ASE:American Sports Entertainment


The Man with The Plan
ASE is a wrestling promotion that starts with people outside the business to get back onto television, and younger stars that want there chance, and havent gotten the oppurtunity in WWE or TNA. The Pilot Epidose is this first episode, and will only be a two hour long program. The "CEO" of ASE is none other than Eric Bischoff, the announcers are Scott Hudson (YES THE SCOTT HUDSON) and "Macho Man" Randy Savage.

The beginning opens with Eric Bischoff coming to the ring to announce an 8-man tournament for THE PRIZE in the business, The ASE Heavyweight Championship, which will include wrestlers from around the world, as well as names we have heard, and new names that will be discovered. Hogan's Theme hits the arena, and out come Hulk himself, much to the disliking of the crowd, Hogan wants to know why he wasnt invited into this tournament, he wants the belt just as bad as the next guy. Bischoff says he wasnt sure if Hogan would be to busy for the promotion, and Hogan says he is here to stay, and that he will be here week in and week out to gain the ASE title.
(segment ends)

1. Match One of the ASE Heavyweight Championship Tournament:
"The Masterful" Chris Moore vs Yuji Nagata
Moore wins after Nagata could not escape the Lock of Fame and passed out (MasterLock)

Backstage Interview(Interviewer:Ashley Massero) with Rob Van Dam with manager Bill Alfonso, RVD claims to be the only true wrestler with talent on this show, and that every match he wrestles here in ASE, will be a classic, and will always steal the show, because he is the whole F'N show.

2. Match Two of the ASE Heavyweight Championship Tournament: Cibernetico vs Scott Hall
Scott Hall wins clean when he grabs Cibernetico out of the corner, and hits him with the Outsider's Edge to advance in the tournament

3. Match Three of the ASE Heavyweight Championship Tournament:
Rob Van Dam w/Bill Alfonzo vs Marco Corleone(of Jindrak fame) w/ Torrie Wilson
Rob Van Dam wins with the five star frog splash on Corleone

Backstage with "The Masterful" Chris Moore, he claims to have the Master Plan to win the ASE Heavyweight Championship, he introduces his Plan, out comes Joey Ryan and Chris Bosh (of Dynasty fame in PWG), and he says thats not all, and he brings in Daniel Puder, and claims that with this plan, he is unstoppable

4. Match Four of the ASE Heavyweight Championship Tournament:
Monty Brown (of Marcus Cor Von fame) vs "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce

They go to Scott Hudson and Randy Savage at ringside, and they talk about the next round of the tournament
"The Masterful" Chris Moore vs Scott Hall
Rob Van Dam vs Monty Brown

The Briscoes and Bryan Danielson vs 2-Cold Scorpio, Human Tornado, and Javarius Jones (of Scorpio Sky fame)
Jones taps to Cattle Mutalation by Bryan Danielson

Backstage with Yoshino (Masato Yoshino) and Manager James Mitchell, Mitchell claims that no human, wrestler, or superstar can compare to the speed of Yoshino, and next week, ASE will only get a taste of what is to come, from Yoshino

6. Semi-Finals of the ASE Heavyweight Championship
"The Masterful" Chris Moore w/The Master Plan vs Scott Hall
Hall bounces of the rope, but is tripped up by Ryan, and then when distracted is put in the Lock of Fame by Moore, Hall gives

Backstage Interview with Monty Brown, he claims that in the past, when he was on the brink of stardom, Rob Van Dam kept him down, and that tonite he would prove that he was "The Alpha Male" and that Rob Van Dam would feel the PPPOOOOOUUUUNNNCCCCCEEEE

7. Semi-Finals of the ASE Heavyweight Championship
Rob Van Damw/Bill Alfonso vs Monty Brown
Monty Brown missed with the pounce, RVD hits him with a DDT, and then hits the 5-star on Brown for the win

Backstage Interview with Hulk Hogan, he says that he already has a bad taste in his mouth from The Master Plan, and that tonight, he will make sure that they have no plan to make any impact in the main event

8. Dan Rodman (Daniel Rodimer) vs Norman Smiley
Dan Rodman picks up the squash win with his patented Full Nelson Slam

Rob Van Dam W/Bill Alfonso vs "The Masterful" Chris Moore W/The Master Plan
Puder takes out Alfonso, and then Ryan and Bosh try to distract Van Dam while Masters is out, then Hogan comes out and takes out The Master Plan, and RVD puts Masters down again, and hits the 5-star frog slash, and wins the ASE Heavyweight Championship. Hogan points in the ring, and gives a thumbs up to RVD, RVD looks confused as Hogan walks up the entrance ramp, and then RVD screams, "I DONT NEED YOUR HELP", "I DONT NEED YOUR HELP" while holding the ASE Heavyweight Championship
American Sports Entertainment Weekly TV Show
ASE Conflict

The Beginning starts as Rob Van Dam with Bill Alfonso makes his way down to the ring, as the New ASE Heavyweight Champion, he says that he proved to be the best wrestler in the world today after last weeks tournament, and that he did not need or want the distraction of Hulk Hogan at ringside, he says that Hulk Hogan is nothing but a glory hog that it makes him sick to see him get the limelight time in and time out, and that Rob Van Dam will make sure that Hulk Hogan will never be in the spotlight again. Drops the mic and leaves.

1. Yoshino w/ James Mitchell vs Marco Corleone w/Torrie Wilson
Yoshino wins with his Sol Naciente, and then James Mitchell grabs the mic and says that absolutly no one can match the speed of Yoshino, and that the ASE will be left behind.

Backstage interview with "The Masterful" Chris Moore and The Master Plan he says that last week was a fluke and he will get another shot at the ASE Title in due time, but his plan tonight is to help Ryan and Bosh claim the ASE Tag Team Championship

The Master Plan w/Moore and Puder vs Javarius Jones/Human Tornado vs The Briscoes vs Team Alpha (Owen(doug basham) Alpha and Brett(danny basham) Alpha....The Bashams)
The Master Plan picks up the win with a roll-up on Tornado after Puder attacks Brett Alpha and Masters attacks Jay Briscoe

Backstage Interview with Bryan Danielson, he claims to be the best wrestler in the business today and he will show us tonite, when he defeats an unnamed opponent in a 30-min iron man match

3. Iron Man Match
Bryan Danielson vs Yuji Nagata
After a tough battle, Bryan Danielson defeats Yuji Nagata 1-0 with Cattle Mutilation
after the match and celebration, Monty Brown comes down to the ring and jumps Bryan Danielson, and Pounces a defenselss Danielson

Dan Rodman is in the back gettin ready for his match when Scott Hall walks by, and tells him congradulations on winning ur 1st match last week, Rodman is quick to point out that Hall won to, and lost, Hall says its ok, everyone has there day, and Rodman says, Oh yeah i dont remember the day u held a heavyweight championship, Rodman walks off after that statement, Hall looks to be shocked

4. Dan Rodman vs 2-Cold Scorpio
Dan Rodman wins in a squash match, after the Full Nelson Slam

Hulk Hogan is backstage and says he is gettin ready for his debut tonite in ASE, he says that he doesnt want RVD to thank him for what happened last week, but that RVD not run down Hogan for merely trying to even the situation out

Rob Van Dam comes to ringside to do some commentary for the next match, but before Hogan comes out, Eric Bischoff's music hits, and he comes to the ring, and says that at ASE's first PPV, ASE The Beginning, it will be the first ever main event as Rob Van Dam defends his ASE heavyweight championship against Hulk Hogan.
5. Hulk Hogan vs "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce
Hulk Hogan wins after a fairly decent contest between the two, and after the match, Hogan points at RVD at ringside and says the title is comin with him, and RVD says onto the headset, this guy doesnt even deserve to be in the ring with RVD, he deserves to be on a reality show with a crazed family, and he has got to be crazy to think that Rob Van Dam will lay down for anyone.
American Sports Entertainment Weekly TV Show
ASE Conflict

Hogan makes his way down to the ring, and says that he heard the comments that RVD made last week, and that he has made this from being nothing but business, to be being personal, then RVD comes down to the ring and says, u dont think this was already personal, i am the ASE Heavyweight Champion, the star in this federation, and u still want all of the glory Hogan, that is personal, Hogan says he outta knock his teeth down his punk throat, and Rob Van Dam gets nose to nose with Hogan and says, go ahead and try me, after a few seconds, RVD laughs and walks away from Hogan.

1. The Human Tornado w/Javarius Jones vs Yoshino w/ James Mitchell
Yoshino wins after his Sol Naciente after a fast paced match, that includes alot of high flying, speed and action, James Mitchell got onto the mic after the match and said that these two, also could not match up to the speed of Yoshino, Tornado gets up, and Jones gets in the ring, the get closer to Mitchell and Yoshino, Mitchell says, i wouldnt do that, Tornado screams out, WHY NOT, and Mitchell just laughs, and a huge man comes from behind and takes them both out, and Mitchell says, you see this, this is Exodus (Apollo of TNA fame) and Yoshino, Exodus and Mitchell continue to celebrate

Backstage Interview with Monty Brown, he says that the reason he attacked Danielson, is simple, you should never claim to be the best anything if you are not, and Danielson should know that especially with Brown around, that if you are willin to make that claim, then u better back it up, and so at ASE The Beginning, he wants to show who is the better wrestler

2.#1 Contendership for the ASE Tag Team Championship
The Briscoes vs Team Alpha
Briscoe Brothers hit the Springboard Doomsday on Brett Alpha for the win
after the match The Master Plan comes out the entrance stage with there belts, and begin to clap and say, to bad u arent winning these anytime soon

Scott Hall comes down to the ring, and says that he is excited to be here in ASE, and there are some new blood that excites him, and some old blood that is good to see again, but one comment last week from some new blood really got to him, and that was from Dan Rodman, Rodman makes his way down to the ring, and says that he is sorry about those comments, and never shouldve made them, but then he says, how bout you take your overrated ass out of my ring, and dont come back again, Hall looks shocked again, and he just leaves, without saying anything

3. Dan Rodman vs Cibernetico
Match ends when "The Masterful" Chris Moore, Puder and The Master Plan come down to the ring and jump Cibernetico, Rodman just leaves, with a smile on his face, Eric Bischoff says that they cannot be running around jumping everyone who they see as a threat, therefore at ASE The Beginning, Cibernetico and a mystery partner will take on Moore and Puder, he also announces that tonite in the main event will be a 6-man tag team match, as Hogan, Danielson, and Nagata team up against RVD, Brown and Pearce.

