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Ascension 6

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*Pryos go off*

Connor: The last stop before the Lethal Lottery is here as we have an explosive Ascension here tonight in Seattle, Washington. We got qualifiers, titles and egos clashing all in our show and it’s on now! Hello everybody, Cat Connors once again alongside Jack Cohen, now Jack, what you got to make of our Main Event?

Cohen: I don’t know what to make except that I’m excited since the Champion and Challenger take on the guys who will compete for the number 20 spot, it’s going to be a hard one to call except that Blade will take the fall as everyone else will rise.

Connor: And speaking of the Lethal Lottery, we have one more place to be decided before the pay per view and it’s up next

Anderson: Ladies and Gentleman, the following contest is a Lethal Lottery Qualifying Match, scheduled for one fall, where the winner will earn a place in the Lethal Lottery Match!

“We Fly High” plays out to a crowd of boos as Mr. Baller comes out onto the stage, getting himself pumped for his match, he heads down the ramp as he taunts the crowd saying “I’m going to win the Lottery” as he enters the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Miami, Florida, weighing 220 pounds, Mr. Baller!

Connor: The man who could be credited for Blade and Karnage’s fall out will try and see if he can get the last place available, now this will be a tough match given his opponent.

Cohen: Baller’s been savouring this moment, he wanted his opponents to think he was weak and now the time to strike has come!

“Violent Hill” kicks in as Excellency comes pacing down with his arms outreached and holding his hands in a prayer like grasp as gets near the ring.

Anderson: His opponent, from Vatican City, weighing 260 pounds, Excellency!

Connor: Excellency’s had a good run of tag team action with Trevor Steel, but last night Trevor unfortunately encountered the rWo.

Cohen: And they made their message clear, if anything, Excellency should be grateful that he wasn’t in that match because he would doubt being in the Lottery match, I’m sure of it

Excellency slides in and stands at the corner while his music fades out and the referee signals for the bell. Baller and Excellency start pacing around the ring, looking for the lock up and meet in the middle of the ring. Baller tries to force Excellency back but he is outweighed and forced into the corner until he breaks hold of the lock. Excellency then shoves Baller backwards into the turnbuckle and he bounces off of it and is caught with a belly-to-belly suplex. Baller gets back up and Excellency holds his head getting ready for a DDT but Baller blocks it and shoves his opponent off and hits a dropkick only for Excellency to get back on his feet again quickly.

Baller runs at the ropes but Excellency tries to catch him on the rebound which leads to Baller sliding between his legs and jumping onto his back to lock the sleeper but is countered by a backward fall, slamming Baller into the mat. Excellency gets up and kicks Baller in the face and stands back a few paces and goes for the leg drop, cover by Excellency 1….2…kickout by Baller. Excellency then grabs Baller by the head and Irish Whips him, but he is caught out on the return as Baller counters with a hurricanrana, taking down his bigger opponent. Baller uses the chance to climb up onto the turnbuckle and sits on top, Excellency runs at him but Baller kicks him in the face and leaps off a moment later, hitting the bulldog, cover by Baller 1….2…kickout.

Connor: This match is very even at the moment

Cohen: A match is never even, much like you and me!

Baller gets up quickly and runs at the ropes in anticipation for Excellency to follow suit, only he is caught by a sidewalk slam and Excellency signals for the end. He grabs Baller and Irish Whips him to the corner, but Baller is quick to run up the turnbuckle and hit the whisper in the wind, to take down his opponent. They both slowly get back up to their feet but Excellency is up first and waits for Baller to turn around and kicks him in the gut and follows up with the powerbomb. Excellency points to the turnbuckle and starts to climb up, no doubt, looking for the moonsault. But when he reaches the top, Baller gets back up and shoves him into the post, crotching on top. Baller climbs up and grabs Excellency from behind and hits a super back breaker, taking both men out as the ref signals for the 10 count. 1…..2…..3….4, Baller starts stirring first but Excellency doesn’t move….5, Baller uses the ropes to get back up onto his feet first…6, Baller sees a moment and goes for the Buzzerbeater and connects, cover 1…..2……3.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Mr. Baller!

Connor: Baller’s just earnt his first victory in the WZCW and it’s a big one because he’s going to the Lethal Lottery!

Cohen: I told you CC, I told you Baller was waiting for his moment and what a big one!

Baller starts celebrating ecstatically, he jumps up and down with excitement and points at Excellency shouting “I told you I was going into the Lottery” and repeats it to the crowd. He jumps out of the ring and rushes over to the announce table and hugs Connor and is about to do the same to Jack but is stopped. He starts heading to the ramp and mimes a title belt around his waist saying “Kingdom Come, next WZCW Champion!”

Connor: Well…as evidently shown, Mr. Baller is happy about this big victory and he will be entering the Lethal Lottery because of this.

Cohen: How come Baller got to hug you? I’m not even at that stage with you yet and gets there first!

Connor: Well anyway, Ladies and Gentleman, this has confirmed that we almost have our twenty men decided for the Lethal Lottery Match, aside from the number 20 spot which will be decided between Blade and Karnage at the pay per view itself, the other nineteen are now confirmed as rWo members Steamboat Ricky, Ace David and Big Dave, Carmen Bratchny, newcomer Chris Beckford, Corey Payne, Tag Team Champions Garth Black and Phoenix, new Mayhem Champion James Baker, Matt Royale, Milenko, Obisidius, Rafael De La Noche, Rush, Titus, Trevor Steel, former Mayhem Champion, Ty Burna and William Teach who will have his first shot at gold later tonight.

