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Ascension 53

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
Ascension opens with a huge pop by the live crowd but our immediate focus is taken by the man in the ring. That man is Max Powers and he is alone with a mic in his hand.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Max Powers, the lawyer and representative of the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion. My client is not here tonight in protest of the neglect that has been shown to him. He was asked to appear but refused. From now on, Drake Callahan will only agree to work on Meltdown, the flagship WZCW broadcast, for the length of his run as WZCW Champion. This is only one of a number of demands that I plan to make to on behalf of Mr Callahan and WZCW will be forced to agree to them lest they lose the Championship belt and the man in possession of it at a moments’ notice.”

Showtime arrives to a monster pop and he baths in the reception at the top of the ramp.

“This is disgusting. Maxie, I’m terribly disappointed in you. Ya come out preaching about what Drake wants but it doesn’t matter what Drake wants. I want my World Heavyweight Championship back and I want to know why he hasn’t taken up my challenge and when he is going to do it.”

“Mr Callahan is going to answer you when he is good and ready but it will not be tonight as he is not in this town or even in the state. And Mr Cougar, my client has asked me to remind you of the challenge that faces you tonight, specifically how the unknown can sometime rip you to shreds. You won’t be prepared for the challenge that awaits you and I know that when he gets the time in his busy schedule, he will be interesting to see how you cope with it.”

By now, Showtime has entered the ring and begins to stalk Powers who seems a little nervous by Show’s proximity.

“Maxie, I find it difficult to believe a single word that comes out of your slimy mouth. Why should I, why should we, believe you? In fact, don’t answer that. I don’t want to hear you talk anymore. I am not scared of anything or anyone. I am going to beat whoever or whatever comes down this ramp in the main event. Then if I have to find Drake in whatever dive he has holed himself in and beat an answer out of him, then I will.”

Barely a step separates the two men now.

“I have put my -”

Suddenly the lights cut out, the crowd react with an extremely mixed noise before a growling voice booms out.

“David Cougar, consider tonight a preview to your end. The Hand of Prophecy is coming to secure your destiny and the end of your storied career.”

When the lights reappear, the crowd boo the hell out of the interruption. Cougar looks extremely unsure and takes the time to get his bearings and ensure his safety. In the confusion, Max Powers has bolted up the ramp and away from Cougar who until that interruption had looked ready to get physically involved with the manager of the World Heavyweight Champion. Cougar rues the disturbance as Powers looks back at the superstar in the ring.

Connors: "Evening Ladies and Gents, I'm Cat Connors and I'm with the legendary Jack Cohen. Jack, we have witnessed a blockbuster start to Ascension 53."

Cohen: "Cat, I am intrigued and excited. It doesn't happen but I cannot wait to see how this mystery opponent takes apart David Cougar in that very ring later tonight."

Connors:"Cougar is rarely better and never more entertaining than when he is backed into a corner and that is all thanks to Drake Callahan."

Cohen:"Our World Champion is in a privileged position being able to take some time off from this punishing schedule but he deserves it. Plus he needs to think about this massive decision. He must think that Showtime is looking to trick him. Why would he retire?"

Connors:"I dont trust Drake as far as I can throw him at the moment. But David Cougar is a dangerous man and I wouldn't corner him like Drake has. But let's talk about the rest of the show."

Cohen: "We should. How about Elite X Champion Mick Overlast in non title action?"

Connors: "How about our tag team champions facing the King for a Day and one of the best Mayhem champions ever? Plus the rubber match between Celeste Crimson and Steven Kurtesy!"

Cohen: "Among all this action we have our Mentorship Program rookies appearing with their mentors and Vance Bateman has promised to give us his reaction to the spectacular appointment of Big Dave as Meltdown General Manager!"
Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall.

The announcement from Selena Anderson gains some brief cheers before they are drowned out by the sound of Metallica.


Anderson: Introducing the participants. First, weighing 225 pounds and being accompanied by his mentee Scott Williams; MATT TASTIC!

Tastic emerges from behind the curtain with a broad grin on his face. He sppeds down the ring with the smile still rich on his face. In stark contrast, and several steps behind him is Scott Williams, Tastic’s rookie. Williams has a deadpan expression and as Tastic enters the ring, he is still several feet away.

Connor: Matt Tastic’s rookie Scott Williams sure looks happy to be here tonight.

Cohen: Do I detect a hint of sarcasm CC?

Following his usual entrance, with his theme fading out, Tastic turns to his rookie and signals for him to speed up his walk to the ring. Williams reaches the ring apron, but refuses to share the spotlight with his mentor and despite Tastic’s insistence that he enter the ring, he refuses, staying outside.

Connor: Williams is going to have to realise that Tastic’s trying to help him.

As this icy situation refuses to frost, a new theme takes centre stage and a new participant enters the fray:


Anderson: And his partner, from Washington D.C., weighing 265 pounds and being accompanied by his mentee Darren Bull, the 2012 King for a Day; CONSTANTINE!

Storming out, Constantine has his King for a Day (KFAD) briefcase in one hand with the other clenched tight as well. As he moves a few steps down the ramp, he turns to see nothing. Upset, Constantine motions for someone to emerge. Soon enough, Darren Bull emerges. Much like Scott Williams, Bull is despondent about his ally. He however is more willing to see himself aligned with a champion such as Constantine. The KFAD grabs Bull by the arm and basically drags him to the ring.

Connor: Darren Bull could learn a lot from Constantine, but he appears to be in the same boat as Williams.

Constantine tells Bull to stay put and taking it badly, Bull crosses his arms and refuses to even look into the ring. Constantine slides himself and his case into the ring, posing with the almighty briefcase for a moment before setting it aside. He now moves over to Tastic who shakes his hand.

Connor: It appears the two mentors are going to be strong in their alliance tonight, but can they take down the Tag Team Champions?

Cohen: Hmph, I think you mean chumps?

On “chumps”, the ultimate mash-up hits and the champs enter:


Anderson: And their opponents, being accompanied by their mentee Krypto, they are the World Tag Team Champions; ACTION SAXTON & SABOTEUR!

With huge momentum behind them and some funky beats playing, the champions enter the arena with a great deal of energy, big smiles and a lot of adrenaline running in their system. Almost immediately afterwards, Krypto follows a big smile on his mug too. Sax and Sabs fist bump on top of the stage and turn to face their mentee, nodding at him, indicating they want him to follow.

Connor: See, this is much better, some unity across the board.

With Saxton and Saboteur now at ringside, they enter the ring, raising their tag belts high in the air for all to see before handing the gold to Krypto on the outside. Bouncing in anticipation, Saxton and Sabs nod as a sign of respect toward their enemies tonight. The referee checks both parties are ready for action when he rings the bell, but almost immediately following that clang, a new tune strikes the crowd and offers a darker reception from the four fan favourites in the ring;

Connor: What do these guys want?

Cohen: My guess? To observe. After all this mentee situation could do wonders for their chances in the tag team championship picture if the masked dolt and the brawn for brain moron have a split focus.