Then they go to ringside to run down ASE The Beginning Card
One Week from Sunday it will be
"The Masterful" Chris Moore and Daniel Puder vs Cibernetico and a mystery partner
Monty Brown vs Bryan Danielson
ASE Tag Team Championship Match: The Master Plan vs The Briscoe Brothers
ASE Heavyweight Championship Match: Rob Van Dam vs Hulk Hogan

Backstage Interview with Scott Hall, Ashley asks him, What Happened Out There Tonight, Hall looks absolutly devastated, and says, i dont know, maybe i cant do it still, maybe i cant compete with this new blood, and then looks up and walks off

Jake "The Snake" comes out to a good reception, and then says that he is gonna bring the future of this industry to you, right now, he will be loved by u all, his name is Jauque Gagne (Rene Dupree), the crowd ofcourse reconizes Gagne and boos him, and then Jake yells, respect this man, he is the future of your sport, and you should all be lucky to see him in person
4. "The Future" Jauque Gagne vs Norman Smiley
Gagne wins rather quickly with the Gagne Driver (Michonoku Driver #2)

Hulk Hogan is in the back, and he says that his team is ready for war tonight, and that those three punks dont have a snowballs chance in hell against the team that he was given tonight

5. 6-Man Tag Team Match
Hulk Hogan/Bryan Danielson/Yuji Nagata vs RVD/Monty Brown/Adam Pearce
Rob Van Dam picks up the win when he hits the frog splash on Nagata, Brown and Danielson start brawling to the back after the match, RVD picks his title up, and the ref raises his hand in victory, Hogan who is on floor, looks up and still says that next sunday the title is coming home with him, then it shows Pearce who has Nagata on the outside in a torture rack, and then he suplexs him thru the announcers table, and he gets up, and starts laughing and dust his hands off as the show closes
American Sports Entertainment Weekly TV Show
ASE Conflict

The show opens and "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce is in the ring with security all around the ring, he says that what he did last week was to set an example, that all of these old folks need to realize that Adam Pearce is the future and they need to get out of his way, he is a former NWA Heavyweight Champion, and if he has to take you out then thats what it has to be, then Yuji Nagata comes out on the stage, and charges the ring, but the security stops him, Pearce says that he will finish off Nagata at ASE The Beginning in a Street Fight. Eric Bischoff comes out and says that he will make sure that get signed for this sunday, but first Pearce will have to pay for his actions last week, and him and a partner will take on the Briscoes tonight.

1. "The Future" Jauque Gagne w/ Jake "The Snake" vs Javarius Jones w/ The Human Tornado
Exodus and Yoshino jump Tornado on the outside, and Gagne hits the Gagne Driver on Jones for the win

The Master Plan is in the back, and there talking about who they think that the mystery partner could be, Moore says it may be Goldberg, Puder hears it could be Lesnar, Bosh said it could be Lashley, Ryan says he heard that Cibernetico is close with Batman, and Bruce Wayne may show up. They all laugh it off then they get a serious face, and they leave towards the ring

2.Cibernetico vs Daniel Puder
Cibernetico wins with a chokeslam, The Master Plan then jumps Cibernetico, The Briscoe Brothers come out for the save

James Mitchell is in the back and says that there first victims will end up being The Human Tornado and Javarius Jones this Sunday at ASE The Beginning

Rob Van Dam w/Bill Alfonso comes down to the ring and says that he showed the world last week after picking up the pinfall in the 6-man match, that he is in fact the MAN in the business today, Hulk Hogan comes down to the ring and says that Hogan is still the man, and until RVD beats Hogan, then RVD isnt the man, Rob Van Dam laughs and says, "I'm not gonna beat you this sunday at ASE The Beginning, I'm Gonna End You....Brother" then drops the mic and walks out of the ring

3. Bryan Danielson vs Marco Corleone w/ Torrie Wilson
Bryan Danielson wins with Cattle Mutilation, after he wins, Monty Brown comes down and hits a powerbomb on Danielson, then he sees Torrie attending to Marco, and he hits her with the Pounce to a sea of boos, as Danielson comes to, so does Marco, and Brown is nowhere to be found, and Corleone gets pissed at Danielson and hits him with back suplex side slam.

Backstage Interview with Scott Hall, Hall came from Bischoffs office and just found out that he will indeed face Dan Rodman at ASE The Beginning, and he doesnt know if he will be there or not, Rodman comes into the picture and says that he hopes he doesnt show up, just like all those other times he never showed, Rodman turns his back to Hall, Hall grabs his shoulder and turns him around, and says, ill be there Rodman, you wont forget the name of Scott Hall by the end of the night

4. Dan Rodman/Teddy Hart vs Team Alpha
The Debut of Teddy Hart in ASE, Rodman hits his Full Nelson Slam on Owen Alpha for the win.

Backstage Interview with "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce, Ashley asks if he found a suitable partner for his match against The Briscoe Brothers, he says not only has he found a suitable partner, he has found a man that appreciates what he is doing with the old folks around the ASE locker room, and that him and his partner see alot of things in the same light.

To Scott Hudson and Macho Man at ringside
they rundown ASE The Beginning Card
Dan Rodman vs Scott Hall
The Human Tornado and Javarius Jones vs Exodus and Yoshino w/James Mitchell
Street Fight: "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce vs Yuji Nagata
ASE Tag Team Championship Match: The Master Plan vs The Briscoe Brothers
Monty Brown vs Bryan Danielson
"Masterful" Chris Moore and Daniel Puder vs Cibernetico and A Mystery Partner
ASE Heavyweight Championship Match: Rob Van Dam vs Hulk Hogan

5. The Briscoe Brothers vs "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce and Rob Van Dam
Briscoe Brothers were close to pulling it out, but Ryan and Bosh came down and distracted them, and Rob Van Dam hits the Frog Splash on Mark Briscoe for the Victory, he holds the title up at the end of the show, and grabs the mic, and says that he wants everyone to make sure to buy the end of Hogan, and to make sure they know where, and what they are doing this sunday because it will be the end of the glory hog known as Hulk Hogan
American Sports Entertainment
Pay Per View
ASE The Beginning

The pay per view starts and Scott Hudson and Macho Man are absolutly ecstatic about tonights show, to start us off we will have an old fashioned Street Fight.

1. Street Fight: "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce vs Yuji Nagata
Nagata has Pearce in the Nagata Lock, and Pearce is busted open, then Larry Sweeney runs down to the ring, and he slips Pearce some some brass knucks, and then he distracts the ref, as Pearce fights his way out of the Lock with knuck shot, then they both get up, and Pearce hits him with one more shot to the dome for the win, and Sweeney and Pearce celebrate in the ring
Winner by Pinfall: "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce

2. Yoshino/Exodus w/James Mitchell vs The Human Tornado/Javarius Jones
Yoshino and Exodus win after Yoshino puts in the Sol Naciente on Jones, and Exodus puts Tornado away with a spinebuster, Mitchell gets on the mic and says that he has the most dominant stable in the ASE, and from here on forth they will be known as, The Genesis Code
Winner by Pinfall: The Genesis Code

3. Dan Rodman vs Scott Hall
Scott Hall has Rodman in the Outsiders Edge, but he slips out and gets Hall in the full nelson, but he gets out of that, and then the brawl out onto the floor where Hall gets a chair and hits Rodman with it, and get DQ'd, and the crowd is urging him to do it again, so he hits Rodman again
Winner by DQ: Dan Rodman

4. "Masterful" Chris Moore/Daniel Puder vs Cibernetico/"The Gun for Hire" Brent Albright
The mystery partner turned out to be Albright, however Albright had Puder in his Crowbar, but Puder refused to tap out, and then on the other side of the ring Moore had his Lock of Fame on Cibernetico, and Cibernetico passed out before Puder gave or tapped out
Winner by Submission: "Masterful" Chris Moore and Daniel Puder

5. Bryan Danielson vs Monty Brown
Brown tried to hit the Pooounnnnceee but Danielson ducked outta the way, Danielson eventually gets Brown into the Cattle Mutilation, but Brown doesnt tap and reaches the rope, he hits Danielson with the Alpha bomb, but Danielson kicks out, he then gets Brown with a roll-up for the 3.
Winner by Pinfall: Bryan Danielson

6. ASE Tag Team Championship Match: The Master Plan vs The Briscoe Brothers
The Master Plan tries hitting double super kicks on Mark Briscoe, but Briscoe moves out of the way, Jay takes out Bosh with the Jay Driller, and then they hit Ryan with the Springboard Doomsday for the win.
Winner by Pinfall and NEW ASE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: The Briscoe Brothers

7. ASE Heavyweight Championship Match: Rob Van Dam w/Bill Alfonso vs Hulk Hogan Hogan hits the Big Boot, and tries for the cover, but RVD kicks out, Hogan tries for some trickery, and tries to use powder to the eyes, but RVD ducks, and it gets the ref then Hogan hits another Big Boot, and goes for the leg drop but RVD rolls out of the way, then he gets a chair, hits Hogan in the back, and puts him in the corner with a chair over his face, setting up the Van Terminator, he hits it on Hogan, pulls him to the middle of the ring, a new ref comes in, counts to 3
Winner by Pinfall: Rob Van Dam

The show closes with RVD celebrating in the ring with ASE Title and Bill Alfonso.
American Sports Entertainment Weekly TV Show
ASE Conflict
The show opens, and out comes Rob Van Dam with Bill Alfonso, the crowd doesnt seem very happy with the champ, RVD says that he indeed ended hulk hogan, and that he will always be able to lay claim to being able to say that he was the one who put Hogan away for good, however out comes Hulk Hogan, and says that he might have been defeated but that he is not over, and he will still be looking to get his hands on that ASE Title, out comes Bryan Danielson, who says that unlike Hogan, he won his match last night against Monty Brown, thus he should be the number one contender, out comes Monty Brown, who says that Danielson hasnt done anything yet, he beat him with a roll-up, and then ran back home to mommy, The Alpha Male should be the Number One Contender

A new theme hits the arena, it sounds like Commodores-Brick House, cept, the she is changed to He, and out comes, Sylvester Turkay he grabs the mic, and says from now on, he will be referred to as, "The Brick House" and that he should be the number one contender, becuz thats how the brick house gets down wit it.

