Ascension SuperShow [Episode 94]

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
To all who may read, this episode is dedicated to the memories of the late, great actor Christopher Lee. An icon of cinema since it's early years providing many a iconic characters over decades.



And especially dedicated to the memory of "The American Dream". Dusty Rhodes. One of the biggest stars of professional wrestling both in the ring and as a promoter and as an influence on future generations of wrestlers and bookers. That includes us. RP'ers and Creative. It's because of the influence of men like him that we do what we do here. And as such, we salute him.

We all go through Hard Times, daddy. But he taught us that no matter the odds, we can overcome and wine and dine with kings and queens.


Rest In Peace, Dream. And thank you.


Traditional pyrotechnics and fireworks light up the foreign arena that WZCW goes live from. The camera paid around the fans, who look absolutely thrilled and excited about the live event that they see before them. There are a lot of signs held high with the name of Indian wrestlers of the past, notably Veejay. The camera continues to shoot from hoardes of fans to another hoard, all of whom look mightily up for the event that they are about to see.

Connor: welcome, everyone, as WZCW continues its world tour. Tonight, we emanate live from the Indira Ghandi Arena in New Delhi, India! And what's more, we welcome you to the first ever Ascension Supershow! I'm Cat Connor alongside Jack Cohen and tonight we have a hell of a show for you all.

Cohen: It's been a thunderous few weeks in the world of WZCW as we straddled the globe. But now we come to run spiritual home of WZCW to show India just what we're made of.

Connor: No doubt about that, Jack. WZCW has always had a close affiliation with India and many great superstars have started their glittering career right here...


Connor: Speaking of homecoming, here comes two gentlemen who can totally feel aggrieved at what happened to them when they had their very own homecoming in Moscow only two weeks ago.

Cohen: Cerberus have run riot in the Tag Division over the last few months, Cat. But that's over now. Team Russia are the real deal. Cerberus are quaking in their boots and I don't blame them, Makarov and Rasputin are out for revenge and tonight they might just get it.

Connor: Absolutely, Jack. Those men had the opportunity to leave Russia with the Tag Team Championships before Flex Mussel had his way. To say that they might be a little peeved would be a massive understatement.

Finally, the two men who make up Team Russia appear on the stage; Mr. Fortune at their back as they salute the Russian national anthem. Makarov and Rasputin look absolutely livid and more frustrated than ever. Freddie gives both men a pat on the back as he approaches them from behind, giving them the signal to start their match towards the ring. As they match down the ramp, the crowd seems white Hot with heat for the two Russians who care very little about their unlocking reception. Finally, all three men reach the ring and wait patiently as Freddie retrieves a microphone. All at once, the three men enter the ring and allow the noise to die down a little before Freddie begins...

Fortune: Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to you... The rightful WZCW Tag Team Champions... Victor Makarov and Oleg Rasputin, Team Russia!!

The crowd begin booing again as Makarov and Rasputin hoist their huge arms up into the air in celebration.

Fortune: They have absolutely everything it requires to be the best Tag Team Champions that this company has ever seen before. They are strong, they are cunning. But most of all, even more than that, they are winners! Winners in every sense of the word, I might add. They have come from nothing in a world that many of you can only dream of, and they have risen to the very top of this company faster than anyone could ever have imagined they would. They have put everything into making something of themselves in this company and doing things the right way. But there is one thing missing from these two men... The God-damn Tag Team Championships!

The crowd begin to boo again as everything that Freddie says is met with universal disapproval.

Fortune: Now, I am a manager. And a anger is reposnsible for getting the best deal for their clients at all costs. Given that my clients were robbed and cheated out of what is rightfully theirs, I am demanding recompense for the actions of the supposed Tag Team Champions. With that in mind, someone with the authority to do so better get their ass out here and make things right... Or my clients might take their frustrations out on more than just the pathetic team of Kagura Ozhora and Eve Taylor tonight...

With that, Freddie takes the microphone away from his mouth and turns towards the stage. There, no movement can be seen or heard. The three men in the ring wait patiently for something to happen but nothing seems to be forthcoming. Freddie raises the microphone to his mouth one again. But before he can speak, a familiar entrance music starts playing around the arena.


After a moment or two, Ms. Serra fiat lay appears on the stage; a microphone in her hand and a smile upon her gorgeous face.

Serra: Mr. Fortune, I really feel your pain. I mean, had it not been for the deliberate action of Cerberus in Moscow, your clients would have been the Tag Team Champions of the world. As a General Manager in this organisation, how can I stand by and allow this sort of thing to happen? WZCW prides itself on being an equal opportunity provider and a place where how you handle yourself inside of the ring is very important. Cerberus showed the world their true colours in Moscow and cast a massive shadow on the pride of this company when we needed to be positive more than anything. Your clients have every right to be aggrieved.

Freddie nods his head in abundant agreement as Becky continues.

Serra: It is only right, with that in mind, that Cerberus be punished for their actions. As Champions, their dignity should be kept above all else. They are a reflection of this company and perhaps they have forgotten that. That's why, at Unscripted, Team Russia will have their opportunity for vengeance as they take on Cerberus for the Tag Team Championships in a No Disqualification Tornado Tag Match!!

The crowd burst into life with the announcement of the Tag Championship match at Unscripted.

Serra: But is that a punishment really? I mean, Cerberus are Champions and the minimum requirement of a Champion is that they fight and defend what is theirs. No, further punishment must be inflicted upon those in this company who cannot hold their esteem in the highest of standards. With that in mind, I am hereby imposing a rule on the choosing of the stipulation for Unscripted. Mr Fortune, what happened to your clients was a horrible miscarriage of justice. To that end, you will be allowed to select TWO stipulations for the Tag Match at Unscripted as opposed to the one stipulation that Cerberus will be allowed.

Cohen: Justice, finally!

Freddie lets a massive smile cross his features as he, once again, slaps the backs of his clients. Now, a laugh seems to appear on his features as he goes to speak again.

Fortune: Ms. Serra, I knew that you had the balls to run this place appropriately. Truth is, my clients have been treated unfairly and it took someone with the brains and the courage to make that right. And you are the person to do that! Thank you.

Connor: Gratefully received from Team Russia, obviously. But the question is what will the chosen stipulations be. This tilts the balance of power, and the location of the Tag Team Championship, into the favour of the fearsome Russians.

Freddie strokes his chin a little, thoughtfully selecting the right stipulations for the match.

Fortune: First of all, I would like to make one thing clear. I, more than anyone else in this world, would like to see a fair fight between Team Russia and Cerberus. I'd like to see someone with the balls to rule that match with an iron fist. The referee two weeks ago was spineless. Given the circumstances, he should have awarded the Championships to Team Russia and this mess would have been avoided. With that in mind, there is only one man who has the willpower to stand in the face of evil and make sure the match is wrestled in the right spirit... ME!

Connor: Oh dear! Freddie Fortune has, potentially, inserted himself into the Tag Team match at Unscripted and that can only mean bad news for the current Champions...

White hot heat rains down upon the manager as he laughs manically.

Fortune: But, more than that, how can we ensure that Cerberus never trade anyone like this again? I mean, like you said, Ms. Serra, the dignity of a Champion should be beyond question. And for too long now, Cerberus have been allowed opportunity after opportunity to save their own skin, no matter what the circumstance. Well, that ends at Unscripted. The second stipulation that we want is simple. Should Cerberus lose the Championship match at Unscripted, their rematch clause will be void! If Cerberus cannot win the Championship match at Unscripted, they cannot challenge Team Russia during their reign. Are we in agreement?

The crowd cannot believe what they are hearing.

Connor: Well, a Tag Team who cannot challenge for Championships wouldn't really be a team at all, would they? This is heinous! What Mr. Fortune is ultimately doing is killing off Cerberus once and for all, there is no way this should be allowed.

The fans continue to boo as Becky thinks about the stipulations that have been offered up to her. Everyone waits, silently contesting what accepting these stipulations would mean for everyone involved...

Serra: Agreed!

Cohen: Yes!

Connor: I don't believe it! This is a joke. I'm not the biggest Cerberus fan but they are a tag team. They can definitively beat them in the ring and continually do so for all I care but a ban? That's a bit too far.

Team Russia looked pleased with their work as they exit the ring, knowing that they got what they wanted. The wide smiles on their faces tell a story of triumph as they March towards the stage again.

Connor: A shattering start to this event tonight, ladies and gentlemen, but there is so much more to come. So, without further ado, lets gets this show on the road!
We return to WZCW with a shot of lights flickering in the ring as Super Boss Nova works the turnbuckles.

Anderson: The following match is scheduled for one fall, and it is a Fatal Four Way for a spot in the Elite X Title Elimination Four Way at Unscripted!

The crowd pops at the hype.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Maebashi City, weighing 220 pounds, Super Boss Nova!

Connor: Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. Our entrances are already on the way for the Fatal Four Way that is about to take place for a coveted spot in the Elimination Four Way at Unscripted for the Elite X Title. Two men have already been confirmed for the match. First, the Elite X Champion, elegANT, looking to defend his title against three other competitors. Second, the man that is joining us right now for commentary.

The camera shows Bruce Irwin sitting with Cohen and Connor at ringside. Bruce waves at the camera.

Connor: Welcome, Bruce. Thank you for joining us out here for the match.

Cohen: Are you looking to scout out the competition?

