Ascension 85

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again


The camera pans around the Caja Majica in Madrid, Spain where all the fans in attendance are in awe of the Steel Cage that has already lowered and put in place around the ring. The cameraman at ringside shows the height and thickness of the meshing of the cage before focusing on Aubrey Sloan who is inside the cage by herself, observing her surroundings in a very timid manner. She has a microphone in her hand.

Connor: Welcome everyone to Ascension being broadcast live in Spain. I'm Catherine Connor & I'm alongside Jack Cohen where we are both witnessing the stage for our main event later on tonight between Aubrey Sloan who is already in the ring; Eve Taylor; and Constantine for his Elite X championship.

Cohen: It is a daunting structure for someone as quiet and small as Aubrey but when you've stuck anyone inside a cage, they will easily come out of their shell... which is probably why Sloan has a microphone on hand. She's not exactly the type to give public speeches.

Connor: Well, being embroiled in a feud with a former friend can do that to a woman, Jack.

The commentators hush themselves as Aubrey looks to speak with the Ascension theme music quieting down as well. It takes a couple of seconds for Sloan to gather the courage to get the first words out of her mouth.

Sloan: I... The original intentions of coming to WZCW was only to fight and nothing else. I didn't come here to make any friends or to experience the world outside the community that this Steel Cage fittingly represents. Arrive. Fight Someone. Leave. That's it... until Eve Taylor came along.

Sloan pauses for a moment at the mention of the name.

Sloan: She came along and showed me that there was more to this world than fighting people. We travelled on the road together and for the first time, I made a friend; the sister I never knew. She pulled me to the top of the cage and allowed me to have a small taste of the wonders that were on the outside.

A small smile appears on Sloan's face for a brief moment before going back to her regular expression.

Sloan: Then she left. She let go of her grip and I began to fall back down into the cage once again... all because she found the newest flavour of the month, as they say. She picked me up with enough hope before letting me flounder... but I stayed afloat. Even though I was scared and my only friend abandoned me, I held on and managed to climb back to the top.

At that point, Aubrey looks up to the top of the cage for a couple of seconds before she begins ascending the cage. Despite her timidness, she quickly scales the steel sides in an impressive time and balances herself on the top, sitting on the edge as she looks out to the crowd. They cheer for her.

Sloan: My name is Aubrey Sloan and I'm not a push-over. I'm not that afraid little girl any more and tonight, I will show my bravery as I compete for the...


The crowd boos loudly as Eve Taylor's music cuts off Aubrey's speech, who looks over to the entrance. Eve comes out shaking her head and waging her finger with a smirk on her face. Sloan focuses on Taylor as she slowly walks down the ramp with a microphone in her hand.

Taylor: Oh my dear, Aubrey. You've interpreted this all wrong, just like you usually do. Let me help you clarify what you mean to say to this audience even though I'm quite sure if they actually speak English.

Indeed they do understand and begin booing Eve. She brushes it off and continues to smirk.

Taylor: You did have one thing correct, Aubrey: we were friends. We created a bond that I though we'd keep for a very long time, if not for life. We did travel together and you were almost like my own little road wife. We shared memories and moments... but then, this is where it starts getting lost in translation. You were the one who left me astray!

The crowd boos as Aubrey shakes her head, disagreeing.

Taylor: I went out to make new friends and expand my social circle with other respectable wrestlers on the roster such as Flex Mussel & Ramparte whilst you slithered away in the shadows, leaving me behind to pick up the pieces of our broken relationship. You broke my heart, Aubrey. I approached you; I trusted you... yet you were the one to leave and you sit up there putting all the blame on me, making me the bad guy?

Taylor has a look of disbelief as she makes it to ringside, looking directly up at Aubrey.

Taylor: How dare you place the weight of the world on my should-


The WZCW Elite X champion Constantine walks out in a very expensive suit and a newly-polished belt draped over his shoulder. The crowd boos even louder for the champ whilst Taylor looks annoyed at being cut-off whilst Sloan holds onto the top of the cage tightly in case of any shenanigans. Constantine brings up the microphone to his mouth.

Constantine: Ladies, ladies, ladies... the two of you might have some petty, unresolved partnership issues to take of but let's not forget the entire reason why the two of you are actually wrestling in the main event tonight.

Constantine holds up the title high in the air.

