Ascension 66

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW













There is a large grandfather clock in what appears to be a musty old gym. Standing next to it is a man in a hooded sweatshirt. He keeps his head down with a microphone in his hand. The ticking of the clock is echoing throughout the gym. There is an eerie feeling between each tick. We see the camera show various shots of dead-weights, punching bags, and training mats. Then we return to a shot of the clock.

???: 26 days.

*Tick tick tick*

???: 13 hours.

*Tick tick tick*

???: 25 minutes.

*Tick tick tick*

???: And 58 seconds.

*Tick tick tick*

???: That is how long it will take until the event comes where I regain the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

Drake Callahan pulls back his hood and reveals his face.

Drake: Time is not on Steven Holmes' side, nor is it David Cougar's for that matter. In fact, I bet both of them wishes that they could stop time. They both wish they could cherish the moment they are in. Holmes with the belt he will surely lose come Kingdom Come, and Showtime who is slowly fleeting out of the spotlight. Well they can't.

*Tick tick tick*

Drake: From day one, all I ever wanted was the dues that I have earned. I learned that only one man can fulfill that want, and it is myself.

*Tick tick tick*

Drake looks down at the floor and then up at the clock.

Drake: A lot can happen between now and then. Who's to say that Showtime doesn't tweak his leg tonight during our match? Or who's to say that Steven Holmes doesn't get cleared to wrestle for Kingdom Come? Only one thing is a constant at this point. That is the fact that Drake Callahan is the 2013 Lethal Lottery winner and he has a guaranteed spot in the main-event of Kingdom Come V. There is no stipulation or injury that will keep me from walking into that event and walking out as a two-time WZCW World Heavyweight Champion.

Drake pauses.

Drake: But let's talk about tonight. The seconds in-between now and then. Tonight, I meet my greatest foe once again. A man who I-

Drake stops for a moment again.

Drake: A man who I have beaten for the WZCW World Championship. A man who has beaten me... It's time for the next round David. It's time to get put on your back once more.

*Tick tick tick*

Drake: We have business to attend to. Just remember Showtime-

*Tick tick tick*

Drake: Time is almost up. For Holmes-

*Tick tick tick*

Drake: And for you.

The screen goes black.















Pyros shoot off in the arena as the crowd roars in anticipation.

Connor: Well, we are back ladies and gentlemen after that very unorthodox beginning to the show. Drake Callahan making it known that Steven Holmes and David Cougar's time is coming to a close. But first, a notch in the clock as Callahan takes on Showtime in singles action for our main-event. More on that later, we have a match coming up right now!

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Cheers arise from the crowd as the recently turned good guy Derek Jacobs walks out onto the stage, feeling pumped about his upcoming match as he looks around the arena, nodding his head to those that give him support.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 285 pounds, he is Dr. Pain: Derek Jacobs!

Connor: I feel sorry for Jacobs; he's a man who got brainwashed by the Altar and wishes to gain some payback over what they've done to him yet those that fight with the same cause of taking down the group are untrustworthy of him and have a rocky relationship at best.

Cohen: Yes but think of what Jacobs has done to Strikeforce when he was a member - no amount of apologises can reverse the past and no matter how hard Jacobs tries, Mikey & James are always going to view him as a member of the Altar.

Connor: Yes but with what's happened recently, I can't imagine why there are still trust issues between them all. The more guys willing to help out Mikey, the better chance they have to stand up to the Altar.

Derek Jacobs walks down the ramp and gets into the ring, holding up his hand before patiently waiting for his opponent and newly-debuting superstar to make his way down the ramp.


The crowd doesn't know how to react as the currently-unknown superstar's theme music hits the speakers with strobe lights flashing throughout the arena.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing 220 pounds, David Whitman!

There is a small cheer as the music continues to play but seemingly, nobody comes out. Derek Jacobs and the referee, James Aubrey, look at each other with a confused look on their faces as they continue to wait.

Cohen: Where is this guy? Did someone tell him his debut was tonight?

Suddenly, a figure walks out onto the ramp wearing a hoodie and pants; commonly referred to as the silent, mysterious hooded individual who has recently associated himself with the Sacrificial Altar. Derek Jacobs goes from a placid state to a more alert one as he stares at the man who has come out to the music.

Connor: What's he doing out here? Don't tell me he's taken out the new guy!

The hooded individual walks down the ramp and makes his way to ringside as Aubrey does his best to calm Jacobs down, keeping him in his corner. The individual steps into the ring and remains standing still for a while, staring at Jacobs' direction whilst his face is unable to be seen. As the music dies down, the referee tells the individual that he must remove his item of clothing to confirm who he is. After a few seconds pass, the individual unzips his hooded jacket and removes his hood, who is instantly recognised by Jacobs and the crowd.

Connor: That's the same guy who attacked Ricky Runn last week and got chased down by Derek Jacobs! Is... is he David Whitman?

Referee James Aubrey hears something quick over his earpiece and nods, informing Jacobs and to the camera that it is David Whitman, signalling for the bell as Jacobs goes to pounce on Whitman but he throws the jacket at his face, catching Jacobs off-guard.

Whitman runs at Jacobs whilst he is distracted, jumping up and knocking him down with a direct elbow to the head of Jacobs that causes him to fall to the ground. Whitman quickly pounces on Jacobs, using the jacket as a way to blind the bodyguard and attack Jacobs with strike after strike as the crowd boos the display. Jacobs manages to push Whitman away and throw the jacket out of the ring, trying to recover himself but Whitman runs at Jacobs as gets up. He goes for another attack but Jacobs manages to throw Whitman over the top rope but Whitman manages to hang on to the top. Jacobs tries to take out Whitman with a big boot but Whitman lowers the top rope, causing Jacobs to get caught on the top rope. Whitman manages to get in a couple of shots but Jacobs' reach is able to push Whitman off the apron. He lands on his feet as Jacobs continues to struggle getting his foot free as it he is caught in an awkward position. Whitman slides underneath the bottom rope and grabs onto both of Jacobs' arms and tries to lock in a straight-jacket submission, being successful for a couple of seconds before Jacobs' uses his strength to throw Whitman forward, sending him to the outside one more but Whitman crashes on the ground instead of landing on his feet. Jacobs finally gets unstuck and exits to the outside, going after a recovering Whitman who pleads for Jacobs not to do anything. As Jacobs gets close, Whitman jumps up and delivers a dropkick to the knees of Jacobs, sending him to the ground. He gets behind Jacobs and hits an inverted DDT onto the outside. The referee's count continues to climb but Whitman does not care, looking to add further punishment as he grabs the arms of Jacobs once again and locks in the straight-jacket submission on the outside. Whitman refuses to let go and get in the ring whilst Jacobs refuses to tap out. Eventually, the referee hits the count of 10 and he has no choice but to signal for the bell.

The crowd boos heavily for the disappointing match result but the submission on the outside still continues.