Irwin: Thanks, CC. Also, that’s exactly right, Jack.

Cohen: Bruce, you proved yourself worthy of a short at Gold Rush by winning the pre-show battle royal. Don’t you think you deserve a fair one versus one title shot?

Irwin: Do I think I deserve it? Sure. But that is apples and oranges, Jack. I am more than happy to compete against other hungry superstars who are looking to strike gold at Unscripted. I know that I am not the only one who deserves a shot.


Noah Ryder runs out while pounding his chest.

Connor: Speaking of someone who deserves something. Noah Ryder took the champ to the limit last round on Meltdown and secured a stunning victory!

Cohen: Too bad he doesn’t remember it, though! Rumor has it that the guy has memory loss problems!

Irwin: I wish I could go to sleep and forget all the god awful commentary you do every round, Jack.

Cohen: I thought we were getting along you loser Aussie! I hope you are the first one eliminated come Unscripted!

Anderson: Making his way to the ring, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing 222 lbs, "The Unforgettable" Noah Ryder!

The crowd goes wild for the rookie superstar. He won them over with his showing against Matt Tastic last week. Ryder slides into the ring and runs to the nearest corner. He works it as Nova watches him.


Scumm slowly walks out from the gorilla position. He wears a scowl on his face as he walks down the ramp. He holds up two middle fingers as the crowd showers him with boos.

Anderson: Making his way to the ring, London, England, weighing 223lbs pounds, The Sadistic Johnny Scumm!

Cohen: How come no one wants to talk about Scumm, CC? The guy returns, looks like he is in the best shape of his career, but all people care about is Noah Ryder. Scumm is a veteran, dang it! Show some respect!

Connor: Maybe it is because Scumm never grabbed the brass ring, Jack.

Cohen: Yeah, but let’s not forget that he’s competed at Kingdom Come for the Elite X title. He may have never won the actual belt, but the division use to be a lot tougher back then.

Irwin: I don’t really have a problem with the guy’s ring work, but more so with the guy’s attitude.

Connor: Well stated, Bruce. I can smell his rotten aura all the way over here.

Cohen: Sure, he may be rough around the edges, but I’m calling it right now, Johnny Scumm is winning this match, and the Elite X Title too!

Irwin: Are you putting money down on this? If so, I’m in.

Cohen hesitates.

Cohen: Well, let’s just wait and see.

Irwin chuckles as Scumm sneers in the ring as he eyes Nova and Ryder, who are in opposite corners.


Cassanova walks out on the entrance stage with a microphone.

Cassnova: Hold it. Hold it just a minute.

The crowd boos Cassanova as he walks down the ramp with the microphone.

Cassnova: I am appalled by the headlines that followed last round’s shows. All I saw was, “Noah Ryder defeats WZCW Champion, Matt Tastic.” Yet, the truth is in the details, people. Noah Ryder is a fake. Noah Ryder is a fraud.

The crowd boos as Cassanova climbs up the apron and into the ring.

Cassnova: The truth is that Matt Tastic was severely wounded from the attack by Dorian Slaughter before the match. Noah Ryder didn’t beat the WZCW Champion. He beat a wounded man.

Noah Ryder is highly confused by what Cassanova is talking about.

Cassnova: No one wants to talk about how I beat Prince. Not just in a match, but I beat him off the roster. I should be in the headlines. I should be what you idiots try to read. I should be-

Cassanova finds himself being whipped around by none other than Johnny Scumm! Scumm lands his finisher, The Face Smasher! The referee calls the for the bell, and the Four Way abruptly begins. Scumm covers Cassanova after he move,


Both Nova and Ryder jump on the pin attempt. Nova picks Scumm up from the break up, but Scumm fights him off. He sends a barrage of punches at Nova that sends him stumbling back into a turnbuckle. Meanwhile, Ryder is focusing on the downed Cassanova.

Cohen: I think Scumm got tired of hearing Cassanova talk. He's ready to fight.

Irwin: I think we all did. That may be the first thing Scumm did that I actually liked.

Scumm and Nova now appear to be outside. Scumm irish whips Nova right into a barricade. The crowd boos, but Scumm tells them to, “F*** off!” This incites more boos as Scumm scoffs. Scumm picks Nova up and grapples his head while gripping his tights. He pulls Nova up for a suplex, but alters the move by throwing Nova stomach-first onto the top of the barricade. Nova eats it and falls back into the audience side. The crowd boos as ringside officials check on Nova.

Scumm snarls as he returns to the ring. Ryder is working Cassanova over in a nearby turnbuckle. Scumm walks up to Ryder and flips him around. Scumm plants a kick in the gut of Ryder. The blow causes Ryder to bend over so Scumm can grapple his head for a suplex! BUT NO! Ryder reverses out of it with a spin, but he grabs Scumm’s head during it. He drops Scumm with a swinging neckbreaker. As Ryder climbs to his feet after executing the move, he gets a crisp sounding enziguiri kick out of nowhere! Cassanova pushes himself out of the turnbuckle and lands the kick! The crowd cringes at the sound of the kick.

Cohen: Cassanova may have just knocked reality back in to him!

The kick causes Ryder to crumble right on top of the downed Scumm!

The referee makes the count,


Cassanova frantically pushes Ryder off after causing an incidental pin. Cassanova then coves Scumm himself.


Cassanova immediately mounts Scumm and grabs his mohawk with one hand while sending his other repeatedly into the forehead of Scumm. After about a dozen punches, Cassanova pushes Scumm’s head down. Cassanova stands up and makes his way over to a recovering Ryder. He grabs the kneeling superstar by the arm and begins to wrench it. Ryder groans in pain as Cassanova applies the pressure. The crowd cheers for Ryder to fight out of it. Slowly, but surely, Ryder feeds off the energy and stands up while still in the arm bar. Cassanova shakes his head “no,” but it is too late. Ryder reverses the armbar and puts Cassanova in it. The arm is only the beginning, though. Ryder switches his grip from Cassanova’s arm to his head. Ryder wrenches it for a few seconds before performing a headlock takedown.

Cassanova quickly recovers as he climbs to his feet. Ryder catches him and spins him around so that they are face-to-face. Ryder kicks him in a gut and prepares to set up for a suplex, but Cassanova starts shoving him. Ryder gets pushed all the way back into some ropes. It appears that Ryder is going to fall through them, but he catches them with his feet to rebound back in at the last second. This catches Cassanova off-guard as Ryder delivers a stiff pendulum clothesline! Ryder makes a cover,


Connor: Ryder may have had it, but Scumm comes in at the last second!

Irwin: I don’t blame him. You can’t let this opportunity slip out of your fingers.

Scumm jumps on the pin and breaks it up. He starts going crazy and flails punches at the upper-torso of Ryder. Eventually, He pulls Ryder up and pulls him next to the wailing Cassanova. Scumm flips him around so that Ryder’s back is facing him. Scumm bends down and picks Ryder up on his shoulders. Scumm takes one quick look back and then-

Connor: Oh my god!

Scumm drops the full body of Ryder, back-first, on the stomach of Cassanova. Cassanova grabs his gut in pain as Ryder rolls out of the ring while holding his back. Scumm gets up and drags Cassanova into the center. Scumm drops down and hooks a leg,


Cassanova kicks out at just the last second, and Scumm can’t believe it. He shakes his head furiously and returns to his feet. Scumm swipes his nose as he paces near a corner. He patiently waits as Cassanova starts stirring in a daze.

Connor: Scumm is the only one standing. He has Cassanova all to himself in the ring! He is in excellent position to steal this match!

Irwin: This isn’t good for Cassanova!

Gingerly, Cassanova makes it to his feet. With his back turned to Scumm, he stumbles around in a daze in the middle of the ring. Very slowly, he turns around. Scumm is there to pounce as he leaps up while planting his knees on the bookworm’s chest. Scumms pulls down to execute another Face Smasher, BUT NO! Cassanova pushes Scumm down and avoids eating the maneuver. Scumm’s back hits the ring mat hard. Cassanova takes advantage of this position to lock Scumm’s legs into his finisher, Locked in the Book!

Cohen: That deadly sharpshooter modification is locked in by Cassanova! Scumm is in trouble!

Scumm screams in pain as he claws at the ring mat. The ropes are nowhere in sight. The referee keeps asking if Scumm wants to submit. He shakes his head no, but his face says otherwise. The crowd suddenly goes into a frenzy as we see Super Boss Nova ascend a nearby turnbuckle. Cassanova sees him and pleads for him to stop, but Nova responds by sending a missile dropkick right into his face. Cassanova eats it and rolls off to the side of the ring. Nova turns Scumm over and goes for a cover, but Scumm catches him in a roll-up! Scumm for the cover!!


Both men fly out of the pin and quickly return to their feet. They charge each other in the center of the ring, but Scumm jumps and spins while grabbing the arm of Nova. They drop down and Scumm works Nova into his finisher, Memory Loss! Scumm wrenches the arm while having his legs locked around the torso of Nova. Nova looks to tap, and the crowd is buzzing. They buzz even more as Cassanova ascends a nearby turnbuckle. Cassanova waste little time as he leaps off the turnbuckle for a beautiful Library Dive!

Cohen: That 630 senton!

Connor: Right on to Scumm and Nova, too!