Eric Bischoff hits the ramp, and says that at ASE Main Event (The Next Pay Per View) That it will be a Fatal Four Way Match, Rob Van Dam vs Bryan Danielson vs Monty Brown vs The Brick House, and as for Hogan.......i wouldnt be to worried about finding an oppenent for Resolution, as a matter of fact, he's right behind you, as "Masterful" Chris Moore hits Hogan in the back with a chair.

1. The Genesis Code vs Team Alpha
Exodus pins Brett Alpha with a spinebuster , James Mitchell gets on the mic, and opens a challenge to any tag team next week to come and face The Genesis Code, because they will put to rest, like every other tag team that The Genisis Code faces.
Winner by Pinfall: The Genesis Code (Yoshino and Exodus)

The Master Plan is backstage, and they are congradulating Moore for his attack on Hogan, Moore says that he plans to make Hogan pass out to the Lock of Fame at Main Event, Ryan and Bosh say that they are ready to get there titles back tonight, and they will invoke there automatic rematch clause tonight, then they ask what Puder has in plan, and he says, wait and see, wait and see.

2. Dan Rodman/Teddy Hart/Jack Evans vs Scott Hall/The Human Tornado/Javarius Jones Tornado and Jones come out in Globetrotter Warm-ups, Tornado gets on the mic, and says that he is tired of being called Tornado, that his true name is infact Craig Byrant, and that from now on, him and Jones, will simply be known as The Globetrotters, Hall hits Evans with the Outsiders Edge for the win. Rodman just backs off, as The Globetrotters back him up.
Winner by Pinfall: Scott Hall and The Globetrotters

Larry Sweeney and "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce come down to the ring, and say that they will make sure to get rid of all the old school wrestlers in the back, and that in no time at all, you will all be praising Adam Pearce, the next ASE Heavyweight Champion, then 2 Cold Scorpio, Cibernetico, and Marco Corleone are shown at the top of the ramp, and Sweeney and Pearce leave thru the crowd

"The Gun for Hire" Brent Albright is here, and says that he is here to stay in the ASE, and that tonight, he will win his first match tonite here in ASE

3. "The Gun for Hire" Brent Albright vs Norman Smiley
Albright wins quick with his Crowbar
Winner by Submission: "The Gun for Hire" Brent Albright
After the match, Daniel Puder attacks Albright and puts him in the Ankle Lock, but before he could tap or pass out, all the refs come out and get Puder off of Albright

Backstage Interview with The Brick House
he says that he is hear for one thang, and one thang only, and that is to entertain all of the fans out there, in tv land, as well as out in the arena, and that he will show is funkadelic skills tonight, whenever he can get a chance to, cuz thats how The Brick House gets down wit it

Eric Bischoffs office, he announces tonights main event will be Rob Van Dam, Monty Brown, and Chris Moore vs Hulk Hogan, Brick House, and Bryan Danielson

4. ASE Tag Team Championship Match: The Briscoes vs Master Plan
Jay and Mark Briscoe brings a ladder into the ring, and they take out the Master Plan, so the ref DQ's them, Jay and Mark celebrate with the Ladder and there belts afterwards
Winner by DQ: The Master Plan ; Still Champions: The Briscoe Brothers

Hulk Hogan is in the back, and said that he is gonna seek revenge tonight on Chris Moore

5. Rob Van Dam/Monty Brown/Chris Moore vs Hulk Hogan/ Brick House/ Bryan Danielson
Hulk Hogan hits the Leg Drop on Brown, but Moore gets the Lock of Fame on Hogan, and then RVD, for no reason, hits a frog splash on Brown, and Danielson gets the pin over Brown.
Winner by Pinfall: Hogan/Brick House/Danielson
RVD gets to the top of the ramp with his title, and says, he has no friends in this game, its just business, Danielson points to the belt and says that he will be the next champion
American Sports Entertainment Weekly TV Show
ASE Conflict

Monty Brown comes out and says that he is absolutly pissed about what happened last week when Rob Van Dam hit him with the Frog Splash, and he wants some answers, and he wants Rob Van Dam to come out, but instead The Brick House comes out and tells Monty Brown to not be so blue, and to quit making everyone else feel so down, cuz The Brick House is here to set the crowd on fire, and he starts dancing, but Brown says that he is gonna whoop Brick House's ass tonight if he dont get RVD first

1. "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce w/Larry Sweeny vs 2 Cold Scorpio
Pearce wins quickly with his Torture Rack Suplex, and then he picks up 2CS, and puts him back into the Torture Rack, and then Cibernetico makes the save, as Sweeney and Pearce escape to the back.
Winner by Pinfall: "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce

The Master Plan come out to the ring next, and Moore says that he had Hogan where he wanted him twice last week, and that this week, he is gonna decide to take the night off, while Hogan proves himself against The Master Plan (Ryan and Bosh), with Hogan having to find a partner of his own, Puder grabs the mic and screams, Albright you cant make me tap, you cant make me submit, im gonna make your ass tap sooner or later, Albright goes out onto the ramp, and challenges Puder to a match tonight, Puder tells him, i bet the fans would like that, but how bout u face me in a Submission Match at ASE Main Event! Albright accepts

2. "The Future" Jauque Gagne w/Jake "The Snake" vs Scott Hall
Rodman comes down for commentary, and he distracts Hall, and Gagne trys to get Hall in the Gagne Driver, but Hall low blows him and gets disqualified, Rodman hops in the ring, and Hall escapes from all 3 of them, and he points to his head laughing as he leaves the ramp.
Winner by DQ: Jauque Gagne

Backstage Interview with Hulk Hogan, Hogan says that Moore is a just a punk kid trying to make a name, but Hogan will put a stop to that at ASE Main Event when he puts his ass back in place, as for tonight, Hogan says he has no problem finding a suitable partner

3. Monty Brown vs The Brick House
In a competetive matchup, Monty Brown, hits the POOOUUUUNNNNCCCCEEE and gets the one-two-three on TBH, but then he grabs a chair and starts hitting TBH in the head repeatedly, TBH is bleeding from the head, and he looks to be unconscience, EMT's show up and they take him to the back on a stretcher
Winner by Pinfall: Monty Brown

4. Teddy Hart/Jack Evans vs The Globetrotters
The Globetrotter pick up the win, when Craig Bryant hits the Tornado DDT on Hart
Winners by Pinfall: The Globetrotters

Rob Van Dam is in the back with Eric Bischoff, and Bischoff says he has bad news for the champ, that the title match will be changed at Main Event, that it will now only be a Triple Threat, as The Brick House, will not be cleared to wrestle at Main Event. as for tonight, Bischoff says that he is giving the champ the night off.

Scott Hudson and Macho Man run down The Main Event Card in two weeks
Submission Match: Daniel Puder vs "The Gun For Hire" Brent Albright
Hulk Hogan vs "Masterful" Chris Moore
ASE Heavyweight Title Match: Rob Van Dam vs Bryan Danielson vs Monty Brown

5. Hulk Hogan/Bryan Danielson vs The Master Plan (Ryan and Bosh) w/Puder and Moore
Hogan hits the legdrop on Bosh, and tags in Danielson, Albright comes out and attacks Puder from behind, and they fight each other up the ramp, Moore distracts Hogan, but he runs backstage, and Hogan follows, Ryan hits the superkick on Danielson, then RVD comes out of the crowd and hits the Frog Splash on Danielson, as the ref is attending the comotion on the outside, Ryan pulls Bosh ontop of Danielson, the ref counts the three
Winner by Pinfall: The Master Plan

RVD has a serious look on his face as he goes up the ramp, and holds the title in the air, Puder and Albright are still battling on the ramp, and they go towards the edge, as Puder suplexs Albright off of the stage onto some tables on the side, Puder looks shocked as he looks off the side, and Albright is motionless
American Sports Entertainment Weekly TV Show
ASE Conflict

The Show opens with The Master Plan in the ring, Moore, Ryan, Bosh and Puder all look sad, then Puder gets on the mic and says that what he did last week, was absolutly unneccisary, heres the footage, it plays, showing Albright being belly to back suplexed off the side of the stage, and it cuts back to Puder in the ring, and he says, but it was to prove a point that I am Better than Brent Albright, and i am better than all of you, and i would do it to each and every one of you!
Moore takes the mic and says that Hogan, didnt scare him away last week, that he was just trying to get into Hogan's head and it worked!
Ryan takes the mic and tells the crowd that they defeated two #1 contenders for the Heavyweight title last week, and that they are the #1 tag team in the ASE, and deserve title shots
The Briscoes come running into the ring with ladders, as The Master Plan escape up the ramp, as Bischoff comes out and says that at ASE Main Event, The Briscoe Brothers will defend there titles against The Master Plan in a Ladder Match!

1. "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce w/ Larry Sweeney vs Norman Smiley
Pearce wins quickly with his Torture Rack Bomb, and he puts Smiley back in it, Cibernetico gets in the ring, and hits him with a couple of rights, before being low blowed by Sweeney, and Pearce gettin out of the ring.
Winner by Pinfall: "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce

Backstage Interview with Bryan Danielson, he says that he used to have alot of respect for Rob Van Dam, but now he sees him as nothing but a scared Champion who is just holding onto his title by hitting people when they least expect it, and that he will find RVD tonight

2. "The Future" Jauque Gagne/Jake "The Snake" Roberts/Dan Rodman vs Scott Hall/The Globetrotters
Dan Rodman hits the Full Nelson Slam on Jones for the win, Hall gets a chair, but Rodman ducks, and kicks Hall, takes the chair, and hits him with it, drops it down, and hits the Full Nelson Slam on Hall ontop of the chair
Winner by Pinfall:"The Future" Jauque Gagne/Jake "The Snake" Roberts/Dan Rodman

A Limo pulls up and its Rob Van Dam, and when he steps out with Bill Alfonso, Monty Brown attacks him, and keeps hitting him until they are in the arena, and they get into the ring, and Brown gets a chair, and he doesnt see Alfonso sliding RVD a chair, and they knock each other out with chair shots at the same time, Danielson comes down to the ring and climbs to the top rope, he points at Brown and the crowd cheers for him to attack, then he points at RVD and they cheer louder, so he does a flying headbutt onto RVD, gets up and the crowd is going crazy, the first time someone gets the better of RVD.