Cohen: A double count-out loss for both men but it looks like Whitman doesn't give a damn.

Connor: He's out here to put as much damage on Jacobs as possible before the Kingdom Come encounter - if the Altar can ensure that Jacobs isn't 100% for the match, they'll guarantee an easier win... but why isn't anyone out here to stop him?

The referee goes to the outside and tries to stop the submission. Whitman doesn't take too kindly to the referee interfering and lets go, allowing the referee to tend to Jacobs as he begins gasping for air. Whitman isn't finished however as he grabs a steel chair from the announcer's desk, looking to use it on the fallen Jacobs despite the pleads from the referee not to do so. As Whitman prepares to make the hit, the crowd can be heard screaming loudly as Ricky Runn, dressed in his new fashion of clothing, runs down the ramp without tripping, slides into the ring canvas-burn free and manages to dive over the ropes, crashing into Whitman who sees the flying man at the last second. The crowd cheers loudly as Runn picks up Whitman and tosses him towards the barricade, throwing him into the crowd whilst taking out a few ringside workers and a camera man in the process. The crowd cheers for Ricky as he is impressed with himself that the save went well.

Connor: Finally, someone to save Jacobs.

Cohen: Jacobs helped Runn last week and it was time for Runn to repay the favour. Apart from a few WZCW staff being taken out by Ricky, he was actually successful in helping Jacobs.

Ricky carefully treads over to the timekeeper's table and slowly picks up the microphone, making sure nothing bad happens. He looks directly at Whitman as he slowly recovers.

Ricky: Whitman! You have attacked me, you've been apart of the Sacrificial Altar's attacks against my friends and most of all, you are not even wearing a designer label hoodie! You are not fly and as a proud hi-flier, I cannot simply allow you to get away with this! I want you in a match at the supershow!


The crowd begins to boo as the General Manager of Ascension makes his presence felt in the arena, walking out on stage with a microphone in hand.

Bateman: I'm sorry Ricky but I cannot allow such a match to occur on the supershow as we have much bigger plans for the two of you already set in motion. At the supershow, there will be two gauntlet matches happening in preparation for Kingdom Come. One of them will involve Mikey Stormrage taking Mason Westhoff, D.C & our newest superstar, David Whitman... and the other, will have James Howard, Derek Jacobs and yourself Ricky taking on the Grand Mystique. That match you want with David Whitman will have to wait.

The crowd cheers as Runn and the recovering Jacobs have no idea what to think about these matches. Whitman doesn't seem to care too much as he wonders into the crowd, looking to exit before the Calvary shows up.

Connor: Two big matches announced for the supershow but much like Runn & Jacobs, these matches seem questionable.

Cohen: If you don't like them CC, you can take it up with the bosses. Apparently, the Board of Directors seem to think that this is the best course of action.

Connor: For what? Chaos? There is going to be nothing but chaos at the supershow.


Sandy Deserts is shadow boxing backstage in preparation for her match later tonight when she is approached by Thrash.

Thrash: Hey Sandy, do you have a minute?

Sandy: For you, Thrash, I have two.

Thrash: Heh, thanks. Look, I know you’re a “do whatever it takes to win” type of wrestler, and I respect that, but this Dr. Zeus guy… he’s got more than a couple of screws loose.

Sandy: You don’t say.

Thrash: Well, anyway… I just wanted to throw it out there that maybe we should stick together. You know, try to take out Zeus before he takes us out.

Sandy takes a deep breath before replying to Thrash.

Sandy: Here’s what’s going to happen, Thrash: I’m going to go out there, and I am going to kick the rhyme out of Dr. Zeus’ mouth. I am going to beat him into the mat until you don’t know where Zeus ends and the canvas begins. If you want to help, stay out of my way, because if you don’t… I cannot guarantee your safety.

Sandy walks off, leaving Thrash standing wide-eyed and slightly terrified.

Connors: It looks like Sandy Deserts isn’t taking Dr. Zeus lightly! Thrash, Sandy Deserts, Dr. Zeus, it’s a triple threat and it’s next!
Anderson: The following contest is a triple threat, and it is scheduled for one fall!


Thrash walks onto the stage without his signature smile that has been known to ignite WZCW crowds everywhere.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Las Vegas, WZCWs Rocking Superstar...Thraaaash!

The rock and roller takes a nervous gulp before he starts down the ramp, but with each step and the love and admiration of the WZCW crowd, Thrash seems to be gaining more and more confidence.

Connors: Thrash usually comes out here without a care in the world. What do you think is going through his head, Jack?

Cohen: I’ll tell you what’s going through his head: he’s terrified, and rightly so. He’s about to get into the ring with two monsters, and he’s afraid for his life.

Thrash slides into the ring and leans against the ropes, waiting for the next opponent to enter.


Anderson: Now making her way to the ring, from The Night's Watch, weighing 143 pounds, "The Sandman," Sandy Deserts!

Sandy walks out on the stage and flashes a manic smile at the audience, her eyes wide and her brows impossibly twisted… but in an instant she wipes that freakish look from her face and gives the audience a wink. She whips out her bag of sand and blows a few golden flakes into the air before putting her bag away and beginning down the ramp.

Connors: Looks like Sandy is having some fun, possibly poking some fun at Dr. Zeus even.

Cohen: Have you ever heard the term, “poking the bear,” CC? Well Sandy Deserts is poking a beast far worse than a grizzly, and I’m not convinced that the Sandman has what it takes to slay that beast.

Sandy doesn’t seem to share Cohen’s concerns as she hits the ring smiling. She hops on a turnbuckle and points to her supporters before hopping down and jumping up and down to prepare her body for the match.


The lights go dim before they start to flicker, and the entire WZCW universe gets the uneasy feeling in their stomachs that accompanies the entrance of WZCW’s newest, and scariest doctor.

Anderson: And finally, making his way to the ring, from Portland, Oregon, weighing 265 pounds, The Good Doctor Zeus…

Anderson doesn’t stick around in the ring as Dr. Zeus is already making his way down the ramp, hospital bed in tow. He parks his prop next to the ring before rolling into the ring and locking eyes with Sandy Deserts. He begins walking towards her in an emotionless manner. Sandy just watches as he approaches, but as he gets within a few feet of her and raises his hand to strike, Sandy reacts with a quick elbow.

The ref calls for the bell, but the contest has already begun. Zeus staggers backwards, but then continues to walk towards Sandy. Sandy pushes him back with another elbow, once again staggering Zeus’s progress, but he again continues to walk back!

Connors: What on earth…?

Sandy fends Zeus off once more with an elbow, but as Zeus staggers backwards he bumps into Thrash. Zeus turns around but is immediately hit with a barrage of fists, elbows, and chops from the rockin’ superstar. Thrash continues this flurry of offense until Zeus is backed into a corner. Thrash takes a few steps back before he runs at the cornered Dr. Zeus, but Zeus is quick to roll out of the way and Thrash crashes into the turnbuckle causing a lot of pain to his sternum.