Cassanova lays lifeless over the broken men he just landed on. Scumm released the submission on Nova after the senton landed. Cassanova slowly places his arm near the lifeless Nova. The referee drops for the count, but he quickly stops when Ryder returns into the ring. He grabs Cassanova and pulls him up off Nova. Ryder flings Cassanova over the ropes and out of the ring. Then, Ryder grabs the grounded Nova and pulls him to his feet. Ryder grapples him and lifts him up for the BLACK OUT!

Irwin: That’s his finisher! Nova is done!

Ryder tries to cover Nova, but Scumm intervenes outta nowhere. He grabs Ryder and tries to whip him away from Nova, but Ryder reverses it and whips Scumm into a nearby turnbuckle. Ryder responds by planting a Blow Ryder!

The kick crumbles Scumm into a sitting position in the turnbuckle. Ryder turns away and stumbles to his knees. He crawls over Nova in the center of the ring and hooks the leg for a cover,


The crowd pops as Ryder leaps up from Nova. The referee immediately raises his hand.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, NOOOOAH RYDER!!!!!!

Connor: He did it again! Noah Ryder shocked the world again! First, Matt Tastic, and now he is competing for the Elite X Title at Unscripted! This kid is unreal!

Irwin: Count me impressed, but title matches on big PPVs are something different. Everyone in that match will know what is at stake. He looks good, but I’m also wanting to walk out with gold.

Irwin stands up from the announcer’s booth and claps. Noah catches this from within the ring. He’s not sure what to make of it, but Irwin is being genuine.

Cohen: We now know three of the four men who will compete at Unscripted for the Elite X Title in an Elimination Four Way! Will we find out the final participant tonight? Keep on watching! We’ll be right back after the break!


Flex Mussel & Ramparte are in catering, sitting down and finishing off their food. Ramparte is almost done and is eating rather slowly whilst Flex still has a pile of food that is disappearing quickly. Ramparte eats the last of his meal before putting down the fork, pondering for a second.

Ramparte: So... Freddie Fortune being the referee and the "last chance" stipulations.

Flex: We've still got one to make, Ram. I wouldn't worry about it.

Ramparte: With how we've treated every tag team in the past and the fans never being on our side, I don't think our choice is going to matter.

Flex: We'll think of something.

As Flex goes to take a bite, he catches Eve walking past the catering area. He jumps up and follows, with Ramparte just behind.

Flex: Eve! There you are! Look, you've got the Russians tonight in tag team action and with what we've done to them, I think they're going t-

Eve cuts him off.

Eve: The only thing I need to worry about is Kagura Ohzora taking away my Eurasian championship from me just like Theron & Chris K.O. You be careful against them and I'll hold my own against the Russians.

Flex reluctantly nods.

Ramparte: Whatever you do, make it to Unscripted in one piece. We need to be ready for Unscripted if we want Cerberus to be standing tall.

Eve agrees and walks off, leaving the Tag Team champions behind.

Flex: I worry for her.

Ramparte: And I worry for us.
We cut backstage and see several people clapping. Noah Ryder comes through the gorilla position in to the back as his music continues to play in the arena. Ascension GM, Rebecca Serra, is there to greet him.

Serra: I must say, I am extremely impressed. You defeated Matt Tastic last round, and then this round you claim a spot for the Elite X Title Four Way at Unscripted. You are truly impressive, Mr. Ryder.

Serra almost seems to have a flirtatious tone in her compliment. Ryder seems highly confused.

Ryder: I'm not sure what you mean about Matt Tastic, but I am honored that you have put me in a qualifying match for my debut match here in WZCW. Thank you for this opportunity. Also, congrats on the promotion. You were always my favorite WZCW Interviewer!

Ryder shakes her hand before walking off-camera. Serra looks confused, but her confusion has to take a back seat.

???: Really?????

Serra turns to see James Howard fuming.

Howard: He is worthy of an Elite X Title shot, but I can't even get my deserved EurAsian Title shot? This is a farce!

Howard grabs an equipment rack against the wall and pushes it over out of rage.

Everyone nearby stops to see the commotion. Howard storms off.

Serra: James, wait! Wait!

Serra looks somewhat annoyed as she looks around at all of the people looking at her.

Serra: Someone clean this up, damn it!

Serra storms off. The scene fades out.


Anderson: The following match is scheduled for one fall! Already in the ring, Prince!

Prince gestures to the crowd to little reaction.

Vee A.D.Z. bursts out onto the stage, bouncing in a circle on one leg and pumping the crowd up. He somersaults downs the ramp, jumping high into the air at the end.

Anderson: And his opponent, from County of Crawley, England, weighing 141 pounds, Vee A! D! Z!

Vee springboards into the ring and the ref calls for the bell. Prince charges right away for a clothesline, but Vee ducks underneath and springboards off the ropes to connect with a dropkick. Prince gets back up right into a roundhouse kick to the side of the head. Prince drops like a rock and then is sent rolling to the floor by a running basement dropkick. Vee rolls to the apron as well and after pumping the crowd up, springboards once more, this time connecting with a moonsault. The crowd roars with approval while the rookie slaps hands with a couple nearby fans before rolling Prince back into the ring. Prince rolls to a corner and pulls himself to his feet. This doesn’t take him out of danger as Vee hits a running cannonball to the standing Prince. He stumbles forward out of the corner as Vee signals that it’s over. He grabs a headlock and hooks the leg, connecting with A.D.Z., 1…2…3!

Anderson: The winner of the match, Vee A.D.Z.!

After getting his hand raised, Vee rolls to the floor and high fives fans all the way back up the ramp.

Connor: What an impressive debut! I can’t wait to… hey, who’s that?

James Howard has jumped from the crowd and slides into the ring with a chair. Prince has started to get up, but collapsed to the mat hard after a shot right to the side of the head. Howard drills the prone body two more times before locking in the Tenzan Choke. Referees come running from the back trying to pull Howard off, as Prince is clearly in a bad way. After what seems like an eternity, Howard finally releases the hold and calls for a microphone.

Howard: I hurt people. It's what I do. I am going to continue to hurt people until I get what I want.

Howard drops the mic and begins to slam the chair down across the back of Prince until an unknown woman climbs from the crowd and tries to stop him.

???: James you have to stop! This isn't you!

Howard drops the chair, then grabs the mic again.

Howard: Dinah, what are you doing here?

Dinah: Just please come with me, we can talk about this.

Howard reluctantly leaves the ring with his wife.


We cut to a scene in Rebecca Serra's office. She has her desk cleared off as Theron Daggershield, with his EurAsian Title draped over his shoulder, and Chris K.O. stand on opposite sides of her. Chris is holding a giant box full of custom dice.

Serra: Okay, tell me one more time. How is this going to work again?

Chris: Look, on these dice are custom match stipulations. We are each going to reach in WITHOUT PEEKING. We will roll the dice on the table and see what three we get.

Theron: Those three will be up for vote. The people will then decide what bout Clovis and I will compete in.

Serra: Alright. Seems pretty clear.

Serra peeks inside of the box.

Serra: What are the ones with heart shapes and kiss prints?


Serra backs off.

Chris: Alright, let's pick.

Chris closes his eyes as he holds the box out. Theron and Serra cover their eyes with one hand as they reach in with their other. They each grab a die. Chris sets the box down.

Theron: Alright, let's roll on three.

Serra: 1

Chris: 2

Theron: 3!

They each roll and then immediately open their eyes.

Theron: Interesting.

Chris: Awesome!

Serra: It's settled. The three match types are: Finishers are Banned-

Theron and Chris both nod at each other.

Serra: Code of Honor Match.

Theron and Chris smile and nod at each other again.

Serra: Or, You Must Win Using your Opponent's Finisher.

Suddenly, the atmosphere turns serious. Theron and Chris get serious as their smiles turn into determined looks. It is as if the two just remembered that they will be fighting at Unscripted for the coveted EurAsian Championship.

Serra: Are you two okay with these stipulations?

Chris: Yeah.

Chris holds out a hand for a shake.

Theron: Of course.

Theron meets him halfway and the two shake in anticipation of their upcoming battle. The scene fades out.


Sebastian Copeland smiling at the camera in full tuxedo with a microphone in hand. He is standing in the official WZCW interviewing area and nods towards the camera.

Copeland: Thanks, CC! For my first guest, I am joined by Mikey Stormrage!

Mikey appears in the shot in casual gear.

Stormrage: Hey Sebastian. Did you get a demotion? Haha... I jest. What's up?

Copeland: We haven't seen you in the ring competing since Gold Rush after taking a nasty fall in the Cell. Doctors reports say you're almost recovered and will be ready for your Open Invitational for Unscripted.

Stormrage: The Amazingly Awesome Kick-Ass Mikey Stormrage 2015 Anyman Open Challenge, to be precise. However, I'll be ready for Unscripted and I hope that whichever superstar is on the voting ballots will be ready too because I'm looking to come back with full force and get back on track to becoming World Heavyweight champion... and if I happen to lose, then whoever that person may be will take another step to achieving that dream as well. A victory here means just as much to me as it should mean to any potential opponent that may come my way.

Copeland: Well, thank you for the interview Mikey and we'll see you at Unscripted.

Stormrage: Hopefully this is a temporary gig and you'll be back on commentary.

Mikey laughs and gives Sebastian a playful pat on the back before leaving. Copeland looks a little concerned but tries to play it off.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a Tag Team Match!!!