Constantine: That's right, my WZCW Elite X championship that currently sits at 3 successful title defenses. I'm only four more away from cashing this in to have a chance at the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. With tonight counting as 2 defenses, I will be heading into the biggest stage of them all, Kingdom Come, as the champion and walk out the next in line for the biggest prize in history. It will be the greatest Kingdom Come moment for the original member of the greatest stable in WZCW...

He smiles at the title before putting it down, giving a serious look to the two girls down at the ring.

Constantine: ... and I will not let the two of you, pathetic excuses for professional wrestlers, stop my glorious reign from coming to fruition. I might be stepping inside a cage but there will be nothing that will be able to stop me from walking out still the WZCW Elite X champion.

Constantine smirks at the two women, holding his championship up high. Sloan looks directly at the belt before turning her attention to Taylor on the floor who is constantly switching between her two opponents. The three stars mouth words to each other as they remain in their positions.

Connor: All three competitors in the main event tonight have come out to say their piece but will Constantine's prediction be the one that comes true tonight?

Cohen: He's already beaten Aubrey Sloan once before and Eve Taylor won't have any access to her Cerberus counterparts so there are slim chances of him losing tonight.

Connor: Well Constantine won't have the Elite to look after him neither and he is the only one in the match with something to lose, so the pressure is definitely on him. Aubrey looks focused and Taylor has become a whole another person so don't count them out so quickly.

Cohen: We'll see what happens in our Elite X championship match tonight.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Super Ladder Match Melee Qualifying match!


Anderson: Introducing first from Stephenville, Texas, this is "The Warblade" Theron Daggershield!!

Theron walks out of the curtain swinging his sword. He drops it on the floor setting off pyro and places the large, heavy looking sword on his back.

Connor: He says he's feeling it tonight! He rolled a 20!

Cohen: .......Who cares?

Connor: You're not feeling it.

Cohen: Feeling what?


Anderson: And his opponent, from Ise, Mie, Japan, Kagura Ohzora!

A technician is shown signally Kagura to walk out and head for the ring as she seems somewhat confused. She walks down the aisle reluctantly without Sasuke accompanying her.

Cohen: Is she lost or something? Where's Sasuke?

Connor: I think Kagura might be a tad confused without Sasuke. Travel conflicts somehow managed to separate the two and Sasuke is usually the one who helps her out.

Kagura enters the ring confused as referee James Aubrey rings the bell.

*Ding Ding Ding*

Kagura turns to look at the aisle trying to figure out what's going on. James Aubrey turns her over and points to Theron who looks on reluctantly. Aubrey tries to explain but Kagura just looks around confused. Theron goes over to give it a try. He says something and taps Kagura in the arm. She turns and goes from confused to very angry. Theron backs up defensively into a corner as Kagura yells at him in Japanese. She slaps Theron hard as the crowd groans from it.

Cohen: That'll get the match going.

Theron raises his face after the blow. His expression is dead serious now.



Theron covers! 1.......2......3!!!


Connor: Talk about impact! He knocked her silly!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Theron Daggershield!

Theron has his hand raised as he covers his face with the free hand. He looks on at the damage with a slightly concerned face as Kagura rolls out of the ring.

Cohen: Theron is ARMED for battle. That Critical Hit just came out of nowhere.

Connor: And it'll be a tremendous weapon to use at Kingdom Come when he challenges for the vacant Eurasian Championship.


We cut backstage to the Elite's locker room. Ty Burna and Steven Holmes are dressed in suits as Constantine stalks back and forth. Ty smokes an expensive looking cigar, and a glass of whiskey in hand as he watches Constantine pace. Holmes is sitting back with a glass of his own, when Ty clears his throat.

Ty: Constantine what are you worried about?

Constantine: I'm defending my Elite X Title, I don't even have to be pinned to lose this.

Holmes: And? Your opponents want to tear into each other first and foremost, just use that to your advantage.

Ty sets his cigar down and finishes his whiskey when the door suddenly opens, and Serafina walks in, dressed completely different in a business top and skirt, her hair tied up and wearing glasses. She holds a tablet as she looks to the three, Constantine and Holmes with slightly surprised looks on their faces. Ty simply smirks.

Ty: Gentlemen, I believe we are in need of someone to handle our matters. In fact she has already been busy securing exactly what we wanted.

Serafina: Right. First order of business. Constantine, I was told by Myles that the Elite should not interfere in your match tonight. Rather standard protocol, you would think the cage would be enough.

Constantine: I'll be just fine. I don't need help out there tonight.