Cohen: Last week was a fluke, it was proven with the release of Matt Fox and now he teams up with some nobody to be put in his place just a number of days before the biggest pay per view of his life!


We cut backstage to Mr. Baller walking around still happy with his win, he walks past William Teach and Steve Kurtesy who look back as he walks past them.

Teach: Wonder what he was excited about?

Kurtesy: I don’t know but we should be having our minds set for our match tonight, with our psychology, there’s no way the Second Coming are leaving with those Tag Titles.

Teach: Lets not get complacent, I worked hard for that victory and will do the same tonight, no doubt you will be a great partner as Fox was. But lets get ourselves ready because it will be here before you know it!

The camera cuts to a simultaneous double footage of Rafael and Corey Payne heading through the backstage area to the arena

Connor: These two Lethal Lottery competitors face off as they both look to gain the upper hand this week to gain some momentum into this Sunday, Corey Payne against Rafal is next!
Anderson: The following match is scheduled for one fall.

"Down With The Sickness" hits the PA system as red letter spelling out "it's time" appear on the titantron. As the opening chords of the song finish, Corey Payne makes an appearance. He throws some kicks and punches as he prepares for the match that is ahead of him.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 250 pounds, from Las Vegas, Nevada. The "Prototype", Corey Payne!

Connor: Corey Payne, the MMA specialist, has been very impressive over the last couple of shows, Jack. How do you rate his chances here tonight?

Cohen: Pah. MMA has no place inside a wrestling ring. Go elsewhere if you are going to pull off that stuff.

Connor: Nevertheless, he has been impressive and another stiff test awaits him tonight.

Corey continues his walk down to the ring as his entrance music roars. He slaps a few hands on the way down to the ring and once he arrives at the bottom of the ramp, he takes off his hoodie and slides under the bottom rope, launching his hoodie into the fans.

"Power" by Halloween hits the PA system and the crowd erupt into a shower of boos. As the lyrics of the song begin, Rafael makes his appearance. He does not stop on top of the ramp and merely continues walking, soaking up all of the boos that surround him.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Madrid, Spain, "El matador of Excellence", Rafael De La Noche!

Connor: A stern test for Rafael tonight, Jack. How do you think he will do?

Cohen: Here's the plan. Go in, snap legs and leave. This will not even be a challenge for Rafael. He is the best thing to come of spain since fajitas, CC.

Rafael begins to move after a few more seconds and eventually reaches the ring. He climbs the steps and gets into the ring. He mounts the turnbuckle as Corey Payne waits for him. He looks out into the crowd and then dismounts. The referee makes his final preparations and signals for the bell as we get under way.

The match begins as Rafael locks Payne up with a side headlock. He rives on Payne’s neck but Payne pushes Rafael away, throwing him into the ropes. Rafael bounces back and Payne hits him with a belly to belly suplex. Both men get up and Rafael charges at Payne again, with Payne hitting him with another belly to belly suplex. Rafael holds his back in pain and slams the mat with an angry look on his face. Payne stalks Rafael closely and locks him up with an armbar. Payne is putting so much pressure on his arm Rafael lets out a scream, but Rafael is too close to the ropes and gets his free arm to the bottom rope quickly. Payne releases and stands back, allowing him to get top his feet. Rafael warns Payne that he will not take anymore, Payne acknowledges his threat and tells him to bring it. Rafael and Payne lock up again and Rafael throws his opponent against the ropes. This time Rafael connects with a huge big boot to the face to Payne and goes for the cover. 1, Payne gets the shoulder up.

Connor: Almost a quick match there, Jack.

Cohen: Please, CC! This is just leading to better things. He is just ensuring that he doles out more punishment to Payne.

Rafael picks him up by the head and smacks him with three chops to the chest. Woo, Woo, Woo chant the crowd. Rafael then connects with a sit-out rear mat slam as Payne drops to the corner. Rafael runs towards him and connects with a dropkick to the face of the sitting Corey Payne. He pulls him to the middle of the ring and goes for the cover. 1, 2, Payne gets the shoulder up. Rafael picks him up again and pushes him into the opposite corner and charges shoulder first into his gut. As Payne staggers forward Rafael plants him in the power bomb position, lifts him up and slams him into the turnbuckle. Payne falls to the ground as Rafael pounces and rolls him over for the cover, 1, 2, kick out from Payne. Rafael picks him up and locks in the headlock again. As he wrenches at Payne’s neck . Payne uses his strength and spears Rafael into the corner. Rafael’s grip is released and Payne clubs him with a Superman punch, knocking Rafael down. Payne goes for the cover. 1, 2, kick out. Payne picks up the opponent and connects with a DDT right to the top of Rafael’s head. Cover, 1, 2, kick out again. Payne picks him up and throws him off the ropes, Rafael holds the top rope and misses Payne’s attempt of a roundhouse kick. Following it up with a hard dropkick right to Payne’s face. Rafael holds his head and grunts in agony. Payne is back up and Rafael grabs him by the head and connects with a European uppercut, followed up with the Tiburon! Rafael goes for the cover. 1, 2, kick out!

Connor: A few counts there, that could have seen either of these men coming out on top.

Cohen: What do you mean, "either man"!? Rafael has this all under control.

