. No need to add more b/c you SHOULD be able to tell the likes and dislikes..

Hmm, a few weaks ago, I remember Tenay saying something about the greatest wrestler in Sports Entertainment.. And Roode said that in one of his promos as well.. So dont say its just in the WWE..

As for Starr goes.. He doesnt look like HBK's past gimmick at all? Because he wears a hat and a vest? Yeah, I must say thats almost like HBKs gimmick...

But I see some good things instore for Starr.. Possibly a fued for the X-Division Title.. I dont believe he'll ever be the NWA Champ tho... That would just be going to far.
Listen, I know that Umaga is much different than Samoa Joe in the sense that he doesn't tend to use too many submission holds, and besides the diving headbutt he does he doesn't do too many high flying moves. I'm saying that they call him Undefeated Samoan Bulldozer which is basically like the same nickname. They're trying to push him like the same way that TNA pushed Samoa Joe. I love stone cold and I'm not trying to say that he was a carbon copy of Sandman, but Sandman always broke the rules and drank beer all the time. Same thing as Stone Cold. Steve Austin has more talent in his pinky than Sandman has in his entire body, I was just trying to show that companies steal things. I wasn't trying to poke fun at WWE I even stated that Abyss is a replica of Kane's gimick. I'm just trying to show people that it's alright when companies steal other companies ideas. As for the sports entertainment thing, I know TNA said that a few times, and I laugh then too. I'm just saying that WWE uses that all the time and you'll only hear the word wrestling in the show about one or two times a month tops. I think that eventually Starr will be the world champion. Not any time soon, but he will. By the time that Jarrett, Sting, Christian, and Angle are gone, people like Starr, Roode, etc. will be leading the company, and I think that's when TNA will be at the top of their game. Because, back when Shawn Michaels was with the Rockers nobody saw him ever being champ. Same thing with "Stunning" Steve Austin or Rocky Miavia.
By the way Paullwall, I NEVER said that Starr is better than Michaels. I think that Shawn Michaels the best in-ring performer of all time because he truly does steal the show almost every time he's out there.
but Sandman always broke the rules and drank beer all the time.

Sandman was in ECW.. What rules were there to break? There really wasnt any rules in ECW for him to break.. Other then then the beer drinking, they were completly different people.

I'm just trying to show people that it's alright when companies steal other companies ideas.

I agree with you that its ok to "steal" ideas.. Its been going on for years so it really isnt anything new.. Its all for competition in the buisness.. There has been more then names above that have been "copied"

As for Starr.. I have seen some of his matches in RoH, and I am familiar with him being champ and all, but due to seeing how he was used in TNA before he left, I cant really see him champ anytime soon.. In the future I see people like Joe, Styles, Daniels, maybe even Sabin being at the top.. Or whoever else they decide to bring in.. But Starr right now, seems like a long shot..

Now we all know Vince is a complete ****** and in his infinate arrogance and ignorance made an 18th version of Joe

Thats just blatant TNA mark talk.. Vince is a ******? When WWE was at a low who was the one who brought it back to the top? Vince.. Who took out wCw? Vince McMahon.. He has so many good things and because he has a "gimmick" of a disgusting, demonicle person, that doesnt make him a real life idiot.. If anyone in the world knows about a buisness, its Vinny..

And as for there attempt of an 18th version of Joe? What have you been watching? The only one I have seen the fits the description of an Samoa Joe "copy" is Umaga.. I would like to see you name 17 others..


By the way Paullwall, I NEVER said that Starr is better than Michaels. I think that Shawn Michaels the best in-ring performer of all time because he truly does steal the show almost every time he's out there.

I never said you did either.. I just hate how people continue to make refrences like Bobby Roode = Rick Rude, or Starr = HBK, or Abyss = Kane/Mankind..

Why cant wrestlers just be themselves without a comparisosson to others? Thats pretty disrespectful to that wrestler if you ask me.. To my knowledge Chris Jericho said it best..

Chris Jericho - I dont want to be the next HBk or Bret Hart.. Im here to be the first Chris Jericho

^ Something along those lines.
PauLwaLL said:
Attila said:
Now we all know Vince is a complete ****** and in his infinate arrogance and ignorance made an 18th version of Joe

Thats just blatant TNA mark talk.. Vince is a ******? When WWE was at a low who was the one who brought it back to the top? Vince.. Who took out wCw? Vince McMahon.. He has so many good things and because he has a "gimmick" of a disgusting, demonicle person, that doesnt make him a real life idiot.. If anyone in the world knows about a buisness, its Vinny..