Serafina: Precisely what I told Mr. Myles. Next, I believe it's time the Elite makes a statement tonight. Steven, your request was granted earlier by Mr. Bateman. I believe an announcement is in order, perhaps in a way that gets attention?

Steven looks to Ty and the two simply nod before turning back to Serafina.

Holmes: I believe we can accommadate that.

Serafina: Excellent. Now, is there anything else I can do for you three?

Ty: Another bottle of whiskey my dear, and perhaps a corner booth at the gentlemen's club this evening.

Serafina: Consider it done.

Serafina begins walking out, but stops and turns back to Ty.

Serafina: Oh and Ty, save some energy for me tonight dear.

She winks as she walks out as The Elite nod to each other, their machinations beginning to take form as we fade out.


We go backstage where Chris K.O. is seen talking to Steve.

Chris: I'm not really sure.....About three fifty.....Blue.....Man Steve you cray cray.

Just as he is finishing up, elegANT makes his way into the picture, his hands behind his back.

Chris: Are you ready for tonight? The tag team champs are no pushovers.

elegANT: I should say I am. I brought your Steve a gift.

The masked elegANT produces a replica of Steve, but fitted with a monocle and top hat.

Chris: Smashing!

Connor: It looks like elegANT and K.O. are on the same page. We find out next.
Anderson: The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall!


Chris KO and elegANT make their way out at the same time, Chris carrying his volleyball Steve, and elegANT carrying his version as well. The crowd cheers as the walk down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans before sliding into the ring, and both holding up their perspective volleyballs to another cheer from the crowd.

Anderson: Introducing first, the team of Chris KO and elegANT!

Cohen: Wha...seriously why the volleyballs!? I thought elegANT was an insect of taste!

Connor: Well I suppose it's to show unity in the team with Chris.

Cohen: It shows they're united in stupidity. This is exactly why Steven Holmes wants to prove a point to Chris.


Ramparte and Flex Mussel make their way out with the WZCW Tag Team Titles strapped around their waist. The crowd boos mercilessly as they walk down the ramp, mocking the crowd as they make their way to the ring. They walk up the steel steps and enter the ring slowly, holding up the WZCW Tag Team Titles up high into the air.

Anderson: And their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 410 pounds, the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Cerberus!

Connor: Well last night on Meltdown, Cerberus just showed how low they were willing to go, attacking Amber Warren after Flex proposed to her. She of course turned him down, but in the end she exited the arena on a stretcher, and we do not have any update on her condition.

Cohen: All she had to do was say yes Cat. It was destiny for her and Flex to be together. And that idiot El Califa faces down the prospect of going it alone again.

Referee James Aubrey calls for the bell as Chris KO and Ramparte start the match. They lock up in the center of the ring, battling for leverage, which Chris gains and applies a side headlock. Ramparte backs him into the ropes and sends him across, and Chris bowls him over off the rebound with a shoulder tackle. Chris backs up into the ropes and runs across, hopping over Ramparte before bouncing off. Ramparte surprises him with a flapjack however, dropping him face first onto the mat. Ramparte goes for the quick cover, 1..........................2....Chris kicks out. Ramparte pulls him up and delivers a few stiff shots before whipping him into the corner. Ramparte backs up and runs towards Chris but eats a foot to the face. Chris runs forward and connects with a big clothesline. Ramparte rolls over to this corner and looks up at Flex, who tags himself in. Chris points to elegANT, gaining a cheer from the crowd. Chris tags him in and elegANT hops over the ropes into the ring. He holds his hand out for a handshake, catching Flex off guard a bit. Flex raises his fists ready to fight, but elegANT insists on the handshake. Flex reaches out slowly and indeed shakes elegANT's hand, but pulls him forward for a clothesline. elegANT ducks under and goes for a La Magistral cradle, 1.......................2.............Flex kicks out!

Connor: A fine show of sportsmanship from the gentlemanly ant.

Cohen: This isn't a cocktail party, it's a wrestling match! Flex knows that and he tried to take advantage.

Flex is back to his feet quickly and swings wildly for a clothesline, but elegANT ducks under and before locking in and executing a collar and elbow suplex. elegANT rolls out out to the apron and springboards off the ropes, connecting with a senton to the downed Flex. elegANT goes for another cover, 1...................2............Flex kicks out. Flex rolls over to the corner and slowly pulls himself up, as elegANT sets up in the opposite corner. He rushes forward and goes for a big splash but Flex moves out of the way and the gentlemanly ant eats the top turnbuckle. He backs up wavering but walks right into a belly to belly suplex from Flex. He drags elegANT over to the corner and tags in Ramparte, who springboards off the ropes over Flex and delivers a brutal double stomp to the chest. Ramparte goes for the quick cover, 1.....................2..............elegANT kicks out.