As her music plays pink lights begin to swirl around the stage in a circular pattern, representing the petals of many cherry blossoms falling through the air. A fine mist appears on the stage. Kagura emerges and walks down the ramp through the mist. She carries a gohei which she waves back and forth as to bless the audience and the facilities. She ascends the stairs and enters between the middle ropes. Afterwards she bows to the audience on each side of the ropes and places the wand aside and awaits her opponent.

Harrys: Introducing first from Ise, Mie, Japan weighing 160 pounds, Kagura Ohzora!

Connor: Another bout for the powerful pairing of former Elite X/Eurasian Champions, Kagura and Eve Taylor. Seabass, what do you think of their chances against Team Russia here tonight?

Cohen: Dismal. Just take a look at their match last week:

Recap From Meltdown 118 said:
After a bit of arguing Kagura exits the ring and Eve turns around right into a Coconut Strike! He hooks the leg for the cover as Kagura does nothing to break up the pin 1...2…3!

Harrys: And here are your winners, Chris KO and Theron Daggershield!

Cohen: Kagura did nothing to try to save her partner!

Connor: Why would she after Eve tagged herself in?

Cohen: They need some damn cohesion. They're not up against oddballs here tonight.


Taylor walks out and treats the stage as a fashion runway, posing unenthusiastically at the top of the stage before marching towards the ring. She leers at the fans through the corner of her eyes, no expression on her face. She slides into the ring, staying on all fours for a few seconds before slowing getting to her feet and posing nonchalantly once more.

She then faces Kagura with a sneer of a smile.

Harrys: Making her way down the runway, from Milan, Italy, "The Fabulous" Eve Taylor!

Cohen: Eve Taylor establishing dominance before the bell even rings. God she's magnificent.

Connor: Kagura isn't her opponent! She needs to focus all of her disdain for the monsters about to come out.


The crowd boos loudly as Victor & Oleg walk out onto the stage, closely followed by Freddie Fortune. The two big Russian men stand across from one another as their national anthem plays, putting hand over heart before walking down the ring with a purpose.

Harrys: And their opponents, from Moscow, Russia, weighing in at a combined weight of 618 pounds, Victor Makarov and Oleg Rasputin!

Cohen: Russia's finest. The epitome of brutality. Cerberus had to cheat their way to keep the titles last week. The Russians are out to do damage here tonight.

Connor: There's no way you can expect anyone to not use a weapon on these two. Just look at them! They are what nightmares are scared of.


Oleg starts off for the Russian team as Eve Taylor doesn't even consider letting Kagura in first. They circle around on another until Eve locks up with Oleg. Oleg grapples with the model, shoves her hands away, and clutches her torso for a Bear Hug! The squeeze makes Eve cry out for pain as she furiously swipes at the Russian brute. Her arm reaches out to Kagura, but she is too far away. The model rakes her clawlike nails over Oleg's shoulders. Oleg winces but continues to apply pressure. Eve wraps her legs around Rasputin in a contest of which submission will overcome the other. Bear Hug meets Scissored Midsection!

Connor: Third Head of Cerberus is doing all she can to meet these Russians head-on!

Eve Taylor squeezes harder and it brings the brute down backfirst! She mounts an offense of elbow strikes to his face. Eve then grinds down on Rasputin's cheekbone until referee Katie Shepard gets to a 4 count. The model stands up but staggers due to the effects of the Bear Hug. Kagura is hopping up and down with her hand stretched out. Taylor ignores her and strikes Oleg with a Running Slap! The Russian clutches to the ropes to keep from any further assault. Katie Shepard has Eve Taylor back away to the sound of a few jeers from the crowd.

Oleg saunters closer to Victor and it catches The Fabulous One's attention. Suddenly, Rasputin steps towards Eve and hits her flush on the jaw with a stiff Big Boot! Taylor is stunned as Oleg Irish whips her towards the ropes. Oleg runs directly after Eve meeting her just as she bounces off the ropes with a well aimed Savate Kick. Before Eve can even react to the punishing blow, Oleg sets her up with another Irish whip across the ring, this time catching her off the rebound with an STO! Eve hits the mat, and turns to her side in pain. Viktor begins pounding on the turnbuckle to motivate his partner.

Cohen: Rasputin is unkillable.

Connor: Just like the historical figure himself.

Cohen: Nerrrrrrd...

Rasputin faces the crowd, belittling them for cheering for the female duo. Taylor uses this opportunity to get to her feet. She sees an opportunity and blasts Oleg from behind with a High Heel Kick! Oleg stumbles as the signature connects, bounces off of the ropes, and attempts to strike out with a Side Kick. It's executed as the two exchange a flurry of kicks! Still feeling the effects of the High Heel Kick, Oleg grew slower in his strikes, and for the second time Eve dominates the match. She brings the giant down with a Knife-Edge Chop! Eve covers Oleg...



Oleg gets a shoulder up and Eve is pissed. Kagura is still jumping around waiting for a turn, and the fans are right behind her:

"KAG-U-RA!!!" "KAG-U-RA!!!" "KAG-U-RA!!!"

But Eve continues to pretend she isn't there. The boos are more than warranted as she grinds Oleg's eyes into the top rope. Oleg blindly crashes down into his own corner, where a fresh Victor makes the tag! Seeing the former Elite X Champion barrel her way, Taylor quickly limps to Kagura so she wouldn't have to face the brute. They make the tag and now it's Kagura vs. Makarov.

Connor: Oh now she notices her tag team partner.

Cohen: Of course she knew she was there. Like the rest of us, she just wanted to see "The International Incident" one more time with Kagura facing Victor. She's doing us a favor.

"The Mauler of Moscow" and "Kagura of the 5 Dances" stare each other down as the fans eat the display of intensity up. Ohzora bows to her opponent reverently as is custom, but Victor made a scene of spitting on the canvas in a blatant sign of disrespect. And it's on! Kagura grabs Victor and lets loose with a rain of knee strikes to the head and body. She backs away and delivers a knee drop to the base of his skull! Victor Makarov bellows in rage, but can't get up from the crushing blow. The shrine maiden takes her elbow and brings it down over and over again until Katie Shepard breaks the chain of attacks up.

A bitch of a grimace was working its way across Eve's lips, but she stayed on the apron. Kagura struck Victor with a palm strike, but Victor snatched her hand and whipped her into a twisting clothesline! Kagura rolled back up behind Victor and attempted a chop to the back of his head, but he ducked in time and Kagura hit Katie Shepard!

Connor: Shepard is down! Oh my god.

Cohen: This isn't good for Kagura and Eve. Not at all.

Like smelling blood in the water, Oleg Rasputin slipped through the ropes to assist Victor. Eve stayed in her corner, unsure on whether to pay Kagura back for last week or not. Makarov Irish Whipped Kagura from across the ring, she rebounds, and together Oleg Rasputin and Victor Makarov decimate her with a Double Clothesline from Hell! Kagura flips and lands into the center of the mat. Makarov went for the pin but the referee was still out. Not taking it anymore, Eve stepped into the ring and brought the fight to both Russians. The Third Head of Cerberus pulled Victor's hair and slammed his face down. Oleg Rasputin wound up for a clothesline but Taylor dodged it and put him down with a High Heel Kick! Having one Heel Kick too many, Rasputin fell to the mat and rolled back to his side as Katie Shepard stirred.

Eve Taylor posed blissfully to the crowd as she set up for her Hurricanrana Driver. Kagura held onto the ropes for dear life to stand at her corner, still feeling the onslaught of Team Russia's offense. Taylor sprinted over to Victor and wrapper her legs around his face, but Victor reversed it into an Ankle Lock! Ankle Lock applied as Taylor screamed in hysterical pain. Katie Shepard is back on her feet. Eve Taylor taps! But Shepard pulls Victor away telling him she saw no tag between Kagura and Taylor therefore Kagura was still the legal wrestler.

Cohen: Luckiest of breaks here. This match would have been over if not for the expert official keeping an eye on things.

Kagura limps back into action as Eve quietly takes her leave. Kagura ran headlong into Victor with everything she had. Third Dance of Amenouzume no Mikoto! The leaping victory roll takes The Mauler by surprise as Katie slams her hand to the mat.




Victor gets a foot on the bottom rope! Kagura is dismayed and even Eve is livid at this point. Kagura crawls across the ring and desperately has her hand out to make the tag. Taylor reaches down, and snidely takes her hand back! Kagura stays in the match as Victor pulls her away. Freddie Fortune, The Russian's manager, distracts the referee to have Oleg attempt another double team maneuver. Kagura spits red mist into Makarov's eyes! Desperation sets in as Kagura begs Eve to make the tag. The Fabulous One shakes her head, smiling at Kagura as she hops off of the apron and backs away from the ring. Alone, Kagura barely picks herself up as she faces a blind Russian. Mother Russia! Victor Makarov instinctively hit Kagura with the dreaded superkick! Kagura is knocked out cold for the cover.

Eve Taylor appears to have a change of heart and dashes back to the apron!


She slides back into the ring!


She ambles to save Kagura, but stops. Eve Taylor smirks at the shrine maiden viciously.


Victor Makarov rolls off of Kagura, wiping his eyes from the bloody mist.

Harrys: Here are your winners, Oleg Rasputin and Victor Makarov!!!