Rafael is getting frustrated and picks up Payne again, pushing him back and positions him on the top rope. Rafael attempts to hit Payne off the top with a superplex. Payne senses the danger early and holds onto the rope. He then clubs Rafael on the back and uses his strength to lift Rafael up in the piledriver position, from the middle rope! Rafael’s legs are waving and he manages to get his beet back on the middle rope, throwing Payne over his shoulder with a back body drop. Rafael gets down and covers Payne. 1, 2, Payne gets a foot on the rope. Rafael tries to pick Payne up but Payne reverses it on him, twisting and turning his body allowing him to lock Rafael in the armbar. Payne, still a little hurt from the back body drop, tries to apply some pressure on the arm of the opponent but Rafael gets to the bottom rope easily. Payne releases, holding him back, as Rafael charges at him and attacks him form behind with a dropkick. Payne stumbles forward and falls throat first onto the bottom rope. Rafael pounces and locks Payne up in-between the ropes with a camel clutch. The referee calls for Rafael to release and starts to count. Rafael argues with the ref as the ref back away. Rafael turns around and is suddenly hit with a German suplex out of nowhere form Payne. Both men lay flat out on their backs in the ring as the ref starts the count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, both men get to their feet. Rafael charges at Payne but Payne turns it round and hit’s a devastating power slam to Rafael.

Connor: This match has been so up and down thus far, we are seeing the match takes its toll.

Payne grabs him by the leg and locks Rafael up with a knee bar. Payne is pulling back on his leg so much it looks as if its about to snap! Rafael is asked by the ref if he wants to give up but he shouts NO! as he tries to reach for the ropes. He tries to hit Payne but is just a little sort of reach. Eventually Rafael reaches the ropes and rolls to the outside as Payne releases him from the hold. Rafael tries to stand but collapses to the ground holding hid knee. A medic from ringside comes to check on him as the ref starts to count. The ref reaches 7 before Payne rolls out too, re-staring the refs count. Payne’s presence causes the medic to move away from the situation as Payne picks up the injured Rafael. He then proceeds to throw Rafael over the steel steps, but Rafael’s leg is such a condition that he just collapses to the floor, crashing his chin off the bottom step. Payne turns him over and applies the kneebar again on the outside. Payne bends the knee back as the ref shouts 8! Payne acknowledges his call and throws Rafael into the ring and slides in himself, not satisfied with a count out victory. Payne goes to pick him up but Rafael gets him locked in a small package. 1, 2, Payne manages to get the shoulder up in the nick of time! Rafael unconvincingly throws him into the ropes, as Payne bounces back he ducks Rafael’s attempt of a clothesline, he bounces back again and ducks another clothesline attempt. He bounces back for a third time, dodging a big boot attempt from Rafael’s bad leg. He stops behind him in the middle of the ring and locks in the Protolock! Rafael has nowhere to go, he tries to get to the rope but his leg is in so much agony and has no option to but to tap out!

Anderson: Here is your winner, The "Prototype", Corey Payne!

Connor: Wow! That lock is deadly, with Rafael the latest man to fall victim to it.

Cohen: That move should be outlawed! He is clearly using a manoeuvre that is illegal.

Connor: Oh, shut up!


We cut backstage to Lars Reidar who's walking through the backstage area, Becky Serra is following in pursuit trying to get his attention but he wants none of it until she stands right in front of him.

Becky: Excuse me Lars, but tonight you team up with the man you'll be facing at the Lethal Lottery against Blade and Karnage, but a lot of people are asking, what did you do to Drake Callahan after taking him away on Meltdown?

She holds the microphone in his direction but doesn't give a reaction until he starts giving a sick smile on his face

Lars: Exactly the same thing that I'm going to do to Everest come the Lottery. But for now, I'll leave comments aside as I need to take care of some meaningless rivals, regardless of who my partner is...

Lars makes his way past Becky who has a slightly scared look on her face.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall.

Connor: This is a big match for both of these men, Jack.

Cohen: How is this a big match, CC. Sure they will want to get one over the other man but nothing is at stake.

Connor: The knowledge of another win in WZCW is enough for any man, Jack.

"Beautiful" by Sevendust hits the PA system as Obsidius comes out onto the stage at the top of the ramp. A solitary shot of spotlight comes down upon him and boos begin to fill the arena. After a few seconds, he begins his descent down the ramp.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 247 pounds, from Charlotte, North Carolina. Accompanied by Carmelita, Obsidius!

Cohen:I love a man who generates as much attention and fan reaction as Obsidius does. There is very few of them and it really gives them something to thrive off of.

Connor: If I was him, I wouldn't be too pleased with the reaction. These people hate him!

Cohen: Will it affect him in the match? No, of course it wont. These fans just need to shut the hell up.

Obsidius continues his descent down the ramp, soaking up the boos of the fans that flank him. He merely smiles and laughs as the crowd reaction begins to escalate. Obsidius suddenly stops at the bottom of the ramp and screams abuse at the fans. After a moment, he climbs up the steps and gets to the apron. The fans volley more boos at him as he goes through the ropes and into the opposite turnbuckle. Carmelita who has been following him to the ring, waits on the outside.

"Fight The Power" by Public Enemy hits the arena as Marcus Chambers appears through the curtain. As he makes his way to the top of the ramp, he bows his head and puts his hand in the air to symbolise Black Power.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 248 pounds, from Las Vegas, Nevada. "The Enigma" Marcus Chambers!

Connor: These two men are certainly two of the most hated men on the roster. Both of them evoke an emotion that is hardly matched in WZCW.

Cohen: Are you serious, CC!? Wait until Karnage and Lars Reidar get out here. Then you will know what a reaction from these fans is.

Chambers continues his descent down the ramp and into the ring. Sliding under the bottom rope, Chambers meets his opponent in the middle of the ring. He turns away and mounts the turnbuckle and clenches his fist once more. The referee makes his final preparations as Chambers dismounts and signals for the bell.