Connor: Now the experienced tag team champions are showing they know exactly what to do in a tag match. Cut the ring in half and keep elegANT away from Chris.

Cohen: Cerberus is about to squash this pesky insect for good.

Ramparte stomps away on elegANT before delivering repeated knee drops to the face. He stands back up and places his foot right on elegANT's neck, while tagging in Flex again. Flex comes in as Referee Aubrey forces Ramparte off. Flex lifts up elegANT and looks to whip him across, but cuts him off with a short arm clothesline. He goes for the cover, 1.......................2..................elegANT kicks out! Flex yells at the referee before getting up and applying a half leg Boston Crab. He sits down on the hold as elegANT reaches out desperately towards the ropes, slowly inching his way across the ring. Flex however adjusts and pulls him back, but elegANT adjusts too and flips Flex over with his leg. elegANT slowly gets to his feet but runs across the ring and delivers a jumping knee lift! Both men fall flat to the mat as elegANT flips over to his stomach and begins crawling towards Chris who has his arm reached out desperately for a tag. Flex gets a tag in to Ramparte first however, and Ramparte rushes over and delivers forearms to the back of elegANT. He drags him back to the center of the ring. He begins repeatedly clotheslining elegANT, the masked ant growing more limp with each clothesline. Ramparte suddenly lifts him up and delivers a reverse throwing Death Valley Driver! elegANT hits the mat and flies out of the ring, as Ramparte tries to catch him to go for a pin.

Connor: elegANT had a glimmer of hope of getting Chris tagged in, but Cerberus was able to keep the punishment up.

Cohen: And now they have him right where they want him, down and on the outside next to their corner.

Ramparte tags Flex and he drops off the apron and picks up elegANT onto his shoulders. He falls backward with an Electric Chair, and elegANT's head bounces off the steel steps. elegANT holds the back of his head before Flex lifts him up and tosses him back into the ring. Flex follows up and goes for the pin, 1.....................2.............elegANT kicks out at the last second! The crowd begins cheering for elegANT, trying to will him over to his corner as Flex stands over him, mocking him endlessly. elegANT slowly crawls towards his corner, but Flex grabs his legs and drags him back to the center of the ring, and begins the Spin and Win! Around and around elegANT goes, but about five rotations in, elegANT slips his legs out as her reaches forward, wrapping his arm around Flex's head and spinning around, delivering a tornado DDT!

Connor: An unbelievable counter by elegANT!

Cohen: Flex doesn't know where he is! I'm not sure elegANT does either after those violent rotations.

elegANT sits up and looks towards the wrong corner before turning back to his corner, slowly crawling towards his corner. Flex is slower to move, but soon he makes his way to his corner. Chris reaches out desperately, and gets the tag as the crowd cheers loudly. He enters the ring as does Ramparte off the tag from Flex. Chris connects with a clothesline. Ramparte bounces off the mat and Chris connects with a spinning wheel kick, knocking the tag champion down. Flex gets back in the ring and is able to deliver a German Suplex, but before he can do more damage, elegANT comes flying in with a running crossbody, sending Flex and himself to the outside! Ramparte and Chris get up at the same time, and Ramparte goes for a springboard single arm DDT, but Chris holds onto him and delivers a clinching slam! He backs up into the corner instead of going for the pin, motioning for The Coconut Strike!

Connor: This is it! Chris has him right where he wants him!

Suddenly the crowd begins booing as Ty Burna runs down the entrance ramp and hops up onto the ring apron. Referee Aubrey tries to get him to leave, but the distraction is enough as Chris turns towards Ty, his eyes burning with anger as he begins walking towards him. Suddenly Steven Holmes slides in from behind and slams a chair right into the back of Chris's head! Ty keeps the ref's attention as Holmes lifts him up and delivers The Imperial Impaler! The damage done Ty drops off the mat as Holmes grabs the chair and disappears into the crowd quickly. Ramparte slowly gets to his feet and pulls Chris up, delivering The Cataclysm! He goes for the cover, 1.............................2....Flex is able to pulls elegANT away from the pin.......................3!