Connor: Eve could have saved her! She was belligerent this entire match!

Cohen: What did you expect? Kagura left her high and dry last week. She returned the favor. Bad blood between these two for sure. Can't wait for Unscripted.

The Russians and Freddie Fortune stood in the center of the ring with their hands over their hearts, practically mocking Cerberus's catchphrase. But instead they recited the Russian National Anthem as Eve Taylor paid no attention to them, but kept her eye on the shrine maiden, who was staring daggers right back at her.


We cut backstage to a very annoyed looking Ty Burna propelling himself down the corridors. Spinning his head around doors and surveying his surroundings, Ty looks pissed.

Cohen: What's he doing here? He doesn't have a match tonight...

Connor: I'd imagine, given the mood he seems to be in tonight, that Ty has come here looking for the mystery man who has been haunting him as of late.

Ty continues down the hall, barking orders at anyone and everyone who will listen to him. However, the men and women backstage have no idea where the mystery man might be. He grabs a random worker by the neck and looks into his eyes.

Worker: I don't know where he is... Or who!

Ty surveys the man's eyes before letting him go with a push.

Ty: I've had enough of this. All of it! No one plays Ty Burna like a fool. No one!

Everyone turns around as Ty stands in the middle of a group of people; constantly yelling. Suddenly, all of the lights backstage go off and when they come back on a moment later, everyone who stood around Ty Burna is gone. He stands, completely alone in a dimmed light. Behind him, the masked man who has been plaguing him can be seen. Ty turns around, smiling finally. The lights go off again and, when they come back on, the mystery man is only around 6 feet away from Ty. The mystery man reaches for the burlap sack over his features and slowly removes it, revealing the face of former WZCW Heavyweight Champion John Constantine!

Ty: You!!

Cohen: Oh my God! Constantine has returned! In fact, he's never been gone!

Constantine: Unscripted...

Suddenly, the lights go off once more and when they appear, Ty is the only one of the wrestlers to be seen, re-surrounded by the workers from before. Ty's face tells a picture as he looks stunned and furious. Suddenly, one last time, the lights go off before a haunting whisper can be heard...

Constantine: Expect me...


We switch cameras to see Eve and Kagura arguing, though between multiples languages and the shouting, nothing is able to be made out. Finally Gozaburo steps in and breaks the two ladies up. He says something in Japanese that appears to calm Kagura down, but when he turns to Eve, she slaps her Unscripted opponent and quickly flees the scene, leaving Kagura holding her face.

Cohen: Oh man I love a good cat fight. I can't wait until Unscripted.
We see Sebastian Copeland standing by in the interview area with Kagura Ohzora and her manager Gozaburo. Ohzora is tending to the cheap shot by Eve Taylor after their match.

Copeland: In recent weeks, Eve Taylor and yourself have teamed up against-

Gozaburo puts his hand up to stop Sebastian in his tracks.

Gozaburo: I know where you are leading with this question. Ever since losing her championship, Eve Taylor has been obsessing over the title and blaming everyone else for her own shortcomings. Kagura has no ill will towards Eve but she has taken it upon herself to make Kagura an enemy. After trying to dismiss and defuse this situation, Eve Taylor stepped over the line when she took a cheap shot on Kagura tonight.

Gozaburo looks towards the camera.

Gozaburo: Kagura was walking into Unscripted looking for a competitive match against a fellow female wrestler, both sharing the dream of becoming champion once more. Because of your actions Eve Taylor, Kagura Ohzora will be training harder than ever before to not only defeat you at Unscripted but teach you some respect.

Gozaburo walks away with Kagura bowing in respect and smiling before walking off.


Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall. Already in the ring, The Eternal Question!

Question plays to the crowd to a small smattering of boos.


And his opponent, from Leeds, England, weighing in at 223lbs, James Howard!

With purpose, Howard makes his way to the ring. He slides into the ring immediately begins to hammer away at his opponent.

Cohen: James Howard, wasting no time. I like it.

Connor: Not very sportsman like.

The referee hurriedly calls for the bell, and the match is underway.


Howard continues to hammer away with rights and lefts, showcasing his MMA background. He connects with a series of jabs, followed by a vicious right hook that knocks The Eternal Question down. As he tries to get back to his feet, Howard connects with the TKO!

Cohen: It's all over now.

Connor: With a little help from some dirty tactics.

Instead of covering Question, Howard locks in the Tenzan Choke! Question immediately taps but Howard keeps the choke locked in. Becky Serra immediately rushes to ringside.

Serra: Stop this!

Howard does indeed release the hold, but he rolls out of the ring, grabs a mic and two chairs and brings them back into the ring. He sets Question up for a con-chair-to, until Serra again pleads him to stop.

Howard: I'm here to take out everyone I deem unworthy. Everyone who isn't worthy of being in this business. I deserve my EurAsian title shot! I was cheated!

Serra: I spoke with your wife. Dinah and I had a heart to heart, woman to woman. She revealed some things, and I have decided that if you stop this reign of terror, you will get the final spot in the Elite X title match.

Howard slams the chair down onto the head of Question, sandwiching his head between the two chairs.

Howard: I accept.

Cohen: Finally James Howard is robbed no more. He has secured his place in the Elite X title match at Unscripted.

Connor: Absolutely sickening.


Garth Black is standing calmly with his head slightly lowered and his fingers flexing. Sebastian Copeland is standing next to him with a microphone, ready to interview him.

Copeland: Garth, you recently returned to WZCW for one final time in hopes of becoming the best wrestler in the world. Tonight, you get the opportunity to take on the number one contender to the World champion Dorian Slaughter, a man who has been on a warpath of destruction and will do anything to make sure he is feared and revered for Unscripted. How have you prepared for Dorian?

Garth lifts his head, looking directly at Sebastian.

Black: It's not a question of how I've prepared for Dorian but rather a question of how Dorian's prepared for me. To Dorian, he's going to see me as the last hurdle in the race to the finish. His World title match is set for Unscripted and he's cemented himself as a threat. What have I done since my return to garner his attention? This is where I will take my advantage, bring him what I've got and make Dorian take his attention off the World title. Whether I win or lose doesn't matter but if I can hold my own against the number one contender, imagine what I could do with the Lethal Lottery & Kingdom Come lurking around the corner?

Black leaves the interview area.

Connor: Garth Black sounds ready for his match against Dorian Slaughter, coming up next.

Cohen: For his sakes, I hope he isn't all bark and no bite.
Anderson: The following contest is set for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, from the Last Chance Saloon, Garth Black!

Garth walks down to the ring purposefully, carrying a bottle of water. On the way down to the ring he takes his local sports shirt off and gives it to a fan in the audience. When he gets to the ring, he slowly climbs in, acknowledges the crowd, and has a drink of the water before tossing the bottle out of the ring.

Connor: The WZCW veteran has quite an opportunity tonight to get a huge win over the number one contender.

Cohen: Not if The Angle of Death has anything to say about it.


Anderson: And his opponent, Hell, MI, he is the number one contender to the WZCW World Heavyweight championship, Dorian Slaughter!

Dorian emerges through the curtain into a darkened arena, standing with his arms extended to either side of his body at the top of the ramp, peering toward the sky. He stalks slowly down the ramp, surveying the crowd before entering the ring via the steps.

Cohen: We might just be looking at our new World champion come Unscripted, are you ready to bow down to our dark overlord Cat?

: Not if Matt Tastic has anything to say about it. It would be in Dorian’s best interest not to look past a competitor with as much experience as Garth as he has even more time in the company than Tastic.

The bell rings and the two competitors circle the ring before locking up. Slaughter is able to overpower Garth with the slight weight advantage however and back him into a corner. The ref urges Slaughter to back up and for a second it looks like he might until he delivers a stiff kick to the ribs. Garth slouches down in pain and Slaughter puts on a corner foot choke until the referee gets to the count of four threatening to disqualify him. Dorian then goes to Irish whip Garth into the other corner but the veteran reverses and hits an STO takedown. Slaughter gets back to his feet and relatively quick fashion but is met with a judo throw from Garth. He pops right back up and is met with another judo throw. The Angel of death repeatedly gets to his feet only to be met again and again with a violent judo throw until he rolls under the bottom looking for a breather!

: It may be time for the number one contender to rethink his strategy.

Cohen: Those moves should be illegal, this is wrestling not MMA!

As Slaughter attempts to catch a breather Garth hypes the fans up before bouncing off the ropes to get a running start and hit a flying body splash on the outside right into Slaughter! He quickly chucks him back inside the ring and goes for the cover 1…2…Slaughter kicks out! Garth doesn’t let up as he attempts to maneuver Slaughter into another judo throw but Slaughter wiggles out and hits a sit out jawbreaker. A stunned Garth steps back for a second to recover but is immediately met with a devastating sole kick from Slaughter! Dorian doesn’t go for the cover however as he begins to viciously stomp away at Garth seemingly as punishment for his resistance.

Cohen: Dorian is in the driver’s seat now and he fully intends to make Garth and unhappy passenger.

: That was bad even for you.

Dorian picks up Garth and hits a DDT followed by a cover 1...2…Garth kicks out. Dorian doesn’t seemed to phased by the amount of fight still left in his opponent as he puts Garth in a sleeper hold in an attempt to wear him down. The ref checks on Garth to make sure he’s still conscious while the veteran attempts to fight out but to no avail. From the looks of his face he slowly begins to fade away and the ref begins to check his arm to make sure. It’s raised once and it falls down with no resistance. The ref checks a second time with the same result. The ref goes to do it one third and final time possibility resulting in a victory for Slaughter.