Refusing to make a move, Strikeforce stand on the top of the ramp, only interacting with themselves and not the crowd or the match participants. Feeling a sense of unease, Saxton and Saboteur refuse to take their eyes off of the former tag team champions. The referee though is determined to get his match underway and indicates he wants contact to be implemented by the two teams. Jumping at the chance, Matt Tastic and Constantine both step forward and deliver right hands to Saxton and Saboteur respectively. Backing off, with their heads snapping back to the action, Saxton and Saboteur both offer looks of “Brother, why?” While Matt Tastic feels slight guilt, Constantine doesn’t and instead chooses to continue battering his way through with lefts and right for Saboteur. After a few blows, the masked man starts to block the blows, almost absorbing the impact for his own use. Sure enough, Saboteur unleashes a devastating roundhouse kick to take Constantine down. Meanwhile, Saxton and Tastic are getting into a verbal altercation across the ring. Tastic pokes the chest of Saxton to emphasise his point, whatever it may be. Saxton takes exception to this and his face begins to boil with rage. He grabs Tastic’s finger as it continues to poke him in the chest. He pulls the former Killjoy in for a karate chop. Tastic falls backwards and charges right at Saxton, taking the big man down. With fist flailing everywhere, Strikeforce are shown, grinning like Cheshire cats.

Connor: So this was their plan all along!

Cohen: What are you on CC? How did they know this would blow-up in such a manner?

Things have gone badly on the outside too as Krypto, enthusiastically cheering on his mentors jumps up and down like a man possesses. His arms are going everywhere though and one of the tag team belts he’s been charged with keeping flies off, striking Scott Williams in the face! Then, as if by some destined coincidence, the other belt flies off too, this time striking Darren Bull! With both of the other mentees clutching their faces in agony, Krypto begins to back off, but it’s not too long before Williams and Bull charge him down. Elsewhere, Constantine is trying to fight off the assault of Saboteur who is firing kicks and fists all over the place in a frantic melee of physical combat. Saxton and Tastic on the other hand are still rolling around and punching at each other. Things seem to have some form of chaotic order, but that too is broken when, on the outside, Williams accidently hits Bull in the midst of attempting to beat Krypto up. So now the mentees are all at each other’s throats and their scuffle erupts. Back in the ring and Saboteur hits a Stinger Splash on Constantine in the corner, the latter falling to the mat. In contrast, Matt Tastic has gained the upper hand over Saxton and delivers a Samoan drop. Before he can follow up though, Saboteur is in for the save with a double legged dropkick which sends Tastic spiralling out to the floor. Now, Saboteur offers a helping hand to Saxton, lifting the powerful behemoth to his feet.

With Tastic down on the outside, Constantine slumped in the ring and the mentees embroiled in a three-way tussle, Strikeforce see their moment to attack and prepare themselves to move down to the ring. With the former tag champions making the move finally, Saboteur nods at Saxton and immediately the Blaxploitation throw-back knows what his ally needs. Saboteur lunges onto the ropes, propels himself forward and Saxton grabs him, launching some added momentum onto the already moving locomotive that is Saboteur and tosses him over the ropes and into the dastardly tandem of Stormrage and Howard.


With the tag team move working spectacularly, Saxton beams a great big, heart-warming smile. What he won’t be smiling at though is that Constantine has come to and snuck up behind him. In one fell swoop, the King for a Day executes the devastating Collateral Damage. He goes for a cover. 1...2...3!

Anderson: Here are your winners; MATT TASTIC AND CONSTANTINE!

In the midst of the mad victory, the mentees stop in their tracks upon hearing the official match result. Now, pulling away from the other mentees, Darren Bull rolls into the ring to celebrate with his mentor. Jumping up and down in utter glee, Bull is ecstatic....too ecstatic. He turns to Constantine with a great big grin, but his mentor is un-amused. With sweat dripping off his brow and a look of distaste etched onto his large features, Constantine stares a hole through Bull.

Connor: Oh dear...

Cohen: This is going to be messy.

And sure enough it just about does as Bull realises that his over-the-top celebration has been seen right through and fear strikes him. He backs away from his mentor in utter panic but soon finds the ropes. Terrified for his safety now, Bull pleads with Constantine to back off, but the “Powertrip” instead whips Bull off the ropes as hard as he can and delivers a thunderous Axis of Evil to the sheer delight of the audience. On his knees, Constantine screams in the face of the devastated Bull about this being some “tough love”. As the audience revels in delight, we see a shot of Steven Kurtesy observing on a monitor in the back, his mentee Isabel Stone mere inches behind him with a stone cold look on her face.

Connor: Clearly this match had the eyes of the other mentors and mentees too. Steven Kurtesy will be in action against Celeste Crimson later tonight!

Strikeforce have managed to disappear in the aftermath, showing remarkable speed.

Connors: "Where are Howard and Stormrage? They just disappeared!"

Cohen: "I think I saw them making for the exit through the crowd!"

Connors: "But they have a match later!"

Cohen: "I know...Oh boy Sab looks pissed!"

Connors: "How can you tell? Never mind..."

Cat Connors' reaction speaks volumes. Saboteur is wielding his katanas, unsheathed and very much not posing for the crowd. He is after blood and Saxton is not much better. They gather their thoughts for a second before charging up the ramp to begin the search for their rivals. The crowd cheer them on. The cameras begins to follow the tag champs as they rampage through the backstage area. A confused Krypto follows, having regained his hold on the tag team championships, they drag along the floor as he hesitates to keep up. Saboteur and Saxton rumble through the staff, not caring who they bump into along the way until they run into the newly formed team of Derek Jacobs and Mason Westhoff. Their presence is enough to halt the charge of the champs and Krypto.

"You three are full of sin but I can alleviate you of your guilt. Join us as we pray won't you?"

"You kidding sucka? Me and my buddy are going to unleash a can of whupass on those Strikeforce chumps!"

"Strikeforce ain't gonna be in your match later! They are going to preoccupied thanks to a pair of katanas sent sideways down their gullet!"

"I saw those heathens on their way out to the car park. They mentioned going to a Chucky Cheese on their way to your building in Wisconsin."

"No doubt on their way to participate in some devilish activities I am sure."

"On our own turf! We have to stop them Sax!"

"To the car!"

The champs charge off, once more leaving Krypto in their wake to catch up.

"We should go and claim our victory I suppose."

"What a divine piece of luck for us! The congregation will be delighted to hear about that!"

Westhoff laughs and Jacobs rubs his hands gleefully as they walk off.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall!

After a moment, Mick Overlast emerges from behind the curtain. He looks down into the audience, allowing himself a moment to scope the audience before moving slowly down the ramp. He allows a perverse smile to cross his features as some of the fans at the side of the ramp throw their hands out to get a hold of him.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 235 pounds... The Elite X Champion, Mick Overlast!

Connors: Overlast has been on a hell of a tear since he won the Elite X Championship. He is really coming into his own in WZCW.

Cohen: He always had it in him, CC. Blade seen that in him and now that experience is beginning to come into play.

Overlast finally makes it to the ring before climbing the steps, taking the Elite X Championship from around his waist in the process. He enters the ring before mounting the turnbuckle. He raises both of his arms out to his sides, showing the fans what he has achieved.

Almost immediately, Justin Cooper emerges on the stage. He allows a very sinister smile to appear on his features as he begins to move down the ramp. Both men's eyes meet for a second, neither man wanting to take their eyes off of the other. He eventually reaches the bottom of the ramp, his eyes still fixed on his opponent.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 241 pounds... Justin Cooper!

Connors: This match is going to be aggressive from the get-go, you can see it plastered across the face of both men. Hey....where's Logan Burnside?

Only now does Logan appear. Cooper doesn't appear concerned and the giant doesn't come any further than the top of the ramp.

Cohen: And a win against the Elite X Champion wouldn't be bad by any stretch of the imagination.