James Mitchell comes down to the ring and says that no team answered there call last week, and he is putting out the call again this week
3. The Genesis Code vs 2 Crunk (Too Cool)
Exodus hits the Spinebuster on 2 Sexay for the win
Winner by Pinfall: The Genesis Code
Mitchell says at Main Event, The Genesis Code is putting an open challenge to the wrestling world, to come and face his tag team!

Hulk Hogan is in the back and says that he has been on a bad rollercoaster ride as of late, Ashley tells him that she has to get ready for her match, then Eric Bischoff tells him tonight that he will need to find 3 partners to face The Master Plan, and that will be the main event tonight

4. Ashley Massaro vs Torrie Wilson w/ Marco Corleone
Wilson wins with an face buster move pulling the hair down to the mat
Winner by Pinfall: Torrie Wilson
"Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce is with Sweeney and they run down the ramp, they run into the ring, and shove Corleone to the side, and he falls outside the ring, Cibernetico is running into the ring, and he swings at Pearce, but he ducks and he clocks Torrie, Pearce and Sweeney run away, while Cibernetico is attending to Torrie, Marco gets up and sees this, and gets angry at Cibernetico, he gets back in the ring, and Cibernetico, gets out quickly, as Corleone is pissed.

Scott Hudson and Macho Man run down the Main Event Card
Submission Match: Daniel Puder vs "The Gun for Hire" Brent Albright
The Genesis Code Open Challenge Tag Team Match
Hulk Hogan vs "Masterful" Chris Moore
ASE Tag Team Championship Ladder Match: The Briscoes vs The Master Plan
ASE Heavyweight Championship Match: Rob Van Dam vs Monty Brown vs Bryan Danielson

They show a hospital room, with The Brick House lying in the bed, as he is talkin to the doctor saying, tell the fans not to worry about the Brick House, he will be back in due time, to set the crowd on fire, becuz thats how the Brick House gets down with it

5. Hulk Hogan/The Briscoes/Yuji Nagata vs The Master Plan
Puder makes Jay Briscoe tap in the ankle lock, then Ryan and Bosh jump Mark Briscoe and Nagata from behind, and Hogan faces all of them, but he is out numbered, "The Gun for Hire" Brent Albright music hits, and he comes out bandaged up, with a sledge hammer in his hand, as he runs to the ring, and The Master Plan leave the ring quickly, as Albright stands above the fallen team with a sledge hammer, and then he points it at Puder who is on the outside and says your ass is mine!
Winners by Submission: The Master Plan
American Sports Entertainment Weekly TV Show
ASE Conflict

The Master Plan comes out to start the show, and Puder says that he wasnt afraid of Albright, but he will choose his spot to show Albright who is the better man, Moore gets the mic and tells the world that at Main Event, he will prove to be the absolute best that ASE has to offer, and the absolute best in the wrestling business today. Hogan hits the ramp and says that the hulkmaniacs will show up next sunday to support Hogan, and he asks Moore whats he gonna do when Hogan runs wild on you!

The Larry Sweeney Show is next, its Larry Sweeney's talk show, and his guest tonight, former NWA Heavyweight Champion, "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce, Sweeney asks Pearce how do u feel about all of these washed up oldies running around here, Pearce says that he will take care of each of them one by one, and that there wont be any legends around here anymore, except, Adam Pearce himself, Cibernetico runs out to the ring, and knocks all of Sweeneys couches and equipment over, as Pearce and Sweeney make a quick exit to the back.

1. "The Future" Jauque Gagne w/ Jake "The Snake" vs Craig Bryant w/ Javarius Jones
Bryant tries for the Tornado DDT, but Gagne pushes him off, and Bryant walks into the Gagne driver for the 3.
Winner by Pinfall: "The Future" Jauque Gagne
Jones grabs Bryant out of the ring, as Jake "The Snake" grabs the mic and says that everyone should now, stand on there feet as the playing of the Canadian National Anthem will begin.

Backstage Interview with Bryan Danielson as Danielson says that he is ready for next sunday, and that next week, Bischoff told him that he will be able to choose Rob Van Dams match tonight, as Monty Brown will get to choose my match, and RVD will choose his next week, i will say that Rob Van Dam will have a challenge tonight as he faces Hulk Hogan tonight in a rematch from The Beginning.

2. Scott Hall vs Teddy Hart
Hall wins with the Outsiders Edge after a fairly short match
Winner by Pinfall: Scott Hall
Rodman comes out on the mic and tell Hall that he seems to be getting real friendly with those chairs at ringside, but thats ok, because next sunday, will be a No Disqualification match. Hall tells Rodman that he wont just use a chair at Main Event, he will use everything he can get his hands on.

Marco Corleone is in Eric Bischoff's office, and Eric Bischoff tells him that its a done deal, tonight he will get what he wants, a match with Cibernetico, Corleone tells him thanx, but Bischoff tells to be careful who he trusts around Torrie, and who he doesnt trust, because maybe he will go after the wrong person. Marco tells him that he's got it covered, and dont worry bout it.

3. Cibernetico vs Marco Corleone w/ Torrie Wilson
Cibernetico wins with a chokeslam, and after he apologizes to Torrie, but she isnt hearing it, she is attending Marco who is coming to
Winner by Pinfall: Cibernetico
While Cibernetico is going up the ramp, Pearce and Sweeney try to jump him but he fights them off, as they scamper to the back, as Cibernetico gives chase

A promo plays for the most funkadelic man to ever step foot inside a wrestling ring, The Brick House, is returning in 2 weeks!

Rob Van Dam is in the back, and says that it doesnt matter who he faces tonight, next week, or the week after, because he will always come out on top, and the ASE Heavyweight Champion, as for Monty Brown, he hopes that he can outlast his opponent tonight, or should he say opponents, because Brown wont be facing 1 opponent, but 2 in The Genesis Code.

4. Monty Brown vs The Genesis Code
Yoshino starts the match with Brown, as Brown knocks Exodus off of the turnbuckle, and as Yoshino is running the ropes, he hits him with THE POOOUUUNNNCCCCEEE, and gets the three, but Exodus soon comes back into the ring, and nails Brown with a Spinebuster, as Yoshino comes to, he hits Brown with the Lighting Spiral, as Brown is left laying there.
Winner by Pinfall: Monty Brown
James Mitchell gets on the mic, and says that Brown may have been smart enough to pick up the win, but look at him now, not to smart at all, and that the challenge is still there for any tag team to come and take.

Hulk Hogan is in the back, and he says if The Master Plan tries to do anything smart tonight, that he has his friends to help, as The Briscoes and Brent Albright come onto the screen, and Hogan says that he will defeat RVD tonight, and prove to everyone that he should have another shot at the belt

Scott Hudson and Macho Man run down the Main Event Card
No Disqualification Match: Dan Rodman vs Scott Hall
The Genesis Code open challenge tag team match
Submission Match: Daniel Puder vs Brent Albright
Hulk Hogan vs "Masterful" Chris Moore
ASE Tag Team Championship Ladder Match: The Briscoe Brothers vs The Master Plan
ASE Heavyweight Championship Match: Rob Van Dam vs Monty Brown vs Bryan Danielson

5. Non Title Match: Rob Van Dam w/ Bill Alfonso vs Hulk Hogan
The Briscoes and Brent Albright surround the ring, as the match goes on, but The Master Plan come down to the ringside, as The Briscoes and Albright tell them to bring it, and they do, but Moore makes it through and gets on the apron, but Hogan knocks him off as RVD kicks Hogan in the back of the head, and knocks him to the canvas, as he goes to the top, Danielson runs through the crowd, and knocks RVD off the top rope, but the ref sees this and DQ's Hogan, as Danielson is over RVD, Brown comes from behind and Pounnccess Danielson, as Brown stands over RVD, Danielson and Hogan to end the show.
Winner by DQ : Rob Van Dam
American Sports Entertainment Weekly TV Show
ASE Conflict

Monty Brown comes down to the ring to open the show, and says that that last week was just payback for everything he has been through the past few weeks, but from now on, he will concentrate on the ASE Heavyweight Championship that he will be gaining this sunday at Main Event, and tonight he will get to choose, Bryan Danielson match, but he says, Bryan Danielson wont know who he will face until right before there match.

1. Ladder Match: The Master Plan vs Team Alpha
The Briscoes are ringside doing commentary, as The Master Plan picks up the win after, Ryan kicks Brett Alpha off of the ladder from another ladder, and grabs the briefcase to win the match.
Winners: The Master Plan
The Briscoes come into the ring after the match, and get face to face with The Master Plan, and the Briscoes put there titles in the air, as The Master Plan gets mad and starts attacking them, they brawl until security and refs come out to seperate them.

Larry Sweeney is in the back with "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce, they say that tonight they will show ASE, what exactly they do to legends, Bischoff comes up to Sweeney before they end the segment, and says that he has seem them attacking Cibernetico, and if they want to fight, then thats exactly what they will get at Main Event, Cibernetico vs Adam Pearce

2. "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce w/Larry Sweeney vs The Puerto Rican Tycoon (Savio Vega)
Adam Pearce gets Tycoon him in the Scraplex (torture rack suplex) and puts Tycoon down for the quick 3
Winner by Pinfall: "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce

Hulk Hogan comes down to the ring, and says that he got the better of "Masterful" Chris Moore last week, and that he has a challenge of his own this week, he wants Chris Moore to take his Lock of Fame Challenge, he wants to know if Chris Moore can break his Lock of Fame, Chris Moore comes on the ramp, and says that he will take Hogans challenge, because no one knows the Lock better than The Masterful One, but he says he isnt coming alone, as Daniel Puder accompanies Moore to the ring

3.Lock of Fame Challenge: Hulk Hogan vs "Masteful" Chris Moore
Moore sits in the chair, as Hogan gets ready to put him in the Full Nelson, but Moore says he is uncomfortable, so the ref pulls Hogan off, Puder is down at ringside, when Albright comes down to the ring, and him and Puder brawl off into the crowd, then as soon as the cameras get back into the ring, Hogan scoops the chair from under Moore and hits him in the back, but Moore rolls out of the ring tending to his back, as Hogan holds the chair up and tells him to come back in the ring.
No Contest

A promo shows for The Brick House, who will be returning in one week to the ASE, and he is ready to set the crowd on fire, cause thats how the brick house gets down wit it.