Obsidius and Chambers lock up in the middle of the ring. Chambers throws Obsidius against the ropes, clubbing him with an almighty clothes line. He falls onto Obsidius hitting him with clenched fists to the face. The referee shouts in his ear to get off him and begins the count. 1, 2, 3, 4. At that moment chambers gets up and kicks Obsidius in the head. He goes for the cover. 1, 2, kick out by Obsidius.Chambers looks pissed and picks up Obsidius, smacking him with hard slaps to the face. Obsidius falls back into the corner as chambers charges at him with another hard clothesline that takes Obsidius off his feet and face down on the mat. Chambers goes top to the top rope and signals for the moonsault as the crowd boo heavily. He jumps and rotates but Obsidius rolls to the outside just in the nick of time, missing the impact. Chambers squirms on the mat holding his stomach as Obsidius rolls him over for the cover. 1, 2, kick out from Chambers.

Connor: Wow, a near fall for Obsidius there.

Obsidius picks him up and throws him against the ropes, hitting him with a devastating spine buster on the rebound. Cover, 1, 2, chambers gets the shoulder up. Obsidius takes chambers by the head and throws him against the ropes again, this time chambers ducks out of the way of Obsidius, turns around and slaps him. Obsidius holds his face as Chambers laughs in his face. Out of nowhere Obsidius grabs the cocky Chambers by the throat, lifts him up and hits him with a tremendous choke slam! He goes for the cover, 1, 2, chambers barely gets the shoulder up as Obsidius looks on in disbelief, arguing with the ref it was a slow count.

Cohen: This ref has got something wrong with him up top. First he counts a fall as slow as I have ever seen and then he has the unmitigated guile to argue with a WZCW competitor.

Connor: Oh please, Jack. It was a fair count.

Obsidius the lifts him up over his shoulder in the pump handle slam position and parades him around the ring, mocking the semi-conscious Chambers, then drops him to the mat hard. Cover, 1, 2, kick out just in the nick of time. Obsidius is looking more pissed off and picks up Chambers, throws him against the ropes and connects with a hard flapjack. Obsidius looks down on the broken body of Chambers, but decides to roll to the outside, engaging is a soft kiss with Carmelita, sending the fans into a fury, who came here tonight to see wrestling, not a chick flick! Obsidius laughs off the boos, at which moment he turns around and sees Chambers flying right towards him with a moonsault from the top rope to the floor. Both men are lying down on the outside. The ref starts to count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Chambers is up to his feet and starts winking at Carmelita, he advances over to her and grabs her throat. He moves in to kiss her but Obsidius gets up and clubs him in the back of the head from behind. Obsidius is fuming and throws Chambers into the ring furiously, grabbing a steel chair from under the ring and slides in with it. He sets him up for Affirmative Action onto the chair. The ref warns him he will be disqualified if he does so but he doesn’t listen. He grabs Chambers by the neck and jumps forward to hit the move but Chambers pushes him forward in mid air and Obsidius lands flat on his back. Chambers goes to the top rope and signals for the leg drop. As he jumps from the rope, he slips and falls flat on his ass, missing Obsidius completely, holding his rear end in tremendous pain. Both men get up and charge at each other, taking each other both down at the same time with a clothesline. The ref starts the count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, both men get up.

Connor: This match has taken it's toll on both of these athletes and both are now feeling the effects of a gruelling match.

Cohen: These men are top athletes, CC. They know what they are doing... That was just some top quality resting.

Obsidius is up first though and bends down to pick up the chair. Chambers pushes him over, with Obsidius falling throat first onto the bottom rope. Chambers picks up the steel chair and parades himself around the ring with it, hitting it off the mat. Obsidius staggers to his feet as Chambers charges towards him, screaming. As he swings to hit Obsidius, Obsidius ducks out of the way and chambers smacks the top rope with the chair, which bounces back and hits himself square in the temple! Obsidius grabs his groggy opponent and hit him with Papi Chulo! What impact! He rolls him over for the cover. 1, 2, 3.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Obsidius!

Connor: An impressive victory for Obsidius here tonight, Jack.

Cohen: If you say so, CC.


We're backstage with Vance Bateman who's on the phone.

Bateman: So you want five randomly drawn and mix them up for the next number of weeks?

I don't see any problem with that, in fact, lets make it abit more interesting. I'll take five of my own and we run them simultaneously, whoever isn't functioning on a week meets on one of our shows to give it an extra spice!

I tell you what, after tonight's over, lets meet up and go through everything, get it past the Board of Directors and once it's all confirmed, we'll make an announcement at the pay per view?

I'm glad we could work on this together, no doubt it will make the resulting match one to watch for sure!

Good, well I'll see you tomorrow then. Oh by the way, what's happening with your situation? I saw what happened last night.

I'll find on WZCW.com later? But it's his idea? How kind of you to let him have a say.

Right well anyway, I'll see you tomorrow and we'll get everything sorted, goodbye!

There's a knock at the door, enters Zander with a referee top on

Bateman: Well Mr. Zander, I see you're ready to officiate in the next match. Try and keep it easy, I want to see all three of you make it to that triple threat match. After the atrocities that happened with the EurAsian Championship, you got yourself a great chance to make Ascension shine! I hope so, but we got some big plans for you if you still remain champion after the Lottery, big plans! Now get out there and show me that you can be a good official!

Zander leaves feeling gutted that he didn't get to say what he wanted as Bateman gets back in his seat and picks up the phone again.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Zander makes his way out in a referee top, heading down the ramp, he high fives a few of the fans along the way until he reaches the ring where he climbs in.

Anderson: Introducing the special guest referee for this contest, he is the WZCW Elite X Champion, Zander!

Connor: Well Zander has the tough job of calling this match without stepping on anyone’s toes because he got to officiate his two challengers and one of them is his bitter rival Frankie Smith!