Connor: If Garth doesn’t wake up this could be it!

As the ref drops the arm at the very last second Garth seems to get some life back in him. He struggles to deal with Slaughter’s strength but is eventually able maneuver himself to deliver a northern lights suplex! He bridges for the cover 1...2…Slaughter kicks out! Both men are slow to their feet but Garth is able to strike first with a hurricanrana sending Dorian to the turnbuckle. Garth charges up and slams right into Slaughter with a “Getting on the Wagon”. Garth signals for the end looking for the Black Out but as he gets Slaughter up on his shoulders Dorian hits repeated elbows to the head stunning Garth allowing Dorian to hit the hate creation! Dorian hooks the leg 1…2….Garth is just barely able to kick out!

: What is it going to take to put either of these men away?!!

Dorian becomes extremely irritated by Garth’s perseverance. He picks him up looking for his “Death Becomes You” but Garth reverses, whips him into a corner, jumps on top of him and repeatedly delivers ten heavy right hands, jumps down only to deliver a stiff kick, and pops right back up to send Slaughter halfway across the ring with a monkey flip! The crowd is all into Garth as he once again signals for the black out. He gets Slaughter up on his shoulders and as he lifts him up in the air looking to smash his head down on the knee Slaughter instead catches it! The immense strength of the angel of death then clutches Garth into a cobra clutch driver! Garth is out of it and Dorian takes advantage by hitting Death becomes you! He hooks the leg 1…2…3!

Anderson: And here is your winner, Dorian Slaughter!

Cohen: Fantastic win by our future World Champion and dark overlord!

Connor: I do have to admit it was and a great effort there by Garth Black, however Dorian seems to be riding a dark wave of momentum into his World title match at Unscripted.

Instead of celebrating his victory, Dorian requests a mic from the ringside attendant.

Slaughter: Matt Tastic, this is just an example of what I can do. I will show you that life is meaningless and that death is your only friend in this world. At Unscripted, I will show you the true power held within The Book of Slaughter, when I make an example of you. You shall be a sacrifice to my needs, and the World Title shall be mine.


The WZCW Elite X champion elegANT stands proudly as Sebastian Copeland raises his microphone to his mouth, ready to conduct the final interview of the night.

Copeland: On this special night in India for the Ascension Supershow, we will be hosting a special main event where elegANT will be facing off against a mysterious opponent. Any ideas on who it is?

elegANT shakes his head.

elegANT: Sadly, I don't know the identity of this fabled triple question mark wrestler but I won't be overlooking them. I am the Elite X champion and it is my duty to always bring my best!

Copeland: Has there been anything in particular to help you prepare for this match?

Again, elegANT shakes his head.

elegANT: I have not found a winning strategy, Mr. Copeland. However, this mysterious opponent tonight will be an excellent preparation for my championship defense at Unscripted where I must take on multiple competitors. Anything can happen in those matches and I must be ready!

Copeland: At least you know who your opponents are with Nolan Ryder earning his opportunity and James Howard being announced alongside him & Bruce Irwin

elegANT: Ah! I do not know what the match type will be as our esteemed General Manager Rebecca Serra has decreed that the fans will decide what style of match we shall partake! She has informed me that the fans will have three options: an Elimination 4-Way Dance, a Gauntlet match or a Championship Scramble. Just like my opponent tonight, I shall be heading into the match blind and must be prepared for all options!

Copeland: Thank you elegANT and good luck tonight.

elegANT: Thank you, sir!

elegANT bumps his cane on the ground floor before walking off.
Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd gives off a mixed reaction as Flex Mussel & Ramparte walk out onto the stage, holding their championships. They look at each other and nod before walking down the ramp with confidence.

Anderson: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 410 pounds, they are the WZCW World Tag Team champions, Flex Mussel & Ramparte... CERBERUS!

Connor: I'm surprised Flex is sporting a steel chair on the way to the ring tonight to make sure they aren't pinned or submitted. I'm by no means a fan of Oleg & Victor and their tactics but Cerberus are known for their underhandedness and Team Russia are completely right in being owed a title re-match.

Cohen: Exactly! I'm glad we can see eye-to-eye on this. I've always been a fan of Cerberus but after what they did to a team they knew they were going to lose to, I'm appalled.

Flex & Ramparte hand over their titles to senior referee Jurou Akiyama and look out into the crowd, seeing/hearing the different reactions from the crowd... with a lot more boos than cheers. Flex looks affected by the reactions whilst Ramparte prepares for the match as per normal.


Multiple different coloured lights flash throughout the arena as Theron Daggershield walks out with his sword. Theron does his signature pose with the sword before revealing his Eurasian championship.

Anderson: And their opponents, first, from Stephenville, Texas, weighing 190 pounds, he is the WZCW Eurasian champion... "The Warblade of Mystra" THERON DAGGERSHIELD!

Connor: A rivalry re-visited in this match as Theron does battle once again with Cerberus. Theron took up a quest to become Eurasian champion and had to go through all three members of Cerberus to do so.

Cohen: A chance at redemption for Cerberus, wouldn't you say so CC?

Connor: Only if the steel chair is involved as Theron is undefeated against the group.

Theron gets into the ring, removing his trench coat and sunglasses whilst keeping eyes on both members of Cerberus. He puts his sword down and hands the Eurasian title to Akiyama, making sure to keep on his toes in case of a Cerberus attack.


Chris K.O. walks out onto the stage with a volley ball, Steve, tucked underneath one of his arms. He smiles and waves to the fans before allowing Steve to do the same before walking down the ramp, interacting with the fans.

Anderson: His tag team partner, from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, weighing 232 pounds... CHRIS K.O.!

Cohen: Here comes the only competitor in this match who currently does not hold a championship!

Connor: I wouldn't count out Chris just yet, Jack. He's been on a roll since Gold Rush and is looking primed & ready for his Eurasian title contest at Unscripted against Theron. Considering one of those wins was in a tag team match alongside Theron, I think they have a good chance of winning.

Cohen: Just because they're both "nice guys" and have worked well together in the past doesn't mean they won't pull a fast one over the other. They're opponents fighting for a title, not friends.

Chris talks to Steve before handing him over to an official at ringside, who places him in a seat next to the announcer's booth. Chris then gets on the turnbuckles and poses for the fans. Theron stands guard for Cerberus but Flex & Ramparte simply discuss strategy and quickly decide who starts. Flex looks to be the man to wrestle first as Chris & Theron talk with each other, doing a quick game of "scissors, paper, rock." Theron wins and starts. Senior referee Jurou Akiyama checks both teams before ringing the bell.


Flex looks for a lock-up, making Theron a little hesitant. The two eventually do so with Flex winning the exchange, pushing Theron into the corner. Akiyama calls for the break and Flex does so without any issues. Theron looks awfully cautious as he gets out of the corner, waiting for Cerberus to do something sneaky but nothing happens. Flex & Theron lock up again with Flex going behind Theron, looking for a German suplex but Theron does his best to fight out of it. Flex lifts up Theron and slams him front first before positioning himself, slapping a front headlock onto Theron. Akiyama checks on Theron but he gets up to a vertical base, looking to get out of the submission. Flex keeps the grip on tight, offering a tag to Ramparte. They make the tag & the two execute a double suplex. Flex slides to the outside and Ramparte covers...

... 1
... 2 & a kick-out.

Ramparte keeps a headlock on Theron, adding a hammerlock as well. Theron doesn't give up and gets to his feet, looking to escape the hold. Theron does a modified snapmare, breaking the holds but Ramparte gets to his feet and hits a European uppercut on Theron, knocking Theron into Cerberus' corner. Ramparte tags in Flex. They grab Theron and whip him across the ring, delivering a double flapjack. Ramparte immediately exits and Flex pins...

... 1
... 2
... and a kick-out by Theron.

Cohen: Excellent start by the Tag Team champions, keeping Theron isolated from Chris and using double-team moves to quickly wear down the Eurasian champion.

Connor: Cerberus' colours will truly shine when they are in dire trouble.

Flex manages an abdominal stretch on Theron near Cerberus' corner, applying as much pressure as he can deal. Theron looks to grab the ropes with Akiyama in position between Flex/Theron & Ramparte on the apron. Flex grabs one of the legs from Theron and adds some extra pressure but Theron continues to refuse. He drops the leg of Theron before doing a double-take to Ramparte. Flex & Ramparte click that they can use each other to create some added pressure with Chris on the apron sensing it too. Flex & Ramparte are hesitant, not making a move. Instead, Flex focuses back on the submission whilst Ramparte takes a step back onto the steel steps, letting the match play out. Chris looks a little relieved as the fans start to applaud Cerberus not relying on underhanded tactics.

Connor: I'm genuinely surprised they didn't take advantage there.

Theron begins to rally, looking to escape the hold. He uses all the strength he can muster in this submission hold to get his leg out and deliver a hip toss to Flex. Theron goes to a knee as Flex clutches his back, getting up quickly. Theron catches Flex with an Atomic drop before following up with a big elbow smash, knocking Flex a little groggy. Theron crawls towards Chris who is reaching out for the tag. Ramparte looks to get into the ring to stop the tag but pauses, getting back on the apron and reaches out for a tag.