4. Dan Rodman vs Javarius Jones w/ Craig Bryant
Rodman wins with a Full Nelson Slam on Jones, for the quick 3, Hart and Evans come down and jump Bryant from behind on the outside, Hall runs down with a chair, but Rodman stays in the ring, as Hall swings, Rodman ducks, Hart throws him a chair, and Hall turns around and gets clocked with a chair in the head, and is knocked out cold.
Rodman walks off with a smile on his face, as Hall is bleeding in the ring
Winner by Pinfall: Dan Rodman

Monty Brown walks out of Bischoffs office and says that he just talked to Bischoff, and tonight main event, Bischoff says that the opponent that Brown picked must beat Danielson tonight, or he loses his job, and if Danielson loses then he loses his spot in the main event this sunday at Main Event

5. The Genesis Code vs 2 Cold Scorpio and Norman Smiley
Yoshino wins with the lightning spiral on Smiley
Winner by Pinfall: The Genesis Code
James Mitchell grabs the mic and says that he hopes they even have a challenge this sunday, because there they will prove to be the best tag team in the world, the best group in the business, and the most dominant stable on the planet, both Yoshino and Exodus had noticable white eyes, as if they were in a zombie state

Scott Hudson and Macho Man Randy Savage run down the ASE Main Event Card
Cibernetico vs "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce w/ Larry Sweeney
The Genesis Code Open Challenge Tag Team Match
No DQ Match: Dan Rodman vs Scott Hall
ASE Tag Team Championship Ladder Match: The Briscoe Brothers vs The Master Plan
Submission Match: Daniel Puder vs Brent Albright
Hulk Hogan vs "Masterful" Chris Moore
ASE Heavyweight Championship Match: Rob Van Dam vs Monty Brown vs Bryan Danielson(if Danielson wins tonight)

Danielson comes down to the ring and Monty Browns music hits, as he comes down to ringside and says that Danielson opponent is, Macho Man Randy Savage, Savage says he isnt even ready for a match, and Brown says thats fine because Danielson is about to have a warm-up match, Macho Man goes to the back

6. Bryan Danielson vs Teddy Hart
Danielson catches Hart in Cattle Mutalation in a fairly short match
Winner by Submission: Bryan Danielson

Monty Brown has joined Scott Hudson at ringside, as Macho Man's music hits, and he comes to the ring, and gets on the mic, and says that he wants everyone to know, no matter what happens tonight, that he never did it for any of the fans, it was all about the money, to chorus of boos, oh yeah dig it

7. Bryan Danielson vs "Macho Man" Randy Savage
Macho Man controls most of the match, and hits Danielson with a atomic drop, then a body slam, as he goes to the top for his Elbow Drop, Danielson rolls out of the way, as Macho Man is down, Danielson gets him in the Cattle Mutalation, as Macho Man taps and loses his job
Winner by Submission: Bryan Danielson
Brown gets up from commentary and is about to go in the ring, when Rob Van Dam comes from the crowd, hits Brown with a chair, and puts him on the announcers table, as he gets in the ring, Danielson hits him with the super kick, and RVD is layed out, Danielson gets to the top rope, and hits the Flying Headbutt off the top, through Brown and the announcers table to end the show

ASE Conflict Results
The Master Plan defeated Team Alpha in a Ladder Match
"Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce pinned The Puerto Rican Tycoon
Dan Rodman pinned Javarius Jones
Bryan Danielson defeated Teddy Hart via Submission
Bryan Danielson defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage via Submission
American Sports Entertainment Second Pay Per View
ASE MainEvent

The Pay Per View Starts off with the typical pyro, and then it shows a close-up of Scott Hudson, who says he is accompanied by a special color commentator tonight, that is Larry Sweeney. Sweeney says he is happy to be announcing for the first time, however not so pleased to be working with Scott Hudson, but the first match will be his man, "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce vs Cibernetico

1."Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce vs Cibernetico
Cibernetico goes for the chokeslam, but Pearce gets him in the crossface, Cibernetico gets to the ropes, he gets up and hits Pearce with the chokeslam, but the arena goes black, and Judas Mesias is in the ring standing over Cibernetico, as Cibernetico is layed out, the ref doesnt know what happens so he calls for the bell and rules it a no contest.
James Mitchell comes out with The Genesis Code, and say they have found the man that will take them to the promise land, that will lead them to the top. Judas Mesias.
Ruled a No Contest

Scott Hall is backstage with Ashley for an interview, he says that tonight, he will show Rodman that you dont have to be a tough guy, to get it done in the ring.

2.No Disqualification Match: Scott Hall vs Dan Rodman
Rodman hits the Full Nelson Slam onto a chair but Hall kicks out, Rodman is furious, and grabs the steel steps and throws them into the ring, he puts Hall's face onto the steps and climbs the top rope, as he climbs, Hall grabs him for the Outsider's Edge and hits it on the steel steps, and picks up the three count.
Winner by Pinfall: Scott Hall

Eric Bischoff is in the back, and hangs up the phone, he says that this week on ASE Conflict, he has signed, the absolute hottest free agent on the market, and he will debut on Conflict

3. ASE Tag Team Championship Ladder Match: The Briscoes vs The Master Plan
It is a good match, with alot of hard bumps from the ladder, hard hits from the ladder, but Jay Briscoe hits the Jay Driller onto Ryan ontop of a ladder, and then goes to the top but Bosh pushes him off and over the ropes, he climbs to the top, and Mark climbs under him and raises him towards the belt, Jay gets on the taller ladder and hits the Doomsday on Bosh, as Mark climbs to the top and grabs the belts.
Winners: The Briscoe Brothers

Monty Brown is in the back, he tells Ashley, that there is absolutly no way that he will walk away tonight without the ASE Heavyweight Championship, he is a former NWA Champion, but that means absolutly nothing, because the only title he wants, that he needs, is the ASE Heavyweight Championship

4.15 Minute Submission Match: Daniel Puder vs Brent Albright
Puder has Albright in his ankle lock as the time expires, with the score being 0-0, Eric Bischoff calls for a 5 minute sudden death overtime, Puder gets Albright back into the ankle lock, but Albright gets it into one of his own, but Puder refuses to tap, Albright lets go, then locks on the Crowbar, a minute passes, and Puder doesnt tap, however Puder passed out, and therefor Brent Albright picks up the win.
Winner by the count of 1-0 in OT: Brent Albright

Bryan Danielson talks about how most fans, and critics alike believe that he is the best wrestler in the world, but until he wins the ASE Heavyweight Championship, none of those claims are even valid to him.

5. The Genesis Code vs The FBI (Lil Guido and Tony Mamaluke)
Yoshino hits the Lightning Spiral on Mamaluke for the 3 counts, Exodus hits a spinebuster on Guido for good measure
Winner by Pinfall: The Genesis Code

Hogan is in the back and tells Moore that he better not have any tricks up his sleeve because if so, then Hogan will have to use some of his own

Moore says that the entire Master Plan has been hurt tonight, but that wont stop him from delivering the most embarrasing loss to Hogans Career

6. Hulk Hogan vs "Masterful" Chris Moore
Moore has Hogan in the Lock of Fame, but Hogan hulks up, gets his punches in, and a big boot, and goes for the legdrop, Adam Pearce comes down to the ring, and distacts Hogan, The Puerto Rican Tycoon comes down and attacks Pearce, but Moore gets the Lock of Fame back onto Hogan, who passes out, as the ref must call for the bell.
Winner by Submission: "Masterful" Chris Moore

Rob Van Dam says that this title means more to him than any title he has ever held in the past, this is the prize in this business, and there is no doubt about that, and that you must be crazy if you think that he is giving it up any time soon.

7. ASE Heavyweight Championship Match: Rob Van Dam w/ Bill Alfonso vs Monty Brown vs Bryan Danielson
Elimination rules, Monty Brown is eliminated first after Bryan Danielson made him tap with the Cattle Mutilation, he gets RVD in it later on in the match, but RVD gets a foot on the rope, RVD goes to the top for a frog splash, but Danielson roles out of the way, Danielson tries for a small package, but RVD kicks out, RVD hits rolling thunder on Danielson, but Danielson kicks out, RVD then hits his split legged moonsault, but he puts his feet on the rope, but the ref catches him before 3, eventually Danielson catches him with some MMA elbows, as RVD looks knocked out, but RVD gets his foot on the rope before the count of 3, Danielson is frustrated, he goes to the top rope, misses a flying headbutt, as RVD crawls to the top rope, and hits a frog splash onto Danielson for the win.

Rob Van Dam cant even get up, they give him the belt as he lays on the ground, but he puts the title and his other hand in the air, as he lays on his back after the victory.