Anderson: Here are your winners, the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Cerberus!

Connor: The Elite stuck their nose into this match, and they cost Chris and elegANT the victory here!

Cohen: We heard from the Elite earlier, they were ready to make a statement here tonight, and now Chris knows exactly what he's dealing with here now.

Cerberus gets to their feet and their arms raised high into the air as elegANT checks on Chris. The camera cuts back to Ty standing on the entrance stage, Steven Holmes joining him. They clap mockingly as they watch the Tag Team Champions celebrate. As the Tag Team Champions exit the ring and walk past the Elite, Steven Holmes produces a microphone and stares right at Chris KO.

Holmes: Christopher, this is just a taste of the medicine you deserve. For you see, I have it on good authority with Vance Bateman, that my request has been granted. At Kingdom Come, I, Steven Holmes, shall show you what a true Elite is like! And that you simply do not belong in our vision of WZCW!

Holmes begins laughing as Ty slaps him on the back, the two looking on as Chris slowly comes to, letting the words soak in. The Elite turn and walk to the back, as elegANT slowly helps Chris to his feet.

Cohen: Steven Holmes isn't afraid to take matters into his own hands, and thanks to his genius, we have another match for Kingdom Come! Steven Holmes will take on Chris KO.

Connor: It appears Chris will have his hands full, as the Elite has shown to work in a pack mentality. And with those three dangerous individuals, he'll need eyes in the back of his head. Well ladies and gentleman, I'm told that we will have a special announcement from our Ascension General Manager Chuck Myles, coming up next!


We go backstage where Leon Kensworth is standing by with Theron Daggershield, who is holding his signature d20.

Kensworth: Theron, you just won a tough match to qualify for the Super Ladder Match Melee for the EurAsian title. How are you feeling?

Before he speaks, he rolls his dice.

Theron: Well Leon, just like my dice throws, my performance will be a critical hit!

With that Theron runs off, wildly flailing his arms in excitement.

Kensworth: Cat, Jack, back to you I guess.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Ascension General Manager, Chuck Myles!


The crowd applauds as Myles makes his way to the ring and takes a mic from a ringside attendant.

Myles: How is everyone tonight?

The crowd cheers in approval.

Myles: We have seen two great matches tonight and we still have a huge main event. Three men inside a steel cage!

Again the crowd roars their approval.

Myles: Now Kingdom Come Six is just around the corner and we already have some great attractions and even better matches lined up. Who wants to see Matt Tastic take on The Beard to earn the right to call themselves the true WZCW Heavyweight Champion? Who is ready for a high flying, hard hitting ladder match for the EurAsian title?

The crowd gets hotter and hotter with each announcement.

Myles: In an effort to keep bringing you the best action possible, I have gotten together with my fellow GMs Vance Bateman and Becky Serra...

The crowd boos and Chuck can't help but crack a smile.

...and next week from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, we will be bringing you the latest installment of WZCW SuperShow! Not only that, but Ty Burna will be in action against a mystery opponent!

The crowd cheers wildly at this announcement.

Myles: Now Ty has been hassling me all night, but given his recent actions I think making Mr. Burna suffer a little is in order. Let's just say this match was a special request and one that Mr. Banks was more than happy to request.

The crowd continues to cheer as Chuck looks up to the steel cage hanging overhead.

Myles: Now if you guys will excuse me, I've got a big TV, a brand new couch, and a giant churro waiting for me in my office while I watch this brutal match coming up.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a steel cage match scheduled for one fall and it is for the WZCW Elite X Championship! You may win by pinfall or submission, or by escaping the cage with both feet hitting the floor.


Introducing first, representing Cerberus, weighing in at approximately 125lbs, Eve Taylor!

The crowd boos as Sloan makes her way onto the stage. She waves to the fans, almost looking shocked that they would boo her. She gracefully climbs into the cage through the door and awaits her opponents.

Cohen: I can't wait for this Cat. A good old fashion steel cage match. Its like Thunderdome, except three men enter and only one can leave.

Connor: I can't say I'm surprised at your enthusiasm Jack. This could get ugly given the personal issues between Taylor and Sloan. You'll remember it was only one week ago that Sloan cost Taylor the title by attacking her.


And now making her way to the ring, from Los Angeles California, weighing in at 155lbs, Aubrey Sloan!