Cohen: Come on CC, how can you referee a match and not step on anyone’s toes? It’s impossible!

“In Too Deep” starts playing as Frankie Smith comes out with a bitter look towards his rival as he heads down the rampway for his match

Anderson: From Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 238 pounds, he is the Celtic Destroyer, Frankie Smith!

Connor: Well Frankie must be still feeling bitter after Zander pinned him to win the Elite X Championship, a title shot Frankie earned at All or Nothing, of which Zander was added to the equation by the luck of the Roulette, come the Lottery, these two will be in their second triple threat match that features the title

Cohen: And Frankie will finally get what he rightfully earned that was stolen off of him! Even the rWo backed him to be Elite X Champion!

Frankie climbs into the ring and just stares begrudgingly at Zander who tells Frankie to back off as the “Star Striped Spangle” kicks in with USA coming out onto the stage and saluting the fans.

Anderson: His opponent, from The Purple Mountains Majesty, weighing in at 257 pounds, USA!

Connor: USA keeps striving after that championship belt and has still yet to be victorious in his search for gold, he even had a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship and left beaten on that occasion.

Cohen: Well this patriarch will not be successful at the pay per view, Frankie’s got this match and the triple threat match in the bag! I just hope Zander calls it down the middle.

USA heads down the ramp and climbs up onto the apron and enters the ring. Zander signals for the bell and the match gets underway. USA and Smith tie up in the middle of the ring and Smith quickly takes advantage of the situation by landing a knee to the gut. He lands a few forearm smashes to the back of USA and the lands a DDT that sends USA crashing, head-first, to the mat. Frankie quickly gets to his feet and moves over to the ringpost. He is struggling with the ring-post cover and Zander steps in by pulling Frankie off of it. Frankie looks at Zander with a stare that would freeze beer. Zander yells at him and tells him to concentrate on his opponent and not the ring-post. Frankie takes heed and heads back towards USA. USA has ad some time to recover and as Frankie comes back to pick up USA, USA lands a few impactful punches to the gut of Frankie. Frankie is bent double and USA takes this opportunity to hit an atomic drop to Frankie. This causes Frankie to hop around in order to get rid of the pain. USA hits him with a sit-down face buster and covers him quickly. USA quickly covers Smith. Zander drops to his knees and counts the fall. 1…2… Kick out!

Connor: It is good to see that this match is going to be officiated fairly.

Cohen: These fans don’t want to see fair, CC. They want to see drama and Zander is not drama… He is boring!

USA gets to his feet and picks up Frankie as he looks to continue his assault on his opponent. Once both men are on their feet, USA swings Frankie into the corner that is furthest away. Frankie rests in the corner and USA is quick to try and follow up. Smith is wise to it though and moves out of the way, causing USA to crash into the corner. Frankie immediately comes back at USA and hits him with a few chops to the chest of USA. The crowd woo with every shot that lands. USA recoils out of the corner, his torso red as blood. Frankie immediately gets on top of the advantage and hits a half nelson. USA is driven to the mat and Frankie quickly covers him. Zander drops to the mat and begins to count. This time, it is a slightly slower count and this draws a glare from Frankie. 1…. Kick out!

Connor: Now I am not saying that Zander is cheating here but that seemed like a slow count to me.

Cohen: Hmm! Maybe I was wrong about Zander. Keep doing things like that and I may just take an interest in him.

Frankie gets to his feet and begins to question why the count was slower. Zander just shakes his head and motions that he just counted the fall as he saw it. Frankie is tense and has his fist clenched as though he is about to strike Zander. However, USA quickly rolls up Frankie and Zander has to count once more. 1…2. Kick out! USA gets to his feet and takes a second to formulate a plan. Frankie slowly gets to his feet after being disorientated by the quick pin. Once he gets to his feet, USA plants him once more with a DDT that sends Frankie back to the mat. USA drops an elbow and it connects with the chest of Frankie. Zander is looking indifferent and seems to be sizing up his opponents in his head. USA covers Frankie once more. 1…2.. Kick out!

Cohen: Pah! He has gone back to boring again, CC!

Connor: Is there something wrong with having a fair match now and again in WZCW!?

Cohen: Yes! Yes, there is…

USA gets to his feet and drags Frankie up too. Frankie is on the wrong side of a few punches to the face. USA tries another and Frankie ducks out of the way. Frankie lands a few chops that sends USA recoiling into the corner. Again, the crowd woo as the chop connects. Frankie runs at USA, who is in the corner and lands a lariat that sends USA to the mat. He picks up USA after a few seconds of rest. He then hits him with the ole kick and then a Samoan drop to his opponent. Frankie covers USA. 1…2.. Kick out! Frankie slams the mat in frustration as he tries to put USA away. He stands up and begins to stalk USA. He is crouching in the corner as USA attempts to get to his feet. Frankie attempts the Final Message but USA is wise to it and ducks under the lunge of Frankie. USA hits the Rocket’s Red Glare and covers Frankie. 1…2…3.

Anderson: Here is your winner, USA!

The crowd cheer U…S…A as he gets his hand lifted in victory.

Connor: It is refreshing to see a referee keep out of the business side of things and just officiate the match. Well done to Zander and an even bigger well done to USA, who boosts his confidence going into the Lethal Lottery.
“Slither” starts playing throughout the arena as the crowd get into an uproar to see William Teach and Steve Kurtesy enter onto the stage with their arms raised in the air as the bell rings.

Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WZCW Tag Team Championship. Introducing first, the challengers, at a combined weight of 471 pounds, the team of Dr. Steven Kurtesy and William Teach!