Dr. Zeus is through with Thrash and again turns his attention to Sandy, but Sandy was already prepared for Zeus. Sandy runs up and hits Zeus with a dropkick to the knee bringing her opponent to a kneel. Sandy runs backwards and springs off the ropes, charging back at Zeus, but right as Sandy goes for the second drop kick Zeus stands up and gets out of the way. Sandy wipes out and is quick to get back to her feet, but she finds herself in Zeus’ clutches. Zeus locks her into a cobra clutch, and then hoists her into the air while falling backwards to hit a cobra clutch suplex! Zeus crawls over to make the pin.




Thrash dives onto the pinfall with an axehandle to break the count. Zeus quickly rolls to his feet and stares down Thrash. Thrash’s eyes widen as he knows he’s in it now, but he doesn’t delay before throwing himself into battle with the good doctor. Thrash spins and hits a back kick that pushes Zeus back, and Thrash uses his spinning momentum to turn around and throw a forearm at Zeus’s head. The forearm catches Zeus in the temple and the doctor drops to his knees, dazed and confused. Thrash knows that Dr. Zeus is as resilient as he is disturbed, so he doesn’t waste time to run a big boot into Zeus’s face. Zeus is flat on his back and wiped out, and Thrash makes the cover.




Connors: Thrash seems to have swallowed his fears regarding Dr. Zeus and has decided to go after his opponent, and he’s doing so with a certain degree of success!

Cohen: I hope Thrash is pleased with his temporary victory, because if Blade doesn’t have what it takes to finish off Dr. Zeus, I doubt Thrash does.

Thrash is back on his feet and waiting for Zeus to rise, but Zeus is taking his sweet time to stand up. Zeus is finally up right, and Thrash takes a run at Zeus, grabbing his neck, looking for a running neckbreaker. Thrash twists the neck, but Zeus rolls right out of it. Thrash spins around and Zeus takes advantage of the temporary break, hitting Thrash with a paralyzing throat thrust. The sound of his strike resonates throughout the arena, and the crowd groans at the sickening impact. This doesn’t stop Zeus from landing another throat thrust on Thrash, and Thrash drops to a knee, grabbing his throat in pain. Zeus grabs Thrash by the hair and throws him in between the top and middle ropes so that the rocker’s throat is caught right above the middle rope. The crowd looks on in horror as Zeus plants his foot into the back of Thrash’s neck, effectively choking the fan favorite. The ref comes over to count.




A strong hand grabs Zeus’ shoulder and spins him around. As Zeus spins his elbow catches the nearby ref in the cheek, and the ref grabs his face in pain. This leaves the ref blind to see Sandy Deserts blow golden glitter into the face of Zeus.

Connors: Dr. Zeus has been blinded by the Mists of Rheum, and the referee is never the wiser to what just happened!

Zeus is helpless as Sandy pummels him with fists and elbows. She is soon joined by Thrash, who throws in a few strikes of his own. Thrash and Sandy look at each other, and Thrash points to the outside of the ring. Sandy nods, and each of them grab one of Zeus’ arms. They Irish Whip Zeus to the otherside of the ring and wait near the ropes while he rebounds back. As he gets closer the two duck their heads… and pull up as Zeus arrives! They back body drop Zeus out of the ring and Dr. Zeus crashes to the floor like a load of bricks!

The crowd is on their feet and roaring in approval as the rhyming villain is out cold on the outside! Rivaling chants for Sandy and Thrash echo throughout the arena, and the match appears to be between the two fan favorites at this point. The two take a moment to catch their breaths before they give each other a nod and begin circling in the middle of the ring. The duo locks up, and Sandy gets the better of Thrash, putting him in a side headlock. Thrash fights out, slipping behind Sandy and putting her in a rear waistlock. Thrash attempts to lift Sandy up, but Sandy throws her wait forward and Thrash rolls over and it’s the floor. He sits up, but Sandy pulls his head backwards into the mat and jumps in the air, landing on Thrash with her knees. She transitions into the pin…




Thrash gets his shoulder up just in the nick of time, but with the wind knocked out of him he’s unable to get to his feet. Sandy sees this as an opportunity to set up a high-risk move. She points to the corner turnbuckle and the fans scream with approval. She hustles to the corner and quickly ascends the turnbuckle. She arrives at the top, stands on the turnbuckle and takes a moment to pose for the fans… AND DR. ZEUS GRABS HER FROM BEHIND AND HITS HER WITH A BACK SUPLEX THAT THROWS HER TO THE GROUND OUTSIDE! ZEUS SNUCK UP FROM BEHIND AND HAS TAKEN OUT SANDY DESERTS!

Zeus is slow to get back to his feet, but he does make it. Sandy, on the other hand, is writhing in pain, on the ground, trying to crawl away. Zeus steps on her ankle, and Sandy’s progress is impeded. Zeus grabs her by the hair and then curb stomps Sandy’s face into the mat. The crowd is booing as Zeus has his way with the legendary veteran, but Zeus is unfazed. He drags a nearly unconscious Sandy along the floor until they reach the hospital bed that Zeus pulled to the ring. Sandy is stirring, but Zeus puts an end to that as he jumps on the hospital bed and then hops off, dropping a leg across Sandy’s spine. He rolls Sandy underneath the hospital bed , and turns around with a victorious smile across his face.

Connors: What is he so happy about?

Cohen: Are you asking me to try and figure out what’s going on inside that psycho’s head? No thank you.

Zeus’s victory is interrupted when he hears footsteps and turns around to see Thrash charging towards him and diving through the rope! Zeus ducks, and Thrash crashes and burns. Zeus smiles as he grabs Thrash by his hair and drags him back towards the ring. Zeus rolls Thrash under the ropes before entering himself, and continuing to drag Thrash into the middle of the ring. The now recovered ref warns Zeus to release the hair, and Zeus obliges. Thrash is barely moving in the ring, and Dr. Zeus uses this opportunity to lock Euthanasia onto a helpless Thrash. Thrash uses what little life he has left in him to tap out. The ref has to tug on Zeus a few times before he releases the hold, but Zeus eventually releases the hold and stands upright.

Anderson: Your winner of this match… Dr. Zeus…

Dr. Zeus smiles at this announcement and stomps once on Thrash for good measure. Before the ref can raise the doctor’s hand, Zeus climbs out of the ring and leans down next to his hospital bed to say something to Sandy Deserts.