The fans cheer for Sloan as she makes her way on stage. She ignores the cheers, her focus one hundred percent on Taylor. Anticipating trouble, referees Jurou Akiyama and Keith Morse make Aubrey wait on the outside of the cage as Eve taunts her from inside.

Connor: I don't envy Jurou Akiyama being inside the cage tonight, as things could quickly get out of hand given the issues I mentioned earlier.

Cohen: What better way to settle your differences than a nice slugfest inside a few hundred pounds of chain link fencing?


And the champion, from Washington, D.C., representing The Elite, weighing in at 265lbs, ladies and gentlemen he is the reigning defending WZCW Elite X Champion, Constantine!

The crowd boos heavily as the champ makes his way onto the stage. He takes his time, methodically walking down the ramp while admiring his gold. He gets to the ring and places both hands on the cage and shakes it, as if testing it somehow. He climbs through the door and holds his title belt up high to one last round of boos from the audience.

Cohen: Is there a finer example of power in our company than The Elite? Only the best of the best get to bestow that title upon themselves, and John Constantine is one of those men.

Connor: Constantine is a fine champion, no doubt about that, but tonight he will have to do it on his own. No help from his stable mates as he tries to defend his title in what will be his stiffest test to date.

Referee Keith Morse finally allows Aubrey inside the cage and closes the door behind her. He signals Jurou that the door is locked and the veteran referee calls for the bell and the match is underway. Immediately Taylor singles out Constantine, likely ignoring her beef to take on the bigger threat and starts to throw hard rights, backing him into the corner. Constantine rakes the eye though and reverses position, and begins to hammer away with short shorts. While this is going on Aubrey takes a look around and starts to slowly creep toward the door, ordering the ref to open it. She is able to get her upper body out the door before both Taylor and the champ drag her back inside. The champ throws a couple of right hands before he drags her to the corner and slams her head first into the top turnbuckle.

Cohen: I hate to admit it, but credit where credit is due. Sloan almost literally walked out of this match as the new Elite X champion.

The champ hammers away, until Taylor comes up and hits a clubbing blow across the champ's back. She takes the champ down with a judo throw near the ropes and uses them to choke the champ. The two females temporarily put aside their issues as Sloan walks over and the two Irish whip the champ to the corner. Sloan charges and hits a running knee to the gut. Taylor quickly turns though and attacks with a dropkick to the back. Sloan falls to a knee and Taylor kicks away, softening up her foe with shots to the arms and flank. Sloan tries to fight back to her feet, but the kicks continue, backing her into the corner. The stiff kicks continue until Taylor drags Sloan to the center of the ring and using her long arms and legs, locks in an abdominal stretch. She wrenches on the hold as Constantine stirs in the far corner. As he approaches, he locks an abdominal stretch onto Eve! A triple abdominal stretch!

Connor: I don't think I have ever seen anything like this before in my entire career!

The ref is checking on the competitors, asking if anyone wants to submit. "NO NO NO" is all that can be heard as both Eve and Sloan scream in pain. Finally Eve is able to hip toss Constantine over to break the hold on herself, but Sloan is able to counter with a hip toss of her own. The three competitors stumble around before they come to a standoff, putting them back at square one. Constantine looks to be mouthing something to Aubrey, as if to form a partnership. She shakes her head and the two approach Taylor. Constantine however quickly turns on the youngster and Taylor and Constantine start to hammer away, backing her into the corner. Once she is down, Taylor turns on Constantine with a kick to the back. She ties him up and uses short punches and foot stomps to back him into a corner. She goes to Irish whip him across the ring, but he reverses and Eve hits the corner hard. A big clothesline from the champ follows and the crowd voices their displeasure. During the commotion, Sloan has managed to get to her feet and partially climb the cage, standing on the top rope, holding the fencing. With Taylor down, the champ grabs a hold of Sloan's leg, preventing her from advancing further up the cage. The two struggle until Eve drags herself to her feet and grabs the other leg and they pull Sloan back to the canvas. Constantine again asserts himself by going on the offensive against Taylor. He headbutts the former model and drags her to the corner. He attempts to ram the head of his opponent into the buckle, but Eve gets a foot up to block and instead knocks the champ's head into the cage before she scrambles for the door. Constantine is on her, tripping her up, but Eve crawls, actually dragging the larger Constantine with her as she tries to get out the door. Aubrey begins to stand and quickly regains her wits enough to help the champ pull her rival back into the ring as the outside ref closes the door back.