ASE MainEventResults
"Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce and Cibernetico : No Contest
Scott Hall pinned Dan Rodman
The Briscoes defeated The Master Plan in a ladder match to retain the ASE Tag Team Titles
Brent Albright defeated Daniel Puder 1-0 in a submission match decided in OT
The Genesis Code defeated The FBI
"Masterful" Chris Moore defeated Hulk Hogan via Submission
Rob Van Dam defeated Bryan Danielson and Monty Brown to retain the ASE Heavyweight Championship
American Sports Entertainment Weekly TV Show
ASE Conflict

The show opens with Eric Bischoff coming to the ring, saying he has signed to absolute hottest free agent on the market, Rob Van Dam music hits as him and Bill Alfonso make there way down to the ring, and RVD tells Bischoff, how could he start the show with anything other than the Champion, i mean did u watch that match last night, he overcame 2 great opponents, and he is still holding the belt, Bischoff said that he did watch the match, and it was absolutly amazing, but he could not wait anymore to showcase his newest aquisition, RIC FLAIR! WOOOOOOOOOOO!
Flair comes down to the ring, to an amazing amount of pop, as he looks almost humbled by the crowd, Flair gets in the ring, and tells RVD that he says he is the best around, well buddy, you are looking at the greatest wrestler of all time! and i want that belt around this waist, RVD says that you cant just walk in here, no matter who you are, and demand a title shot, Eric Bischoff agrees and says that tonight, there will be a #1 Contender Match, Ric Flair vs "Masterful" Chris Moore

The Brick House comes out, and says that he holds no grudges, whats done is done, and that its time to set the crowd on fire, because thats how the Brick House gets down wit it
1. The Brick House vs Jack Evans
before the end of the match, Teddy Hart interferred in the match, as the ref calls for the bell, then Evans and Hart beat down TBH, but Norman Smiley makes the save with a chair, as Evans and Hart exit the ring quickly
Winner by DQ: The Brick House

Backstage Hulk Hogan says that he is glad to see Flair, and who knows, maybe they will get a chance to delight the crowd one more time, but Hogan says that beating Moore wont be an easy task, but he knows that Flair can do it, Monty Brown then attacks Hogan from behind and beats him down, leaving Hogan there laying.

2. The Genesis Code (Mesias,Yoshino, Exodus)w/James Mitchell vs Team Alpha/2 Cold Scorpio
Mesias wins with a tombstone piledriver on Owen Alpha, Yoshino and Exodus knock the other two out of the ring
Winner by Pinfall: The Genesis Code
James Mitchell gets on the mic, and says, now you know, now you know what we can do, nobody cand defeat us, nobody, Cibernetico comes on the stage, James Mitchell tells him that he isnt stupid enough to come down and do anything, We are what you fear, We are whats in your worst nightmare, We are The Genesis Code.

"Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce is backstage, he says that he is indeed taking each legend out one by one, and that he has his eyes on someone new now, someone that will finally put him on the map

3. #1 Contendership Tournament for the ASE Tag Team Championship
"The Future" Jauque Gagne/Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs The Globetrotters

The Globetrotters win, when Bryant hits the Tornado DDT on Roberts for the three count, they move on in the tournament

Bryan Danielson said he was so close to tasting gold last night but tonight he will get back on track to being where he wants to be

4. Scott Hall vs Marco Corleone
Hall was about to hit the Outsiders Edge, when Adam Pearce slides into the ring, and hits Hall with a big boot, he puts him in the tourture rack, and throws him to the ground as he has a huge smile on his face, Sweeney is putting him over huge on announcing
Winner by DQ: Scott Hall

Ric Flair talks about being a 16-time world heavyweight champion, but winning the ASE Heavyweight Title wont just be another notch on his belt, it will be his career highlight

5. Bryan Danielson vs Daniel Puder
Danielson hits Puder with a flying headbutt for the three after a pretty good, stiff, MMA type match, that turned into a brawl towards the end, and Danielson picking up the 3.
Winner by Pinfall: Bryan Danielson

Backstage, The Brick House is talking to Nagata, when Smiley comes up to him, and TBH says thanks for helping out the Brick Daddy, Smiley says that he has been cruising here lately, but he will soon Wiggle his way out of that.

6. #1 Contendership Tournament for the ASE Tag Team Championship
The Master Plan vs The FBI (Lil Guido and Tony Mamaluke)

The Master Plan win after Joey Ryan rolls up Lil Guido for the 3 count.
Winner by Pinfall: The Master Plan

It shows "Masterful" Chris Moore and Ric Flair walking through the backstage, preparing for there match

7. Ric Flair vs "Masterful" Chris Moore
Moore tries to get Flair in the Lock of Fame, but Flair headbutts backwards, and gets Moore off of him, the ref gets bumped in the process, Moore turns around and gets low blowed, Puder runs down, gets on the apron, and Flair knocks him off, Ryan comes next and gets a right for his trouble, then Moore tries to sneak up behind Flair, but he ducks, as Moore runs and accidently knocks Bosh off of the apron, Flair then takes Moore's legs out from under him, and puts him in the Figure Four, where Moore ends up taping as Flair wins.
Winner by Submission: Ric Flair

Rob Van Dam comes out on stage, and claps as Flair wins, and the show goes off air

ASE Conflict Results
The Brick House defeated Jack Evans via DQ
The Genesis Code defeated Team Alpha/2 Cold Scorpio
The Globetrotter defeated "The Future" Jauque Gagne and Jake "The Snake Roberts to advance in the #1 Contendership for the ASE Tag Team Championships
Scott Hall defeated Marco Corleone via DQ
Bryan Danielson defeated Daniel Puder
The Master Plan defeated The FBI to advance in the #1 Contendership for the ASE Tag Team Championships
Ric Flair defeated "Masteful" Chris Moore to become the #1 Contender
American Sports Entertainment Weekly TV Show
ASE Conflict

Ric Flair comes down to the ring and cuts a promo about how much he despises RVD, and the fact that he just glides on his talent in the ring, but Flair will end all of it at ASE Line in the Sand.

1.The Brick House/Norman Smiley vs The Genesis Code (Yoshino/Exodus)
The Genesis Code wins with the help of Evans and Hart and advances in the #1 contendership tourny

The Master Plan and Adam Pearce are mad because they have been losing because of the fans, Bischoff tells them that they(Masters, Puder, Pearce) will have to face, Danielson, Albright, Hall at Line in the Sand in a 6-man tag match.

2. Scott Hall vs Joey Ryan
Hall wins, after Albright and Danielson help fend off TMP

3. Team Alpha vs Jack Evans/Teddy Hart
Team Alpha wins after The Brick House distracts Hart and Evans.

RVD goes to Eric Bischoffs office, and tells him that he doesnt agree with the fact that he let Flair run him down when he wasnt here, Bischoff apologizes, but says that RVD and a partner must fight Flair and a partner of his choice

Scott Hudson and Larry Sweeney run down the ASE Line in the Sand Card
ASE Championship Match: Rob Van Dam vs Ric Flair
ASE Tag Team Championship Match: The Briscoes vs (the winners of the tournament)
"Masterful" Chris Moore, Daniel Puder, Adam Pearce vs Bryan Danielson, Scott Hall, Brent Albright

Hulk Hogan comes out to the ring, he says that he has been being attacked by so many people, but he has a solution for that, he brings out Tomko, and says that now he has someone to watch his back, MONTY BROWN, try to get me now

Mesias cuts a promo about Cibernetico, and there past in Mexico, Mesias is hardly shown and is a dark location

4.Rob Van Dam/"Masterful" Chris Moore vs Ric Flair/Bryan Danielson
Danielson hits Moore with a flying headbutt, as he picks up the 3 for his team, RVD left before the match ended, because he didnt want any physical confontation with Flair

ASE Conflict Quick Results
The Genesis Code defeated The Brick House/Norman Smiley
Scott Hall defeated Joey Ryan
Team Alpha defeated Jack Evans/Teddy Hart
Ric Flair/Bryan Danielson defeated RVD/Chris Moore
I like your show alot, you are utilizing different talent. That is good, the only setback is people may not get into it as much if they haven't heard of all the old schoolish/ unknowns. Me particularly being a newagish fan, but that's cool for others.

Your storylines are ok, although I find myself looking at it and thinking you are only having a few fueds, and not alot of all around fued with your whole roster.

Also as Santino said, you could cut a few promos here and there.

Good show, I am happy you are contributing well to Book This! My shows haven't been up as consistently as I'd like, but my post Night of Champions one should be up soon. (Sorry for my self plugging lol.)
American Sports Entertainment Weekly TV Show
ASE Conflict

Rob Van Dam and Bill Alfonso comes down to the ring, and says that last week, he chose not to face Flair, he understands business, and no1 here deserves to see him fight or wrestle Ric Flair unless its on Pay Per View, and he knows that there is nothing more than for Flair to get his hands on the undisputed champ, so RVD is takin the night off, this brings out flair who chases RVD out into the stands, but RVD gets away, but Flair grabs Alfonso, drags him back to the ring, and knocks him out, as Flair is irate

1.The Globetrotters vs The Master Plan
Craig Bryant hits Chris Bosh with the Tornado DDT, and they pick up the 1..2..3, and they advance to the finals of the ASE Tag Team Championship #1 Contendership Tourney

Tyson Tomko and Hulk Hogan are shown backstage, Hogan says that he has never tried to make to many friends in this business, but him and Tomko will work as a team, not as one person being better than the other, Tomko agreed and said that tonight he will show everyone what happens to people that mess with his friend.

2. Dan Rodman/Jack Evans/Teddy Hart vs Yuji Nagata/The Brick House/Norman Smiley
Nagata puts Evans in the Nagata Lock, but Rodman kicks Nagata in the back of the head hard, and knocks him out, the ref DQ's him, and Nagata/TBH/Smiley win, Rodman smiles and steps on Nagata's head, as he laughs, until TBH and Smiley make the save.

The Master Plan and Adam Pearce is backstage, Pearce asks if he can count on The Master Plan to have his back at Line in the Sand, Moore assures him that they will, that they will take care of Hall/Danielson/Albright at the next Pay Per View.

3. The Genesis Code (Yoshino/Exodus) vs Team Alpha
Exodus hits Brett Alpha with the spinebuster for the win, Mesias, Yoshino and Exodus continue to beat down Team Alpha, until The Briscoes and Cibernetico run in and make the save, Jay Briscoe tells them that Cibernetico has found friends, and its The Briscoes, and they arent afraid of The Genesis Codes hocus pocus

Jauque Gagne and Jake "The Snake" make there way down to the ring, as they want the crowd to bow down and stand for the canadian national anthem, the song begins to play, Hulk Hogan interrupts the song, and says that this is America, and the only anthem played here is the national anthem.

4. Hulk Hogan vs Jauque Gagne w/ Jake "The Snake" Roberts
Hogan comes out alone, Gagne tries his best but Hogan beats him with a big boot, after the match, Brown slides in from the crowd, and he pounces off the rope trying to hit the pounce on Hogan who isnt looking, but Tomko grabs his foot as he hits the ropes, pulls him outside, and gives him a big boot, laying him out on the outide, he goes and celebrates with Hogan.