Actually, he’s singing to her…

Dr. Zeus: The Nasty Wasty is back under the bed,
maybe now he’ll rear his ugly head…

Zeus’ singing is cut short as Sandy rolls over and blows another handful of glitter into Dr. Zeus’ face! The doctor stands up and grabs his eyes, but Sandy springs to her feet and flips the hospital bed over so that it falls into Zeus and slams him down on the apron, pinning him underneath. Rather than continue her attack, Sandy thinks it wise to retreat and does so, running up the ramp so she can assess the situation from the stage. She grabs her head in pain as she breaths a sigh of relief. Back towards the ring, Zeus pushes the hospital bed off of him and clumsily gets to his feet. Dr. Zeus is rubbing his eyes furiously as he tries to wipe the glitter out of them, and Sandy decides she can make a full retreat.

Cohen: Sandy Deserts running away might be cowardly, but hell, against a guy like Zeus, I can’t say I blame her.

Copeland: A retreat was probably her best option here, but I doubt Dr. Zeus is going to let this go.

Dr. Zeus seems to have recovered from the surprise attack, and is purposefully marching his way up the ramp.

Saxton and Saboteur walk out on the ramp, but they lack their usual energy. The two are usually out dancing and sparring, but they both have a look of stoicism on their face. The two share a nod before walking down the ramp, exchanging hi-5s with the fans as they make their way towards the ring. Saboteur slides into the ring underneath the bottom rope as Saxton hustles up the steps and slips between the top and middle rope. Rather than hitting their poses, Saxton takes out a microphone.

Saxton: Denver, Colorado, you lookin’ fine tonight!

The already excited fans of the Pepsi Center cheer in response.

Saxton: Now I’ve always been a man of many words, but I want to keep it short tonight so as not to waste any of ya’lls time. As many of you know, my Kung Fu Master and one of my oldest friends, Master Chop Onion passed away this year, and he named me as his successor of the Master Chop Onion Dojo of Kung Fu and Ninja Rehabilitation.

The crowd gives Saxton a round of applause in response to his new achievement.

Saxton: Thank you, thank you everybody! But being a Dojo Master is a full time job, and it requires 110% of your time, focus, and concentration. It is because of that that I am sad to announce that this… will be my final match.

The crowd is in shocked silence for a few moments before a chorus of boos echoes around the arena, the audience pleading for Saxton not to leave.

Saxton: Now now, no need for booing. WZCW has been my home for the past three years, and I’ve had some of the best times of my life in this here ring! Whether it was wrestling alongside my buddy Saboteur, tearing apart the Apostles of Chaos, or even hitting Armando Paradyse with a black lightning kick that knocked the Puerto out of Rico, I’ve loved my time here and I love you WZCW fans. Thank you, I love you!

Saxton starts blowing kisses to the WZCW fans and the fans get out of their seats and cheer in response.

“Thank you Saxton! Thank you Saxton! Thank you Saxton!”

Saboteur walks over to his tag team partner and throws his arms around the big man, and Saxton hugs him back. The crowd continues to cheer for Saxton, and the camera catches one young fan jumping up and down with tears in her eyes as she witnesses the departure of a WZCW great.


Grand Mystique comes out with a microphone in hand and Mason Westhoff and D.C. at his back.

Grand Mystique: Saxton, it brings me great pleasure to hear that your reign of debauchery in WZCW will finally be coming to a close. My only regret is that I will not be ending it myself.

The formerly joyous crowd turns on a dime, and TSA is subject to white hot heat.

Grand Mystique: But at least my Soldiers of the Almighty will be able to claim victory in your last match ever. People, let this image of a fallen idol be painted in your minds, for in the end, the righteous always prevail!

Connor: Saxton and Saboteur take on TSA in their last match when we return. Don't go away!

Westhoff and D.C. begin making their way to the ring as the camera cuts to commercial.


We return the crowd is really pumped up in the arena. In fact, most of them are on their feet cheering for Saxton and Saboteur.

Cohen: For someone as wacky as these guys, either man definitely deserves to have the entire crowd on their feet. Saxton is being properly recognised by the fans for his accomplishments and his adventures and it's going to be different without him around.

Connor: Well said, Jack... but I think Saboteur will miss his partner the most. It's been a fun ride but all good things must come to an end and unfortunately, tonight is that night. Hopefully, they can end on a high note and have Saxton leave on a victory.

We see the aciton in the ring, and it appears that TSA is getting rowdy with an exchanging of words. It seems that both Saboteur and Saxton are on the outside working the crowd. The referee Elizabeth Prince forces both members of the Altar back to their corner, allowing Saboteur & Saxton to enter the ring safely. Saboteur unsheathes his katana's but instead of forming an "X", he uses them to point at Saxton as he dramatically rips off his shirt and throws the shredded remains out to the audience. Saboteur puts his katana's away and gives Saxton a hi-five before getting on the apron, allowing Saxton to start off the contest. The Altar makes a quick decision too as Westhoff decides to be the man to take on Saxton. Prince checks on both teams before signalling for the bell.

As soon as the match starts, Saboteur is full of energy on the apron and begins a slow clap to which the audience plays along with, psyching up Saxton to begin this contest strong. As the crowd gets loud and faster with their claps, Saxton & Westhoff square off in the center with a traditional collar-elbow tie-up where the fan favourite gets the better of Westhoff, pushing him back with such force that Mason lands on his backside. The crowd cheers loudly at this display as Saxton rolls his arm in a circular motion with Westhoff getting to his feet. The two men square off again and Saxton again forces Westhoff back, causing the crowd to go into a "Saxton" chant. On the third tie-up, Westhoff delivers a knee to the stomach before the tie-up can occur, causing the fans to boo heavily as Westhoff hits a clubbing blow to the back of Saxton. Westhoff forces Saxton back to the ropes and whips him across the ring, sending him for the ride. Westhoff goes for a lariat attempt but Saxton evades the contact, stopping behind Westhoff and waits for him to turn around... a harsh knife-edge chop across the chest of the Altar member. Saxton follows it up with a couple more chops accompanied by "BAMF" chants by the audience as he hits each one before finishing off the combo with a Mongolian chop that sends Westhoff to one knee. Saxton grabs the head of Westhoff and performs a 360 degree rolling snapmare where Saxton stands up with Westhoff's head still locked in his arms, right near his corner. Saxton holds his hand out and allows Saboteur to tag in. Saboteur enters the ring as Saxton turns 180, still holding onto Westhoff and allows Saboteur to hold onto the other side of Westhoff's head. They perform a double snapmare and finish off with a double kick to the back of Westhoff's head. The crowd cheers as Westhoff drops and Saboteur makes the cover... 1... 2... kick-out as Saxton gets back on the apron where the crowd nearby him in the front row yell encouraging words to him.

Connor: They're off to a great start here.

Cohen: You know how quickly moment can change in a tag team environment, CC. The Altar are pretty good with numbers and can easily manipulate their opponents to be fighting in handicapped situations.

Connor: True but the tag champs are the champs for a reason.