Chris is tagged into the match, running towards a recovered Flex with a couple of clothesline before finishing up with a running knee strike. Flex gets up and swings wildly, allowing Chris to easily duck and hit a German suplex pin on Flex...

... 1
... 2
... Ramparte enters the ring and breaks up the pin.

Ramparte goes directly back to his corner but Chris has none of it, delivering a dropkick that sends Ramparte to the outside. Chris rallies the fans behind him as he waits for Flex, looking to end the match.

Cohen: That wasn't very sportsmanlike by Chris! Ramparte broke up the pin like any good tag team partner would and immediately went back to his corner & he gets dropkicked?

Connor: He was in illegally. Either way, Chris looks to end this match right now!

Chris gets ready, looking to hit the coconut strike near his corner where a recovered Theron is almost to his feet. Chris charges and jumps in the air but Flex ducks with an evasion roll, causing Chris to almost hit Theron with his finisher. Chris stops in his tracks and apologises. Theron accepts and Chris goes to turn around when Theron tags himself in. Chris turns back around and questions the decision.

Cohen: A bit of trouble in the friendship paradise, CC. I knew they wouldn't last long.

The predicament between Chris & Theron allows Ramparte enough time to get back on the apron with Flex tagging in his partner. Chris gets back on the apron reluctantly whilst Ramparte runs to the ropes, springboarding off with a stunner onto Theron, catching him by surprise. Theron groggily rebounds off the ropes, allowing Chris to blind tag himself in. Ramparte doesn't see it and goes for the Denouement but Chris hit a modified, weakened version of the Coconut strike, knocking Ramparte down but not enough to knock him out.

Connor: Chris didn't get all of that Coconut strike on Ramparte, barely missing Theron in the process as well.

Cohen: Ramparte should have enough wherewithal to turn this match.

Theron backpeddles into the corner to get his bearings, watching as Ramparte gets up to his feet slowly, looking to try and get this match. Flex is recovering on the outside, leaning on the apron. Ramparte stands up and looks to get the match under control when Chris leaps up... HITTING THE CRITICAL HIT ON RAMPARTE!

Connor: Chris just hit Theron's finisher on Ramparte!

Theron stares in shock as Chris covers, looking directly at Theron...

... 1
... 2
... 3!

Referee Akiyama signals for the bell, calling for the end of the match.

Anderson: Here are your winners... Theron Daggershield & Chris K.O.!

Cohen: Wow, what a statement made by the challenger using the champions finisher to win them the match! Chris looked directly in Theron's eyes to make sure he understood it.

Akiyama raises the hand of Chris KO (who celebrates the victory) and Theron Daggershield (still shocked by what just happened). KO gives Theron a smile and gives him a quick bro-hug before posing for the fans. Flex enters the ring, checking on Ramparte as Akiyama grabs the Eurasian championship. Akiyama goes over to Theron to hand it to him but Chris stops him, grabbing the belt instead. Theron is getting very suspicious of Chris who keeps hold of the title a little longer than normal, staring at it. Chris looks up at Theron and tells him something before handing it to him.

Connor: No bad intentions by Chris here tonight but he has certainly sent a message to Theron that he can definitely utilise Theron's finisher to win a match should the fans vote for the "Opponent's Finisher" stipulation.

Cohen: Yeah, look at the confusion and shock on his face. He can't believe it! He better take another look at his "friend" before Unscripted because Chris can easil-

Connor: Uh-oh, look out!

Flex is standing up and goes up to Theron & Chris who turn around, immediately going on guard. Ramparte is standing up using the ropes, keeping a close eye on the situation. No-one is sure what is going to happen until as the Tag Team champion looks down at the hand shaking his head, still annoyed by the recent loss. He looks away for a few seconds before extending out a hand. Chris nods and shakes his hand quickly, leaving the ring. Theron takes a few seconds to survey the situation before shaking hands as well. The crowd applauds the sportsmanship as Theron also leaves the ring. Theron looks towards Chris who is up the ramp and signals he will be coming hard for the championship.

Cohen: That was a strange turn of events. I haven't seen Flex offer a handshake to any opponent in a long time.

Connor: Last week, they attack Team Russia with a chair to cause a DQ to save their titles. This week, they offer a handshake to their rivals. Why the change of heart from Cerberus? Have they finally seen the error of their ways?

Cohen: I guess we're about to find out...

Flex quickly grabs a microphone from the outside and hesitates before addressing the crowd.

Flex: I know a lot of you have been wondering exactly where Cerberus stands on the spectrum of good and evil. One week we’re out here with the blessing of WZCW legend Everest and the next we’re cheating to retain our tag team titles. Now over the last year we’ve made it drastically clear that we could care less what people thought of our personalities and tactics, we were only ever after the success and glory that comes with being tag team champions. However, something has changed in Ramparte and I. We’re no longer in this business for the bragging rights we want to legitimately prove to all the naysayers and live up to the expectations of the supporters that we are indeed the best tag team on this planet.

The monsieur of muscle’s words get a mixed reaction from the crowd but the nonetheless he continues on.

Flex: Cerberus made Everest a promise, a vow that we would become better men than we were in the past which is why regardless of a win or loss tonight I shook hands with Theron and Chris. Now don’t get me wrong Daggershield I still despise you for taking away Eve’s Eurasian title but one thing I can wholeheartedly admit is that I respect you as a competitor. Two men I do not respect however are Victor Makarov and Oleg Rasputin. I’ll admit you boys are big, bad, and tough and if wasn’t for me and a steel chair then maybe just maybe you would have walked out of Russia champions. But if you truly believe that we were just going to hand these belts over to your soviet asses on a silver platter then you’ve got another thing coming.

The crowd begins to gel more with the words of the first head of Cerberus as Ramparte has begun to stand up without the use of the ropes.

Flex: I’m aware that earlier our tag title match at Unscripted is not only a No DQ match but also the fans can either choose to have your babysitter Freddie Fortune as the referee, or they can make it the final time Ramparte and I can challenge for the tag team titles. But I think there’s a third option that would be just as interesting: Everest being the special guest referee!

The fans erupt with cheers as Cerberus decides their stipulation for the tag title match.

Flex: That’s right Oleg and Victor; it’ll be certainly interesting if the man you two tried to destroy were suddenly in control of the most important match of your careers. But of course that all depends on what the fans decide to vote. I know Ram and I have done some very despicable things in our time here in WZCW and I wouldn’t be surprised if the WZCW universe stacked the odds against us by having Fortune be the ref or even voting us into what may be our final title match but I can guarantee that regardless of whether you feel we’re good guys or bad guys when you put any team up against the entity known as Cerberus you’re looking at the match that will steal the show.

The fans applaud Flex’s words of passion and honesty but they are quickly interrupted by the number one contenders to the tag team titles.


Team Russia appears on stage and they do not look to be happy.

Fortune: You stupid Americans truly believe every word he said don’t you? You imbeciles don’t realize he’s playing you like a fiddle. It doesn’t matter what stipulation these mindless drones pick because the fact remains that you’ve never beaten Team Russia and you never will. Hold onto those belts while you can because at Unscripted we’re taking them back to Russia.

The crowd boos Fortune’s words but become increasingly interested as Ramparte takes the mic away from Flex.

Ramparte: I’m not exactly a fan of public speaking but even I can’t resist telling you to shut the hell up. At Unscripted we’ll find out whether or not your boys are all hype or the real deal. But tonight all I want to do is cause you a lot physical pain. So either step into Cerberus’ ring or get the hell of out of my arena.

The crowd is fully behind Cerberus as Team Russia is hesitant to accept Ramparte’s offer for a fight but the pressure of the crowd causes them to immediately enter the ring and immediately begin trading blows with the champions. Victor overpowers an injured Ramparte into the corner while Oleg and Flex trade shots in the middle of the ring. Flex knees Oleg in the gut temporarily disposing of him before going over to help Ramparte but before he can Freddie Fortune delivers a low blow to Flex! Oleg immediately begins taking advantage as Team Russia stomps away on the champions.

: I love Cerberus and all but they asked for this beating.

The assault continues until an older looking man begins to sprint down the ramp. He looks quite dapper in a nice suit and at first he’s unrecognizable until the camera gets a close up revealing him to be Ramparte’s former butler Morley!

Connor: Ramparte’s butler?!

Morley slides under the bottom rope and immediately tackles Freddie Fortune and begins throwing shot after shot. Oleg and Victor look to each other confused at what’s transpiring but soon pull the old man off their manager and look to cause some damage before Ramparte hits a Book End on Victor and Flex hits a Deltoid of Destruction on Oleg. Fortune quickly scurries out of the ring and halfway up the ramp with a dazed and confused Team Russia as Cerberus and Morley celebrate in the ring with their championships. Meanwhile Team Russia stop dead in their tracks on the ramp as Everest walks on stage in a referee t-shirt laughing and cheering along with the fans.

Connor: The odds have seemingly evened for Cerberus against Team Russia tonight. Their butler has returned, Everest can potentially be there referee, and I never thought I’d say it but the support of the fans has lit under a fire under Cerberus we’ve never seen before.

Cohen: These are crazy times indeed Cat.