And as for there attempt of an 18th version of Joe? What have you been watching? The only one I have seen the fits the description of an Samoa Joe "copy" is Umaga.. I would like to see you name 17 others..

Vince is a ******. If it were up to Vinnie, WWE would have died in 1997. The fact that he got desperate and actually gave up on his writing team of 6 years and gave the book to Vince Russo is what saved the WWE. And in addition to that, WWE never killed WCW. WCW killed WCW. Even at its creative apex, the WWE never produced consistently good shows. Its not that WWE was so amazing that it won the war, its that the WCW was so incredibly bad.

Vince has gotten himself stuck in the same mess he was in in 1997. He is in the wrestling bubble once again. In his mind he knows how to write a show, he has done it like this for a long time and there is no way to make it better, it is fine. This is what I mean by arrogance and ignorance. Russo in a shoot, said that was the problem with the WWE in 1996. They refused to change, they did things the way they always did them, becuase they "knew" how to write a wrestling show. When people ask why Vince continues to write crappy shows, they answer that its because he doesn't have competition. That is bullshit. He can't see the faults that we see. Only an outsider, like us fans, can see these faults. He is out of touch, period.

And as for the 18th version of Joe. What I meant to say there, was an 18th CENTURY version of Joe. I apologise for that. The point I was trying to make is that Vince thinks he needs to overdo evrything. Joe looks like a regular guy, which is what a 21st century Samoan guy looks like. They dont wear war-paint and use animal skin to cover their privates. Vince is out of touch. Nobody wants to see this gimmicky bullshit. It was behind the times in 1996, why would it belong in wreslting in 2006?
A) McMahon right now doesn't have the push to make things better because he has no serious competition. I don't care what you want to say about TNA but it is not WWE's competition, and it is years away from being such.

B)Stealing ideas is perfectly fine in this business because it is what makes the world go round. It comes down to what the performer does with it and whether or not he eventually establishes himself as himself and not the copy. Yes, the idea for Umaga may have been *inspired* by Samoa Joe, but if you watch he is not a copy, he has similarities, but he is very different also, and has defined himself as different from Samoa Joe, that is why Umaga is ok. DX, inspired by nWo, but successfully made its own mark (and by the way to whoever said it, DX does exist today?). I dont know anything about the Austin/Sandman thing, but based off what I have seen from the Sandman, Austin made his gimmick his own and that is why it is ok. Same can be said for Abyss and so on and so forth.
C) Yes, WCW killed WCW. Dead on. Why would WWF doing well kill WCW, if WCW doing well made WWF produce its best?
D) McMahon is not out of touch. Why does he not change despite what we say we dislike? Because he is making money. Most smarks hate Cena, but he is the highest selling thing he has, why would he give that up just because he is pissing of the IWC? Out of touch my ass, he is in touch with what sells and his business is to sell, if no one bought Cenas shit then he wouldn't push Cena. I believe that is why you don't see Benoit getting title runs, he doesn't sell. WWE is a publicly traded company, Vince has a responsibility to investors and stock holders, the TV networks, and so on and so forth to make MONEY, and he is doing that, so I cannot say he is out of touch. I am sure he knows what we are saying, he doesn't agree, yes he likes what he is doing, and it is making money. Bottom line.

And no, Cryme Tyme is not a rip of LAX? How could it be? OH theyre minorities!!! LAX is all about fight the man and stuff, Cryme Tyme is about having a good time. This is not a copy, not even somewhat inspired by LAX. COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.

Now, back to the topic, I can see the visual similarities but I don't think Aries sat down and intended to do that. The only other similarity, and correct me if I am wrong, is that Starr has an arrogance about him in the Bound for Glory promos, and that is what HBK had way back when. If that is the case, then the arrogant thing has been done time and time and time and time again, and no one who does it is ripping off anyone else. I am not putting the gimmick down because it can be done very well and be very entertaining, I am just saying that it is common and therefore we can't automatically say this guy is trying to be Shawn Michaels. He might be, but I am willing to give him time before I jump to that end.
to get back on the topic at hand...."a Starr is born at Bound for Glory" you think that Aries will show up in Kevin Nash's X-division gauntlet and actually beat him?
hmm...God im dumb. Yes it could be. I never even thought of that. I thought he'd be in a squash. I can see an austin starr and nash feud with nash jobbing :)
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