Cooper slides under the bottom rope and straight into the face of Overlast, the bell sounds as Cooper and Mick begin the match with a flourish with both men immediately launching themselves into a fierce grapple. Both of these competitors want a win here and both men are trying to get the better of the other in the early going. Mick digs in and pushes Cooper towards the ropes. Mick applies some more pressure as Cooper is on the back-foot. Cooper ducks under the third rope and the referee signals for the break. Mick cautiously does so but as Cooper ducks his head back under the rope to enter the ring, Mick lands a knee to the gut. Cooper takes the impact to his gut and is bent double, Mick takes this opportunity to land a kick to the side of the head of his opponent. The referee immediately lectures Mick as a wide smile appears upon his face. Cooper begins to get to his feet as Mick looks on. As Cooper arrives at his vertical basis, Mick quickly lands a few punches that knocks Cooper off balance. Mick sees his opportunity and plants his opponent with a belly to belly Suplex that sends Cooper half-way across the ring. Mick quickly scuttles over and covers Cooper. The referee begins to count. 1…2… Kick out by Cooper.

Connors: As we expected, this match has started out frantically, both men are looking for the early advantage and it seems to be the Elite X Champion who is having the most success in that competition right now.

Cohen:"Logan Burnside is watching his mentor take a bit of a beating so far"

As Mick is getting to his feet, he pulls Cooper to his feet also. Cooper puts up some resistance by hitting Mick with a few punches to the gut and then to the face as he begins to stand upright. Cooper begins to gain some momentum as the crowd begin to anticipate his attack on Mick. Cooper runs off of the ropes and on the way back, looks to land a lariat to Mick. Mick ducks under his onrushing opponent arm and as Cooper stops, Mick runs at him. Cooper realises it though and lands a drop-toe-hold on his opponent, taking him to the canvas. Cooper quickly transitions into a Boston crab and applies tremendous amounts of pressure to the lower extremities of Mick. Mick struggles to deal with the pain and the picture of agony is etched upon his face. With a huge effort on the part of Mick, he launches himself at the bottom rope. Grabbing it with both hands, Mick urges the referee to call for the break. The referee obliges and after a second so does Cooper.

Cohen: Damn, that was close!

Connors: The Elite X Champion is definitely finding it hard going right now as Justin Cooper begins to turn the tide of this match.

Cooper begins to pace across the ring and after a second, moves back towards Mick who is struggling to get to his feet. Cooper reaches out to him and he is about to make contact with Mick, Mick kicks the leg away from Cooper. Cooper falls to the ground as the unexpected nature of the hit takes its toll. Mick slaps the back of his leg to get some blood flowing again after a devastating Boston Crab. Mick is quick to attempt to take advantage though and moves towards Cooper. Cooper is playing possum though and rolls up Mick. The referee begins to count but Mick kicks out before his hand reaches the canvas for the first time. Mick immediately springs up and connects with a Samoan Drop that crushes the ribs of Cooper. Cooper is writhing in agony as Mick gets to his feet and the crowd begin to boo loudly. Mick awaits Cooper getting up once more and drives him into the corner of the ring with a few chops to his chest and clubbing blows to the head. As he gets into the corner, Cooper attempts to fight back but is unsuccessful as Mick lands a spinning forearm and then a neckbreaker that takes Cooper down. Mick begins to pull Cooper away from the ropes and once he is in a suitable position, lands a huge leg drop to the throat of his opponent. He quickly rolls on top of his opponent for the fall. 1... 2... Kick out by Cooper!

Connors: "Mick Overlast is coming back as you would expect a champ to do. He really is turning the screw on the Aussie."

Overlast grabs Cooper and hits a reverse DDT to plant Cooper on his neck once more, he then heads to the top rope. After some jaw-jacking to the crowd he launches himself but the Steel City Statement leg drop misses! Cooper rolled out of the with barely any time to spare. Cooper doesn't capitalise straight away and both men get to their feet at the same time. Overlast goes for the Overlasting Impression and Cooper is able to block any impact and gets an O'Connor pinning combination of all things! 1.....2.....3 Justin Cooper just pinned the Elite X Champion!

Your winner by pinfall, Justin Cooper!"

Connors:"What a result for Justin Cooper!"

Cohen: "This has to go down as a bit of an upset doesn't it?"

Connors:"Cooper's student Logan Burnside is going to be very impressed. He has to be doesn't he?"

Cohen:"That's a remarkable start for this young combination, now Cooper is going to demand that he wins on Aftershock!"

Connors:"No pressure Logan"

Logan remains unmoved by the turn of events but Cooper is delighted by his win and demands a high five from the big man, which Logan reluctantly offers before they head backstage.


We move backstage before arriving at the Strikeforce dressing room. Surprisingly the door opens and James and Mikey exit.

"Man, that was a great Mario Kart session. I'm glad that other match didn't keep us away long."

"I'm not convinced it's the best way to prep for a match though."

"I am and it got your mind off things, you needed the distraction. But we are ready now.

"That KFC meal was a bit excessive wasn't it?"

Mikey burps and only smiles in response.

"Like I said, I am ready!"

"OK, let's go beat up those crazy zealots."
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall.

After a moment, Barbosa appears on the stage, his mind seems almost shattered as he looks out onto the vast audience that lies before him. His mind is doing overtime as he twitches slightly before heading down the ramp, taking no notice of the fans who flank his entrance.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 237 pounds... The Ultimate Inmate, Barbosa!

Cohen: There you see a man who has cracked like a damn egg.

Connors: Indeed a lot of questions are being asked about Barbosa's sanity heading into this match. He interrupted Alhazred's match with SHIT last week, causing Alhazred to take the loss by disqualification. Ascension GM, Vance Bateman was very quick to create this match shortly after.

Barbosa continues down the ramp before finally reaching the ring. He moves up the steps, slowly calculating everything he does. There is a hushed observation throughout the crowd as they watch the demented Barbosa climb into the ring and pull away at the ropes, muttering to himself all of the time.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 178 pounds... Mister Alhazred!

Almost immediately Alhazred is on the stage, looking out onto the challenge that awaits him in the ring. Undeterred, he makes his way down the ramp, remaining focussed all the time on the demented character that looks back at him without any real emotion on his face. The Power Glove is attached but he doesn't tamper with it as he normally might.

Connors: Alhazred must be looking for some measure of revenge tonight. His match with SHIT was an engrossing encounter with it really not going any man's way. It was a shame to see it disturbed the way it was.

Cohen: Don't forget that Barbosa is a former World Heavyweight Champion, he's not going to be a push over by any stretch of the imagination, even in his state.

Connors: You're right, Jack. This ought to be a hell of a match.

Alhazred reaches the bottom of the ramp and immediately slides under the bottom rope and into the ring. He bounces off of the opposite ropes as his stylish and fast entrance whips the crowd into a frenzy of sorts. As he returns, Barbosa grabs him before pleading with him to release his secret. Alhazred's face becomes a picture of frustration as he pushes the demented superstar off of him. The referee quickly intervenes and separates the two. The referee makes his final checks before sending both men to their respective corners and signalling for the bell.

Connors: It's obvious to everyone that Barbosa is in no state of mind to wrestle tonight. But here we go, this match is under way.

Both men walk towards the middle of the ring, Barbosa moving measurably slower than Alhazred. This is not going to stop Alhazred though, he grabs Barbosa quickly and nails him with a swift forearm to the jaw. Barbosa recoils in pain as Alhazred follows up with another forearm, landing on approximately the same place as the previous shot. Barbosa recoils once more as Alhazred presses forward, not allowing Barbosa to get a minute to compose himself. Alhazred grabs the back of Barbosa's neck before whipping him into the far ropes. As he returns, Alhazred looks for a hefty clothesline but Barbosa manages to duck out of the way. Barbosa hits the ropes again, this time returning and nailing Alhazred with a clothesline of his own. Both men hit the canvas for a second but quickly regain their vertical basis. They stare at each other as the crowd begins to show their excitement for the match up.