Scott Hall is talking to Bryan Danielson when Brent Albright comes up to them, and they agree that the most important thing they wanna do is get into the heads of The Master Plan.

5.Adam Pearce/Daniel Puder vs Danielson/Albright
The rest of The Master Plan come down, and surround the ring, Hall comes to the top of the stage during the match, and brings out, The Brick House, Norman Smiley, The Globetrotters, The FBI, and 2 Cold Scorpio, as they charge the ring, The Master Plan escape thru the audience, and Albright gets Pearce in his Crowbar, and Pearce taps

Scott Hudson and Larry Sweeney run down ASE Line in the Sand Card
ASE Heavyweight Title Match: Rob Van Dam vs Ric Flair
ASE Tag Team Championship Match: The Briscoes vs (winner of the #1 Contendership Tourny)
"Masterful" Chris Moore/Daniel Puder/Adam Pearce vs Bryan Danielson/Scott Hall/Brent Albright
Cibernetico vs Judas Mesias
Monty Brown vs Hulk Hogan

Ric Flair is shown in Eric Bischoffs office, and tells him that he will apologize for him running down RVD, but he wont say anything to him when RVD goes out there and acts like that, and he gives RVD the night off, he says that however tonight, Flair wont have the night off, his match is next

6. Ric Flair vs Bill Alfonso
Ric Flair gets Alfonso in the figure four leg lock quick, and makes him tap, but he keeps it on after the bell, and he doesnt see RVD climb to the top rope, and he gives Flair a frog splash from the top, as he grabs his belt and leaves to the top of ramp, and leaves both Flair and Alfonso in the ring, obviously only caring about his belt.

ASE Conflict quick results
The Globetrotters defeat The Master Plan
Nagata/The Brick House/Norman Smiley defeate Rodman/Evans/Hart
The Genesis Code defeated Team Alpha
Hulk Hogan defeated Jauque Gagne
Brent Albright/Bryan Danielson defeated Pearce/Puder
Flair defeated Bill Alfonso
American Sports Entertainment Roster

I Feel This Is Important, Because I Have Seen Everyone Else Do This On There Promotion
(H) - Heel
(F) - Face
(T) - Tweener
ASE Heavyweights
Rob Van Dam (H)
Hulk Hogan (F)
Ric Flair (F)
Bryan Danielson (F)
"Masterful" Chris Moore (H)
Scott Hall (F)
Monty Brown (H)
Brent Albright (F)
"Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce (H)
Cibernetico (F)
Judas Mesias (H)
Daniel Puder (H)
Yuji Nagata (F)
Dan Rodman (Daniel Rodimer)(H)
"The Future" Jauque Gagne (Rene Dupree)(H)
Jake "The Snake" Roberts (H)
2 Cold Scorpio (F)
Marco Corleone (Mark Jindrak)(T)
Tyson Tomko (F)

Tag Teams
The Briscoe Brothers (F)
The Master Plan (Joey Ryan and Chris Bosh) (H)
The Genesis Code (Yoshino[Masato Yoshino] and Exodus [Gran Apollo]) (H)
The Globetrotters (Craig Bryant [The Human Tornado] and Jarverius Jones [Scorpio Sky]) (F)
Team Alpha (Brett and Owen Alpha [The Basham Brothers]) (T)
Jack Evans and Teddy Hart (H)
The Brick House (Sylvester Turkay) and Norman Smiley (F)
The FBI (Lil Guido and Tony Mamaluke)

Bill Alfonso (H)
James Mitchell (H)
Torrie Wilson (T)

Ashley Massaro (F)

Scott Hudson (F)
Larry Sweeney (H)

The Master Plan [Chris Moore, Daniel Puder, Chris Bosh and Joey Ryan] (H)
The Genesis Code [James Mitchell, Yoshino, Exodus and Judas Mesias] (H)
Hulk Hogan and Tyson Tomko (F)
Marco Corleone and Torrie Wilson (T)
"The Future" Jauque Gagne and Jake "The Snake" Roberts (H)
Rob Van Dam and Bill Alfonso (H)
American Sports Entertainment Weekly TV Show
ASE Conflict

Eric Bischoff comes down to the ring and wants to apologize to Ric Flair, Flair comes out and he looks pissed, and he says that he thought that he gave Rob Van Dam the night off, so what the hell was he doin comin back to the arena, Bischoff tells Flair that he didnt even know that he came back in, but Flair isnt hearing it, Flair gets in Bischoffs face, and security comes out and seperates the two.

1. The Genesis Code vs The Globetrotters
Yoshino hits the Lightning Spiral on Jones for the win. and they advance to ASE Line in the Sand to face The Briscoe Brothers for the Tag Team Championships.

Rob Van Dam enters the arena throught the back, as "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce says that Flair is hot, and he is lookin for RVD, RVD says that he isnt worried about Flair.

2. Dan Rodman vs The Brick House
Rodman cuts a promo before the match about how he has, self control, unlike all of the people in the arena, he has self control, some people dont know when enough is enough, when to call it quits, alcohol, drugs, greed, jealousy, people have no idea how to control themselves. TBH comes out and cuts his usual lines, and sets up an impromtu match, Rodman wins with his Full Nelson Slam, and looks toward the crowd, and acts like he is about to start to beat on TBH, but he points to his head, and mouths the words, SELF CONTROL.

Hogan and Tomko are backstage with Ashley, Tomko tells Ashley last week he proved what he said he was gonna do, but tonight, he is gonna beat Monty Brown in the middle of the ring, then Hogan says that he is gonna do the same this sunday at Line in the Sand.

3. Judas Mesias vs Jay Briscoe
Mesias wins with a tombstone piledriver, and James Mitchell gets on the mic as the lights dim in the arena, and says that the night of darkness is upon us, and that Judas Mesias is the light that we can all follow.

The Master Plan is backstage, as Adam Pearce walks up to them, but they dont really aknowledge him, and he tells him that he is here for there match against Hall and Albright, The Master Plan, finally tell him hi, and that they are finally glad to see him.

4."Masterful" Chris Moore/Adam Pearce vs Scott Hall/Brent Albright
Adam Pearce hits his torture rack suplex on Hall for the win, as Pearce starts to beat on him, The Master Plan start brawling with Danielson, who brings The Globetrotters and 2 Cold Scorpio with him,to the backstage area, and Pearce turns around for help and he sees nobody, and Albright gets him in the Crowbar until refs break it up.

Rob Van Dam steps into Bischoffs office and Eric tells RVD that he is safe here, that Flair cannot come in here, RVD tells Bischoff that he isnt afraid of Flair, that he is gettin inside of his head, that Flair is off his game right now, and that he will easily defeat him at Line in the Sand, there is loud bang on the door, as RVD and Bischoff open the door, and the security is holding back Flair, Flair is telling RVD, your ass is mine this sunday son, ur ass is mine! RVD is shown just laughing.

Scott Hudson and Larry Sweeney run down the ASE Line in the Sand card
ASE World Championship Match: Rob Van Dam vs Ric Flair
ASE Tag Team Championship Match: The Briscoes vs The Genesis Code
Hulk Hogan vs Monty Brown
"Masterful" Chris Moore/Daniel Puder/Adam Pearce vs Bryan Danielson/Brent Albright/Scott Hall
Cibernetico vs Judas Mesias
The Globetrotters vs The Master Plan
Dan Rodman vs Yuji Nagata

5. Tyson Tomko vs Monty Brown
Hogan comes down to the ring with Tomko, and does Commentary, Brown cheats to win as he pulls the tights with a roll-up and grabs the ropes, he leaves the ring real quick, as Hogan comes into the ring, Brown tells Hogan that he will get him this sunday, and Hogan looks mad as hell because Brown cheated to win.

ASE Conflict Quick Results:
The Genesis Code defeated The Globetrotters
Dan Rodman defeated The Brick House
Judas Mesias defeated Jay Briscoe
Adam Pearce/"Masteful" Chris Moore defeated Hall/Albright
Monty Brown defeated Tyson Tomko
American Sports Entertainment Third Pay Per View
ASE Line In The Sand

Scott Hudson and Larry Sweeney welcome us to the program, and our first match of the evening for the ASE Tag Team Championships

1. ASE Tag Team Championship Match: The Briscoe Brothers vs The Genesis Code
James Mitchell gets ejected from ringside early in the match after trying to trip up Jay Briscoe, The Genesis Code control most of the match, then the Briscoe Brothers team up on Exodus and take him out of the match, but Yoshino drop kicks Jay out of the ring, and hits Mark with the Lightning Spiral for the win.
Winners and NEW ASE Tag Team Champions: The Genesis Code
They both take the titles and leave up the ramp, where James Mitchell and Judas Mesias is seen at the top of the ramp and join the new tag team champions.

2. Dan Rodman vs Yuji Nagata
Before the match they show Rodman being DQ'd against Nagata a couple of weeks back, and then him beating The Brick House last week, Rodman comes out first and tells the audience that things are starting to change around here, and that he could have all of the belts if he so chooses, but he is only proving a message right now, and the message is self control, and thats what makes him better than the crowd.
Rodman wins in a fairly decisive manner, with a Full Nelson Slam, he goes outside to grab a chair, as if he was gonna beat him up, but instead he just sits next to him, and talks mess to Nagata.
Winner by Pinfall: Dan Rodman

3. The Globetrotters vs The Master Plan
This match was played up with alot of comedy, Globetrotters used there basketballs alot in this match, and they were tricking Ryan and Bosh, but Ryan hit a superkick on Jones, but Bryant pulls Bosh off of him, and hits him with a Tornado DDT, and puts Jones ontop for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: The Globetrotters

4. Judas Mesias vs Cibernetico
Before the match they show alot of clips from there rivalry in Mexico, Mesias comes out with the new tag team champions and James Mitchell, Cibernetico comes out alone, and during the match, The Briscoes come down and take out the tag champs, as the ref tends to that, James Mitchell low blows Cibernetico and Mesias picks him up for the Tombstone, as the ref comes back in and counts the 3 over Cibernetico.
Winner by Pinfall: Judas Mesias

Hogan is backstage with Tomko, Hogan tells Tomko that he doesnt need him at ringside tonight that he will be able to take Brown by himself, Hogan said it very friendly, but Tomko seems like he took it the wrong way.