Saboteur delivers a European uppercut to Westhoff, sending him into a neutral corner. The man covered in spandex backs backs up before running at Westhoff, hitting a stinger splash before following up with one-handed bulldog as Westhoff staggers out of the corner. He covers again... 1... 2... kick-out by Westhoff as D.C screams for a tag. Saboteur gets to his feet and calls out to the crowd, letting them know he is going for one of his deadly kicks. As Westhoff gets to his feet, Saboteur tries a Roundhouse but Westhoff ducks, attempting to hit a back suplex off the move but Saboteur, being the expert in back suplex counters, goes for his signature standing shirunai reversal. Westhoff uses his strength to block the counter, keeping Saboteur up high in the air before adjusting the move into a gorilla press slam. Westhoff falls to his knees as he allows Saboteur to hit the ground front first, causing him to hold his chest and stomach. Westhoff uses this time to quickly get to his partner and tag in D.C as Saboteur gets to his feet. Instead of entering the ring, D.C. springboards from the apron and hits Saboteur with a flying clothesline and takes him down. He goes for the cover... 1... kick-out by Saboteur as he tries to tag in his partner. Saxton reaches out but D.C manages to get in between the two partners, dropping down to his knees to deliver an uppercut throat strike to a Saboteur on his all fours, knocking him back. D.C takes advantage of the disorientated Saboteur and hits a side Russian leg sweep, following it up with a quick elbow drop before covering... 1... 2... kick-out. Westhoff has finally recovered enough to want more participation in the match and sticks out his hand. A little reluctant, D.C grants the wishes of his partner and drags Saboteur over to tag in his partner. Westhoff ascends to the top turnbuckle as D.C lifts Saboteur into a standing position, allowing Westhoff to execute a perfect double axe handle from the top onto Saboteur who staggers back. As D.C gets onto the apron in accordance to the referee's rules, Westhoff delivers a hip toss on the groggy Saboteur, following it up with a running baseball slide. He attempts a cover... 1... 2... kick-out again by Saboteur. A little frustrated, Westhoff gets up and makes the tag to D.C, telling him to help him lift up Saboteur. The two work as a cohesive unit to force Saboteur to his feet and hit a double exploder suplex on him, allowing D.C to go for a cover as Westhoff rolls to the outside... 1... 2... kick-out once more. D.C slams the mat and begins arguing with the referee who tries to convince D.C that her counting was correct.

Cohen: Very well executed plan to separate the smaller man, not to mention that Saxton is definitely looking to make a lasting impression for his final match and the Altar don't want to be that example.

Connor: If D.C and Westhoff can't remain calm as they match progresses though, they may as well kiss that strategy goodbye. They aren't the best of friends despite being in the same group so they cannot afford to lose their cool.

Saboteur is in the corner, trying to recover but D.C is all over him, delivering a knee strike to his head. D.C drags the almost limp body of Saboteur and sets him up on the second rope facing the audience. He points to Saxton, who is really eager to get into the match, before running off the ropes and delivering a crossbody to the back of Saboteur. D.C cockily throws his hand up in the air and receives a loud dose of boos from the audience. He then turns to Saxton and mouths something to him, causing Saxton to enter the ring and try to take on D.C but the referee catches him, demanding that he go back to his corner. Whilst the ref is distracted, Westhoff enters the ring and the two men deliver a series of stomps and punches before Westhoff quickly gets back on the apron. As Saxton is subdued and is back on the apron, Elizabeth Prince turns around and sees nothing fishy happening as it is just D.C & Saboteur in the ring with D.C performing the giant walk over the fallen body of Saboteur, despite the loud boos of the audience indicating otherwise.

Connor: There is that numbers game we talked about.

Cohen: A smart move.

D.C doesn't go for the pin but instead, goes to try his luck by going to the ropes and waiting for his opponent to get to his feet, despite the warnings that Westhoff is giving him about staying on Saboteur. D.C ignores them as he looks back, seeing Saboteur in good position as he springboards off the ropes and hits the DDT on Saboteur. He gets up and calls for the finish as he preys on Saboteur, waiting for him to slowly but surely get to his feet. As he does, D.C sets up for the Chemi-Kill but Saboteur is able to push D.C forward and stand on his feet very groggily. D.C stops, turns around and is met by a roundhouse kick by Saboteur. With all the energy Saboteur has left, he runs for the ropes and delivers a running tornado DDT, causing both men to crash to the canvas and not get up. The referee checks on both men as the crowd cheers for the sudden switch in momentum, seeing that this is the perfect opportunity for Saxton to re-enter the match. Referee Prince begins counting as the two men slowly begin crawling with Saboteur going after a tag with Saxton and D.C trying to stop Saboteur. Just before Saboteur can make the tag, D.C grabs the leg of Saboteur and gets to his feet with a cocky smirk on his face. Saboteur manages to hop up onto one leg and hit an enzuigiri on D.C, knocking him back and letting go of Saboteur's leg, allowing him to tag in his partner to a huge cheer from the crowd. D.C gets to his feet as quickly as he can as Saxton enters the ring delivering a punching combination to D.C where Saxton evades the wild swings of D.C as he does so. He finishes off the combo with a twirling punch, knocking D.C down. Westhoff tries to save his partner and enters the ring but all he gets is a back body drop by Saxton. Westhoff gets up quickly and is met with a spin kick by Saxton, causing him to hold his stomach. As Saxton goes to D.C to work him over some more, Saboteur is up and delivers the Super Saboteur! to Westhoff, knocking himself and Westhoff to the outside of the ring, crashing to the thinly-padded floor.

Connor: The tag team champions have cleaned house! This is their moment to seize a victory!

As Saxton mounts D.C and goes for a series of punches, D.C rakes the eyes of Saxton and pushes him back with his feet, creating some separation. Saxton holds his eyes as D.C prepares himself in the corner, getting ready for a spear.

Cohen: This could be the counter of the match, CC. The Altar may be able to knock off the champs!

D.C lunges forward, running at Saxton in hopes for a spear but he steps out of the way, causing D.C to go face first into the second turnbuckle behind Saxton's position. As D.C holds his face, gets up and turns around, Saxton is there and hits D.C with the Black Lightning. The crowd goes crazy as Saxton gets the crowd pumped, finishing it all off with the Black Dynamite before going for the pin... 1... 2... 3!

Prince counts the pin as Westhoff is on his feet and was about to enter the ring to save the match but he was too late. The referee rings the bell and awards the victory to Saxton, holding his had up high as he gets to his feet and Saboteur sliding into the ring, jumping on Saxton to give him a quick hug.

Anderson: Here are your winners; Saboteur & Action Saxton!

Connor: Saxton & Saboteur have done it; they've won their final match together with Saxton picking up the victory for his team in a very impressive win tonight.

Cohen: There isn't much to say other than Saxton leaving on a positive note. The Altar put up a good fight but tonight is Saxton's night; nothing they could do.

Westhoff manages to grab D.C and help him to the outside as the tag team champions remain in the ring to celebrate for a bit before things start to get emotional.