Connors: A very even match thus far, as you would expect.

Cohen: Time will tell in this match. Neither man really want to lose this one, that's for sure.

Again, they clash in the middle of the ring, this time tying each other up. The fans look on with baited breath as both men try to get the early advantage over the other once again. After a moment, it is Alhazred who comes out on top, nailing Barbosa with a quick knee to the gut. Barbosa bends over double for a second, his gut wrenching in pain. Alhazred is quickly on him again, nailing him with a beautiful uppercut that staggers Barbosa backwards. Without hesitation, Alhazred leaves his feet, nailing Barbosa with a succulent dropkick. Alhazred quickly climbs on top of Barbosa, hoping to finish him off with a surprise pin. However, the former Heavyweight Champion is still to fresh for that tactic to work and rolls a shoulder out with the referee's hand only reaching the canvas for the first time.

Connors: The first pinfall of the match ends with a quick kick out. Barbosa isn't going to be put away by that.

Alhazred pulls Barbosa to his feet once more, there is a look in the genius' eyes that signal intent to do harm to his opponent. Tossing Barbosa off of the ropes again, Alhazred nails him with a great drop toe hold that causes Barbosa to eat the canvas one more time. Alhazred seems unwilling to let his pace drop and is quickly on the back of the demented Barbosa, looking to lock in a sleeper hold. Barbosa seems to come to his senses momentarily, realising that he was in some trouble there. He powers out of the smaller man's hold and gets straight to his feet. Alhazred has no other choice other than to do the same and does so without hesitation, silently annoyed that he could not take the opportunity to put Barbosa down and take some of the energy out of his sails. With both men back on their feet, the match begins in the same position as it was previously. Barbosa seems to be having a moment of certain clarity and as Alhazred looks to press some more, Barbosa finally nails him with a huge shot to the face. Alhazred staggers back, his mouth beginning to bleed slightly from the shot. Alhazred runs a hand along his lip before checking for blood. He squints at it for a second before running at Barbosa, looking for some swift retribution. However, it is Alhazred who is caught out as Barbosa firmly plants him with a well-timed knee, dropping Alhazred to the canvas. Barbosa takes no time in locking in his reverse chin lock as Alhazred begins to struggle against the hold.

Cohen: Now, we're talking!

Connors: A hugely effective move from the former World Champion. This could put Alhazred to sleep for the end of the contest as we know it.

Alhazred seems to be at the mercy of his nemesis as Barbosa piles yet more pressure onto the hold. Alhazred struggles to get away but with one final push, he makes it to the ropes. The referee steps in as Barbosa once again volleys abuse at Alhazred. There is a confused sense in the crowd as the zany Barbosa refuses to let the hold go. The referee begins to utilize his count but Barbosa finally releases the hold. After a moment, Alhazred tries to get back to his feet. But Barbosa is not willing to allow it. He lets Alhazred get to his knees before punishing him with some stiff right hands to the face. Alhazred falls backwards, his face a picture of sheer agony. Without hesitation. Barbosa is on him with animalistic brutality, landing shot after shot to the helpless Alhazred. Barbosa continues to press until the referee steps in once more, pulling Barbosa from his opponent. Barbosa looks at the referee, questioning his decision but it is not for long. He moves back towards Alhazred who is on his knees once again. Barbosa attempts to land another stiff shot but Alhazred has had some time to recover somewhat. He grabs the legs of Barbosa and forces him into a pin cover. 1... 2.. Barbosa manages to kick out with nothing to spare.

Connors: So close there, Alhazred is looking to put this match to bed.

Barbosa spring to his feet, looking to regain the advantage once more. But Alhazred is recovered and is ready for anything that Barbosa is going to throw at him. As Barbosa looks to land a hay-maker to the rising Alhazred, the doctor throws up a hand, blocking the strike. He follows up with a shot of his own as Barbosa catches one on the jaw. Barbosa staggers backwards once more as Alhazred gets to his feet finally. Barbosa tries to land a retaliatory shot but Alhazred is ready for it. Her throws his hand up once again before launching another ferocious shot, catching Barbosa once more. As Barbosa looks at him with a look of sheer anger on his face, Alhazred allows a small smile to creep across his face. Barbosa charges at his opponent, desperately trying to regain the advantage. Alhazred has his opponent well scouted, however, and lands a beautiful knee to the gut. Barbosa tumbles over the leg of Alhazred and crashes to the canvas. Alhazred is feeling it now and uses this opportunity to land a well-executed splash from the middle rope. He covers Barbosa once again. 1... 2... Barbosa manages to roll a shoulder out!

Connors: And again! Barbosa is in trouble here. Alhazred seems to have him well scouted tonight.

Cohen: I've never seen someone have this much of an advantage on Barbosa before. It's damn impressive!

Alhazred signals that he is getting ready to hit the Level 5 and backs off. He moves forward but Barbosa blocks any intentions with a kick to the gut. He looks to go for the Mood Stabiliser and is able to lift him up into the air. Barbosa goes to drop him over the top rope but Alhazred slides out behind him and nails Barbosa as he turns with the spinning back fist to the face!!

Connors: "Level 5! Alhazred hit that brutal spinning to the face of the bipolar superstar!"

Alhazred hooks the leg of Barbosa who is laid out, 1.....2.....3!!

Your winner by pinfall, Mr Alhazred!

Cohen: "What a knockout strike by Alhazred and it got him the win!"

Connors: "That's a huge victory for the mad professor!"

The robot emerges and stands still at the top of the ramp. It twitches at the top of the ramp. Alhazred is distracted enough by this entrance that Barbosa has recovered and is able to hit the Doppelganger on the unaware professor! Only now does S.H.I.T. make his way down to the ring and Barbosa goes out of the ring to meet the mysterious android and they exchange punches. The bipolar superstar gets an advantage and whips the robot into the corner post. S.H.I.T. brushes off this impact and is able to hit the exhausted Barbosa with a clothesline that puts him hard on the mat. S.H.I.T. looks down on him but he is clubbed from behind and taken down by a massive strike from the Power Glove of Alhazred!

Connors: "These three competitors have attacked and assaulted each other at every opportunity!"

Cohen: "I cannot believe these three are continuing their bickering! Why can't they answer the question that Barbosa has posed!"

Connors: "I don't think Alhazred cares after this massive win over a former World Champion!"


Leon Kensworth has caught up with an ecstatic Justin Cooper who is shadowed once more by Logan Burnside.

"Justin, you must be delighted. That was quite a win."

"Leon! Leon! This is the kind of performance that I have always been capable of! I am now the number one contender for the Elite X cha-"

"Whoa, isn't that a little presumptuous?"

"I dont know, is it?"

"I know you just pinned the champ but you can't make that call."

"I can make that call Leon. I've got this big ape with me. Ya really think Vance Bateman is going to argue with us? Hell I think Elite X champion and Mentorship Programme winners has a nice old ring to it"

Leon looks surprised as Justin runs off, continuing to celebrate his achievement, ignorant to any concerns that Leon was trying to suggest.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Anderson: Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Arashi, from Petersburg, Russia, weighing 165 lbs, Celeste Crimson!

Celeste walks out onto the ramp and Arashi follows a small distance behind. Celeste smiles and waves at the audience and high fives some of the fans along the ramp. She keeps looking back at Arashi and encouraging him to interact more with her.