Cerberus continues to celebrate as they hold up Morley on their shoulders as Team Russia looks on furiously on the entrance ramp.


We cut to a shot of Cat Connor and Jack Cohen after the match.

Connor: Well, ladies and gentlemen, it is almost time for out main event! You have been tweeting and taking part all night in social media, with regards to who would be the mystery opponent for the Elite X Champion tonight.

Cohen: I want to know who it is!

Connor: Well, Jack, we are not too far away from the big reveal now. And let me tell you something, folks... It is not going to disappoint. Stick with us for a few minutes more and watch the lid blow off of this place...

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your main event of the evening. It is a non-title match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from the Lap Of Luxury, he is the Elite X Champion, ElegAnt!

ElegAnt comes out with his title around his waist. He is accompanied with Antfred and the two shake hands with everyone in the crowd. Each handing a nice gift to the fans.

Connor: Look at how giving ElegAnt is. He's set for a big challenge at Unscripted defending the title against multiple opponents as well as tonight's match. So who do you think the mystery opponent is, Jack?

Cohen: No clue. But I find it odd that the title is not on the line here. Why is this guy scared and not defending the title?

Connor: Well, because he was booked into this spot. It was not his choice.


Cohen: Showti- No, wait a minute!!

I think ElegAnt is familiar with this man!

Out of the smoke on the stage appears ElegAnt's mystery opponent. He poses for the crowd to an enormous pop.

Anderson: Your opponent, from Bollywood, India, he is VEEJAY!!

Connor: The hometown hero is here! What an ovation!

Veejay makes his way down the aisle hugging and saluting the energetic crowd. He grabs a mic as he enters the ring. ElegAnt looks on rather perplexed as Antfred leaves in the distance.

Veejay: I know you are confused, ElegAnt. I'm not here to open old wounds. I'm here to help my home and give them a great moment. I am donating all the money I make here tonight to the cause. To help in the reconstruction of our home. So that's more money if I win. ;) Now lets give the fans a good show.

Veejay stretches out his hand. And ElegAnt contemplates. But eventually shakes Veejays hand. The two break and get set for the match.

*Ding Ding Ding*

Jurou Akiyama has the bell rung as the two circle the ring. They lock up with ElegAnt taking over with a headlock. He takes his adversary down to the mat. But he's countered out of the headlock into a pin.



But ElegAnt kicks out. He gets back to his feet while still holding onto the headlock. But Veejay breaks the hold and Armdrags ElegAnt away. As the Elite X Champion gets back to his feet and runs, but Veejay hiptosses him down. He kicks ElegAnt in the back and hooks an Armlock to keep Elegant under his control. But the champion nips up and twists out of the hold to armbar Veejay. Elegant lays on the pressure as Veejay paces to the ropes. Jurou calls for the rope break and ElegAnt obeys. The two stare each other down waiting for their next move.

Connor: The two seem even to start things off even though Veejay has been out for while. It's an interesting dynamic here tonight given the tension these two had not that long ago.

Cohen: Veejay is putting any personal issue he has behind him for a bigger cause. Even I can respect that. I will gladly also donate money to the aid here.

Veejay goes for a Roundhouse Kick but Elegant ducks it. He springboards and hits an Elbow off it. Veejay staggers a bit. But comes right back with a Big Boot to knock down Elegant. He bounces off the mat into a seated position but Veejay takes quick advantage. Powering Elegant down and covering him.



3-But Elegant kicks out before the 3 comes down. Veejay maneuvers his way to Elegant's legs and hooks a Half-Boston Crab. Elegant scrambles quickly for the ropes. After some struggling he does, forcing Jurou to call for the ropebreak. Veejay takes a bit but he does break the hold with no consequence. He waits for Elegant to get back to his feet and stretches his hand out calling for a test of strength. Elegant seems perplexed at first, but also stretches out his arm and obliges. The two push on exchanging control. But Veejay manages to take control and sticks his head under Elegant's arm. Taking his foe down with a Northern Lights Suplex.



3-But Elegant manages to get out.

Connor: This is a far different match than what I would expect from these two. Very even, very back and forth.

You can't kick out old habits though, I notice Veejay is still quite aggressive. He clearly wants that win no matter what.

Both men quickly get back to their feet but Elegant takes quick advantage by hitting a Body Slam Splash. He hooks the leg for a cover, but Veejay gets out before even a 1 count. Veejay then sweeps the leg of Elegant to knock him down to take advantage. Elegant gets back up but Veejay catches him with a Full Nelson Slam. He hooks the leg but Elegant puts his foot under the rope. Jurou catches it as Veejay shows some frustration. Both men get back to their feet as Veejay stalks Elegant. He Fireman Carries Elegant, but the crafty ant slips out. Elegant hits a knee to Veejay's jaw to knock him down. He runs the ropes and hits a Lionsault for a cover.



3-But Veejay kicks out at 2. Now Elegant shows his own signs of masked frustration. He quickly slaps a Sleeper Hold on the seated Veejay. The crowd quickly cheers on Veejay who starts to get up. He twists his way out and hits a Crooked Arm Lariat to knock down Elegant. Veejay has to stop and catch his breath after all the high speed offense between the two.

Cohen: Elegant is showing that title win of his wasn't a fluke. He's showing some aggression here.

Connor: Pretty amusing. Veejay himself is showing some unseen characteristics of his own. Not that long ago he was quite the selfish man.

Veejay grabs Elegant for a Double Underhook Backbreaker but in midair, Elegant counters a manages to hook La Magistral. But Veejay gets out before 1. He charges and goes for the Night In Bollywood. But Elegant slips out and kicks Veejay down with a Bicycle Kick. He quickly hooks I Beg Your Pardon but before Jurou can ask if he submits, Veejay manages to nab the ropes. Elegant quickly lets go and tries to keep the offense but is caught in a Spinebuster by Veejay. He quickly plays to the crowd as Elegant staggers. He lifts Elegant on his shoulders but Elegant once again gets out. He hooks a Victory Roll, but Veejay counters it into his own roll.




Connor: He got it !!

Cohen: What a counter!!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Veejay!!

Elegant looks on surprised as the emotion pours out of Veejay realizing he managed to win the match. He asks the ref, but Jurou confirms it was in fact a 3. Jurou raises Veejays hand as Elegant stretches his hand out. But Veejay actually hugs Elegant. The two embrace in the middle of the ring as confetti begins to pour down into the ring. Elegant leaves to give Veejay the floor in celebration.

Connor: What a moment. To all those affected here by the earthquake, WZCW wants you to know. Loudly and proudly. We're with you.

Cohen: I gotta drop the attitude for a moment here, Cat. This is one of those moments that make me happy I work here. Knowing that we can make a difference and make people feel good even in the worst of times.


The lights suddenly go dark as the music plays. And out of the lone bright, smokey light emerges the #1 Contender to the World title. Dorian Slaughter. Who proceeds to approach the ring.

Cohen: Oh-oh. Here's another guy Veejay is familiar with.

Dorian defeated Veejay to earn the spot at Unscripted in the finals of Gold Rush. Both from the same rookie class.

Dorian approaches the ring and stares down the exhausted Veejay. The two stare each other violently as the tension builds but Veejay tries to exit not wanting to bother. But Dorian interferes. He corners his rival with an intimidating stare and Veejay shoves him off. However almost instantly, Dorian reacts and lays Veejay out with Death Becomes You. He looks to inflict more pain--


Matt sprints out to the ring from the crowd and leaps the barricade. Dorian backs away and out of the ring. Circling it rather than facing the champion. He bides his time as Matt checks on Veejay. He asks for a mic hurriedly with an angry look in his face as he drapes the World title.

Matt: You're a regular class act, aren't you? You ruin a perfectly fine moment for the hell of it. I know you're a stereotypical emo guy, but I'll f*ck*ng damned if I let you sh*t all over an important charity event just because you feel the need to brood. But you know what? You made a horrible mistake. And it's gonna cost you at Unscripted. You chose a Street Fight for your stipulation. You say its to your advantage? Really? Against the only 4 time Mayhem Champion WZCW history? Looks like you spent too much time reading your silly Death Notes, dude. Your loss. Now here's my stipulation. 20 Count. 2 out 3 falls. Seconds allowed. My choice is Lucha Rules! Show some passion and a pulse at Unscripted, because I don't want to hear excuses after I Deliver some Kung Fu Kickassery in Beijing. And good luck finding a second if that is the match chosen.

Matt's music plays as he helps Veejay up. He raises Veejays arm and drapes the World Heavyweight Championship over him. Dorian slowly leaves up the ramp. Matt and Veejay go around ringside embracing the fans as Dorian makes his way backstage. For a second, the camera pans to the back and Dorian speaks backstage.

Dorian: There's only one truth in life. Everything comes to an end.

Fade to black.

elegANT vs. ??? [non-title] - Killjoy
Team Russia vs. Kagura Ohzora & Eve Taylor - Spidey
Eternal Question vs. James Howard -Yaz
Vee A.D.Z. vs. Prince - Thriller
Dorian Slaughter vs. Garth Black - Dynamite
Cerberus vs. Theron Daggershield & Chris KO [non-title] - FalK
Elite X Qualifer: Super Boss Nova vs. Cassanova vs. Johnny Scumm vs. Nolan Ryder - Kermy

Plus we all did some segments.

Stay tuned for Unscripted biznatches!
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