Connor: This match, technically is every man and woman for themselves, but as we have seen, you have to know when to pick your spots.

Cohen: I like what Constantine is doing though. He forms allegiances just long enough to get what he wants, then turns. That political background is coming in handy.

The two start to stomp away on Eve, Sloan looking to take particular pleasure in it. The alliance continues as Constantine drags her to her feet and holds her with her arms behind her back. Sloan takes a few steps back and then charges before connecting with a running knee. Eve falls and tries to crawl to the ropes, but Constantine takes the opportunity to lock on a choke hold with the rope. Aubrey follows the lead and lifts Eve's legs, pulling her off the ground and increasing the pressure. Constantine seems to be taking the lead as he instructs Aubrey to lift Eve to her feet. The two then throw Eve hard into the steel. As Constantine starts to stomp away at the downed Eve, Aubrey seems to request a move of her own. Constantine nods and drags Eve to her feet. He throws her to the ropes and hits a hard punch to the midsection off the rebound. As she is doubled over, Sloan hops to the second rope and jumps to connect with a hard elbow to the back of the head. Sloan gives a thumbs up, but Constantine connects with a hellacious lariat that knocks Sloan to the ground.

Cohen: That's why Constantine is champ. He picks his spots.

Connor: Sort of unsportsman like though.

With Sloan down, Constantine stomps away as she crawls to the corner. The champ begins to climb the cage, but Taylor is up and pulls him down. He lands on his feet, but the two quickly turn their attention to the stirring Sloan. They both share a nod and double Irish whip Sloan across the ring and take her down with a double clothesline. Constantine takes a minute to catch his breath as Eve looks to lock on The Wardrobe Malfunction. She locks it in and Sloan is in trouble! The champ is quick to break it up though and save his title. Eve seems upset that Constantine would break up the hold, and the two begin to trade blows. Constantine throws power rights and lefts, while Eve mixes in quick shots with sharp kicks. Finally Constantine goes down when Sloan rolls over and sweeps his legs from under him. The two dangerous divas then decide to put the boots to the champ. The two stop stomping away long enough for the champ to get to his feet. A hard martial arts chop puts him back to a knee though and the crowd cheers for Sloan. Sloan and Taylor then whip Constantine across the ring and drop him off the rebound with a double backdrop, before they follow it up with a double elbow drop.

Connor: You know Sloan and Taylor make a pretty good team. Its a real shame they hate each other.

Sloan walks over to the nearest turnbuckle and starts to talk strategy with Eve, who is getting the champ to his feet. She Irish whips him to the corner and Sloan uses the ropes to lift herself and deliver a couple of boots to the sternum. Constantine stumbles around as Eve stalks him. She tries to grab him from behind, but a reverse kick to the baby maker stops Eve dead as the crowd lets down a very audible "oooohhh!" Sloan panics and charges, but Constantine uses her momentum to throw her face first into the steel cage. Just as he turns around, he eats a Supermodel Kick from Eve, who appears to have shaken off the snatch shot. Sloan stumbles over and the two females catch the champ by surprise with an Irish whip. Sloan doubles over for a backdrop, but Constantine connects with a DDT. Before he is able to capitalize however, Taylor connects with a side kick. She throws the champ to the ropes and looks for a clothesline, but Constantine ducks and connects with a lariat of his own so vicious that Taylor flips in midair before hitting the mat. Sloan uses the ropes to pull herself to her feet, but runs into a big back breaker. With both Sloan and Taylor down side by side, Constantine climbs to the turnbuckle and climbs to the top. In a rare display, the two hundred sixty pound champ decides to fly and connects with an impressive double elbow drop. The crowd can't help but cheer the display.

Cohen: It looks like my man is finally able to get some momentum. Look for it to be over soon Cat.

Connor: Both ladies are down and appear to be in trouble indeed.

The champ begins to ascend the cage and makes it to the top before Taylor gets to her feet and uses her height to grab a leg and hold him in place long enough for Sloan to enter the fray and they start to pull the champ back inside. Constantine manages to kick Aubrey back to the mat, and she rolls away, but he loses his balance and Eve pulls him back in and manages to crotch him on the top rope in a bit of revenge.

Cohen: Every guy in the audience just felt that.

Sloan and Taylor take a moment to catch their breath, before they go after each other. Sloan tries to stay on the outside and use her martial arts kicks to inflict damage, but Taylor uses her length to close the gap and the two tie up. Eve secures a side headlock, but Aubrey slips out the back and connects with a reverse suplex. She gets back to her feet, but turns right into the Axis of Evil! Constantine makes the cover!