Celeste enters the ring and Arashi walks to the otherside as Steven Kurtesy's music plays. Kurtesy walks out with Isabel Stone beside him. They walk down the ramp and he instructs her on what she should pay attention to. Isabel appears slightly disinterested, but stares Kurtesy in the eye as he speaks.

Anderson: And her opponent, being accompanied to the ring by Isabel Stone, from Sydney, Australia, weighing 235 lbs, Steven Kurtesy!

Connor: What an exciting match we will be witnessing Jack, as two mentors face off against each other. I know both there mentee's will be able to learn lots from them in this match.

Cohen: That is true Cat, but to my eye it would appear both are having some trouble reaching out to their mentee's and why wouldn't they? A lot of these new rookies couldn't tell the difference between an arm lock and a hammer lock.

Steven enters the ring and the bell sounds. Celeste extends her hand to shake Kurtesy. Kurtesy looks down at the then quickly shakes it. He pulls Celeste in and the two lock up. The move surprised Celeste and Kurtesy is able to take her to the mat with a headlock takedown. Kurtesy continues applying the headlock as Celeste kicks her legs trying to squirm free. She gets her feet underneath her and lifts her body up and slips her head free of Kurtesy. Before Kurtesy can defend, Celeste grabs onto his arm and keeps him on the mat with a fujiwara armbar. Kurtesy keeps his body off the ground slightly by planting on his head. As Celeste tries to maintain her grip on Kurtesy, he is able to roll over and out of the armbar. Celeste gets to her feet and charges at Kurtesy. The professor of human psychology rises to his feet and catches Celeste almost immediately, taking her to the mat with a japanese arm drag. Kurtesy rolls over and applies a standing arm lock on Celeste. Celeste rises to a sitting position slowly and is able to twist over onto her feet and behind Kurtesy. She grabs him and goes for a backbody drop. Kurtesy flips over and lands on his feet. He grabs Celeste by the waist and rolls her into a pin. Celeste counters by rolling Kurtesy up into a pin. 1... 2 Kurtesy kicks out. Celeste cautiously approaches Kurtesy and goes a roundhouse kick. Kurtesy ducks the kick and school boy rolls of Celeste. 1... 2 Celeste kicks out. Kurtesy walks to Celeste who springs to her feet. She goes to kick Kurtesy. Kurtesy grabs Celeste foot. Celeste then goes for an enziguri. Celeste misses the kick and lands on her foot, but before Kurtesy can capitalize, Celeste mule kicks back, breaking Kurtesy grip and allowing Celeste to roll to safety. She gets up across the ring in defense pose and then lowers her arms. The crowd gives a very respectful applause and even the mentee’s seem impressed by their mentor’s counters so far.

Connor: Exciting opening to this match so far. These two are very good friends and they know each other’s moves well.

Cohen: In a different situation, I’m sure these two would love to counter each other all day long, but with their mentee’s watching at ringside, neither wants to disappoint them by losing to the other. Things are going to turn up very shortly.

Kurtesy and Celeste circle around the ring for a few seconds each, thinking about their next move. They both lock up again at centre and Kurtesy gains control by grabbing the arm of his opponent and wrenching it to the side. Kurtesy continues to twist the arm and then takes Celeste to the mat with an arm drag. He tries to apply an arm bar, but Celeste roll onto her feet. Kurtesy still holds her arm and brings her to the mat again with an arm drag. Celeste again manages to dodge the arm bar, but Kurtesy arm drags her a third time and is apply to lock in the arm bar now. Unfortunately for Kurtesy they have now rolled near the ropes where Celeste is able to reach them with ease. The two slowly get to their feet and Celeste kicks Kurtesy hard in the leg. Kurtesy hobbles and Celeste is able to hit a second kick. She applies a side headlock on Kurtesy and tries to bring him to the mat. Kurtesy pushes Celeste off him and into the ropes. Celeste bounces back off the ropes and Kurtesy hits her in the gut with savate kick. The blow bring Celeste down to her knees. Kurtesy underhooks both her arms and hits the Circle of Life suplex. He quickly hooks both Celeste’s legs for the pin. 1... 2.. Celeste kicks out. Kurtesy points towards his mentee and instructs Isabel to pay close attention now. Arashi appears unimpressed by his mentor so far.

Connor: Arashi has shown many times his displease about Celeste being his mentor. A loss for her will not help her reach out to Arashi that she is an excellent teacher to him.

Cohen: You can’t blame Arashi for thinking he may get some better training from someone like Steven Kurtesy. Look at the clinic Kurtesy has put on so far here tonight.

Kurtesy continues to attack the different body parts of Celeste, now targeting the legs. He grabs one leg and starts to kick the back of it. He grabs further down the leg and tries to turn Celeste over into a single leg boston crab. Celeste stops herself from turning over and pulls Kurtesy forward. She puts her free leg on his chest and pushes him back onto the mat. Kurtesy gets to his feet first as Celeste hobbles more slowly up to hers. Nonetheless, she surprises the former doctor and grabs him, throwing him to the mat with a belly to belly suplex. Celeste goes for a cover of her own. 1... 2. Kurtesy kicks out. Kurtesy rolls near the ropes and uses them to get to his knees. Celeste is already on her feet and hits a running kick. Sending Kurtesy through the ropes, but still on the apron. Celeste goes to corner and slowly climbs onto the top rope. Kurtesy is now standing on the apron as Celeste jumps off. She hits a flying thrust kick that sends Kurtesy flying off the apron and onto the floor. Isabel covers her mouth, half laughing, but then showing concern for her mentor. Arashi nods his head outside the ring and looks more interested, if anything.

Connor: Kurtesy spills hard onto the floor. Is this the turning point for Celeste, or will Kurtesy regroup and regain control of the match.

Isabel goes over to help her mentor, but Kurtesy refuses her help. He stands up too quickly and slides into the ring. He runs awkwardly towards Celeste, who knees him in the gut and stopping him in his tracks bent over. Celeste grabs the arm and hooks her leg over Kurtesy’s head. She locks in The Pyromancy submission. The move wrenches at Kurtesy body and he is unable to use his other arm to strike Celeste of pull himself out of the hold. Isabel is banging the mat yelling at Kurtesy, while Arashi is nodding his head more and appears eager for Celeste to win so he can leave. Kurtesy tries to backpedal closer to the ropes, but Celeste isn’t letting him get far. With one burst of strength though, Kurtesy lifts Celeste off her feet and runs her back, crashing her back hard into the corner. Kurtesy turns around slowly and grabs the leg of Celeste. Dragon screw throws Celeste back to the centre of the ring. She holds her leg and Kurtesy is hunched over the top rope resting. He looks back at Celeste and slowly climbs onto the top rope. Celeste is now slowly rising to her feet and turns to face Kurtesy. Kurtesy leaps and goes for a high angle moonsault. He connects with the move and goes for the cover. 1... 2... Celeste kicks out.

Cohen: Blend mat wrestling, submission, and a little high risk, and you have the pieces in place for a world champion. I don’t think Isabel has the brightest future amongst all the competition, but she sure has the best mentor.

Connor: Jack, I disagree with your statement and just think you’re trying to stir the pot here. Titus is a two time champion, and him, Steamboat Ricky, and Celeste have all wrestled longer that Steven Kurtesy. No doubt among the best of a very string group of trainers, but I don’t think many are more knowledgeable about wrestling than Celeste Crimson.