Saxton and Saboteur are relishing the moment as their hands are raised in the air one last time, and the WZCW faithful are doing everything they can to make the moment as memorable as possible.

“Thank you Saxton! Thank you Saxton! Thank you Saxton!”

The ref lets their hands down and Saxton and Saboteur walk over to each other. Saboteur grabs Saxton’s hand and raises it in the air, using his other hand to point to his partner, friend, and a man that will go down in the history books as one of the greatest tag team champions of all time.


Sam Smith smacks Saboteur in the back of the head with his own tag team title belt! Saxton turns around and sees Rush charging at him… and hits a Black Lightning kick that sends Rush crashing to the mat before he can nail Saxton with a belt shot of his own! Saxton turns around to see Smith coming at him now, but he floors Smith with a clothesline! Smith pops back up and charges Saxton again, but Saxton drops him with another clothesline! Smith gets up and tries one more time, but this time Saxton catches him in a bearhug, and a fully recovered Saboteur sprints at Smith and leaps with his forearm out to his Super Saboteur! Saxton drops Smith to the mat and both he and Saboteur proceed to push Smith and Rush out of the ring.

The crowd is going wild, and Saxton picks up a microphone.

Saxton: You know what… I’m sick of you two ruining my moment every chance you get. This was supposed to be my final match… but I’m gonna put China on hold while I deal with you two suckas right properly!

The crowd goes absolutely bananas with this announcement, and the entire building shakes with anticipation.

Saxton: Kingdom Come: Saxton and Saboteur vs. Rush and Smith. You fools best bring a cushiony chair, because you’re gonna need something comfy to sit on after me and my boy Saboteur are done kickin’ your asses!


Dr. Zeus is rampaging through the backstage area, flipping over tables and boxes as he searches for Sandy Deserts. A very brave, or perhaps very foolish Stacy Madison approaches Zeus.

Stacy: Dr. Zeus, what are you doing? Why do you want to find Sandy Deserts so bad?

Dr. Zeus: I will not let her run away,
I will find her and make her pay!

Dr. Zeus continues his rampage, knocking over a cart full of tools that was being pushed by backstage worker Bob.


We cut backstage and we see Blade standing by with Leon Kensworth. Kensworth holds a microphone up to his mouth.

Kensworth: Blade, last week you fell at the hands of Dr. Zeus, but this week you take on Chris K.O., who is holding a belt you are very familiar with. Let me ask you, what is going on in your mind right now with your position on the Kingdom Come card still up in the air?

Blade: I'm going to right the wrongs that some people could not right Kensworth. Chris has selfishly taken gold that does not belong to him. You see, it belongs to the people of WZCW. And Chris K.O. is not a people's champion. I know that belt better than anyone else, and I know that it can consume you. Chris K.O. needs a wake-up call and I'm going to give it to him.

Kensworth: Excuse me Blade, but when you say that some people could not right the wrongs that Chris K.O. has committed, who are you talking about?

Blade: Well, he had to win that belt from somebody, didn't he Leon?

Blade smiles and walks off camera. The scene fades to black.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, weighing 232 pounds, he is the Eurasian Champion, Chris K.O.!

The new champion emerges from the curtains holding his title belt high and proud as the crowd boo's and heads to the ring.

Connors: This is K.O.'s first challenge since winning the title. With Titus' challenge for Kingdom Come in the air, it's interesting to see what'll become of this.


Cohen: Oh boy. Hide your valuables.

His opponent, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing 235 pounds, Blade!

The "Irish Robin Hood" is getting a chance to return to the Eurasian title hunt. A title that has defined most of his career actually.

Blade walks out of the curtain and salutes the fans. He takes off his sunglasses and hands them over to a young boy. Then by the ring, he takes his jacket off and hands it to another young boy. He gets in the ring and the two meet eyes. Chris proudly raises up the Eurasian title as referee Keith Morse gets set to start the match.

* Ding Ding Ding *

The bell rings and the two quickly go to blows, trading shots. Neither man willing to give up ground. Chris grabs Blade to deliver a series of European Uppercuts pushing him back. But as the two reach a corner, Blade grabs and places Chris on it and follows with a series of knife-edge chops.

*Woo! Woo! Woo!*

The crowd chants with every blow as Blade seems to take advantage but Chris pulls on Blades nose and places him on the corner and goes for a series of hard punches. He follows with a Scoop Slam and a Surfboard Stretch slow down the pace of the match.

Connor: It seems Chris has taken over and is dictating the pace of the match now.

Chris pulls Blade up ferociously and Scoop Slams him again before returning to the Stretch. Keith Morse checks on Blade, but in between his screams, he refuses to give up. Chris, with a determined look in his eyes, cranks back harder on the hold as the crowd chants for Blade to rally back.

*Lets Go Blade! Lets Go Blade!*

Blade, hearing the crowd, begins to come alive. He shakes himself and stands up as Chris tries to stay in control of the hold but to no avail. Blade turns and elbows the "White Knight" in the gut to get him to let go. It takes several shots, but he gets loose. He charges the ropes but Chris punts him in the chest on his way back and slows the pace down again with a Standing Armbar, driving Blade to his knee as he cranks the hold.

Cohen: That's the way to do it. Chris is keeping total control over Blade. Not letting him do anything.

Blade tries to punch his way loose again, but Chris changes position and slams Blade down for a floored Fujiwara Armbar, keeping the hold on the arm.

Connor: K.O. seems to have his eyes set on Blade's arm. It's solid strategy no doubt. It certainly has Blade down and out.

Blade tries to flail to the ropes but Chris keeps him away. Blade gets on his knees fighting his way up and Chris keeps putting on the pressure but to no avail as Blade punches his way out. He comes back with hard European Uppercuts. Chris shoots back with stiff punches and heads to the ropes, but Blade counters with a surprising Chokeslam! Cover!


KO kicks out at 2 and a half. Blade grabs his arm after exerting it for the Chokeslam as KO's arm work seems to be paying off. It gives him time to recover but Blade tries to stay on the offensive with a gutwrench. He tries a German Suplex, but KO fights it off and slips out. He grabs the arm and slams it down with an Arm Wringer Slam. He follows it up with a series of stomps on the worked on arm as Blade tries to block but can't.

Cohen: K.O. is in the zone tonight. He has dominated Blade. As a champion should.

Connor: I wouldn't count Blade out yet. He's become very sneaky lately.

* Lets Go Blade! Lets Go Blade! *

The crowd chants to revive Blade as The White Knight holds him down with yet an Arm Wrench. Blade gets on one knee and it's enough to let him roll his way out. The crowd pops as he gets to his feet and knocks KO down with a Clothesline. He follows it up with a series of them. Each keeping the champion down for a bit longer. After 4 of them, he charges the ropes again, but KO attempts a Wheel Kick. Blade ducks and is able to hook and hit a German Suplex and bridges it for a pin.