Connor: This is a big moment for Ascension as this is the first time the Tag Titles get defended on this show, but it is also a big moment for Teach and Kurtesy, they both get their first ever shot for gold and one them debuts for the first time tonight!

Cohen: I don’t know what’s more scary out of those facts, but then it’s not the first time we’ve seen debutants challenge for the belts, you had Anthony Michaels and Mighty NorCal win the belts at Kingdom Come in their debut match, the FHD started the longest reign from their pay per view debut. The title has a history with debutants, but on this occasion, the champions will triumph!

Teach and Kurtesy enter the ring and pose to the crowd until they start discussing tactics while “East Jesus Nowhere” cuts. After a few seconds, Garth Black and Phoenix appear on the stage. They talk momentarily, before they both pose with their arms spread and feet together, holding their title belts high. After posing for a couple moments, they begin their slow walk down the ramp.

Anderson: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 381 pounds, the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Phoenix and Garth Black, The Second Coming!

Connor: This is the champion’s first title defence since winning the belts after that tremendous ladder match at All or Nothing, while we have had expected the FHD to make a rematch for the belts, they’ve been rather occupied

Cohen: The FHD can challenge who they want, when they want. They were courtesy enough to let the Second Coming have a warm up against “The Teach Council”

Second Coming enter the ring, and pose on the turnbuckles on the camera side, they climb down and raise their belts once more before handing them to the ref who presents them to the crowd and hands them over to the timekeeper before signalling for the bell. Kurtesy starts as well as Phoenix who is rather hesitant questioning “Who is this guy?” before Kurtesy hits a right to knock the off guard Phoenix back a few paces before Kurtesy hits a few more rights to get Phoenix against the ropes, followed by the Irish Whip and catches his opponent with the dropkick.

Kurtesy tags Teach in to a large ovation and he goes for an elbow on the downed Phoenix but he rolls out of the way. While Teach tries to get back after hitting canvas, Phoenix runs at the ropes and hits a spinning heel kick to knock him down before tagging Garth in. Garth climbs onto the turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick before going for the cover 1……2…kickout by Teach. Garth gets back to his feet and measures on Teach who gets back up and goes for the springboard crossbody off the ropes but Teach ducks out of the way. Teach stands waiting before Garth tries for a roundhouse kick but again Teach ducks and lights Garth with a flapjack onto the ropes and tags Kurtesy back in.

Connor: Quick tags in the early going, keeping both teams fresh

Cohen: But it stops the momentum they have

Kurtesy stands behind Garth who uses the ropes to get himself back up, he turns and is caught with a faceplant DDT, Kurtesy gets up to his feet and runs at the ropes, but Phoenix pulls the ropes down, causing Kurtesy to fall to the mat outside. Teach argues with the ref about the trick move while Phoenix drops down and Irish Whips Kurtesy into the steel steps on the outside before rolling him back in with a recovered Garth waiting. Garth picks up Kurtesy before tagging in Phoenix and they hit a double dropkick on him before another cover 1….2…kickout by Kurtesy.

Phoenix gets Kurtesy back up onto his feet and drags his head to the turnbuckle before hitting a few rights. He walks away for a moment before running back and jumping onto Kurtesy’s shoulders before flipping him into a pin 1…….2…kickout again. Black curses that pin didn’t go down for the three while Teach tries to reach out to Kurtesy for the tag but no luck at this time. Phoenix gets Kurtesy back up again who is looking rather dazed, he goes for a kick to the gut, but Kurtesy catches it and he hits a dragon screw followed by a single leg boston crab, with Phoenix screaming agony, trying to reach the topes, but Garth runs in and takes down Kurtesy from behind, causing him to break the hold.

Cohen: Great strategy by the champs here!

Connor: I bet Phoenix would have tapped had it not been for Garth…

The ref gets Garth back to his corner and Kurtesy uses the chance to tag Teach in, but the ref doesn’t see it and he tells him the tag is not legal, so he forces Teach back into his corner while Phoenix drags Kurtesy back from the corner and locks the camel clutch on him. The ref asks Kurtesy if he wants to quit, but the answer he keeps getting is “No” while Phoenix shouts at him “Tap out!” During this Teach climbs up the turnbuckle and tries to get the crowd to clap on his partner which gets Phoenix looking annoyed. The crowd start to chant for Kurtesy which gets him even more annoyed and he breaks the hold to go over to Teach to tell him to stop his crowd rallying, the distraction is enough for Kurtesy to roll him up with a school boy, 1…..2…. kickout.

Phoenix can’t believe he almost got pinned, so he goes to tag in Garth but forgets to drag Kurtesy back who tags in Teach right after and both the legal men run into the middle as Garth goes for a clothesline but Teach ducks and hits a few rights before dodging a blindside attack from Phoenix and hits a northern lights suplex on Black, 1…..2… Phoenix breaks the count. The ref tries to Phoenix out of the ring again as Garth drags himself the corner and gets himself up, but Teach is up before him and he tries to get a hold on him before Garth gives him a heel kick low blow, he turns and hits the enziguri and signals for the end. He climbs up the turnbuckle, looking for the Black Magic, but Kurtesy shakes the ropes and Garth ends up losing his balance and crotching himself on the turnbuckle.

Cohen: Hey, that’s cheating!

Connor: Call it fair given the tactics by Second Coming

Phoenix starts arguing with the ref that the opponents should be DQed but the ref is having none of it and Teach is back up on his feet. He spots the situation Garth is in and climbs up the turnbuckle and hits the Avalanche Landslide on him. He goes for the cover as Phoenix runs in but Kurtesy takes him out, 1…….2……3

Anderson: Here are your winners and NEW WZCW Tag Team Champions, William Teach and Steven Kurtesy!