And Taylor breaks up the pin, saving the match. A running reverse elbow puts Constantine down and chants of "Taylor sucks" begin to break out, angering Eve. The distraction from the crowd pays off and Constantine is quickly back on his feet and chop blocks the unsuspecting Eve. He takes her to the corner and begins to hammer away with big right hands. He throws her across the ring. He taunts her, as she stumbles out and he looks for Collateral Damage. Eve slips out the back though and connects with a Russian leg sweep. Eve looks fired up, having used the champ's momentum against him. With Constantine down she locks on the Wardrobe Malfunction! Constantine yells out in pain, but Sloan breaks it up with a low dropkick to the head of Taylor. With both Constantine and Taylor down, Sloan looks to climb the cage as the crowd cheers her on.

Connor: Go girl go!

She slowly but surely gets to the top and is straddling the cage when Constantine finally gets to his feet and gives chase, grabbing a leg. Sloan fights back however and manages swing herself outside the cage. Constantine, in an act of desperation, grabs the hair of Sloan, who yells in pain as Constantine is simply overpowering Sloan and pulling her hair first back into the ring. Sloan starts to throw elbows to break the grip of the champ. Taylor begins to make her way to the top of the cage, and now all three competitors are on or near the top of the cage. The two on the inside pull Sloan back to the top, then Constantine quickly turns on Taylor and slams her headfirst into the top of the cage, sending her crashing to the floor. The small distraction is all Sloan needs though and she shoves Constantine to the floor, leaving her all alone at the top of the cage as the crowd goes wild.


The crowd gets to the naive youngster, who instead of climbing down, stands on top of the cage. She signals to the fans and leaps off looking to splash the champ, but Constantine rolls out of the way at the last second!

Cohen: My God, Sloan just crashed fifteen feet to the mat!

Akiyama immediately slides over to check on Sloan, who appears to be out cold, face down. Constantine tries to get to his feet, but notices blood dropping from his forehead and falls back to the ground. Taylor tries to crawl to the ropes, and orders the ref to open the door. She uses the ropes to pull herself along, before she tries to crawl out the door. She is stopped however by someone grabbing onto her foot. By some minor miracle, it isn't Constantine, but instead it is Sloan who has somehow come to and is doing her best to keep Eve inside the ring. Eve has her hands on the floor, trying to crawl. She is being pulled back into the ring and desperately grabs the ring apron. She tries to pull herself out, flailing her arms. She manages to find a chair under the ring and allows herself to be pulled back in the ring, chair in hand. She kicks Sloan away before getting to her feet. She runs at Sloan and swings, but Sloan ducks leaving Eve to connects only with the cage. Sloan knocks the chair from her hand before she sets up and hits a butterfly suplex. She then grabs the chair and waits for Eve to get to her feet. She uncorks a Ruthian swing right to the skull of Taylor. Eve collapses and Sloan points to the top of the cage and begins to climb as the crowd goes wild. Taylor is out and Constantine is barely stirring as Sloan gets to the top of the cage. Just as she swings her leg over, Constantine drapes an arm over the lifeless Taylor.

One! Aubrey swings her leg over the cage!
Sloan begins to climb down the cage! Two!
Three! Sloan's feet hit the ground!

The ref calls for the bell.

Anderson: Here is your winner and still WZCW Elite X Champion! Constantine!

Sloan collapses on the outside, almost in tears as she hears the official announcement. Constantine uses the ropes to get to a knee, blood still dropping from his face thanks to the steel cage. The ref hands him his belt, as the crowd unleashes a steady stream of boos.

Cohen: What a match! And Constantine successfully retains his Elite X title.

Connor: What heartache for Sloan, who thought she had it. Regardless, Constantine is one step closer to that magic number. What an exciting night here on Ascension. For Jack Cohen, I'm Cat Connor. Good night!

The lasting image as the copyright info flashes on screen is a distraught Aubrey Sloan and a bloodied Constantine holding his title high.
Crizzy Crizzedits:

Falk: Opening
Ty: Tag Team Match, segment
KJ: Theron vs. Ohzora
Yazzy: Elite X Title match, segments

Hope you guys enjoy. Look for Aftershock tomorrow. Rep these fine folks. But not Killjoy, he stole my burrito. I also clop to JoMo's abs.
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