KO kicks out at two with Blade staying right in him. He stands him up and follows with a series of European Uppercuts, driving him to the ropes. An Irish Whip leads to a Belly-to Belly Suplex as Blade stands up and plays to the crowd.

Connor: Blade has managed to get back into this. But is his arm still hurting?

He stands by the grounded Chris KO, taunting him to get up. Waiting for the right chance to strike. He kicks KO in the gut and underhooks him attempting the Halo, KO manages to Chopblock his way out and sweep Blade's leg. He then switches to the arm with another Armbar. Blade flails trying to roll out of it and does. But as he charges to Clothesline KO, he's met by a patented Wheel Kick from the White Knight. Knocking him down for a cover.


Blade kicks out at two, KO remains composed realizing he's in full control. As Blade gets up, KO grabs him by the chin and taunts him for a bit. He then follows it up with the Burning Crusade. Locking it in the center of the ring.

KO's got him! That thief is gonna have to tap out now!

Blade tries to reach the ropes but they seem too far off. Referee Keith Morse asks him is he wants to quit. Despite him having his mouth covered a loud "NO!" is heard from him. He tries stretching his arm out to the ropes, but they seem too far away. Blade pushes himself up to move he's still too far off! "NOOO!!" He keeps screaming at Keith as he asks if he'll quit. Blade eventually manages to push himself high enough to roll over for the unexpected pin on KO!


KO manages to kickout and get right back up. He catches the incoming Blade and tries the Burning Crusade again. But this time Blade manages to roll out of it but KO quickly catches him with a Clinching Slam!!

* KO sucks! KO suck! *

KO looks with a face of disdain. Wanting the match to be over. He heads for the nearest corner and taunts the crowd as he takes off the sleeve in his right arm.

It could be time for The Sword. If Blade doesn't get out of the way, this one is over!

Put Blade in his place. Save us from this crazy thief.

He waits for the right moment to strike as the fans boo louder and louder. He turns to the crowd and spots a sign reading "KO fears Titus" as Blade slowly gets back up. KO points at the fan in disgust but turns around before losing focus as Blade is already to his feet. He charges for The Sword! But Blade kicks him low! HALO!

Cohen: Wait a minute!


Connor: That small distraction might have cost Chris the match!

Cohen: No, no, no!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Blade!!!

KO is quick to recompose himself utterly shocked by the turn of events as Blade gets his arm raised.

This is injustice! How could this have happened!

Connor: He took his eye off the ball. It was one second, but it was enough for Blade to overcome the odds.

KO, furiously, grabs his title belt and faces off with the fan. He takes the sign and rips it off screaming "I don't fear Titus! He fears me!". Blade celebrates his win on the turnbuckle as his music plays him up the ramp. Blade disappears through the top of the stage, but the camera switches back to Chris continuing to rip up the poster in the middle of the ring.

???: HEY!

Chris stops and looks up at the titantron. The crowd explodes in cheers as they see it is Titus. He is all smiles as Chris grows a scowl on his face in the ring. He clinches his EurAsian title closely to his chest.

Titus: Calm down sassy puss.

The crowd laughs.

Titus: I'm up on this screen because you wanted an answer from me. You wanted an answer to a challenge.

Chris continues listening with a displeased look upon his face.

Titus: Fine, you want WZCW's greatest hero at Kingdom Come V? You want the two-time World Heavyweight Champion in the ring? You want Titus in an "I Quit!" Match?!!!

The crowd pops.

Titus: You got it.

The crowd cheers and Chris finally cracks a smile.

Titus: But it comes at a price. Because there is going to be gold on the line baby!

The crowd pops huge as Chris shakes his head "no."

Titus: That is right, it'll be Titus vs. Chris K.O. at Kingdom Come V in an "I Quit" Match for the WZCW EurAsian Championship!

The crowd comes unglued.

Titus: Oh and Chris. Let's just forget for a moment who will be saying "I Quit," because I know that during our match, two words will be repeated constantly. "KO SUCKS!"

Chris shakes his head no as the crowd begins a huge chant of "KO SUCKS!" Chris yells "no," but they just chant louder. The camera finally fades to black as we cut for commercial.


We cut backstage and we see "Showtime" David Cougar walking down a hallway as he makes his way to the gorilla position for his match. Rebecca Serra enters the picture and shoves a microphone in front of him.

Serra: Showtime, if you will. A quick word abou-

Showtime: Shhhhh..

Serra goes silent.

Showtime: Showtime vs. Callahan is one of the greatest chapters in the history of WZCW. Let our match do the talking. Other than that, nothing else needs to be said.

Showtime winks at Serra and then heads towards the ring for his match.

Connor: Showtime vs. Drake is up next!

The scene cuts to commercial.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is your main event of the evening!


Introducing first, from Winnipeg, Canada, weighing 219 pounds, "Showtime" David Cougar!

Pyro shoots from the corners of the stage in rhythm to the music. The former World Champion steps from behind the curtain to an uproar of applause. A blue spotlight follows him down the ramp and into the ring. He heads to the corner and climbs the second turnbuckle, saluting the crowd to another massive pop.

Connor: The former champ, looking sharp and ready as always. You know he will be looking to keep the momentum rolling after a victory over Celeste Crimson last week.

Cohen: I don't think he has it anymore Cat. Celeste took him to his limit last week, just imagine what a man as ruthless as Holmes will do to him, or a man as cunning as Drake.


And his opponent, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing in at 215 pounds, he is the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship, Drake Callahan!

The Lethal Lottery winner slowly makes his way to the ring, locking eyes with Showtime the entire way. He rolls into the ring and takes a spot in the corner opposite his opponent.

Connor: Last week we saw Drake mock Showtime following his victory, this week we get to see if that lit a fire under Showtime.

Cohen: I don't think it will matter. You head Ms. Anderson, Drake is the number one contender, the rightful number one contender I might add. He outlasted twenty nine other men to get his shot. Showtime simply used a contract clause. He earned nothing and I think tonight Drake will show why he is my pick to walk out of Kingdom Come as champ.

Referee Keith Morse gives his instructions to both men and calls for the bell. The two men take their time, slowly circling, neither wanting to make the first move. They continue to circle for the better part of a minute and the fans start to let out some boos. Morse urges the two to lock up.

Connor: A slow pace as neither man wants to show his hand first.

Cohen: The history between these two goes without mention. They know each other so well that the slightest mistake could cost them.