Cohen: No! What the hell just happened?!

We have new tag team champions, Jack. William Teach has beaten Second Coming for a second time and this one has awarded him with tag team gold with his debuting partner Steve Kurtesy!

Cohen: This can’t be happening! Why Teach? Why him of all people?!

Teach and Kurtesy embrace each other in celebration as Phoenix looks livid at the site of his knocked out partner being pinned. The ref gives the tag title belts over to the new champions who raise the belts high as the crowd starts chanting “Teach Us!”

Cohen: No, not that flaming chant again!

Phoenix stands outside with his hands on his hips, not sure what to make of the situation, he goes over and checks on Garth who’s still unaware of what has just occurred. Teach and Kurtesy leave and head up the ramp, celebrating with their belts held up

Connor: Well Ladies and Gentleman, if you thought that was an electrifying tag team match, imagine what’s coming next. It’s Lars Reidar and Everest against Blade and Karnage, this one will definitely be a very heated match as this is the final match before the Lethal Lottery and it’s our Main Event, next!
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for our main event of the evening. This match is scheduled for one fall and will be contested in a tag team match


“Granite” by Pendulum hits the PA system as Karnage comes out to a huge uproar from the WZCW fans. He just smiles and holds his gaze with the fans. He is clutching his red journal and is starting his descent down the ramp.

Cohen: This is it, CC. This is my pick for the Lethal Lottery match. Once he gets past that imbecile Blade, he will go on and pick up the win.

Connor: That may or may not be true, Jack. Karnage has been impressive lately and must get past Blade to even get into the Lethal Lottery match. That, in itself, will be a tough ask

Karnage continues his saunter towards the ring and as he gets there, “Bliss” by Muse hits the PA system. Blade appears on top of the stage and does his signature taunt as red lights spiral around the room.

Anderson: Introducing the first team, weighing in at 522 pounds, Criminal Karnage and the “Zero Hunter” Blade!

Connor: It is too bad that these two men never got to be a real tag-team. They are both impressive competitors and I am convinced that they would have gone far.

Cohen: You know as well as I do that Karnage was the real star of that tag-team, CC. Blade is just dead-weight.

Connor: I doubt it, Jack.

The crowd cheer loudly as Blade begins his descent down into the ring. He gets to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. He meets Karnage in the ring and they begin to talk things over as they wait patiently for their opponents.

“Broken Soul” by Original Sin hits the PA system as Lars Reidar appears through the curtain atop the stage. He remains focused on the task that is residing in the ring before him. He walks at a slow pace towards them and as he reaches the ring, “Supernova Goes Pop” by Powerman 5000 hits the PA system.

Anderson: And now introducing their opponents. Weighing in at a combined 480 pounds. “The Broken Soul” Lars Reidar and the WZCW Heavyweight Champion, “The Pinnacle of Perfection”, Everest!

Connor: Both of these men have a grudge with each other and that will have to wait until Lethal Lottery because if these men can work cohesively as a team, they will be unstoppable.

Lars and Everest get into the ring and are met by their opponents who show no fear.

Blade and Lars Reidar start the match off with both Everest and Karnage standing on the apron outside. Blade and Lars tie up in the middle of the ring and look intent on outdoing the other. Lars is the bigger man and uses his strength advantage to push Blade back into the neutral corner. Lars attempts a high impact punch to the face but Blade uses his quickness to duck out of the way. Lars’ swinging momentum causes him to swing around and Blade takes advantage of Lars landing in the corner. Blade immediately mounts the corner and starts raining down punches on his opponent. The crowd cheer loudly as every punch lands, accompanied by the count from the crowd. Blade lets a cheer out as he dismounts from his elevated position. He turns around and raises both of his hands into the air in celebration. As he returns to his opponent, Lars unleashes a Big Boot that sends Blade crashing to the mat. Lars is quick to take advantage of his opponents circumstance and drops a vicious elbow to the chest of Blade.

Blade writhes in pain as Lars makes contact with him. With Blade down on the mat, Lars walks over to his tag partner and with some caution and hesitation tags him in. the Heavyweight Champion enters the ring and immediately takes Blade down with a clothesline as Blade finally got to his feet. Everest celebrates over the fallen body of Blade. Blade attempts to get to his feet and is met with some resistance in the form of Everest. Everest waits for Blade to get to his feet and then hits him with a float-over DDT.that sends Blade back to the mat. After a few seconds, Everest gets back to his feet. He attempts to run off of the ropes. Karnage has seen enough though and as Everest hits the ropes, Karnage grabs his neck and slams the Champion to the mat for the first time. Everest springs up immediately and looks straight into the eye of Karnage. Words are exchanged and Karnage attempts to rush into the ring. The referee blocks him though and Everest mocks him behind the back of the referee. Blade has recovered though and rolls up Everest. 1…2… Kick out.

Connor: Wow! That was nearly a great victory for Blade and Karnage.

Cohen: You can see that this match is not going to go the way that the stalwart veterans will have hoped for. Well, at least not completely.

Everest is quick to get to his feet and so is Blade. Blade plants the champion with a belly to belly Suplex that buys him some time to recover. Blade falls to the mat and with both of the legal competitors on the mat, Karnage and Lars outstretch their hands. Everest is closest to his tag partner and makes the tag as the crowd will Blade towards his partner. Reidar immediately springs into action and lands a double-axe handle to the back of the head of Blade, causing him to fall just short of his tag-partner. Lars looks at Karnage and a small, wry smile appears in the corner of his mouth. Karnage is remaining calm on the outside of the ring and is exchanging strong words with Lars. Lars, however, is only interested in Blade and picks him up by the hair. The referee calls for him to let go of Blade’s hair but is met with no reply from Lars. Lars swings Blade into the neutral corner and follows it up with a running lariat that sends Blade crashing to the mat once more.

