At what time should The Shield drop the gold?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Dean ambrose us championship is holding him back as a threat to the whc picture, i see why they gave them gold it got them noticed but it was to quick to make the main eventers but i feel its time for dean to get his 1st whc match. and with roman reigns and seth rollins getting a bigger push and heading to the intercontieal championship picture. i think the tag team belts and us belts are holding the shield back. its like theres no tag team that can give shield a good feud. i like usos but really usos are the only faces tag team that is a threat other than the los matadores, so i think its time for shield to lose the gold. but in a way that dont destory the shield or burry the shield whats your opinions on this?
I think the best time for them to lose the gold is when they split. Honestly these 3 guys have an agenda to fulfill, but the only way they will have their own spotlight is to turn one on the other or vice versa, if u have them lose the belts it helps a credible tag team but makes them look weak especially when these guys beat up guys like show, rhodes, cena, punk, ryback and then they lose to matadors? No they need like Triple H did to Pac, make it look like they are a happy group in one match and then have other guys turn on them remember it made both Batista and Orton 2 of the top breakout stars in the modern era of WWE.
I think the Shield are doing okay with the titles at the moment. Indeed, since Rollins and Reigns picked up the tag team titles, the whole tag division has improved, with them at the centre of it. They're making the titles look good while some new tag teams get built up. Ambrose, meanwhile, has been better than average as a U.S. Champion compared to other recent US Champions. He's had some decent matches against Ziggler, Kofi and others. No major feud, but that's fine since the Shield are part of a much bigger while still regularly defending their titles, plus they've added a ton of credibility to the belts.

I do think they should turn face for a while before dropping the titles. Have them turn on the corporation and then feud with the Wyatt family. That, as an upper midcard feud, would be money. Have the Wyatts eventually win all the gold, then have one big blow-off match at Wrestlemania. The Wyatts come out on top in the end and the Shield can find a new angle or break-up.

Either way, I'm very interested, and I'm sure the WWE are too, in seeing what the Shield members can do as faces. Plus, I'm hankering to see Bray Wyatt with that US title, for reasons I'm not entirely sure of, to be honest. But two US Champions as strong as Ambrose and Wyatt in a row would do wonders for the belt. Hell, if Rowan and Harper win the tag titles, it would be 3 strong tag team champions in a row. When's the last time that happened?
Simply put, WrestleMania.

If this whole Corporation storyline is going until WrestleMania it should culminate that night with the losses of the US, Tag and WWE Titles off of guys who are in the Corporation and onto whoever they are feuding with at the time. After that give them each one rematch where they all lose and if the decision is made to split them up have it happen after that but no sooner than that.
I disagree I don't think Ambrose should get a WHC match simply because I can't find a reason to justify him getting it over any of the other guys. As far as when they drop the gold I agree with WrestleMania if that's how long the story will last otherwise I don't see any reason for them to drop the belts anytime soon.
ok, for me, i think that the best way for the Shield to lose their gold is for FIRST, for Reigns and Rollins to lose the Tag Team titles (hopefully to a team that's been built up strong) then have the US title taken off Ambrose by a Shield member. so basically have them lose the titles when they are about to blow the Shield up and the best way is to get a new tag team over and then have one of the other members take the title off Ambrose and then move Ambrose to the World title while either Rollins or Reigns gets the US title, though i think a Rollins vs. Ambrose match for the US title could be a show stealer and have really great build due to their ability to speak and sell a match.
Dean ambrose us championship is holding him back as a threat to the whc picture, i see why they gave them gold it got them noticed but it was to quick to make the main eventers but i feel its time for dean to get his 1st whc match. and with roman reigns and seth rollins getting a bigger push and heading to the intercontieal championship picture. i think the tag team belts and us belts are holding the shield back. its like theres no tag team that can give shield a good feud. i like usos but really usos are the only faces tag team that is a threat other than the los matadores, so i think its time for shield to lose the gold. but in a way that dont destory the shield or burry the shield whats your opinions on this?