Kurtesy gets up from the kickout and moves his head around in the ring, possible trying to get a kink out of his neck. He helps Celeste get to her feet and the crosses her arms in front of her neck in a straight-jacket hold. Kurtesy goes for the Solitary Confinement. Before he can attempt the body scissors, Celeste turns over and lifts Kurtesy onto her back and throws him backwards into a pin with a bridge. The ref counts. 1... 2... Kurtesy kicks out. Both wrestlers lie in the ring, prompting the ref to begin a 10 count. It’s short lived though as Kurtesy and Celeste both get up around the count of 4. Kurtesy and Celeste both try to one up with other with punch and strikes. Celeste blocks a punch by Kurtesy and hits a straight boot to the midsection, backing Kurtesy into the ropes. Celeste goes for an irish whip, Kurtesy reverses it. Celeste hits the ropes and Isabel reaches out and grabs her leg. stopping Celeste, but not dropping her to the mat. Celeste turns to face Isabel and asks her why she did that. Through a combination of a sound in the ring and Isabel’s shift in eyes, Celeste senses Kurtesy approaching her. Backflip Kick by Celeste connects dropping Kurtesy to the mat. Celeste stands over Kurtesy, ready to hit the Spirit Crusher. Isabel jumps onto the apron yelling and screaming, distracting the ref who now gets in between her and Kurtesy and Celeste.

Cohen: Isabel has completely lost it right now.

Connor: The ref’s back is turned from the action inside the ring.

Kurtesy gets to his feet and Celeste goes for a high speed roundhouse kick. Kurtesy ducks the kick. Isabel sees that the kick is coming straight for her and the ref and drops off the apron, pulling in the refs shirt and causing him to avoid the kick, although still going neck first into the ropes. Celeste is spun around and Kurtesy rolls her up into the pin. No one is around the count the pin as the fans call it out. 1... 2... 3 Celeste kicks out right as the crowd shouts 3. Kurtesy looks down at the ref who is slowly beginning to recover and then looks towards Isabel. Kurtesy shakes his head and then goes to lift Celeste off the mat. Celeste catches Kurtesy off guard and rolls him into a pin. The ref crawls over to count. 1... 2... 3.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Celeste Crimson!

Celeste stands up and raises her arms to a cheer from the audience, who applaud both competitors for their performance. Arashi too is applauding, but he is refusing to enter the ring with Celeste and instead slowly walks around the ring. He stops by Isabel who appears stunned by the outcome. He put his hand on her shoulder and says something. She turns around a smacks him in the face. She then slides into the ring before an altercation can continue. Arashi looks displeased, but starts to make his way to the back. Celeste helps Kurtesy to his feet and shakes his hand before leaving the ring to catch up with her mentee. Isabel and Kurtesy and alone in the ring now. She appears sorry for screwing up the outcome. Kurtesy does not appear pleased either, but shrugs it off and reassures Isabel that everything is alright.

Connor: Jack, what an exciting match we just saw and quite a lot going outside the ring as well.

Cohen: Okay... I’ll admit it, both these mentee’s have good trainers, but Celeste still got lucky tonight. I’m more curious now what Arashi may have said to spark Isabel off on him and what may develop between these four wrestlers.


Quick Commercial Break


Howard and Stormrage make their way to the ring, Stormrage running down the sides and hyping up the crowd but only gets booed for it, Howard marches with intent. They both slide into the ring and stop dead centre.

Cohen:Looks like Strikeforce have got something to say again.

Connor: I’m not surprised; Saxton and Saboteur have barely acknowledged their challenge to a rematch but they aren't anywhere to be found at the moment!

Howard: At last week’s Meltdown, we stood here in the middle of the ring and threw down the gauntlet to Saxton and Saboteur and we were told we’d have to wait.

Stormrage: So, we’ve waited, and waited. Their response so far? Bupkis.

Howard: Once again we find ourselves out here, in the middle of the ring; the former tag team champions. The guys who ended the record breaking run of Runn Reynolds Runn. The team that won in the match second only to the WZCW Championship at Kingdom Come and we’ve been reduced to begging for scraps from two guys who wouldn’t be out of place in Teletubbies.

Stormrage: We’re not really the begging type. We’re far more stubborn than that. And we've done everything we can to get their attention and still, bupkis. With that in mind when we finish beating the living hell out of the New Church we’re going to set up some chairs and sit here in the middle of this ring and wait.

Howard: The show stops until we get our answer.

Stormrage: Hey Jack! Jack Cohen! Order us a takeaway will ya?

Westhoff and Jacobs walk onto the ramp and start to walk slowly, procession-like towards the ring. From the top of the ramp, Mason speaks.

Westhoff: Do you see it Brother Jacobs? Do you see what Greed has done to their poor weak willed minds?

Stormrage: What do you want David Koresh?

Westhoff: I want you two gentlemen to see the error of your ways, especially you Mikey Stormrage. Do you not fear for your safety around a man as violent and demonic as James Howard? Do you not fear for the safety of your loved ones? You need to accept that you do not need a demon by your side to be powerful; instead you must embrace faith and belief.

Howard: I can’t help but notice for all of your talk that you’re yet to actually get into the ring. Are we going to fight or are you going to try to preach us to death? Men like you need to understand that if you give us one choice, then we are going to fight every single time. Get down here already!

Westhoff and Jacobs confer for a second before walking down the ramp with determined looks.

Connors:Well business just picked up! Strikeforce came out looking for an answer but for the second week in a row, the New Church has answered it.

Cohen: In style I might say. Not that Strikeforce are happy about that.

Connors: Until they get the tag champions agreeing to their rematch at Apocalypse but that won't happen as it seems the champs have left, all thanks to the New Church.

Cohen: Strikeforce will not and should not be happy. But they have a big match to get over tonight.

Connors: And that match is going to happen right here after this break!
Connors: “We are back with former tag champs Strikeforce facing The New Church!”

Cohen: "And despite causing a near riot in our opening bout, Strikeforce do not have to worry about Saboteur and Action Saxton because they seem to be sent on a wild goose chase"

Connors: "And no wonder Jacobs and Westhoff seem relaxed, Strikeforce are on edge, they could make a costly mistake here."

The two biggest men in the match, Mikey Stormrage and Derek Jacobs are tangled in a tie up, Mikey has the advantage but Jacobs takes him down with ease. Derek’s side headlock is clamped on, Mikey tries to counter with a headscissors but can’t get his legs over; instead Mikey gets a cradle! 1...2....Jacobs kicks out. Jacobs is infuriated and charges at Mikey but Stormrage shows good agility to evade the charge and send Jacobs crashing into the corner. Boots to the midsection by Mikey allows him to take Jacobs over to James Howard who tags in his buddy.

Cohen:“At last the slob gets out of the match. What a disgusting sight that is – a sweaty Mikey Stormrage without a shirt.”

Connors: “That’s ridiculous, Mikey is in decent shape!”

Cohen: “Decent? Is that all you have Cat? We all know Howard is the workhouse of this unit.”

Howard gets an arm wringer on Jacobs before kicking at the closest knee and then pointed elbows to the shoulder joint. Jacobs is on his knee, Howard steps back and goes to hit a running knee strike but Jacobs blocks it before picking up James in an impressive military press. Mason Westhoff shouts from the apron and Jacobs brings him over where Mason tags in. Jacobs drops him at his feet and Mason hits a leg drop. He goes for a cover but gets a quick two. Mason picks him up and whips him to the ropes, he goes for a big boot but Howards ducks underneath it and stings him with a series of jabs to the faces and hooks to the body. He then tackles Mason to the mat with a lunging clothesline!

Cohen: “See, James is proving my point!”

Connors: “James and Mikey are a great pairing, you can’t one or the other is the better half!”