Finally the two men lock horns. Callahan gets the upper hand and backs Showtime into the ropes. The ref calls for the break, with Drake letting up, raising his hands to signal he is in compliance. The two men begin to circle again. Showtime fakes a lunge, but Drake doesn't fall for it. The Lottery winner shoots a sly smile at his foe. He then lunges forward, but Showtime easily steps aside. Showtime points to his head before he hits a dropkick that catches Drake off guard. Drake gets to his feet and charges, tackling his opponent. The two roll on the ground, trading punches before they scramble to their feet. Showtime keeps his distance, waiting for his foe to make a move. Finally Drake charges, but Showtime leapfrogs over him. Drake rebounds off the ropes and ducks a clothesline. He bounces off the ropes again and hits a boot to the chest of Showtime. He tries to follow it up with an elbow drop, but Showtime rolls out of the way. Drake gets to his feet and is able to arm drag down a charging Showtime. The two are back on their feet and again Drake uses the move to take his opponent down. He hangs onto the arm this time and wrenches on it as he gets to his knees. He keeps the hold locked on to slow down the pace.

Cohen: Callahan in control, slowing things down to his pace.

Connor: Showtime is no slouch in the technical department, I'm sure he has no issue with slowing it down.

Drake wrenches on the arm before dropping an elbow. He stands and stomps at the arm, waiting for Showtime to stand. The recent champion holds his arm as he gets to feet. Drake hits a swift kick to the midsection and follows it up with a DDT. He covers...

And Showtime kicks out. Drake grabs a handful of hair, much to the ire of the ref, and lifts Showtime to his feet. He measures a punch to the temple, staggering his foe. He follows it up with a series of kicks to the leg, taking Showtime down to a knee. Drake positions himself next to his opponent and wraps an arm around his head. He plants him face first with a forward Russian legsweep. He again goes into a cover...

And again Showtime kicks out. Drake shakes his head wondering what he has to do to put him away.

Cohen: Two near falls for Drake, but he can't quite put Showtime away.

Connor: Showtime, showing the resolve that made him a multi time World Champion.

Drake lifts Showtime to his feet and Irish whips him into the corner. He runs after his foe and looks to hit a dropkick, but Showtime ducks out of the way. Drake crashes into the top turnbuckle. His right leg draped over the rope, leaving him hanging upside down. Showtime takes advantage and starts to kick away at the midsection until the referee pulls him away at the count of four. Showtime backs away, but before the ref is able to check on Drake he runs and baseball slides into the face of Drake. He topples off the turnbuckle face first before rolling onto his back. Showtime, who used his momentum to slide into the apron, climbs to the top rope. He leaps and drops an elbow straight to the heart. He hooks the leg...

And Drake is able to get the shoulder up. Showtime stands and drops a leg across the throat of Drake. He again attempts a cover...

Drake gets a shoulder up. Showtime stands and delivers an elbow into the chest, again covering Drake...

And Drake kicks out once more. Showtime looks at the ref, but Mr. Morse assures him it was two.

Connor: Frustration mounting as Showtime is now unable to put his opponent away.

Cohen: Don't sell Drake short, he too is a former World Champion.

Showtime paces around the ring before he pauses at the ropes and calls for the end. He lifts the legs of Drake and slaps on The Commercial Break! Drake screams in agony, hands on his head as he has nowhere to go. He desperately tries to crawl to the ropes, inching his way closer.

Connor: Callahan has to tap soon, no one can withstand that pain long.

Drake makes a final last ditch grasp and barely manages to wrap his fingers around the bottom rope. The ref orders Showtime to break the hold. He releases the hold and stomps his foot in anger. Drake rolls out of the ring, grasping his right leg and lower back in pain. Showtime walks to the ropes and leans over, checking on Drake as the ref begins the ten count.

Showtime notices that Drake has rolled onto his back and sees an opening. He climbs onto the apron and takes a running start, launching into an elbow drop. Drake is able to roll out of the way at the last second, and Showtime crashes hard to the mat.

Drake uses the ring skirt to pull himself to his feet and crawl into the ring. He uses the ropes to stand, trying to stretch out his leg and back as he urges the ref to count faster.

Showtime gets to his knees.

Showtime lunges into the ring just before the ref gets to a count of ten.

Connor: Showtime just gets back into the ring. Drake almost stole the win right there.

Cohen: A win is a win Cat. Drake is smart enough to know that.

Drake shows his frustration before he limps over to Showtime and lifts him for Faded Memory! As he gets Showtime up, the damage of the earlier submission takes effect, and Drake collapses under the weight. Showtime falls on top in a pinning position...


Anderson: Here is your winner, Showtime!

The ref tries to raise the arm of the victor, but his arm is still in too much pain. He walks to the nearest corner and and climbs to the middle turnbuckle, raising his good arm.

Connor: What an unusual finish. Back and forth the two men went, and finally Drake's body gave out on him as a result of the devastating cloverleaf earlier in the match.

Cohen: Showtime got lucky out there, but like I said earlier in the night, a win is a win.

Connor: Showtime will likely be carrying a lot of momentum into Kingdom Come...wait what is Drake doing?

Drake has gotten to his feet and stands just a few feet from Showtime. When he climbs down, he takes a step back, startled. He raises his fists into a defensive position. Drake takes a step forward and extends his hand. Showtime looks at him confused, the crowd urging him not to shake.

Connor: Don't fall for this Showtime, it is clearly some sort of ruse.

Cohen: Don't be an asshole Show, shake the man's hand.

Showtime nervously lowers his guard and begins to extend his hand.


Before Showtime and Drake can shake hands, they turn their attention to the ramp, both ready to fight.

Connor: What in the hell? Holmes is supposed to be hospitalized right now.

Cohen: Show some respect Catherine, our World Champion has decided to overcome injury to grace us with his presence.

Instead of Steven Holmes however, we are treated to Celeste Crimson at the top of the ramp, microphone in hand.

Celeste: Hey boys. Just thought I would come out here and get a good look at Steven's competition. Am I too late? Oh well, I have a feeling I will still get to see a show.

Just as Drake and Showtime lower their guard, Steven and Erik Holmes hop over the barricade and slide into the ring. They begin to beat down on the two exhausted men. Erik uses Steven's title belt to nail Drake in the back of the head, knocking him out cold. Steven hits the Superiority Complex on Showtime before he applies Aristocracy Reigns. Erik holds the title inches from Showtime's face as he screams in pain. Steven releases the hold, shoving Showtime's head into the title belt.

Connor: It was a set up. Steven Holmes was faking the entire time, and he and his ****e got one over on his competitors.

Cohen: Language, language dear Catherine. The champ simply showcased his superior knowledge and used it to his advantage. I applaud his efforts.

Holmes stands over Showtime, his championship belt raised high, as fans rain down boos and the credits flash on screen.

FALK - Saxoteur vs. TSA, Jacobs vs. Whitman
JGLASS - Triple Threat, Segments
KERMIT - Opening, Segments
KILLJOY - K.O. vs. Blade
YAZLOV - Cougar vs. Callahan

Rep the men above for their hard work. Make sure you read the show thoroughly, because a lot of stuff was packed into this one. The KCV card is shaping up nicely now. Expect AF up tomorrow. Cheers for now and sorry for the delay!
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