Lars is again quick to take advantage and picks up Blade. Blade lands a knee to the gut of Lars that bends his over. Blade, after a second, lands an uppercut to the chin of Lars and Lars recoils away. Blade attempts a kick on the lower torso of Lars but Lars grabs the leg of his opponent. Blade immediately swings himself around and lands an Enzuigiri on the face of Lars. Both men are down in the bottom of the ring and Blade is struggling to make his way across the ring. Karnage has his hand outstretched and Blade lunges for it as Lars tags in Everest once more. Karnage comes storming into the ring as he takes Everest down with a spear and the takes him down with a clothesline after Everest spring up. Lars Reidar comes back into the ring and is taken down with a huge spine-buster from Karnage who is on fire. Lars rolls out of the ring and Everest is strewn out in the middle of the ring. The crowd cheer as Karnage lets out some frustration in the middle of the ring.

Cohen: You see, CC!? This is why he is my pick for the Lethal Lottery match. This man as been on fire recently and will be all the more focused when his match with Blade rolls around.

Connor: He has been very impressive lately and has just put Everest into his place.

Blade gets into the ring once more and tries to pick up Everest. Karnage is leaning over the top rope as he shouts abuse at Lars Reidar on the outside. Blade picks up Everest and Everest quickly tosses Blade into Karnage, who topples out of the ring and into the clutches of Lars, who begins to stomp the head and torso of Karnage. He picks up Karnage and tosses him over the barricade and into the fans that surround the ring. Meanwhile, Everest attempts a spinebuster of his own on Blade but Blade counters and turns the manoeuvre into a DDT that takes both men to the mat. Blade covers Everest and the referee begins to count the fall. 1…2… Lars, at this moment, stomps the head of Blade and breaks the count. Blade gets to his feet and ducks under a swinging fist from Lars. As Lars turns back towards Blade, Blade unleashes a Clothesline of his own that has all of his reserve behind it. It barely takes Lars down but it does.

Blade celebrates as he gets back to his feet. The crowd are going wild as he stretches his arms out wide to soak up all of the atmosphere. Karnage slides under the bottom rope and immediately squares up to Blade. Blade tries to explain that he was forced into it by a thrust from Everest. Karnage is not taking any of it though and is yelling loudly at Blade. From nowhere, Everest rolls up Blade from behind. Karnage acts quickly and drops an elbow that causes Everest to break the count after 1. Lars gets to his feet and hits Karnage with an inverted DDT that takes him to the mat. Karnage rolls out of the ring and is quickly followed by Lars. Lars picks up Karnage and tosses him into the ring-post.

Cohen: Oh, come on, referee! That is endangering a superstars health, right there!

Connor: It’s all in the nature of Lars, Jack. He doesn’t care about who he hurts and at Lethal Lottery, Everest might learn that as well as Karnage does now.

Meanwhile inside the ring, Blade has managed to gain the advantage over Everest. Blade hits him with a knee to the gut and then bounces off of the ropes. Lars is on his way past and grabs the ankle of the on-rushing Blade. Blade turns around and looks down upon Lars. Everest waits on Blade and as he turns back around, Blade is put in the predicament of the Rock-Slide. Blade lands a couple of elbows to the side of the head of Everest and the hold is broken. Blade waits for Everest to turn back around and lands the Halo. He quickly covers Everest and the referee rushes to count the fall. 1……2…… Kick out!

Blade gets to his feet and looks down at Everest who is struggling to come to terms with the impact of the Halo. Lars enters the ring and the referee is quickly losing control of the match. Lars immediately hits Blade with the Sacrilegious Desecration. Blade crumbles to the mat as Karnage gets back into the ring, unbeknownst to Reidar. Karnage stalks Reidar and as he turns around to face him, Karnage nails him with the Early Release. Karnage gets to his feet and looks at Blade. Everest gets to his feet and nails Karnage with the Rock-Slide. He immediately covers Blade. 1…2…3.

Anderson: Here are your winners, the team of Lars Reidar and the WZCW Heavyweight Champion, Everest!

Connor: What a great match between four completely different superstars with different goals for Lethal Lottery. I have been Catherine Connor, joined by Jack Cohen at another wonderful edition of WZCW Ascension.

with Blade out, Everest gets to his feet and is given the WZCW Heavyweight Championship.He holds it high in the air as a generally hateful reaction rains down upon him. Lars Reidar gets to his feet too. Both men look intently at the other and neither is willing to give an inch. From nowhere, Karnage nails Everest with the Early Release, that sends him thudding to the mat. Karnage exchanges a look at Reidar and rolls out of the ring. Karnage looks at Blade as he makes his way up the ramp and then continues his walk, eventually disappearing from sight through the curtain. Lars rolls out of the ring and goes around to the time-keepers station. H egrabs the chair that is empty and folds it up. Moving back inside the ring, he towers above his Lethal Lottery opponent. After a few moments of hesitation, a sudden voice comes booming over the PA system...

Woman: Gjør det! Svekke ham og ta det som er deres

The screen goes black.
Who wrote what:
Opening, Baller/Excellency, Second Coming vs Teach/Kurtesy, Backstage segments - Phoenix
Lars/Everest vs Blade/Karnage, Frankie/USA - Dave
Rafael/Corey, Obsidius/Chambers - Fratelli

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