Howards goes for a cover, 1....2....Mason kicks out and James locks in a body scissors before pounding some elbows into the side of Mason’s heads. Jacobs rushes in and breaks the waist lock. As the ref rushes him out, Mikey storms in and helps him out with an axle handle strike to the back of his head as he leaves the ring.

Cohen: “And see! Mikey is now reduced to breaking the rules because he cannot keep up!”

Mikey goes back to his corner and screams for the tag as Jacobs is nowhere near his corner. James crawls across and Mikey comes in on fire, he whips Mason into the Strikeforce corner and follows up with a fierce splash. Mason collapses on the mat and Howard hits a moonsault from the corner! Mikey goes for a cover but Jacobs pulls him out of the ring. Jacobs hits a low blow out of the view of the referee and hits a double underhook backbreaker to Mikey!

Connors: “Superb strength on show by Jacobs to the big buck Stormrage!”

Cohen: “And Mikey’s there for the taking because his cardio is rubbish!”

Connors: “Oh get over that already! The Mikey is fat joke isn’t funny anymore.”

Jacobs picks him up with some ease and slides him back into the ring. Westhoff whips him into the opposite corner and hits the running boot to Mikey’s face as he is held up by the turnbuckle. Stormrage is dazed and Westhoff is easily able to set him up for the backslide driver, 1....2.....Mikey kicks out just before the three count. Jacobs urges a tag from the priest and with Mikey trying to get to his feet, the former bodyguard comes in and keeps Mikey down by wrenching his arm behind him. James Howard tries to revitalise the crowd by stamping on the apron, trying to encourage his partner. Mikey is able to almost turn but Jacobs stops any momentum by releasing his arms and clubbing him across the back. Mikey shrugs it off and Jacobs slaps him across the face. Mikey ignores it and yells a primal scream. He hits a series of forearm strikes and chops to Jacobs! He whips Jacobs to the ropes and hiptosses him to the mat as he rebounds out. Mason comes in but Howard meets him and suplexes him to the mat. Howard looks to Mikey and the unspoken bond that the former tag team champions share comes to the fore as they simultaneously grabs Jacobs and hit a double suplex, Mikey goes for a cover but only gets two!

Connors: “Mikey became superhuman for a second there. The crowd were eating it up!”

Cohen: “Strikeforce are showing their experience here That suplex nearly got the win.”

Connors: “Jacobs is on his own and he desperately needs Mason to come to his aide!”

James heads to the top rope as Mikey sets up for Headshot, Mikey lifts him into the powerbomb position but Mason comes across the ring apron and takes out Howards’ legs, leaving him crotched on the top rope! Mikey is distracted and goes for Mason who drops Mikey jaw first across the top rope. Mason shoves James off the top rope where he collides with the ringside barrier. Jacobs grabs Mikey and hits the Chokeslam! Jacobs hooks the leg, 1.....2......3!!!

Your winner by pinfall, Derek Jacobs and Mason Westhoff, The New Church!!

The crowd hate the result and show vehement anger and frustration as Jacobs and Westhoff celebrate. Mikey pounds the mat and rolls out to help his buddy. Howard is clutching his face and his nose may be bleeding as there is a little blood.

Cohen: “What a win for the newcomers!”

Connors: “They had to use a combination of illegal double teams and sneak attacks to get the win.”

Cohen: “Rubbish, James Howard cost them by taking too long on the top rope!”

Connors: “Mason didn’t have to near break Howards’ jaw by throwing him off the top rope though!”

Cohen: “That was divine intervention! Mason saw the opportunity that was available to him and took it!”

Connors: “I don’t think Mason Westhoff would know divine if it smacked him in the face. But where does that leave Strikeforce? They are desperate to get this answer from Saboteur and Saxton.”

Cohen: “I hope they are kept waiting!”


We see Vance Bateman in his office, backstage at Ascension as he addresses the camera for the fans in attendance and the viewing public.

"The last couple of days have been no more chaotic than normal in WZCW but they have been significant. I am delighted to welcome Big Dave as my Meltdown counterpart. I'm sure he will be extremely successful on the longest running show in wrestling. He all the experience he needs to be successful. I certainly can admire his gumption to announce Chris KO vs Steven Holmes for Apocalypse. It was certainly the right match to announce at this time as was the required unification of the Eurasian championship. But I have two matches to equal those."

"Given recent events, this week and last, Barbosa, Mr Alhazred and SHIT have been a thorn in my ass and I want it extracted so those three colourful characters are going to meet in a triple threat match at Apocalypse. I'm hoping that these three men can resolve their issues in front of our pay-per-view audience and for the thousands who will be in attendance."

"I can also confirm that Mayhem Champion Ace Stevens will defend his championship against Connor Reese. Mr Stevens has been a remarkable champion but Mr Reese seems to have his number. Those two great young talents can resolve their issues in a one on one match with Mayhem Rules."

"We are of course waiting to hear from our tag champions Saboteur and Action Saxton about accepting the challenge of Strikeforce and from Mr Callahan about the challenge from Mr Cougar. That means we should have two more matches to announce as well as details of who will face the Elite X champion Mick Overlast well before the end of the next Ascension. Last by no means least, we will reveal the details of who will eliminated from The Mentorship Program at the pay-per-view."

"Apocalypse is shaping up to be a terrific card and I can't wait. In the meantime, thanks for tuning into WZCW Ascension. let's take you to our main event!"
Anderson: The following contest is your main event for this evening, scheduled for one fall!


The crowd roars and stands on their feet, giving an ovation for Showtime as he walks out from behind the curtain and out onto the stage. He has a huge smile on his face as he observes how much adulation he is receiving from the crowd before walking down the ramp.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, weighing in at 219 pounds; "Showtime" Cougar!

Cohen: I will never understand why this crowd can adore this man after all the things he has done in his career to piss them off.

Connor: Its because at the end of the day Jack, he is wrestling for the fans and his passion for the business cannot be compared to anybody elses'.

Show has gotten in the ring and is standing on the second turnbuckle, looking out into the crowd who are still cheering quite loudly for the larger-than-life superstar. He thanks for the crowd for the support with a wave and hops down, preparing himself for the upcoming match. The music dies down and Show awaits his mysterious opponent. A couple members of the crowd are chanting a name but it is too inaudible to hear. Show hears them and laughs at them, ignoring the possible contender.

Anderson: And his opponent...

Cohen: The anticipation is killing me!

Everyone is getting a bit annoyed at the waiting, wanting to know who it is. The entire arena goes to black and the only source providing illumination are the camera's going off to try and see. However, the music hits:


Some of the fans give off their reaction as they know who it is with others not knowing. The four corners of the ring are highlighted by spotlights as the music continues, changing colours rapidly until they shut off and the normal lights come back on to see a familiar figure sitting on one of the turnbuckles facing towards Showtime with his arms outspread and his head held high. Show is shocked at who it is as well as the audience who give off a loud yet mixed reaction as they see it is none other than the...

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 364 pounds... the Grand Mystique!

Cohen: Oh my God, its the Grand Mystique! He has returned!

Connor: Nobody knows how to take this surprise though. We all knew this was a mystery opponent but Mystique? That's a big surprise.

Mystique jumps off the turnbuckle and begins circling around the ring, waiting for the match to begin. Show is also pacing around the ring but is still surprised at his opponent, not knowing what to think of it. The music dies down as the referee rings the bell to start the match.

Connor: "Whoa!! He is huge! This man may be the Grand Mystique by name but he looks like he is double the size of the man I remember watching!"

Cohen: "Your eyes are playing tricks on you Cat! He looks in great shape."