The giant pennies are not holding The Shield back and the US Championship is not holding Dean Ambrose back. We as fans are impatient sometimes and WWE has booked The Shield almost to perfection. They are a force to be reckoned with in the tag team division and Ambrose is the best US Champion we have had in a good while. They can't just move Dean straight up to the World Heavyweight Championship yet, let him continue to make his belt important. As for the other two.... Why rush them straight to the midcard belts when they are in an awesome run with the giant pennies? All three will be main eventers someday, let's just be patient and enjoy their journey to that point instead of rushing them there.

As for when they should lose the belts? Wrestlemania. Have them continue to dominate while a face team gets built up to dethrone them. There are plenty of options. Air Boom or Air Truth could get back together. Brodus & Tensai could get a better push. The PTP and the Real Americans are other options. Anyone but The Usos. As long as the challengers get built up properly. No one on the roster currently stands a believable chance unless Team Hell No gets back together.
As for when they should lose the belts? Wrestlemania. Have them continue to dominate while a face team gets built up to dethrone them. There are plenty of options. Air Boom or Air Truth could get back together. Brodus & Tensai could get a better push. The PTP and the Real Americans are other options. Anyone but The Usos. As long as the challengers get built up properly. No one on the roster currently stands a believable chance unless Team Hell No gets back together.

This statement is wrong on so many levels. The Usos are the ONLY legitimate option to take the tag titles off the Shield and they are more then capable of doing so. They have been built up nicely over these last few months. The Usos are tremendous in the ring, they've got a great look, solid on the mic when given a chance, and they have already proven they can hang with and pin the Shield.

As for when the Shield loses their titles, I would say it happens within the next month or two. Possibly at HIAC or Survivor Series. The Usos will take the titles off Reigns and Rollins and I'm not sure yet on who will take the US title from Ambrose. Maybe Ziggler or possibly a returning Mark Henry or Rey Mysterio. I could even see Ambrose keeping the US title a little longer then Rollins and Reigns have the tag belts.
The shield should drop their titles asap!
why cause the shield is being holding back for the titles.
now i love that the shield has been champions, but the championships hold them back from bigger feuds.
rollins and reigns lose tag belts and the sheild focus on ambrose. rollins turns and becomes face. takes on a jeff hardy roll. ambrose and reigns go on, disband or recruit corey graves. this all leads to the dissolving of the sheild. ambrose goes on to become a main event heel, rollins becomes an upper mid carder face and reigns becomes an upper midcarder heel, feuding with rollins or someone similar. I'd love to see langston gor face and wrestle reigns at mania for a mid card belt. preferably the us title. have rollins wrestle axel for ic.
Well as much as I would love to see Dean Ambrose involved in a World Title picture, things are way too messed up in the WHC title picture right now & he would just get lost in the shuffle, especially as a singles star. I could see The Shield opposing Bryan for the WWE title as an entire unit after his feud with Orton is over, although it probably wouldn't last long & it wouldn't result in any kind of title win for The Shield.

I think the WWE wants a slow but consistent rise to the top for The Shield & I think WWE has plans to keep The Shield together for awhile longer, probably until Wrestlemania XXX. I think The Shield will all hold on to their respective titles till at least then. I could see Ambrose costing Rollins & Reigns the tag titles against a formidable team like The Wyatt Family, when the two mega trios finally collide. Then all of The Shield going their seperate ways; with Rollins turning babyface, Reigns going tweener for awhile & Ambrose continuing on as the heel US Champion. & I also think Dean Ambrose could & should beat MVP's US title record. Then a few months later around MitB/Summerslam (after Ambrose finally drops the US title, maybe even to Roman Reigns???) Rollins can win the IC title, Reigns can have his "break-out" singles feud (probably with a big guy like Mark Henry or Kane to demonstrate his power) & Dean Ambrose can win his 1st World Heavyweight Championship in WWE!

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