5. Hulk Hogan vs Monty Brown
Brown uses alot of submission holds in this match, but the crowd continues to bring back Hogan back into the match, Brown tries for the Pounce but when he hits Hogan, Hogan begans to hulk up, and he hits Brown with a big boot, but Brown rolls out of the way of his leg drop, and he hits the pounce on a seated Hogan, but Hogan kicks out, and Hulks up again, and powerslams him, and hits him with a quick leg drop for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Hulk Hogan

They show The Master Plan and Adam Pearce backstage as Daniel Puder talks about wanting to make Albright submit tonight, and then Moore says that he would love nothing more than to put Scott Hall in the Lock of Fame, and before Pearce gets a chance to talk, Moore tells them, lets go

6. "Masteful" Chris Moore/Daniel Puder/"Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce vs Bryan Danielson/Scott Hall/Brent Albright
this is an all out brawl between both sides, and a long ways into the match, Pearce is in the ring with Bryan Danielson, Brent Albright was knocked out of the ring earlier, and he goes to the other side and pulls Puder off of the apron and they begin to brawl, the ref goes to the outside to stop them, Pearce has Danielson in a abdominal stretch, and he motions Moore to come help him against Danielson, but Moore hops down and helps Puder, Hall comes into the ring, kicks Pearce in the gut, and gives him the Outsiders Edge, and puts Danielson on top for the 3, and the ref comes back in and counts.
Winners by Pinfall: Bryan Danielson/Scott Hall/ Brent Albright
Pearce rolls over and sees that Moore and Puder are on the apron, but they look pissed that he lost, so they just leave.

Backstage they show Flair, who is stylin and profilin, he says that all of his rage will be used tonight when he makes RVD tap in the center of that ring. WOOOOO!

7. ASE Heavyweight Championship Match: Rob Van Dam w/Bill Alfonso vs Ric Flair
Eric Bischoff comes out before the match, and tell them that he has decided to make this a No DQ match. Rob seems frustrated as Flair is smiling in the corner, Flair tries to go for the figure four alot, but doesnt get it applied, RVD brings a chair into the ring, and uses it, then he brings a ladder into the ring, and uses it some on Flair, he goes to the top of ladder, as Alfonso is holding it, and RVD tries for a frog splash, but Flair moves, he hits Alfonso with a chair, and gets RVD in the figure four, RVD gets to the ropes, but Flair wont let go, he cant get DQ'd, RVD grabs the chair and hits Flair in the head, and rolls him up for the win. the crowd is outraged by this.
Winner by Pinfall: Rob Van Dam

RVD celebrates and holds his legs, as he lays there and puts the title high above him.

ASE Line in the Sand Quick Results
The Genesis Code defeated The Briscoe Brothers for the ASE Tag Team Championships
Dan Rodman defeated Yuji Nagata
The Globetrotters defeated The Master Plan
Judas Mesias defeated Cibernetico
Hulk Hogan defeated Monty Brown
Danielson/Albright/Hall defeated Pearce/Moore/Puder
Rob Van Dam defeated Ric Flair for the ASE Heavyweight Championship
American Sports Entertainment
Meet The Superstars

Monty Brown

-Former NFL Football Player for the New England Patriots/Buffalo Bills
-Former TNA Star
-Former WWE/ECW Superstar
-PWI Rookie of the Year Award (2004)

ASE Accomplishments

-Main Evented a Pay Per View
-Fueded with the like of, Rob Van Dam, Hulk Hogan, Bryan Danielson
-Holds wins over Tyson Tomko, The Brick House, Yuji Nagata, Hulk Hogan, and Bryan Danielson
-Self Proclaimed "Alpha Male" of the ASE
-Intimidates opponents with his finisher manuever, THE POUNCE.
American Sports Entertainment Weekly TV Show
ASE Conflict

Rob Van Dam comes out and to start the show, with the title belt, and a smirk on his face, in the ring, set up is champagne on the rocks, on a table, the ring is covered in black, and RVD starts to make his speech, he says that he has defeated all comers, Legends, Icons, Best Wrestlers in the World, Former NFL Players, he is running out of all challengers worthy of the belt
Ric Flair's music hits, and he tells RVD that he lucked out last night, he was in the right place at the right time, Flair takes off his coat, and says that tonight, that tonight, RVD wont be so lucky
Cue Eric Bischoffs music, Bischoff says that, as good as that sounds, Flair lost his oppurtunity, and tonight will be a 15-man over the top battle royal to determine the #1 contendership.

1. The Brick House/Norman Smiley vs Teddy Hart/Jack Evans
This Match has been building for a few weeks, Hart hits the SSP on Smiley, as Evans and Hart celebrate in the ring, they mock The Brick House, he gets hot, and tries to attack them, but the exit quickly, in the process he accidently stepped on Smiley's hand. Smiley was rolling in pain after that.
Winner by Pinfall: Teddy Hart/Jack Evans

Tyson Tomko was in the Locker Room with Hogan, Tomko congradulated him on the win over Monty Brown, he said that he knew it wasnt that easy, Hogan agreed and said Brown was won of the toughest opponents he has been in the ring wit, Hogan told Tomko that tonight, every man for himself in that ring for that title shot. Hogan leaves, and Tomko doesnt seem to pleased.

2.ASE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: The Genesis Code vs The Briscoe Brothers
Jay and Mark keep Exodus isolated and away from the tag most of the match, until Exodus breaks free, tags Yoshino in to use his lightning speed, but he gets stopped by Jay, Jay hits him with the Jay Driller, but James Mitchell gets on the ropes, and pulls the refs neck down over the ropes, The Briscoes looked shocked, but the ref calls for the bell. Mitchell has an evil grimace on his face, as he takes the champions up the ramp.
Winners by DQ: The Briscoes; Still Champions: The Genesis Code

The Master Plan is backstage, and Adam Pearce walks up to them, Moore and Puder acknowledge him as the one who lost there match, Pearce said that he did, but where were they, how come they let Hall and Danielson double team him, i thought yall had my back, The Master Plan dont answer, as they just walk off, and Pearce looks frustrated.

Eric Bischoff is in his office, and he says that tonight he can officially say that he will introduce a new title to the ASE, but that a champion wont be crowned until the next pay per view, ASE Final Verdict, the championship will be deemed, the Classic American Championship. each week will be a qualifying matches, for four competitors to compete for the New Championship.

3. Dan Rodman vs Craig Bryant
Dan Rodman gets on the mic, and explains how The Globetrotter like to showboat, that there all about them kissing the crowds ass, but that Dan Rodman has self-control, that he is actually better than The Globetrotters, and the audience, he beats Bryant fairly quickly with a Full Nelson Slam, and gets up and stands over Bryant, but Jones gets in the ring like he wants to fight, but Rodman gets out, and says, SELF CONTROL JONES, SELF CONTROL!

Hulk Hogan bumps into Ric Flair backstage, both getting ready for the battle royal, Hogan says he hasnt seen Flair in a while, Flair says he knows, but he doesnt have time for the small talk, and that he has to be the man again, and he walks by Hogan.

15-Man Over The Top Battle Royal
Participants Include: Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Tyson Tomko, Bryan Danielson, Brent Albright, Scott Hall, Chris Moore, Daniel Puder, Adam Pearce, Monty Brown, Judas Mesias, Cibernetico, Yuji Nagata, Dan Rodman, The Brick House.

RVD comes down to the announcers table to announce and scout.

-Nagata is eliminated by Dan Rodman
-while Rodman was mouthing off to Nagata, The Brick House eliminates him from behind.
-Pearce is eliminated by Moore, Pearce looks even more frustrated then ever.
-Danielson is eliminated by Moore and Puder
-Albright is eliminated by Moore and Puder
-Puder is eliminated by Flair
-Moore is eliminated by Hogan
-Cibernetico and Judas Mesias eliminate each other, brawl to the back area
-The Brick House is eliminated by Monty Brown
-Scott Hall is eliminated by Tyson Tomko
-Ric Flair is eliminated by Hulk Hogan and Tyson Tomko, when Tomko turns around he gets hit by the pounce
-Monty Brown is eliminated by Hogan, when Hogan puts Brown over the ropes, Tomko runs behind him and lifts him over the top as well
-Hulk Hogan is eliminated by Tyson Tomko
Winner and #1 Contender: Tyson Tomko

Hogan looks shocked at first, Tomko smiles and says, everyman for himself right, Hogan gets up, and says yeah brother your right, and walks off

Rob Van Dam is looking on, standing at the announcers table.

ASE Conflict Quick Results
Teddy Hart/Jack Evans defeated The Brick House/Norman Smiley
The Briscoes defeated The Genesis Code by DQ
Dan Rodman defeated Craig Bryant
Tyson Tomko won a 15-Man Over The Top Battle Royal to be #1 Contender for the ASE Heavyweight Championship
American Sports Entertainment
Meet The Superstars

Dan Rodman

-Former WWE Raw Superstar
-Former Tough Enough Finalist
-Former University of South Florida Football Player

ASE Accomplishments

- Wins over Yuji Nagata, The Brick House, The Globetrotters, and 2 Cold Scorpio
- Fueded with Scott Hall and holds a win over him
- Known for his self proclaimed "Self Control"
- Finishes oppenents with his Full Nelson Slam
American Sports Entertainment
Meet The Superstars

"Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce

- Former NWA Heavyweight Champion
- Former ROH Wrestler
- PWI Ranked him #44 of the 500 best single wrestlers in 2008

ASE Accomplishments

- Wins over Scott Hall, Brent Albright, Yuji Nagata, Bryan Danielson
- Has Main Evented ASE Conflict against Hulk Hogan
- Holds a win over Hulk Hogan
- Has an alliance with The Master Plan
- Finishes opponents with his Rack Bomb
Hmm with Hogan, Flair, Hall, Tomko, and Bischoff being in this Book This company, TNA is absolutely blowing what they could do with just that talent right there, i wouldnt be suprised if we see RVD in TNA soon either

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