The crowd is definitely buzzing from the appearance of Mystique who are giving him both boos and cheers as some of them remember what Mystique used to be like and others appreciate the return of an older star. The two men continue circling until Mystique goes to lock up with Show but he evades, going behind GM. He turns around and is met by a few knife edge chops from Show, forcing GM to the ropes. Show goes to whip GM but it proves to be ineffective as he is too big, allowing GM to turn the tables and whip Show across the ring. Show executes a running flying elbow on GM, clocking him in the face and knocking him down. Show sees this opportunity to climb to the second rope as GM gets up, diving off to hit a quick spear. Show goes for the cover... 1... kick-out by the GM. Show grabs the arm of the GM and twists it, wrenching at his arm a couple of times to keep him down and lock in an armbar. GM feels the pain but is easily able to get up to gain some leverage. Show goes to kick GM but he grabs the leg of Show to prevent him from doing any more damage. Show hops on one leg and uses quick thinking: enzuigiri kick. This knocks GM down to one knee, allowing Show to get up and hit a standing spinning clothesline to put GM down to the ground. Show looks to follow up by climbing to the top rope.

Connor: Show has been on the offensive ever since the match has started, taking Mystique off-guard with a flurry of attacks to keep him down. I'm impressed.

Show points out to the fans before diving off for an elbow drop... but GM rolls out of the way at the last second, causing Show to crash into the canvas.

Cohen: You were saying? Grand Mystique was just waiting for his moment.

GM is up and waits for Show to get to his feet, hitting him with a nasty and impacting spinebuster that makes the crowd "ooooo" in unison. GM makes the cover 1... 2... kick-out by Show just in time. GM slowly gets up, taking this time to recover from the early onslaught, waiting for Show to also get to his feet. He grabs the head of Show and whips him hard into the corner, almost causing Show to drop the mat. GM runs at Show and hits him with a running back splash into the corner. Show groggily walks out of the corner as GM measures him up with a snapmare. GM lifts up Show to a seated position, hitting multiple stiff kicks to the back and chest of Show before running off the ropes and hitting a dropkick to the head of Show. He goes for a pin... 1... 2... kick-out by Show. GM then mounts on top of Show and begins eye gouging Show right in front of the ref, stopping at the count of 4. The crowd boos at the display of disrespect. GM gets to his feet as Show tends to his eyes with the ref checking on him. GM grabs the head of Show to pick him up to his feet. He hits an Atomic Drop before following it up with a side backbreaker to Show.... 1... 2... another kick-out by Show. GM is getting a bit annoyed at the referee for not counting faster but the ref doesn't give in to GM. Mystique brings Show to his feet once more and executes a protoplex, slamming Show's back into the canvas. He isn't done yet and grabs the legs of Show, spinning him around and hitting a wheelbarrow suplex with a pin... 1... 2... kick-out by Show. Mystique isn't liking the ref's counting and makes it known with a slam to the mat before he locks in a bearhug on the seated Showtime.

Connor: GM better watch his temper otherwise he'll get disqualified here.

Cohen: With the amount of damage that GM has caused on Show, it shouldn't be long before its over anyway.

Connor: There's something I don't get about the Grand Mystique, he was a luchadore and now he is using this hard hitting, grounded style. It's working on Showtime but the difference is massive.

Show is looking very weak in this position but he does not give up. He slowly but surely uses the energy that the crowd is giving him to get to a vertical position but GM has the hold locked in tight. The crowd is cheering for Show as he battles out of the submission, allowing Show to run off the ropes at GM. It is a bad move however as GM catches Show with the Samoan Drop, planting him into the ground. GM makes another cover... 1... 2... kick-out. GM just stares at the referee but does not say anything this time as Mystique still has a few tricks up his sleeve. He grabs Show and puts him in the corner. GM climbs to the second turnbuckle and begins pummelling him with lefts and rights. After about the 6th shot, Show manages to trip the legs of GM and he gets caught up on the turnbuckles. Show falls to the ground and sees the position of GM. He musters up all the strength he can and manages to climb up to the top rope to meet GM. He picks him up and looks to go for the C4 but GM knows Show's finisher too well and blocks it. Show delivers a couple of knees on the top to GM's face before twisting 180 and hitting a superplex from the top. Both men crash into the canvas and are exhausted from the match. The referee checks on both men and begins a count.

Connor: We may see a transition in momentum here: this match could turn in the favour of Show!

Cohen: He's too weak, CC. That was his last bit of strength. Anything else from this point on is luck and adrenaline. Expect mistakes to be made.

The referee is up to a count of 5 and only GM has managed to get some movement going, almost on one knee. Show is slowly getting himself up as the ref continues counting. The crowd is fully behind Show here as Mystique breaks the count at 8 and pulls Show to his feet. Show pushes GM back and delivers another series of knife edge chops before GM pushes Show back. This allows Show enough room to hit a dropkick on GM, putting him down to one knee. Show executes a reverse neckbreaker, followed by a standing leg drop. This isn't enough to put GM away as he is still moving. Show doesn't go for the pin and stalks GM, hitting the Backstage on GM. He goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by GM. Show quickly tries going for the Commercial Break but GM manages to counter the move into a package... 1... 2... kick-out by Show. Both men get up quickly but Show wins the exchange with a kick into a Showstopper. Instead of pinning, Show transitions the move into a triangle choke hold. GM is looking to escape the hold but Show has it locked in tight and the crowd is pleading for GM to tap. It doesn't prove to be effective for long as GM grabs the ropes, forcing the break. Show lets go and stalks GM as he slowly gets to his feet. Show turns GM around but he is surprised by GM's blood mist, shooting into the eyes of Show. He is blinded by the shot as the referee pulls GM back and begins to reprimand him.

Cohen: That's not illegal ref! Why are you pulling him up?

Connor: Its a dirty tactic and should be reprimanded... wait, what is Callahan doing here?

Drake has jumped over the barricade wearing street clothes and sees Showtime hanging his head over the ropes trying to recover but he can't catch a break. With the referee distracted, Drake clocks Show in the head with the World title, knocking him out. Callahan hops back over the barrier as Show falls to the ground. The referee has finished with GM and he drags Show away from the ropes, he hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3!

Connor: Not this way! Not this way! Callahan interfered with the World title!

Cohen: According to the referee, he didn't even see it happen so it didn't exist in his mind.

Connor: Showtime just got screwed by Callahan!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Grand Mystique!

Mystique clears the ring and exits up the ramp, leaving Show knocked out in the center of the ring. The referee goes to check on Show as the crowd boos heavily at Callahan who jumps back over the barricade and goes to grab a microphone from the announcers desk. He enters the ring and stands over Show, smirking at his handy work. He looks down at Show.

Callahan: You want an answer about that challenge you offered me last week? Well, lets make it official. You better find yourself a good lawyer because next week, we'll be signing a contract to confirm your retirement at Apocalypse.

Callahan drops the mic on Show and leaves the ring, holding up his championship as the crowd boos loudly.

Cohen: It looks like we've got our answer from Callahan: he's going to force Show into retirement.

Connor: After this display tonight, Show is going to want some revenge extracted on Callahan. This has been a brilliant Ascension once more folks, good night and thank you for tuning in!
Who wrote what:

Numbers: Opening, Backstage, Strikeforce vs New Church, various tweaking
Dave: Cooper vs Overlast, Barbosa vs Alhazred
Funkay: Sab /Sax vs Tastic/Constantine
Showtime: Celeste/Kurtesy
FalKon: Showtime vs the mystery opponent
Shout out to Shotaro for his pre-match segment

Hope you guys think that this has been worth the wait.
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